A Witch Like No Other (57 page)

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Authors: Makala Thomas

Tags: #love story, #romance novel, #sorceror, #fantasy novel, #fantasy about magic, #fantasy about a witch, #romance 2014, #a witch like no other, #makala thomas

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“Of us,” Dreamer corrected softly. “All of
Ted nodded,
then he said “Then do me. I don’t want to remember him

’ll need Papa and
Mama’s help,” Dreamer started, and then she stopped when her
parents appeared before her bed, smiling at her.

“Little one,” smiled Paul. “This may be the
best idea you have come up with in a very long time.”
“Will you help me?” asked Dreamer, and Agnes
said “Of course we will, darling. In fact, you and Ted should go to
back to sleep.”
“What? But I need to-”
Paul simply
touched Dreamer’s forehead, and she slumped on her pillows, fast
asleep. Amazed, Ted said “You can do magic without your wand,

Of course,” said Paul, a little smugly. “Well, we started
off doing magic without our wands anyway. When we hit eleven, our
wands appeared for us and helped boost our abilities.”

“Can Dreamer do magic without her wand?”
asked Ted, and Paul repeated himself: “Of course.”
“Nice,” said Ted. “And-”
“Your questions will have to wait, Ted.
Agnes and I have a lot of memory wiping to do.”
Before Ted would reply Paul touched his head
as well, and he fell backwards, fast asleep.
Paul smiled
at Agnes. “Let’s get this over with once and for all.”
* * *



snapped awake, startled as she saw Baby Julian’s tiny face close to
hers. Ted was just waking up as well.
Pandora stood with Marlon, a bright smile on
her face as she said “Afternoon.”

Afternoon??” Dreamer repeated incredulously as she looked
at the clock: it was gone three p.m. “Why didn’t you wake us,
either of you?”

You looked like you was having a good dream,” smiled
Pandora. “We sorted Julian for you. He’s had his breakfast and
lunch already, and I bathed him. He was making the water bubble and
the rubber ducks change colour.”

“Baby wizard in the making,” smiled Ted,
Julian reaching for him happily. “Hey, little man.”
“Hello Daddy!”

We’d better get up,” Dreamer said, shaking her head. “Why
was I asleep for so long?”

No idea,” shrugged Ted as he held the baby, then he stood
up with him one arm. Dreamer couldn’t help eying her man’s muscles
appreciatively, and Marlon grinned as he noticed the look on her

We can take Julian for you again, Mum, if you don’t want to
get up yet.”

face grew hot as he grinned at her knowingly, and she said “I’m
getting up, sweetie. I really fancy pancakes.”

’ll make them,” Ted
said, smiling at her. “Take Julian while I get a

Dreamer took their tiny son, smiling as

Does anyone feel like a massive weight has been lifted off
their shoulders?” asked Pandora, and they looked at her. “I feel
like… real settled and content- and like a thousand percent more
confident. Like I can socialise again with no worries. I want to
contact my old friends and see how they are. Oh, and call James

“I feel it too,” said Marlon. “Maybe
something happened that changed us or something.”

Definitely,” said Dreamer quietly. “But I
’t know what it

“Well Grandma Agnes would definitely

And she isn’t going to spill,” Agnes said amusedly as she
appeared, Paul as well. “It was a positive force, Dreamer, a force
you yourself came up with.”

did?” said Dreamer blankly. “But I don’t remember-”

Of course you don’t,” Paul said flatly. “I made sure you

You meddled with my mind?! Papa, that’s not fair!”
Outraged, Dreamer got to her feet and glared at her father. “You
cant do that!”

already have,” smirked Paul. “Now, let
’s have some of those pancakes you wanted. Agnes can make

Dreamer was seething as she said

You upset our Mum,” grinned Marlon, and Paul smiled back at
him as he said “She will get over it, son. Come on, let’s go


* * *


calmed down after finishing her mother’s brilliant
“I suppose whatever you did, it was for all
of our own good.”

It was,” Agnes said solemnly, and Dreamer said “All right.
I’m not going to be angry over it anymore.”


Pandora got off her mobile happily, saying “Mum, me and my
friends are going
to have some
kind of reunion in about two weeks in Westport. James is going to
come too, and I’m bringing Alice to meet them.”

That’s brilliant, sweetie.” Dreamer smiled at her only
girl, Ted as well. Then Ted said “I’m going to drop you and pick
you up, ‘Dora.”

Yes Dad,” said Pandora resignedly, and Ted said “You can
choose the time. I
’ll let you
have that privilege.”



* * *


Two weeks later…


Ted let
himself and Pandora in, Ted saying “Quietly now. I think everyone’s

You wish,” said Marlon, munching popcorn as he turned on
the lights. “How was your reunion, ‘Dora?”

“It was great.” Pandora smiled broadly.
“Everyone really liked Alice.”
“Good.” Marlon smiled back. “Mum and Julian
are sleeping. I wanted to wait up for you.”

Aww. Thanks, big brother.” Pandora hugged him before she
put her bag down. “I’m going for a shower then I’m going to bed.
I’m so tired. But it was totally worth it. Night!”

Smiling still, she made her way


* * *


Ted slipped into bed next to the love of his
life. “Dreamer?”

I’m back.”

Great,” Dreamer said shallowly, taking a deep breath before
she opened her green eyes. “Did Pandora have a good

She had an excellent time,” smiled Ted. “I
’t seen Pandora so happy
in so long. Whatever your parents did, we have to thank them
properly. We’re all so content now.”

nodded, snuggling into him. “And Julian is speaking more fluently
now as well. It’s more curious questions these days than baby
Ted smiled.
“I noticed that too. He’s a happy toddler.”

We’d better go back to sleep,” smiled Dreamer. “It’s nearly
three in the morning.”

“Pandora asked me to pick her up at half
one,” said Ted apologetically. “Then I had to drop Alice and James

It’s no problem, Ted.” Dreamer kissed him before she laid
down properly. “Let’s go to sleep.”

Ted kissed her gently. “Night.”
* * *


One month later…


Marlon leapt out of bed and ran to his
bedroom window, looking out.
The streets were white with snow.
He dashed
out of his room and ran across the landing to bang on his sister’s
“What?” she said groggily as he burst into
her bedroom, grinning. “Get lost, camel mouth!”
Marlon pulled the duvet off her happily,
making her curse furiously as she sat up, trying to grab it back,
but he danced away from her happily.

It’s Christmas, ‘Dora!”

expression cleared as they heard their baby brother call for


Dreamer left
her and Ted’s room with Ted at her side, smiling.
“Merry Christmas Mum!” said Marlon brightly,
and she said “Merry Christmas honey. Did you wake up Pandora?”
“Yes he did,” scowled Pandora, then she
smiled. “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas.”
Baby Julian squealed happily from his crib,
Dreamer scooping him up and cuddling him lovingly.
“Morning sweetie.”

’s go open our
presents,” said Marlon excitedly, and Ted said “Not before you
shower and have breakfast.”

“But Dad-!!”
“Listen to your father,” Dreamer said
amusedly, and Marlon sighed his ok.
* * *


Ted smiled as he watched Dreamer help Baby
Julian unwrap his last present. Pandora and Marlon smiled as they
watched too, all of their presents already unwrapped.
Julian shrieked happily as he saw the army
action figure, tugging at it happily so he could start playing
“Look, Mummy! Look!”

It’s lovely, baby. Say thank you to Daddy,” smiled Dreamer,
and Julian beamed as he scrambled to his feet and ran and hugged
Ted’s leg.

“Thank you Daddy!”

You’re welcome, Julian.” Ted swept the tiny child up and
hugged him. “Marlon, Pandora, why don’t you take Julian into the
garden and build a snowman?”

Dress warmly though,” Dreamer added, and Pandora nodded as
she reached for her coat. Dreamer pulled on Julian’s tiny puff coat
and boots, then she put a woolly hat on his little head, a scarf on
his neck, and tiny gloves on his hands. When she noticed them
smiling at her, she pouted. “I have to be protective. I don’t want
him to fall ill. And the same goes for you two,” she said, smiling
at Pandora and Marlon. “Put on a hat, scarf and gloves

“Yes Mum.”
* * *


Ted gently
pressed a mug of hot chocolate into Dreamer’s hands as she stood,
watching her children play in the snow with a smile on her face.
She said thank you softly, and Ted had a strong urge to kiss
“Yes Dream?”

wouldn’t have my life any other way,” Dreamer said softly as she
looked up at him, and he saw her eyes had filled over. “I’m so

“So am I,” he said quietly. “Dreamer… do you
think the worst is definitely behind us?”
“Yes,” she said gently. “We can look forward
to everything good now, Ted. Even if we argue, I know we wont
separate. Our love is too strong, stronger than it has ever been
before. I truly believe everything can only get better. For all of
Dreamer meant every word she said, and Ted
believed them.
And Dreamer was right.
Everything got better and better for the
family and their friends, their problems long gone, left in the
Ted and
Dreamer couldn’t ask for anything better.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *





Other Titles By Makala Thomas:


The Link: Matthew’s Beginning


The Link: Colette’s Beginning


The Link: Colette’s Fame


The Link: Colette’s Return


A Witch Like No Other




The Angel (Who Knew Not Love)













2014 by Makala Thomas. All rights



Reach Makala Thomas via:




[email protected]


[email protected]









Mahogany ‘Kelz’ Thomas



Thank you for reading.













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