A Summer With Snow (Frosted Seasons #1) (22 page)

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“I’ve got a wad of notes in my wallet; take what you want, upgrade your ticket to first class and fly home in style, on me.”

She laughs. “Thanks, but no thanks. Like I said, we’ve had fun; you gave me what I wanted and more.”

She straightens her back and sticks her 32DDs in my face. Then she leans forward, planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

“I’ll be thinking of you on my journey home.” She giggles. “And hey, if things don’t work out between you two, you know where I am.”

I nod, but
deep down I know it’ll be the last time I will ever set eyes on Vanessa. Darcy and Chase walk back to the table to join me, and Vanessa walks away.

Darcy pulls up the chair next to mine while Chase takes the chair opposite.

“Chase, you’re a Class A twat.”

“Maybe, Snow, but you love me.”

I shake my head.

“So…” My eyes shift to Darcy. “You met Vanessa then. What had she got to say for herself?”

“Not a lot,” she replies, nibbling on an apple. “Just wanted a lift to the airport.”

Hearing that, I sit more easily.

“Oh…” she adds, placing her hand over her mouth while she’s chewing, muffling her words. “And she said that when you heard she was leaving, you insisted she take your private jet.”

“Oh really?” I say, raising my brows and then looking to Chase to verify the fact, but the majority of his face is buried in his coffee mug.

I roll my eyes; Vanessa is one woman who’ll always land on her feet. I’ve got to hand it to her, she’s one shrewd cookie.

Sick of the constant interruptions, I decide to cut breakfast short. We leave the dining room and leave Chase doing what he does best, making himself look busy doing fuck all. I purposely walk behind Darcy as we meander through the reception area. God, does she look sexy in my white vest, the way it hangs over her curves. My eyes lower to her ass, and she looks sexier still in her sheer black sarong that brushes against her thighs each time she opens her legs to take a step.

I glance around. Carlos is taking a call behind the reception desk, and on seeing me, he smiles, raises his hand and waves. I nod in acknowledgement. We pass the lift and head towards the glass doors leading out to the grounds and infinity pool. Darcy’s head flicks round, I guess to say something to me, and she trips; I catch her arm to steady her.

“Those fucking suitcases,” I mutter under my breath.

They’re strewn everywhere; I can always tell when I’ve been away for a few weeks. I turn back towards reception and Carlos is still talking on the phone. I point to the suitcases, shaking my head. He puts his thumb up, so I figure he’s got the message.

I can hear the click of Amparo’s heels before I see the little Mexican waitress hurrying from the dining area.

“Sir, sir,” she calls.

For fuck’s sake, what now?

“Darcy, I won’t be long. Go and grab us a couple of sunbeds,” I say, passing her my sun hat and sunglasses.


“Yes, Ampa?”

“Rayne wishes to speak to you urgently.”

Even dressed in my Bermuda shorts and white vest, they still can’t leave me alone.

“Ampa, you haven’t seen me.” My eyes widen. “Understood?”

“But, sir…”

“You haven’t seen me,” I snap.

Like a child who’s just been scolded, she sucks in her lips and lowers her head.

I often forget I’m not in England. People here are so much more laidback and softly spoken that it’s easy to offend them. Feeling guilty, I open my mouth to apologise, but the moment has gone. Carlos calls out to her, pointing towards a table in the bar, and with her head still bowed, she scurries away.

Scooting past the suitcases, the double doors open. The heat takes my breath away as I walk from the hotel’s air-conditioned lobby. My eyes scan the pool area as I wander between the sunbeds. Santiago, the towel man, walks towards me. He’s dressed in his uniform, an orange and white striped shirt and white trousers.

“Good morning, sir,” he greets, handing me a mustard-coloured beach towel.

“Where is she?” I ask, tossing the towel over my left shoulder.

He doesn’t need to answer, as following the direction of his eyes I see her.

“Thanks,” I say, tapping him on the back.

Darcy is leaning up on her elbow with a tall glass in her hand, sipping a multicoloured drink through a straw. The white plastic sunbed next to her has no cushion.

“My sunbed, Santiago,” I say, clicking my fingers.

Before I get to her side, he’s already laying it down for me. I drag the towel from around my shoulders, flick it out over the padded cushion and straighten it with my hands.

“This is heaven,” she utters, passing Santiago her empty glass.

I pull my sunbed as close to hers as I can, then lay back on it to join her.

“Make that two more of those cocktails.”

“Right away, sir,” he says, making his way towards the pool bar.

“Oh, Ralph handed me this,” Darcy pipes up.

I scrunch my face as she hands me a white serviette.

“His room number is written on the other side.”

I read
Room 228

“Ralph?” I ask as I take it from her.

“Yeah, you know; look, he’s over there in the pool.”

I push myself up, using my hand to shade my eyes. Darcy nudges my arm, passing me my sunglasses.

“Oh, and I met Pamela, his wife,” she continues. “It’s their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.”

I see that receding hairline as he emerges from underwater; thankfully, he’s rubbing the chlorine from his eyes so doesn’t see me. I’m quick to lie back down. It’s that stupid old git from the restaurant.

Darcy waves her hand towards him, but I reach up and grab her wrist.

“What are you doing?” I say under my breath.

“He said he wanted to speak to you.”

I sigh, holding my head in my hands.
Please not again. If he leaves me the fuck alone I’ll sign him into the presidential suite.
Uncovering my eyes, my attention reverts to Darcy.

“Don’t you think he spent enough time talking to me in the restaurant? What more can one man say? I already know the names of all four of his kids, and his fucking dog for that matter…”

She laughs. “Yeah, I know! Jessica, Pete, Taylor, Connor, and I think the dog’s name was…” She pauses.

“Buster! The dog’s name was Buster. Anyway, what he wants, I’m sorting.” I can hear the harshness in my tone, but it’s not meant to be directed at her.

“Okay … I didn’t know,” she utters sheepishly.

“I’m sorry, I’m just getting sick of all the interruptions. It’d be nice to have a bit of us time.”

I stroke the inside of her arm; her skin feels moist and glistens in the sunlight.

“Close your eyes and soak up the sun,” I tell her as I fold the serviette and slide it into the pocket of my shorts. “Have you put your lotion on?” I ask her with a raised brow.

“Yeah, after my shower, you saw me.”

“That was a couple of hours ago, far too long.”

I reach between the sunbeds and into her flowery beach bag, pulling out a tube of factor twenty.

“Turn over, onto your stomach.”

“Really? So soon?” she quizzes as I unscrew the lid.

It’s literally killing me keeping my hands to myself; I’m dying to touch her.

“Yes, I’m bloody good at this,” I insist, mimicking sweeping hand motions for her to see.

She grins, and I can tell from her eyes that she can read my thoughts, so she does as I ask and rolls onto her stomach, leaning her head to one side.

Without taking my eyes from her, I get up, straddle my legs either side of her sunbed and sit myself lightly on the cheeks of her ass. Brushing her hair from her neck, I pour and rub the cool white lotion onto her shoulders, working my way up to her hairline, I let my fingers wander, and as I begin caressing her neck, I push my hands under her tankini, feeling my way down her back.

“That feels so good,” she groans.

I blow out and close my eyes.
She’s telling me!
It’s a good job I’m not a Speedo man and these shorts are baggy. I clench my thighs; wriggling beneath me, she tickles my balls.

“Slap me if I start to twitch,” she titters.

I lift my hand slightly and smack her ass, watching as her cheeks bounce.

“Oi, don’t get too comfy. I’m not having a repeat of breakfast, so we won’t be staying here long.”

She attempts to look round at me, but I take her hair between my fingers and lower her head back onto the sunbed. Leaning over, I place a soft kiss on her cheek.

“You’re going to love what I’ve got in store for you,” I whisper into her ear. “As we speak Chase is driving over to Zeus, our sister hotel. He’s gone there specifically to pick up the speedboat.” I glance at my watch. “He should be back in the next couple of hours. The restaurant’s opening specially. We’ll have an early lunch and then I’m going to take you to my own private island, where we’ll spend the remainder of the day on a private beach.”



e reach shallow water. Steering, Chase swings the boat round in a wide figure of eight and turns off the engine, allowing us to drift closer to the shore.

“Have fun,” he says with a cheeky grin as he reties his white bandanna.

I slip off the boat into the warm turquoise ocean, small waves lapping against my knees. Looking into Darcy’s eyes, I reach up to take her hand. She edges towards me, lifts her leg and lowers herself over the side. As I support her weight she tilts herself forwards, wrapping her arms around my neck. I slip one hand around her back and the other beneath her thighs, cradling her. Her toes break the water’s surface, leaving a line of ripples as I wade towards the beach.

“And what am
meant to do?” Chase shouts after us.

“I don’t care!” I shout back. “Drop the towels and cool box off, then make yourself scarce. I don’t want to see you back here till after sunset.”

I lower Darcy’s feet onto the powdery white sand.

“And here,” I say, looking around, “there will be no interruptions.”

She tilts her head, looking up under her lashes. I grab her arms, pulling her down onto the sand.

Half an hour must pass as we sit on the shoreline. I turn and am met with her profile. I lean over and slide my fingers through the sand to meet hers, but she doesn’t link them with mine; instead, her nails brush back and forth over my arm in time with the waves.


“Not now, this is perfect, too perfect to spoil.”

Dismissing me, she continues to look out to sea.

Damn it,
I brought her here for a fuck, not just to sit for the entire afternoon and admire the scenery
. I kneel beside her, and reaching down I squeeze the inside of her thigh. She jumps and giggles; taking my wrist, she wraps my arm around her waist, which forces me to sit back down. I slump over, resting my chin on my hand; this is like some boring chick-flick with no fucking action.
Well, fuck this
. I jump to my feet, ripping my shorts down my legs and kicking them off. I glance down; I’m not aroused yet, so I don’t wait around for her to see. I turn, leaving her to watch my ass disappear as I throw myself head first into the waves.

“Come on, Darc,” I call, beckoning her to join me. “Get ‘em off!”

“Snow,” she says, wide-eyed, “we can’t.”

“You joking? Why not? Who’s here to see? The palm trees?” I laugh sarcastically. “You were more than happy for us to fuck in the back seat of the police car, and round the back of the opera house.”

“That was different.”


“It was dark and we’d been drinking.”

Stark naked, I wade back to shore. Small waves break over her toes as she dips her feet. I lunge forwards and grab at her ankles, making her squeal.

“Snow, let me go!”

She kicks her legs, but I ignore her completely and turn back towards the ocean. I drag her behind me till she’s out of her depth. Still pulling her legs, I glance over my shoulder. All I can see are her feet … her head’s underwater! I drop her legs and grab her arms, and she comes up spluttering.

“You arse!” she gasps, hitting out at my chest while trying to catch her breath.

“God, Darc, I’m so sorry.” I try hard to sound sincere, but my shoulders begin to shake and I end up laughing in her face.

I don’t mean to, I really don’t, but the irony, it’s just too damn funny. I bring her into the sea to seduce her and instead nearly drown her in the process.
I’m quite the charmer!
Chase is going to love this one

“It’s not funny!” she spits out, though it’s only a matter of seconds before her lip trembles and she’s laughing too.

Still laughing, I lean over and flick her drenched hair from her eyes. She smiles up at me as I cup her face between my hands. Droplets of water drip from her lashes and spill onto her cheek. She’s beautiful, so fucking beautiful; her eyes, her features, the tone of her skin. I glance below the surface of the waves, searching for her body, but as they splash against her shoulders, her curves are distorted. What does it matter though, when I can see all I need with my hands?

“I want you,” I growl into her ear.

Her reply is a mimicking echo of my words. I reach beneath the surface, pawing at her breasts; they’re not exactly a handful, but they’re good enough for me. I lean my face into hers, nipping her bottom lip with my teeth and then running my tongue along it, licking away the briny aftertaste. I’m half-expecting her to pull away, but am pleasantly surprised, for she’s rubbing her hands down my groin. I clench the cheeks of my arse at her touch and feel myself heat up inside. Her doing this tells me all I need to know. I take her hand before it has chance to wander towards my throbbing cock. I can’t let her go there, I’ll come. No, I’ll explode in her hand, after days and days of utter frustration watching her feline frame wandering round half naked before me. As a wave hits, pushing us closer together, I clasp her waist and she arches her back. Leaning into her, I suck fiercely on her neck, grabbing her ass. She jumps up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I laugh to myself.
Quite the dirty bitch and I love it, I love this side of her.

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