A Walk in Heaven (26 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Teen & Young Adult, #Sagas, #Historical Romance

BOOK: A Walk in Heaven
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Elizabeth’s smile eased Careen’s worry.

“I do understand, but I’d still like you to go with us to the ball. You won’t have to dance, but at least attend with the family.”

How could she turn down that offer? “Of course I will.”

After that, the conversation dwindled. The family discussed other things, or whispered back and forth. Peter had turned his full attention to
as he talked about the charity ball. She received the impression he wanted her to dance, but that was something she wouldn’t do. She also felt that Peter held strong feelings for her. Lately, he’d been too caring, and to tender with her. No way could she return his feelings. She still loved Joshua…but she couldn’t love anyone in this family until after Luther was put in jail. If that didn’t happen soon, she and Betsy would leave Montana.

After dinner, she threw on her fur lined hooded cloak and went outside for some fresh air. She didn’t dare venture very far in the daylight, mainly because if Luther were somewhere spying, he’d certainly see her. In the evening, there were too many shadows and he’d not spot her as easily.

Slowly, she walked around the house, studying every brick, every bush, and every piece of wood. She would miss this place after she left. It’d been the closest thing to home since leaving Charleston. Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them away. Hopefully, the Grayson family would understand why she needed to go.

She walked to the stables. The horses were already bedded for the evening, so she moved by each stall and petted their nose. The only light in the stable was the full moon’s glare through the windows.

When she reached Socrates, she stopped and stroked his nose longer than she had the other horses. Her heart broke knowing the animal’s owner would never be in her life. On the first day she’d met Joshua, she knew immediately how different he was from Matthew. Back then, that was a bad thing. Now she liked the differences. She’d fallen in love with his faults because that was what made the man special.

Sighing, she leaned her face against the horse’s neck. If only her life had turned out differently. If only she had met Joshua under different circumstances, maybe they would have fallen in love and married. Now all she had were her memories to keep her moving forward each day.

Socrates snorted and fidgeted, moving away from her. In the next stall, another horse jumped, then the others. She glanced around the shadowed stable that gave off a little light to help her see. Something had certainly upset the horses.

Careen listened closer. Then she heard it.
Scratching and the shuffling of feet.
Fear crawled up her spine. She was not alone.

Chapter Fifteen


Cautiously, she moved away from Socrates, glancing down the long row of stall, hoping to see something, but knowing she couldn’t because of the shadows. Her heartbeat quickened as she walked backward toward the front of the stable. Switching her gaze from one corner to another quickly, she prayed Luther wasn’t here trying to snatch her.

The noise came again, and she sobbed. She rushed toward the door.
Almost there.
Just as she thought her escape would be complete, a large figure of a man stood in the doorway cloaked in shadows. She shrieked and stopped, but it was too late. She’d run right into his chest. Large hands grasped her shoulders.

“Let me go,” Careen struggled as tears filled her eyes.

“Careen? What’s wrong?”

The sound of Joshua’s voice nearly had her crumbling at his feet. She finally focused her eyes and studied his face. Relief poured through her and she clutched his jacket and buried her face in his chest.
“Oh, Joshua.
It’s you.”

“Careen, what’s wrong?”

“I…” She lifted her head and shifted her eyes back into the stable. “I heard noises. I thought…I thought someone was in there.”

, woman.
You’re trembling.” His arms wound around her as he pulled her closer to his warmth.

“I thought…it was my cousin.”

With his arms around her, he marched into the stable and to the wall where a rifle was mounted. He lifted the weapon down, checked for bullets,
his gaze swept the area. She held her breath, not wanting to make a sound.

“Where did you hear it?”

“Over by Socrates’ stall,” she whispered.

He moved in that direction, still holding her hand, but she pulled on his arm. “No, Joshua.”

“Careen, I have to see.”

She shook her head and moved in front of him, blocking his body with hers. “I won’t let Luther kill you like he did Matthew.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” He tried to move her aside, but she stood firmly in front of him.

“I’m not being ridiculous, Joshua. Luther is an uncouth man,” she whispered. “He’ll shoot you – or anyone – without the chance to defend yourself. I won’t let history be repeated.”

His face softened and he stroked her cheek. “Trust me,” he said, then moved her behind him.

When he stepped toward the stalls, she hesitantly shuffled in back of him. At each stall he stopped and listened, his eyes continued to scan as they walked further into the barn.

“Careen, I don’t see anything.”

She shook her head. “I heard something and it frightened me. Even the horses were rattled.”

From one of the stalls, came a noise, but a cat ran out. Careen shrieked, holding onto Joshua a little tighter. Chuckling, he set the rifle down, leaning it against the stall. He cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes. “You’re safe now, I promise. I’ll save you from that mean cat.”

She managed a weak smile. “You must think me a ninny for acting so skittish.”

“Not at all.”

Taking a deep breath, she leaned into him, pressing her face against his chest. Slowly, the fright she’d experienced left. She inhaled and the scent of soap and leather caressed a slow trail through her every senses, branding her. That smell would be with her always. Sadness crept over her once again, knowing she’d miss Joshua the most after she and Betsy left the ranch. Wrapping her arms around him, she stayed against him as long as possible.
If only things were different between us.

His large hands stroked her hair and her neck. Then his soft, moist lips brushed her forehead. She lifted her head. Shadows danced in his eyes, keeping her from seeing them clearly. But it didn’t matter. She had the color memorized. Now the blue abyss of his gaze smoldered with emotion, reminding her of their time in the east cabin when they’d kissed. Could he be feeling the same longing as she?

But he still hated her, didn’t he? Or had he forgiven her for withholding the truth about Luther?

Just one more
before I leave.
Rising on tiptoes, she kept her eyes on his mouth as she made the first move. Gently, ever so softly, she touched her lips to his. A whisper of a groan came from him as he swept his mouth over hers and completed the kiss. His warm breath tasted like the gravy they had for dinner. His soft, moist lips became wetter by the second the more she kissed him, drowning in the pleasure it brought.

She linked her hands around his neck and held on. Determination surged through her, and she wouldn’t let this kiss end. Not yet.

I love you,
she repeated over and over in her mind as she answered his urgent kisses. Her heart burst and she felt so safe.
So comforted.
So very much loved that she didn’t want it to end.

He pushed her up against the wall. His hands moved over her face and down her neck, then gathered her tighter in his embrace. His mouth slanted back and forth over hers as if he couldn’t get enough. She knew she couldn’t – didn’t even want to imagine a life without him in it. For now, she must cherish their time together and not think of when it will end.

From down toward the end the corridor, a horse snorted.
Then another.
And another.
Suddenly, smoke filled the air. Joshua jumped back, dazed as he stared into her eyes. But the scent of
and the crackling of burning hay snapped them both to awareness. Joshua ran toward the back of the stable as the fire built in an empty stall.

“Careen, get a blanket,” he instructed as he grabbed one and began smacking the flames.

She rushed forward with a blanket, helping him try to smother the fire. As much as she slapped the cloth against the flames, it seemed there were more flames starting. Panic of a different kind grew inside her, and she prayed they could stop the fire from spreading.

Finally, they doused the fire, but smoke hung thick in the stable, making both of them cough. “Careen, hurry to the house and get my pa and brothers to come release these horses.”

She nodded, turned and ran as fast as she could. Just before reaching the house, the other men ran out, their faces white with fear and she realized they must have smelled the smoke as well. She pointed to the stable. “The fire is out, but there’s too much smoke. The horses –” They rushed by her before she could finish, but really, she didn’t have to.

“Oh, dear.
What happened?” Elizabeth asked.

Careen stood beside her mother-in-law and held her trembling hand and explained what had happened, leaving out the intimacy with Joshua.

Elizabeth released a sob as she put her hand over her mouth. Careen patted her arm. “The fire is out, but there’s too much smoke for the horses.”

In silence they watched as the men led the horses out. Soon the other ranch hands had gathered to help where needed. They pushed open the shutters covering the windows, and carried in buckets of water as the minutes slipped by. At long last, William and Joshua walked out together, talking with raised voices. Elizabeth broke away from Careen and ran to her husband, who opened his arms for her.

“It’s all right,” William assured. “Nothing was damaged except for the hay. And the horses are fine.” He kissed his wife’s forehead. “The ranch hands and I will scour the area. Please go inside and relax. I’ll take care of things.”

Together they strolled up the stairs. When they reached the front door, William gave Elizabeth a kiss before she entered.

Careen stood still until Joshua stopped beside her. “Everything is fine.” He winked. “Now go inside.”

“Is it really fine?” Careen said.

“For now it is.”

“Do you know what started the fire?”

“Yes.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out two matches. “These were found nearby.”

She gasped and clutched his arm. “Joshua! Someone was in there with us.”

“I know,” he said low. “Pa and I will search the area. The ranch hands will be patrolling the land tonight. Pa asked them if they saw anything, and nobody did.”

Tears filled Careen’s eyes.
“Oh, Joshua.
Do you think it’s possible that Luther –”

“I don’t know for certain, but I don’t think
Luther.” His answer came too sharp. “If your cousin was sneaking around the ranch, someone would have seen him on our property at one point during the day.”

“How I pray you’re right.”

He smiled again, but no twinkle lit his eyes. “Why don’t you retire for the night? With us all searching the grounds, we’ll surely find the culprit. The family will be safe. I promise.”

As much as she wanted to be in his arms again, she realized that was impossible. Not tonight. Not ever. The brief moment of passion they’d shared in the stable would be the memory that helped her in the days to come.

* * * *

“We discovered who started the fire,” Joshua announced as he came into the kitchen the next morning.

Careen had been helping his mother set the table for breakfast, and she stopped, holding a plate in her hand. Both women stared at him with surprised expressions.

“Don’t leave us in suspense,” Ma said. “Who was it?”

“One of the new ranch hands we hired not too long ago.”

her hand flying to her throat. “You can’t be serious.”

Nodding, he stepped farther into the room. “Apparently, he’d gotten drunk and ended up in one of the stalls. As he tried to light his pipe, the hay caught on fire. It scared him, so he jumped out the window and ran.”

A whoosh of air sprung from between Careen’s lips as she lowered herself to the chair. “What a relief.”

Elizabeth shot a scowl toward Joshua. “Well, I hope your father has taken care of him.”

“Yes, Ma.
Bright and early this morning when another ranch hand told us of this discovery, Pa met with the drunken fool and fired him. The man is off our premises as we speak.”

“Thank the Lord for small miracles,” Ma said as she finished taking the plates from the cupboard. “Has the sheriff discovered who had been cutting our fences and placing traps along our property?”

“Not yet, Ma.
But the sheriff is still looking into the matter. Not only that, but several of our ranch hands are watching for anything suspicious.”

“That’s good to hear.” His mother placed plates on the table, and glanced at him over her shoulder. “Now go tell your father and brothers it’s time for breakfast.”

“Yes, Ma.”

Joshua left the kitchen. Relief washed across Careen’s face, and eased his mind. Although Luther was still out there somewhere, at least they knew he hadn’t been the one listening to them – and perhaps even watching them – while they shared a private moment.

As he reached the stairs, Careen called his name. He turned to find her coming toward him with hurried steps, the smile on her face stretching wide.

She stopped by his side and touched his arm. “
Thank you for letting me know
,” she said softly.

“I knew you would appreciate it.”

“It is good news. That means Luther isn’t here yet.”

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