A Witch Like No Other (56 page)

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Authors: Makala Thomas

Tags: #love story, #romance novel, #sorceror, #fantasy novel, #fantasy about magic, #fantasy about a witch, #romance 2014, #a witch like no other, #makala thomas

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Dreamer nodded. “Papa, Mama- please stay
with Pandora and Marlon until we get back.”
Agnes and Paul nodded. “Of course.”
Dreamer took a deep breath before she went
back into the kitchen, saying “Come, baby.”
Julian reached for her happily, and Dreamer
gently took him from Pandora.

We’re going out with Teddy, ok?”

“Ok,” Julian said happily, and Pandora said

It’s fine,” Dreamer said softly. “Everything will be

What if the baby’s Dad’s?” Pandora asked quietly. “Will it
be ok?”

“Of course it will.”

And what if he isn’t?” Marlon asked as quietly as his
sister had. “Will it still be ok?”

Of course,” Dreamer repeated. “Everything has been fine so
far even though we all thought Julian wasn’t Ted’s. We put it
behind us, remember?”

Marlon and Pandora nodded, then Pandora said
“Good luck.”
“Thank you sweetie.”

Dreamer gently put on
Julian’s tiny puff coat and shoes, then his little

’t you look

Julian beamed up at his mother, and she
kissed him on the forehead.
“Ready, Ted?”

I’m ready,” Ted replied hoarsely, and she realised how
nervous he was as he said “Dreamer- me and you- I mean if the test
is negative… will we-”

Don’t worry,” she said softly. “No matter what happens, I
promise me and you will be ok.”

Ted breathed
out, relieved as Julian fidgeted in Dreamer’s arms. Then he said
“Let’s go.”
* * *


Five days later…


Ted couldn’t
stop pacing the living room. The hospital had told him and Dreamer
the results would take five to seven working days to be
However, the
letter would be sent to Dreamer’s home, not his.
Pandora and
Marlon came home from college with James and Alice, Alice saying
“Hi Mr. Stone!”

Hello Alice,” Ted said, distracted for a split second as
they all put their bags down. Then, remembering that James was
’s boyfriend and Alice
was Marlon’s girlfriend, he said “No switching with James when you
go to Pandora’s room, Alice. If I check on you and find James in
there instead-”

“That wont happen sir, I promise,” smiled
Alice. “Come on Pandora.”
Ted took to pacing his living room again as
they all went upstairs.


* * *


So he could be Ted
whispered Miriam, Denise awestruck as Dreamer held the envelope.
“Open it, Dreamer!”

“I cant.” Dreamer shook her head. “Not
without Ted being here.”
“Do you want me to call him?”
“Yes please.”
pulled out her mobile quickly before Miriam had a chance and called
Ted, saying “Ted? It’s Denise. Come to Dreamer’s as soon as you
can, and bring Pandora and Marlon. No, nothing’s happened- well,
something has. Dreamer needs you here with her.”

Both of you need to go,” Dreamer said, as Denise ended the
call. “I’ll call you both in a few days and we’ll definitely see
each other.”

“You promise?” said Miriam, and Dreamer
“I promise.”


* * *


“Dad, slow down!”
Ted didn’t
slow the car until he pulled up outside Dreamer’s house, leaping
out of the car and hurrying up to her front door.
Pandora and Marlon ran after him as Dreamer
opened it, Ted taking a moment to breathe. As calmly as he could,
he said “Did the results come?”

Yes,” she said quietly. “Come inside, all of you. It’s

Baby Julian shrieked happily when he saw his
big brother and sister.
“Dorwa!” he ran to Pandora, who scooped him
up and cuddled him, then handed him to Marlon. “Hello Marlon!”
“Hey Julian. You ok?”
“Yep! Yes,” he said shyly as Dreamer smiled
at him, and everyone laughed. “Teddy!”
Baby Julian reached for Ted, who smiled and
took him from Marlon.
“Hey, little man. Did you miss us?”

Don’t know,” said Julian shyly, and everyone laughed again,
Dreamer saying “Pandora, Marlon, take Julian upstairs to the play
room. He has a lot of toys in there and there’s a television you
can watch, just while I talk to your father.”

Pandora and
Marlon nodded, leaving the room with Julian, who cried

I’ll be up soon, baby. I just need to talk to Teddy,

“Ok,” Julian said, eyes filling, and Dreamer
blew him a kiss. “Soon?”

Soon,” Dreamer promised. “I’ll be up soon.”

Dreamer,” said Ted quietly, and she joined him in the
living area. “I haven’t thought of anything else all week. I
haven’t even been able to sleep properly- I kept waking up in the
night and then I couldn’t sleep until dawn. And then I had work,
where I couldn’t concentrate-”

Dreamer snapped her fingers and the envelope
sailed through the air towards her.
“Do you want to do it, Ted?”

No,” he admitted. “I’m scared, Dream. Scared

There’s nothing to be scared of,” Dreamer said softly.
“Things wont change if Julian isn’t your son.”

“And if he is my son, that changes
everything,” Ted said just as softly. “I wont miss out on spending
time with him, Dreamer. I love him.”
Dreamer nodded, then she slowly opened the
letter and pulled out the paper, eyes scanning the page fast. Ted
waited with bated breath, then he gathered the worst as her eyes
filled over.
“Dream?” She looked at him. “What does it
swallowed as tears trailed down her face, then she placed the
letter on the coffee table before she took a deep breath, Ted
saying “Dreamer, talk to me. I’m not the father, am I? It’s all
right, you can say it- I promise I don’t mind-”
Paul and
Agnes appeared in a flash of blue light, and Ted was startled to
see tears sliding down Agnes’s face too.

Little one,” said Paul firmly as he looked at Dreamer.
“Pull yourself together and talk to your lover.” He looked at his
wife, then he said “You too, Agnes. Pull yourself

Ted knew
they knew what the results were. “Is it bad news? I’m not the
father, am I?”

’s good news,”
whispered Agnes, Paul saying “Pretty excellent news.”

Ted looked at Dreamer, hardly daring to
believe it. “Dreamer?”
“Look at the letter,” she whispered, and Ted
obeyed, reading fast.
His heart
began pounding as he gasped “I don’t believe it!”

Ninety nine point nine percent,” whispered Dreamer, and
Paul wiped her tears away as he said “He’s yours, Ted.”

’s mine?” Ted
repeated amazedly, and they nodded.

He’s your son.”

Ted let out a big cheer, Paul as well as
Agnes kissed Dreamer, Pandora and Marlon charging down the stairs
with Julian.

What’s going on?” demanded Pandora, and Ted said “He’s
mine, ‘Dora! Julian- he’s my son!”

Seriously?” said Pandora amazedly, when Marlon punched the
air with joy. “He’s our full brother?”

“Yes,” Dreamer said softly, taking Baby
Julian from Pandora.
“Hey little man,” Ted said softly, looking
at Julian, and Julian said “Hello Teddy!”
“Not Teddy, baby.” Dreamer smiled at her
youngest son. “Daddy.”
“Daddy?” Julian repeated curiously, and
Dreamer nodded.

He’s your Daddy.”

“Teddy my Daddy?” asked Julian, and Dreamer
softly said yes.

Come give Daddy a hug,” Ted said as his eyes filled over,
and Julian reached for him, beaming. Tears trailed down Ted’s face
as he held Julian to him, stroking his curly hair.

Pandora and
Marlon’s eyes filled as well as they watched the moving sight, Ted
holding out an arm to Dreamer. She came closer, and he pulled her
close, kissing her forehead.

So we’re definitely going to be all together for

“Of course,” she said softly. “I
cheered again, Pandora smiling as Ted put Julian down so he could
kiss their mother properly. She couldn’t help saying “This is

Super brilliant,” smiled Paul. “We will leave you now,
little one, to spend time with your family. You’ll see us at the

“Yes Papa,” Dreamer said as she broke the
kiss, and Paul and Agnes vanished.
Ted exhaled, feeling like he would burst
with joy as Baby Julian reached for one of his toys.
“This is amazing.”
smiled as well, Marlon beaming as he asked “So are we going to live
together now? There’s no reason for us not to.”

’s totally up to
your mother,” Ted replied as he put his arm around Dreamer.
“Whenever she’s ready, we will.”

Baby Julian was making his toy horse ride around the
by itself, beaming as
Dreamer said “Are you still against magic, Ted? Baby Julian is too
little to control his power, and I cant stop being a

Of course I
’m not
against it,” Ted said warmly. “After that fiasco with the police
and the stadium, how could I be? I love you for what you are,
Dreamer, and I’d never wish that you’d change.”

Dreamer smiled at him. “I love you, Ted
“And I love you, Dreamer Black.”

Don’t get all mushy,” Pandora said, scowling as Ted smiled
at her mother dreamily. “You’ll make me chuck up.”

Dreamer and
Ted burst out laughing, Marlon saying “I’m hungry. What’s for
dinner, Mum?”
“What do you fancy, darling?”

Spicy chicken and rice,” Pandora said before Marlon could
reply, and Ted said “Sounds great. You want me to make it,

If you
’d like,”
Dreamer replied, taking a deep breath. She felt so relieved about
the DNA results and so happy as well. Now she could truly put the
memory of Damon Stile behind her, properly. They all




* * *


Ted gently
stroked Dreamer’s hair as she slept, smiling happily.
“I love you,” he whispered, and Dreamer
smiled as she murmured “I love you more.”
“Well I counter that with an I love you
double more.”
Dreamer opened her eyes to look at him, then
she said “Triple.”

Quadruple,” Ted said instantly, and he laughed as she
pouted. “You cant win this, Dreamer. I love you more than you’ll
ever know.”

“The same goes for me, Teddy.” Dreamer
kissed him. “Shall we get up?”

Nah. Well, not until Julian wakes anyway.” Ted sighed
contentedly, then he looked at her. “Can we put the whole memory of
Damon Stile to bed? Once and for all?”

Of course,” Dreamer said softly.
“I want to tell the same to Pandora.”

’s bedroom door
opened, and they saw Pandora creep in nervously.

“Morning,” she mumbled, and Ted and Dreamer
said “Morning.”
“I was sort of listening,” Pandora said
cautiously. “But only when Mum asked if you should get up, Dad. I
was coming before that, and-”

It’s ok, ‘Dora. Don’t worry about it.” Ted smiled at her.
“Want to snuggle down with us?”

’s face lit up
and she looked every bit a six year old. “Can I?”

Of course,” smiled Dreamer, and Pandora stepped out of her
slippers before she ran and joined her parents in bed, snuggling
down in between them.

“I heard what you said about Damon Stile,”
she mumbled. “Can we really put him behind us now that we know he
has no connection to us?”

Yes,” Dreamer said softly. “Pandora, I know he frightens
you and he has for years. Even since being in prison. I don’t want
you to feel that way anymore.”

cant help it,” whispered Pandora. “He could escape from prison and
get me again. Or hurt you like before, or kill you

“Shh,” Dreamer said soothingly, and Ted
noticed she had her golden wand in her hand. “He wont, Pandora. I
promise you.”
An almost
invisible blue mist slowly unfurled from the tip of Dreamer’s wand,
heading straight for Pandora’s face, into her mouth, up her
eyes grew heavier, and soon she was fast asleep.
“Dreamer?” said Ted anxiously. “What are you

I’m going to erase Pandora’s memory of Damon Stile,”
Dreamer replied, and his jaw dropped.

“You can do that?”

Of course I can. We’ll have our old Pandora back, the
Pandora who is confident and not scared of socialising,” Dreamer
said. “She can call her old friends and patch it up with them. I
know they’ll be shocked and pleased to hear from her after such a
long time.”

Ted nodded.
“Do it. Do Marlon’s as well- and anyone they told about Damon-
flip, erase Damon’s memory of her as well, Dream.”

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