A Seal Upon Your Heart (58 page)

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Authors: Pepper Pace

BOOK: A Seal Upon Your Heart
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The two had separated after Jakob revealed that he had a little boy. Martier thought it was promising that she hadn’t immediately filed for divorce. Tim had complained that they had the most dysfunctional wedding party in history. Not only was both Jakob and Elaina involved but Claudette was her matron of honor. She had flown up from Alabama with her new beau; a handsome man whose grey eyes twinkled happily whenever he looked at her. Although Aaron Rangbo wasn’t in the wedding party, having him stare at her from the pew had been slightly uncomfortable. Later Martier had apologized but Claudette just brushed it off stating that she wasn’t going to be affected by his sour-ass.


Included in the wedding party was Tim’s brother who seemed to show little interest in his life and who had not even stayed for the reception. And of course there was Dhakiya and Lindewe. Although she had wanted Sister Louise by her side the older woman had been much more valuable with planning the wedding and making sure that everything ran smoothly behind the scenes.


Martier finally stepped out of her dress. She couldn’t deny that it felt good to unhook the corset. There came a soft knocking on the door and the women all looked at it.


“Who is it?” Dhakiya called and the women all giggled. Martier slipped on a robe.


“Uh…it’s Tim.” Called a muffled voice from the other side.


“Come in.” Martier called and Tim stepped inside and nodded towards all of the women before his eyes settled on his wife of just three hours. Martier smiled at him and then he smiled at her. Someone cleared their voice when the stares continued but the couple just stood there silently smiling, feeling all of the emotions of an entire lifetime culminate into this very moment.


“I think we better go.” Elaina said wisely.


“Uh,” Lindewe whispered, “I don’t think they’re going to wait for the honeymoon…”


“Shhh!” Dhakiya hissed as the women filed out of the room.


Claudette smiled to herself. To be in love with someone that loved you was something that she was just experiencing again.


When the last woman had filed out Tim turned calmly to the door and locked it. Martier gently gnawed her lower lip. He then turned to her and loosened his tie. Martier made to undo the sash of her white satin robe but Tim stopped her.


“No. Don’t move,” the gentle yet deep growl of his words caused shivers to cross her body. He removed his jacket and tossed it on one of the chairs and then he pulled her body close to his, eyes never leaving hers.


“I’ve wanted to do this since the end of the mass…but I thought it might be frowned upon to do this in church.”


“To do what, honey?” She asked in the most sensuous voice that he’d ever heard.


He parted her robe to find white thigh high stockings, nude panties and a strapless white bra.
Oh my God…


“This…” He placed his hands between her legs, gently cupping her pussy. Martier placed her hands on his fore arm either to brace herself or to make sure he didn’t stop what he was doing.


Still staring deeply into her eyes he slipped his finger beneath the thin nylon of her panties and brushed the peach fuzz of her pubis. His brow went up in pleasure that she had allowed hair to grow there. Oh how he wanted to run his tongue along the moistened hairs when he got her wet.


Only, he was surprised to discover that her pussy was already dripping wet and piping hot. He bit back a moan and hid a smile of pleasure. “My wife’s been thinking about me too, I see.” He was further surprised to feel her bold fingers trace the outline of his cock through his pants.


“We’re not in church now…” she said. Finally he kissed her, his fingers slipping insistently into her tight hole. She reflexively clutched around the digit and he moaned into her mouth as he rapidly pushed in and out of her, simulating what he wanted his cock to be doing.


Martier felt her limbs quiver and her legs nearly gave away. Tim quickly lifted her and placed her on the dressing table, scattering perfume, makeup, her hairbrush and other items.  With a grunt he pushed her legs a part and quickly came down on his knees in front of her. Martier quickly slipped her panties down and Tim yanked them off and flung them away. He could smell the pleasant scent of her desire and his mouth watered to taste her after so many months.


He kissed the lips between her legs and when she spread her thighs wider he was presented with the sweet gift of her glistening folds and swollen bud. Quickly he licked them, savoring the sweet tang of her honey. Tim’s fingers gripped her thighs as he lapped at the well that produced the delicious elixir.


Martier felt as if she was melting from the sensation of Tim’s tongue. She could barely control her limbs and she cried out in pleasure from his teasing touch. And then his tongue dipped into her opening, his mouth pressed against her eagerly as his tongue wiggled and squirmed. She quickly clutched his head as a molten wave of pleasure swept through her.


“Oh Tim, I’m going to--!“ Her words became lost in her cries of pleasure as she experienced her first orgasm as a married woman. Tim quickly pressed his tongue against her clit, feeling it spasm; swallowing both the taste and the sensation of her cum.


Martier quickly wrapped her legs around his neck and shoulders as she seized and pulsed into her husband’s awaiting mouth. After the last spasm finally dwindled into small flutters she allowed her limbs to finally liquefy and she collapsed against the mirror looking like a broken sex doll. Tim delighted in that look, knowing that he had caused it by satisfying her. He came to his feet and unzipped his pants and then withdrew his swollen cock. Martier smiled lazily at the sight of him standing there in his suit pants, dress shirt with his beautiful cock in hand. 


Her legs went around his waist and he pushed into her opening without hesitation. She was so tight but so ready; almost a virgin but also wanton in the way that she gnawed her lower lip and watched him with hooded, needy eyes.


He gripped her legs and thrust into her, stretching her, knowing that he should pull back some but not able to help the way he pounded and hammered into her. His desperate moans drove his actions. He needed her and nothing or no one else.
His fingers dug into her hips and then there were no more thought unless it was just carnal images of filling her body with his semen…no with his sperm. She was the earth in which he would bury his seed…


With that thought came a loud cry as his testicle seized and he shot load after load deep inside of her, wondering if life was just moments from being created. Tim leaned over her panting as he gathered his strength. She ran her fingers lazily through his messy hair and suddenly his body spasmed and jerked in one last after-shock. He gave her an apologetic smile when she jumped at the sudden motion. And then they both laughed. Quickly he lifted her from her uncomfortable position on the dressing table and sat her on her feet. She still wore her heels and her nylons had slid partially down her thighs. Her neat French twist had fallen and her lipstick had disappeared. Nude except for the strapless bra, Tim was positive that she had never looked more beautiful than she looked standing before him now.


They both looked down as his semen mixed with her honey began to trail down her inner thighs. His mind took a snapshot of this most perfect moment. She waited for him to clean her and he did without her having to ask as he delighted in such tasks. And then they dressed and laughed and smiled at each other.


After making sure that the room was in order Martier went to unlock the door but Tim stopped her. He looked suddenly nervous and unsure.


“Martier…I wanted to tell you something but I wasn’t sure…”


Her brow drew together in question. “Sure about what Tim?”


He seemed to struggle with how to complete his thoughts. Finally he just blurted out.“ I just don’t want you to think that just because I’ve been reading the bible that I’m going to be walking around quoting bible verses!”


She smiled. She hadn’t asked him to start reading the bible nor had she needed or expected it. But one day she saw him reading her bible and he had given her a perplexed look and exclaimed, ‘This is harder to understand than legal documents! I need to take bible courses!’ And he had.


He suddenly stopped looking nervous and unsure as he stared into her eyes. “I wanted you to know that
neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate me from the love that I have for you.”

She stared at him in awe. “Romans…” She touched her lips, nearly overwhelmed by the sentiment. How lucky she was to have a man that could pleasure her until she was limp and then turn around and quote a bible verse to her.

She reached up and kissed him. “Come on. We have a whole lot of life to live.”
















Love Intertwined Vol. 1

Love Intertwined Vol. 2

Urban Vampire; The Turning

Urban Vampire; Creature of the Night

Wheels of Steel Book 1

Wheels of Steel Book 2

Wheels of Steel Book 3

Angel Over My Shoulder


They Say Love Is Blind


Miscegenist Sabishii




Someone to Love


Blair and the Emoboy

Babygirl and the Mean Boss









Pepper Pace is a popular author on Literotica.com. She is the winner of the 1
1th Annual Literotica Awards for 2009 for Best Reluctance story, as well as best Novels/Novella. She is also recipient of Literotica’s August 2009 People's Choice Award, and was awarded second place in the January 2010 People’s Choice Award.  In the 12
Annual Literotica Awards for 2010, Pepper Pace won number one writer in the category of  Novels/Novella as well as best Interracial story.





About the Author



Pepper Pace is the pe
n name used by the author. Born and raised in Cincinnati, she has always enjoyed creativity. At a very young age, Pepper had a gift for art and would spend most of her spare time drawing images that she later began adding stories behind. Soon writing became more important than the illustrations and took a back seat to her real love.


Pepper wrote her first novel when she was 12 years old and had written 2 more by the age of 18. Too shy to share her work with anyone, Pepper stockpiled her many stories into notebooks until she came upon Literotica.com and was compelled to share her craft.


Pepper became instantly popular and won several awards each year in which she submitted a story to the site. After receiving popular feedback, she grew in confidence and created a popular blog entitled Writing Feedback where she encourages her readers to interact with her on topics concerning, music, writing, art and pop culture. She can be reached at her blog:


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