A Wolf's Obsession (13 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

BOOK: A Wolf's Obsession
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It was becoming clear to her that Wyatt had a definite aversion to wearing shirts but as she stared at his muscled chest, watching droplets of water dry on his hot skin she knew she wasn’t going to try and break him of it. He was like a sculpted god and it had to be a crime of some sort to cover that up. She watched him stalk closer, her heart beating quicker so that when he stopped behind her she thought it was going to burst out of her chest.

“Smells good,” Wyatt commented casually, his strong fingers wandering along Kass’ arm. He smiled when she shivered in response but kept the joy from his voice. It wouldn’t do to let his mate know of his plans to make her fall in love with him just yet.

“Thanks.” She sighed heavily when he pulled back. The heat of his body had been searing and scary in how tempting it had been to lean into his strength. She’d resisted by sheer force of will but her grip on the spatula was so tight she was surprised that it wasn’t broken.

“It smells good but there isn’t enough.”

Spluttering in indignation Kass watched as Wyatt began to add more and more to the pans that she was tending. “What are you doing?”

Eggs were being broken, sausages dropped haphazardly in the frying pan and hash browns thrown carelessly into the oven. “I’m helping you make breakfast. There isn’t enough there to feed us.”

“Wyatt, I’m only cooking for the two of us…unless there’s something you have to tell me. Are more people coming?”

“No, this is just for you and me.” He smiled, adding another handful of sausages to the already overflowing frying pan.

“Who are you kidding? I was cooking enough for the two of us, you’re trying to feed the forty thousand. Stop.”

“I’m hungry.” His stomach groaned its agreement loudly.

“I know you told me that in the bathroom but this is too much. There’s no way that you could eat all of that.” Her eyes ran over his body and a sigh of appreciation slipped from her lips. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him and his muscles were tempting her to touch them. Forcing her eyes away before she gave into the strange urge, she put her hands on her hips and defended her stove. She hated waste and if she let him put any more food on the stove there was going to be a tonne of it. “It’s impossible for you to eat what you’ve added to the stove already let alone that. Put it back and I’ll see what I can salvage from this mess.”

“Kass it’s going to be fine.” He stepped closer, trying to look for a way around her so that he could add the bacon in his hands to the others sizzling away on the stove.

“You can’t eat all of this food Wyatt trust me.”

It was clear that he was going to have to educate his mate on what not to say to a werewolf because the challenge that she’d just laid down demanded that he rise to meet it. He lifted an eyebrow defiantly. “Is that so?” She nodded confidently and Wyatt’s smile widened. “Well not only do I think it’s possible I think that I’m going to be able to do it with ease.”

“Really?” she asked, the word dripping with sarcasm.


“And if you can’t?”

Definitely going to need to talk to her about this habit she has of laying down challenges.
“Then I’ll give you one thing that you want. Anything. As long as it doesn’t involve me letting you go,” he added hastily. “If I can’t do this then I’ll give you one wish.”

Suspicion made her eyes narrow. He was up to something. “And if by some miracle you do manage to eat all of this food? Then what do you want?” She asked the question hesitantly, her mind running rampant with the possibilities of what he’d ask for. Sex might have been out of the question but she wouldn’t put it past him to ask that she finish what he’d started in the bathroom.

“If I win then I get one wish. I think that’s fair.”

Sharp blue eyes assessed the stove quickly. There was no way that he could finish all of the food that he’d added to the stove, it was physically impossible. Smiling, confident in her impending victory, Kass stepped away from the stove and waved him on. “Add whatever you want.” If he wanted to make an impossible task even more impossible then who was she to stop him? She knew exactly what she was going to wish for when she won. Charlie had to be going out of his mind with worry. He knew better than any one what she was running from and the last time she’d spoken to him she’d told him that she was likely going to be delivered to Ethan on a silver platter. At best he thought she was suffering and at worst he thought she was dead. Neither was true and it was time he found out.

Time flew quickly despite how much food she was cooking and with Wyatt ferrying plates away from the kitchen it was hard to remember just how much she’d made by the time they were finished. Washing her hands clean, Kass sighed. Thankfully cooking had done what it never failed to do and had calmed her down. Remembering her flushed cheeks and weak limbs she sent up a silent prayer of thanks. Wyatt had refused to put on a shirt and if she hadn’t had something to distract her she might have done something stupid. When he was around it was hard to remember that jumping his bones as she wanted was a life threatening endeavour.

Her mind began to wander, bringing images of his half naked body to the fore front of her thoughts in stunning detail.
she scolded, shaking her head to dislodge the wayward thoughts. She needed to talk to Charlie not lust over her werewolf mate. Rolling her shoulders and working out the kinks in her neck, she strode into the dining room and couldn’t repress her smile of joy. The table was groaning loudly from carrying so much food. There was no way that she was going to lose this bet. Even when Wyatt smiled, poking his head out from behind the mountain of food piled in front of him her confidence didn’t waver. It didn’t matter that he seemed unconcerned with the sheer quantity of food that awaited him. She’d seen men that had prepared for eating contests fail when confronted with even half of what was on the table.

That wish is mine.
Rubbing her hands with glee, Kass sat down and waited for Wyatt’s inevitable failure.

After the first dozen sausages, half a dozen eggs, thirteen rashers of bacon and eight slices of toast she wasn’t nearly as confident in her victory. She’d watched in horror as he’d steadily made his way through the mountain until it was no bigger than a mole hill and yet his pace hadn’t slowed.

“Do you want some Kass? You haven’t eaten anything.” He smiled as he offered before popping another rasher of bacon into his delectable mouth.

Unable to do anything more than shake her head, Kass felt the cold weight of disappointment settle in her stomach. His pace wasn’t slowing, if anything he was getting faster. She looked on helplessly as he polished off the meal that should have fed at least four with ease.

Where does he put it all?
She wondered, taking a moment to look over his body. There was nothing but muscle on him but he’d eaten the monster meal with the confidence of someone who ate that much on a regular basis. It was infuriating.

Running a hand through his hair, Wyatt smiled. His body was finally firing on all cylinders. With the energy he’d gotten from his large breakfast, the hole in his chest was a thing of the past. He was completely recovered and owed a wish.

“So,” Kass began sadly. “What do you want for your wish?”

Leaning back in the chair, Wyatt folded his arms and smiled. “What do you think my wish is going to be?”

It wasn’t hard to think of what the man sitting opposite her would want and she rolled her eyes hardly wanting to voice the words.
Breasts, I hope you’re ready to expose yourselves.
Wyatt was practically undressing her with his eyes. “I’m going to guess that it involves me naked.”

“Hadn’t even thought of that but now that you mention it…” He purred, his eyes wandering over her covered chest clearly undressing her with his gaze. He wondered if her nipples were as pink as her lips and what the softness of her skin would taste like under his tongue before he shook himself out of his stupor. Seeing Kass naked might be what he wanted but it wasn’t his wish. He stood up and eliminated the distance between them. “My wish,” he ran his fingers along her cheek tenderly, “is to give you your wish. What do you want Kass? Name it and it’s yours.”

She shook her head in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

“I’m giving my wish to you.”


“All a wolf wants is to make his mate happy. You’re my mate and I want you to smile, to want to be here with me that’s all I’ll ever wish for. Who am I to deny you anything that could make you happy? Tell me what your wish is and I’ll grant it.”

Shaking her head she got to her feet. “That isn’t really what you want Wyatt. I keep my word, that’s why I don’t make promises lightly.” She reached for the buttons on her shirt, her hands shaking as she popped the first button loose.

“Kass stop.” Warm hands landed on top of her own and halted her hands in their tracks. “I was being serious when I said that my wish was for you to have yours. I’d love to see you naked but not like this. Your body is too precious to be won on a bet. Now what did you want for your wish?”

Stunned by his words, Kass stood as still as a statue for long moments. She hadn’t expected this.
I’ve never met a man that would give up a chance like this especially when he’s made it clear that he wants me.

Wyatt smiled and brushed his lips against hers softly. “That’s because you hadn’t met your mate yet but I’m here now.” He pressed more firmly against her soft lips, breathing the sweet scent of her in. He might have wanted to see her naked but this was definitely more worthwhile. “What do you want Kass?” He kissed her again, stroking the embers of passion that lay dormant within her. “Tell me. Anything you want and it’s yours.”

His kisses were turning her mind to mush but she couldn’t bring herself to care. She liked kissing him and could quite happily do it all day and even though she knew exactly what she wanted she couldn't help but tease him. “Anything?”

The tip of his warm tongue traced her lower lip, sucking the tender skin into his mouth as they moved closer until their bodies were pressed firmly against each others. “Anything,” he confirmed.

“So if I wanted you to take off all
clothes and go running in the wilderness that would be cool?”

He didn’t even hesitate. “Of course. If that’s really what you want then I’ll have to work very hard to convince you to take your clothes off and join me.”

She sighed as she pulled back and regained her bearings. Her wish was an important one. “I want to use your phone. I need to call my dad he’s going to be worried sick and I don’t want him to do anything stupid.”
Like trying to attack Ethan to get me back.

“Fighting to save your life isn’t stupid Kass. It’s noble. I like the sound of your dad. One day when my mind is...better I’m going to have to meet him and thank him for protecting you and keeping you safe all these years until I could find you.”

“Wyatt, you really need to learn to stay out of my head.”


“Because it’s rude. People don’t go around reading each other’s minds.”

His smile widened. “That’s because they can’t. It’s not my fault that some people aren't as lucky as we are. My mind is an open book to you, take a look whenever you want. I’m not going to try and stop you.”

“Well we weren’t talking about your mind we were talking about mine and I don’t want you to try and take up permanent residence.”

“But I like being in your head.” He sighed. “It’s soothing. This thing between us is going to help me get better. My mind isn’t right but as long as I can share yours then I’m going
to heal. You wouldn’t deny a sick person their only chance at recovering would you?” he teased, wrapping a strand of her hair around his fingertip and marvelling at the silky texture of her fiery locks.

“I thought you said that just being around me would help you to get better.”

“It can’t hurt to try more than one thing and if they both work then I’ll be well again in no time.”

Rolling her eyes Kass gave up. There was just no reasoning with some people especially if that person was a self confessed crazy person. “Phone.” Holding out her hand expectantly, Kass waited refusing to indulge Wyatt’s argument any longer. He’d won...for now.

The smile never left his face as Wyatt reached into his pocket and handed Kass his mobile. He was enjoying spending time with his tempestuous mate.
Who knew that arguments could be so much fun?

“It isn’t meant to be fun Wyatt.”

His smile widened so much that it could have outshone the sun. Standing up, he tugged playfully on the strand of her hair that had so fascinated him. “You’re lucky I like you so much otherwise I think this could be considered an invasion of privacy.” He slid the phone into her hand. “I’ll let you call your dad alone. Don’t say that I don’t know what manners are.”

“I never said you didn’t have any manners.”

He laughed as he left the room. “Well you should have done, this is a one off.”

It seemed strange that just a few minutes ago she’d been desperate to get her hands on the small device that now weighed so heavy in her palm. Her mind was at war, her desire to let Charlie know she was safe fighting against her fear of the questions he was going to ask. Charlie was the most open minded man she’d ever met but her current situation would push even him to his limits. If she wasn’t going through it herself she’d never believe it. As soon as the thought crossed her mind Kass frowned. Charlie had spent his entire life dealing with unusual situations, he’d raised a phoenix, surely finding out werewolves existed wouldn’t even faze him.

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