A Safe Surrender: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Donnelley Brothers Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: A Safe Surrender: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Donnelley Brothers Book 2)
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“Oh,” I nodded. “Why did she think there needed to be females?”

“Well, Reese actually contacted me to take her on a month long tour. She had requested a female tour guide for personal reasons and as I was the only guide available, I agreed to her tour. Then, as fate had it, I broke my ankle two days prior to her tour and was no longer able to be her guide.”

I raised a brow, “So she couldn’t go?”

“She did go on her tour. I actually placed her in Logan’s care. Logan is my eldest son.” She beamed. “It was a good thing it all worked out as it did, because now Reese is pregnant and she’s set to marry my son this September. It will be a lovely wedding.”

“So, it all worked out.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why hire more females?”

“Well, it came to my attention that it probably won’t always work out so nice in the future. The Donnelley Ranch would really like to cater to everyone’s needs and providing only male tour guides can be uncomfortable for some women.” Gracie explained.

I nodded, wondering what Reese’s reasons were for requesting a female, but I didn’t ask. “I can see that.”

Gracie cocked her head to the side, studying me. I wondered, had I given something away? Had I said something wrong? Something to make her think I really was the wounded soul I was pretending not to be?

“Hmm,” Gracie lifted her coffee cup. “Did you want a coffee, Kami?”

Again, my mouth watered. “I’d love a coffee, please.”

“If you drink it then there will be nothing left for Reese to salivate over.” She chuckled. “That woman needs to slow her caffeine intake now that she’s pregnant.”

I followed her into the back room when she waved me along, smiling politely as I asked. “How far along is she?”

“She’s only just found out that she’s pregnant. I probably shouldn’t be telling everyone, but it’s not like it’s hard to piece the puzzle together with all of Logan’s frantic fussing over her.”

I smiled, but I couldn’t help the tight feeling inside of my chest. This Reese woman sounded really lucky to have a man who cared for her as much as Gracie’s son, Logan. “He sounds like he loves her.”

“Oh,” Gracie nodded as she handed me a mug. “He does.” She pointed to cream and sugar. “Help yourself.”

Moving forward, I poured a dash of cream into the black and took a little sip. “Mmm, I needed this. Thank you.”

“No problem.” She leaned against the small kitchenette counter. “We’re all pretty big coffee drinkers here, so you’ll fit right in.”

I eyed her nervously. “So, do I have a job?”

“Well, I have a few questions first, but as it stands now, yes.”

“What are your questions?”

Just then, I heard the door of the sign-in shop open and a frustrated female voice rang through the space. “I’m fine. Seriously!” A long sigh sounded. “Stop touching me, Logan. I can walk from the truck to the door.”

“Reese,” A man sounded exasperated, but the woman was having none of it.

“Logan.” She snapped back. From inside the small kitchen, Gracie was giggling under her breath as she listened. Reese continued. “I’m pregnant. I’m not suddenly breakable and I swear to all that’s holy, if you don’t let up on this
, I’ll be moving in with your mother until I have this baby.”

“Like hell you will!” The man bellowed. “Who’d rub your feet?”

“You’d have visitation feet rights!” The door swung open to the kitchenette and a stunning little firecracker stormed inside. Seeing me, she straightened, “Oh, hello.”

A man, just as stunning as the woman, followed behind her. He didn’t even notice my existence. He was too focused on his pregnant fiancée to notice little old me. “Reese, as much as I love your feet, that’s not how this relationship is going to work.”

Reese narrowed her eyes, lifting one finger to me and Gracie. “One moment please.”

“Of course.” I nodded, enjoying the show.

That one little finger became intimidating really quick as she directed it at the large man towering over her. Straightening her back, she glared up at him. “I will not go through the next nine months like this. We either find a balance, I move in with your mother, or I move in with Kat. You can choose.”

Logan’s face was red by the time she was finished laying out her ultimatums. “We’ll find a balance. But your driving, woman, is horrendous. If you think you’ll be driving anywhere before the snow’s gone, you’re crazy!”

With that, Logan stormed from the room, slamming the door on his way out.

Reese turned to face the two of us with a smile. “Well, score one for Reese.”

And my mouth dropped. The woman was insane and hilarious. I really freaking liked her!

“Congratulations.” I breathed, trying to hide my grin. “I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“Oh,” Reese waved her hand. “The Donnelley men are bossy, but when it really comes down to it, they know their place.” She winked and Gracie shook her head.

“I’m glad to see you’re giving the boy a run for his money, Reese.”

Reese’s eyes focused on my cup. “Ohhh, coffee.” Her eyes swung to the pot before her lips formed into a pout. “There’s no more.”

Gracie offered. “There’s non-caffeinated tea.”

Reese frowned as she waddled to the kettle, flicking the switch. As Gracie walked back into the little shop, she said loudly enough for Reese to hear. “Score one for Gracie!”

Reese yelled. “I heard that!”

And I laughed. For the first time, in a really long time, I laughed.

It felt wonderful.

Reese joined Gracie and I inside the sign-in shop, taking a seat beside me in one of the comfortable chairs before the desk where Gracie sat with her feet curled up in her chair. This was the most unorthodox interview I had ever had.

Crossing my legs, I placed my mug to balance on my kneecap. “So, is there anything you wanted to ask me?”

Reese nodded as though just remembering why we were here. “Yes,” she took a small sip of tea. “What made you call us?”

“A friend, actually. She showed me the hiring ad.” I replied.

“Where did you come from?” Gracie asked interestedly.

“A little town outside of Edmonton, Alberta.” I replied tightly. I didn’t want to answer personal questions. I didn’t want the conversation to turn to Rhett.

“Your family, parents, a boyfriend, are all alright with you moving so far away for a wilderness position?” Reese’s brows rose as she waited for my reply.

I shifted. “Well, um, I grew up in the foster system so there’s no family and I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Well, then we sound like the perfect place for you.” Gracie clapped her hands together. “As you know, we’re looking for a white water rafter, a mountain climber, and a horseback rider. Of the three activities, which interests you more?”

“Um,” I’d never done any of the activities, but I’d always had a thing for hiking. The closest I could come to that would be mountain climbing. “I suppose mountain climbing.”

“Oh good!” Gracie beamed. “That was where I was planning on placing you. I’m happy we’re on the same page.”

Reese blinked at Gracie, her lips curling up at the corners. “Kyle?”

“I think it’s a good fit.” Gracie eyed Reese. “Don’t you?”

Reese turned to study me carefully and I couldn’t deny that my insides were a raging mess. What were they talking about? Finally, Reese nodded. “Yes, Kyle will be a good fit.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked tensely.
Who was Kyle?

Gracie explained. “Kyle is the mountain climbing instructor. He’s my second oldest son and he’s quite quiet. I think the two of you will get along well.”

“What do you mean by get along well?” I felt my throat close and I had to clarify. “I’m not looking for - um, a relationship.” I was blushing fire engine red, but I had to clarify that little tid-bit. I felt as though I was sitting in a match-making meeting, and that terrified me. I’d only just gotten out of the hell I’d been in with Rhett and I wasn’t eager to get into another kind of hell with another man.
No, thank you.

Gracie grinned. “Oh sweetie, that’s not what we were talking about. Kyle can be difficult to work with and around. It’s why he instructs mountain climbing. It’s more solitary than white water rafting. If I sensed that you had a more outgoing personality, I would have placed you with Collin, the white water rafting instructor.”

Feeling silly, I nodded. My face and chest were stinging in humiliation I tried desperately to hide. “Of course, I’m sorry for assuming.”

Gracie waved off my apology. “Don’t be sorry. I know where your mind was going and I can see why it went there.”

Blushing, I nodded. “Alright, well, I am interested in mountain climbing and Kyle sounds like he’d be more intuned to my personality than Collin, so, I think I’d like to learn from him, if that’s alright?”

“Certainly.” Gracie winked at Reese before flashing a grin at me. “You’re hired!”

A breath of relief fell from my lips as I smiled. “Thank you so much.” I held my hand over my chest. “You have no idea how much I wanted this.”

Reese spoke beside me. “We could tell, honey. It’s written all over your face.”

Blinking, I tried to keep my tears of happy relief at bay and thank the heavens I succeeded. “When do I start?”

“You’ll start with indoor training. I’ll talk to Kyle and he’ll set up a schedule.” Gracie glanced at Reese. “I think she should stay in one of the cabins between your house with Logan and Kyle’s house. Would you and Logan mind taking her out to one of the cabins - maybe helping her set everything up?”

“I would love to.” Reese announced. “I’ll take her to my pantry and she can pick through some of the food until we make a trip to the grocery store again.”

“Oh, I can go into town today and pick up a few things.”

Gracie frowned. “The weather network is calling for a pretty intense snow storm, I think you should just hit up Reese’s pantry and wait until the roads are a little better.”

Glancing out the window, I shrugged. “The sky looks pretty nice to me. I think I’ll take my chances. Plus, I’m not a horrible driver.” I raised a brow at Reese who huffed in her chair. “I’ll be fine.”

“Just so you know, Logan is exaggerating. I’ve only hit the ditch a few times, but once you’re here for a little longer, you’ll know that these roads are way more difficult to see during a snow storm than the city roads.”

“Uh huh,” I nodded exaggeratedly. “I’m sure.”

Reese narrowed her eyes. “You’ll see. You’ll be calling me saying, ‘Reese, you were right. Come rescue me.’“

“That is exactly what I’ll be saying.” I laughed.

Gracie sat back in her chair. “It’s good to see you two getting along. Reese has been dying for a female companion apart from me. She can’t tell her future mother in law about everything, no matter how many times I tell her she can talk to me about anything.”

I laughed and Reese rolled her eyes. “You know I love you, Gracie.”

“I know that.” Gracie smiled softly. “But I know you miss having a girlfriend. I hope the two of you will find a friendship.”

Reese beamed at me. “Oh, I think we will.”

Chapter 4

I pulled up to a quaint log cabin, parking my little car beside Logan’s truck. Reese grinned down at me from the passenger seat window as she watched me take in the little cabin. Pushing open the car door, I climbed out at the same time as Reese jumped down from the jacked-up truck.

“Isn’t it adorable?” She asked breathily. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were bright. I couldn’t help but hope, that one day, I would have that same glow. “I love the cabins.”

“It’s perfect.” I whispered. And it really was.

Logan rounded the front of the truck, his hand instantly moving to the small of Reese’s back. When he spoke, his voice was deep. “It’s rare that people ever use these cabins. They prefer to be closer to the main house all its amenities.”

I nodded. “I think I prefer to be out here, actually.” Glancing around at the snowcapped trees and wilderness in the distance, I sighed. “It’s peaceful.”

Logan grinned. “I like the way you think.”

Reese clapped her hands together. “You have to see the inside if you think this is cute.” She made a little dash away from Logan’s careful hands and a low growl sounded from his throat. Reese didn’t seem to notice as she blabbered on. “Oh, and I know winter is beautiful and all with the way the snow glitters in the sun, but summer is something else. Everything is so full and green and beautiful. You’ll love the Ranch in the summer!”

I chuckled as I followed Reese and Logan up the walkway. Logan assured, “I’ll shovel your walkway while Reese shows you around.”

“I don’t mind doing it.” I replied, feeling like a burden. “I like shoveling.”

He shook his head. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever heard say that.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, I
like shoveling and I think Reese needs a moment away from my fussing.”

Reese spun around, planting a loud kiss on his cheek. “I love you, Logan. But I do need a break from all the fussing.”

His dark eyes softened. “Go on inside, city girl.”

Reese smiled up at her man before making a quick dash for the cabins arched door. Pulling out a key, she opened the door and I stepped in beside her. “Brr,” She rubbed her hands together, blowing on her red fingers before handing me the key. “It’s chilly in here.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Are the cabins even heated?”

“They are heated, but only to the bare minimum so that the pipes don’t freeze. It’s wasteful to keep an unused cabin at a comfortable heat. If we would have known where you would be staying, we would have turned the heat up before you got here.”

“Makes sense.” I kicked off my boots, stepping onto the chilly floor. “Where’s the furnace?”

“Already on it.” Reese announced and I turned to find her turning up the heat beside the door. Next, she flicked on the lights and the little space came to life. “What do you think?”

A laugh sounded from deep in my throat as I took in my surroundings, my eyes practically gobbling up the sight. “Wow.”

“I know, right?” Reese moved to stand beside me. “They’re small, but they’re perfect!”

“So perfect.” I whispered, again feeling emotion swell inside me.

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