A Walk in Heaven (28 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Teen & Young Adult, #Sagas, #Historical Romance

BOOK: A Walk in Heaven
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Careen’s eyes widened. “Then who were you talking about?”


She inhaled quickly. “But we only danced that one time in the barn, and it wasn’t for very long.”

“I know, but it lasted long enough for me to know how well you fit in my arms and how much you make my heart want to leap right out of my chest.”

Even in the half-moon’s light, he could see her face blushing.

“Joshua, you shouldn’t say things like that.”

“I can’t help it.” He rubbed his thumb on her chin. “Being with you makes me jabber like a magpie.”

She laughed. “Like a loose-lipped woman?”

He glanced at her mouth, bringing the horses to another stop. “And speaking of lips, I have the urge to give yours another try.”

When he kissed her, she leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He slid his hand down her back and pulled her closer. She fit remarkably well against him. Deep down he knew she belonged next to him, yet his heart was hesitant to trust again. He’d have to pray for strength to overcome this weakness, because he did need a woman in his life – as well as his daughters – and he couldn’t see himself with anybody besides Careen.

“Darling,” Joshua muttered against her lips, “if we don’t stop now, my family will beat us home.”

She grinned against his mouth, which made him copy her. She pulled away and sighed, leaning her head back on his chest.

“Forgive me, but I enjoy the way you kiss me, and it’s hard for me to stop.”

His heart softened from her words. “I know what you mean.”

Just as he flipped the reins, urging the horse forward, a gunshot came from out of nowhere, startling the horse. The animal jumped and took off in a run. Joshua nearly lost hold of the reins as he tried to control the animal. Another gunshot pierced the air, sounding closer this time. Careen screamed and fell back in the seat.

Chapter Seventeen


When is this going to stop?

Careen crouched in the seat, praying the bullets wouldn’t hit her or Joshua. The way he whipped the horse into a run, she knew he was trying to avoid getting shot.

“Careen?” he shouted.


“Are you all right?”

“Yes. Just get us home.

She bounced around in the seat, but held onto him. It didn’t take them long to reach the house. Once he stopped the horse, he jumped down and swept her in his arms, carrying her inside. She wiggled out of his arms and stood in front of him. Worry etched his brow and his frown.

“Stay right here. I need to go to the bunkhouse and gather a few men.”

Her heart dropped and dread churned in her stomach. “No.” She grasped his hands. “Joshua, don’t go back out there. I don’t want you hurt.”

He kissed her lips and pulled away. “Darling, you’re forgetting. There are more of us on this ranch, and I honestly don’t think he followed us home.”

“Why not?”

“Because he’s out numbered.”

“Do you think it’s Luther?”

“I honestly want to think Pa and Gage has him now and they’re taking him to the sheriff, but…who else would fire at us?”

“You’re right of course.” She let him go. He rushed through the door, closing it behind him. She ran to the window and watched as he hurried to the bunkhouse.
Lord, keep him safe, and keep the Grayson family from harm. And please, help us find Luther so that justice can be done.


She jumped and spun around. Betsy stood close by, wringing her hands against her middle. Careen sighed and hugged her maid. “Oh, Betsy, we need to leave the ranch.”


She pulled back and frowned at her friend. “I should have told you sooner, but…Joshua found out while I was sick that Luther broke out of jail.”

Betsy’s face drained of color. “Is…Luther here now?” she whispered.

“It’s possible. Mr. Grayson and Gage were supposed to be following him, yet someone shot at us while we were coming home. Knowing my cousin the way I do, I feel he has dodged the
. After all, the law can’t find him, so he must be
more clever
that I give him credit for.”

Betsy nodded. “He’s conniving, that’s for certain. Do you want me to pack our things?”

“Yes. Pack as light as you can. We’ll leave right after the men head out for their cattle drive in a couple of days.”

Tears filled Betsy’s eyes. “I will, although I don’t want to go. These people have been wonderful to us. They’re like family.”

“I know.” Careen’s voice choked, so she cleared her throat. “I don’t want to leave, either, but I don’t want to Luther to harm them. The longer I’m here, the more I put them in danger. He’ll certainly kill without thinking twice.”

“Yes, you’re right.” Betsy wiped her eyes. “Where will we go this time?”

“I don’t know.”

“What about California? I heard there is a lot of opportunity for employment there. Plus, I have relatives that live in San Francisco.”

Careen gave her friend a smile. “Let me think on it tonight. I’ll have a place picked out before we set off, I promise.” She turned back to the window in time to see Joshua and several ranch hands run out, all holding rifles, and scatter around the yard. Three of them stood on the porch, protecting all who were inside the house.

Minute by minute, Careen’s nerves settled. Joshua would indeed keep her safe. But once he and his brothers and father left to drive the cattle she’d be on edge again. As long as Luther knew she was staying here,
was safe.

Perhaps California was the place to go. Then again, from what she’d heard about the heathen city of San Francisco, their lawmen weren’t very good and outlaws were plenty out there. Would there be any place she and Betsy could go and feel safe?

* * * *

The next morning, Careen noticed an eerie chill in the air – and she wasn’t even outside. Something was dreadfully wrong.

On shaky legs, she made her way down the stairs. William stood in the hallway with the sheriff and one of his men. Fear turned her blood to ice. Something happened to Joshua! She just knew it.

As she came to the bottom of the stairs, a familiar footstep resounded from down the hall. She spun around just as Joshua came into view. Releasing a grateful sob, she rushed into his arms.

“You’re all right,” she whispered brokenly.

“Yes, I am.”

She pulled back and stared into his worried gaze. “What’s wrong? Did…William and Gage catch him?”

“No, we didn’t,” William said, coming up behind her.

Hopes of finally being free sank like a bolder in the ocean. “What happened?”

“The man we caught up to in the buggy that night, wasn’t your cousin. We still don’t know where he is.” He motioned his hand toward the parlor. “Let’s all meet in there. The sheriff has some questions for us.”

As she sat in the parlor with Joshua and the sheriff, both Elizabeth and William paced the floor. Careen kept her eye on Mrs. Grayson. She worried about her heart condition. By now, William would have told her about Luther, Careen was certain.

When the sheriff was done with his questions, William and Elizabeth walked him outside. Joshua blew out a deep breath and relaxed against the couch with his eyes closed. It was impossible not to gaze at him with longing twisting her heart. He was the most attractive man she’d ever met, so kind and loving.

He blinked open his eyes and met her stare. A smile crossed his mouth, but wasn’t as full as she’d seen before.

“Why are you looking at me that way?” he asked.

“Because you’re the only person in the room to look at.”

He chuckled. “What are you thinking about when you look at me?”

She didn’t dare tell him everything she’d been thinking, especially how much she loved him. “It seems like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. I wish I could relieve some of that pressure since I know I’m the cause of it.”

He patted the empty space on the couch next to him. “Come sit by me.”

She didn’t hesitate, and hurried across the room to be by his side. When she adjusted herself on the cushion, he held her hand, twining her fingers with his. Her heart flipped, knowing someone could walk in on them any moment and see.

“I wish you’d stop blaming yourself,” he said.

“It’s a hard habit to break. I’ve been this way for several years.”


She shrugged. “I know I didn’t have anything to do with my parents dying, but growing up, they were all the time angry at each other. I felt it was my fault, since a lot of their arguments were about me. When I moved in with my aunt, she was a sweet lady, but I caused more problems for her than she wanted. She didn’t hesitate to tell me, either.” Careen released a deep breath. “And now with Luther… Well, if I had just stayed in Iowa and married the greedy lout, Matthew would still be alive and your family wouldn’t be in danger.”

Joshua shook his head. “When I get my hands on your cousin, I’ll wrap my fingers around his neck and choke the very life out of him for doing this to you.”

“Joshua, you’re such a brave man, but killing him is not the answer. He needs to pay for his crimes, and that will only happen if he is arrested and has a trial.”

A grin tugged at the side of his mouth. “I know. I just feel so helpless right now.”

“So do

She glanced out the window. Joshua’s parents were still talking to the sheriff. At least she’d have a little more time alone with the man she loved. She switched her attention back to Joshua’s dreamy blue eyes. Would he be upset at her for leaving the ranch without saying goodbye?
But at least he and his family would be safe. “Does your ma know about Luther now?”

Joshua nodded. “Pa told her last night.”

“How did she take the news? How is her heart holding up?”

“I think she’s holding up well considering the situation.”

“Does…she blame me?”

He stroked her hand. “Nobody blames you. Ma took it hard, yet at the same time, she’s ready to ride the countryside to find Luther herself. She feels like the rest of us do – that we won’t let your cousin kill another Grayson.”

She smiled. “I love your mother. She’s so kind and gracious. I don’t know what I’d do if she blamed me for Matthew’s death.”

He rubbed his thumb along her bottom lip. “How many times do I have to tell you that you did not kill Matthew? You did not pull the trigger, so quit blaming yourself.”

Apparently, Joshua would never understand, and she was weary of repeating herself. She’d just change the subject. That was best anyway. “So how long will you be gone on the cattle drive?”

“Pa isn’t planning on going until Luther is found. Once your cousin is locked away, we’ll go then. Cattle drives usually only take a week.”

“I’ll miss you,” she whispered.

His expression turned serious as he shifted on the couch, facing her. With one yank of his hand, he pulled her against him and cupped her face. “I’ll think of you every day, Careen. In fact, not one day has gone by since I picked you up at the train station when you haven’t been on my mind. I don’t know what kind of spell you’ve put over me, but somehow you’ve brought happiness back into my life.”

Closing her eyes, she willed the tears to stay away, for her heart to stop flipping with excitement, and she prayed he’d be easy to forget after she was gone. “Why are you saying this to me?”

He brushed his lips across hers, so she kept her eyes closed. It was better this way since she didn’t have to see the softness in his gaze.

“It’s that loose-lipped disease again,” he muttered before sealing the kiss.

Sighing, she answered his kiss, wondering how long before someone interrupted them, but when footsteps pounded on the floor in the hallway, he jumped back and released her hand. She even scooted over to the end of the couch more so it didn’t appear they’d just been in an intimate embrace.

Elizabeth and William entered the room. Careen studied their expressions carefully to see if they noticed anything different with her or Joshua, but so far they didn’t act like they knew.

When the sheriff walked back in, it surprised Careen. “Do you have more questions, Sheriff Lawson?”

The tall man, probably in his fifties, nodded and hooked his thumbs on his holster. “The
and I were talking a few minutes ago, and I realized I never did get a description from you.”

Confusion filled her. “What kind of description do you need?”

“I want you to describe Luther for me.”

“I don’t see why you need to put her through that,” Joshua said. “Miss Jones and I have already given you his description.”

“True, but I need one from Careen, since she’s the one who knows him better. There might be marks on his face or body that you and Miss Jones don’t know about.”

Careen nodded. “That makes sense.” She scooted to the edge of the couch, sitting straighter. “Luther is not much older than me. He’s twenty-four. He’s a few inches taller and a real beefy man.” She patted her mid-section. “Especially through here. His red hair is actually more orange than –”

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