A Randall Thanksgiving (7 page)

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Authors: Judy Christenberry

BOOK: A Randall Thanksgiving
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He thought he had better self-discipline than he’d demonstrated so far. If he wasn’t careful, people were going to start talking about him and Melissa. After she went back to France, he’d have to deal with sympathetic smiles and pats on his back, people trying to let him know that they all felt for him.

It might be more than he could bear.

But Melissa leaving was definitely more than he could bear if he didn’t keep his distance from her from now on.

And, damn it, he’d promised to take her to breakfast in the morning!

What was wrong with him?

Harry rubbed his face. It was too late to think about canceling his breakfast date. He wouldn’t do that to Melissa. Tomorrow, he’d have to tell her he’d be avoiding her from then on.

He could do that, right? He could look into those big blue eyes, study those pouty lips and tell her he wouldn’t be kissing her goodbye anymore, couldn’t he?

He shook his head, unconsciously giving himself his answer. Lord have mercy, he didn’t know.

Chapter Seven

Harry was finally hard at work—after an hour of alternately castigating himself and searching his soul—when the door opened again.

He was afraid to look up this time.

“Harry, you’re just the man I wanted to see.”

The words were ones he longed to hear, but the speaker was Mike Davis.

“Hey, Sheriff, working double time?” he asked, finally letting himself glance up.

“I wanted to talk to you for a few minutes. Get your opinion on something.”

“I was just making out the schedule now.” Harry held out the piece of paper he’d been working on.

Mike pulled out a chair beside Harry’s desk. “Good. But actually, I wanted to talk to you about a couple of men I think might take Wayne’s place.”

“You got someone in mind?”

“Yeah. One of them is Trevor Kenyon. He’s a deputy
in Buffalo. He’s mentioned to me several times that he’d like to move back to Rawhide. His folks are from here.”

“Right, I remember him. Good looking guy.” Harry stopped himself. Rawhide didn’t need a handsome deputy. Unless… “He’s married, right?”

“Yeah. Why would that matter?”

Damn it, was he losing his mind? “Uh, it doesn’t, really. I’ve just heard that married men were more settled.”

Mike rolled his eyes. “You’re not married, Harry, and you’re my best deputy.”

“Thanks, Mike. But, as a rule, I mean—”

Mike looked at him through narrowed eyes. “Are you trying to tell me you’ve got your eye on a young lady and you don’t want any competition?”

“No! No, that’s not what I meant at all.”

“Good, ’cause I’ve been wondering. I’ve heard rumors, you know.”

“What kind of rumors?” Harry asked sharply.

Mike smiled. “I heard you’re interested in a Randall lady.”

“She’s leaving. She’s going back to France.” He regretted his response at once because it only confirmed the rumors.

“Are you sure? You’re usually pretty persuasive.”

“I’m not trying to be. She has to want to stay here on her own. It won’t work any other way.”

Mike gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry, Harry. I’d hoped for better for you. These Randall women are hard to forget.”

“Yeah, even if they live in France.”

“Well, Trev definitely wouldn’t be a threat. The other man I was thinking about is Dale Henry. He’s on the Cody staff. We could make a simple switch and ensure Wayne a job there.”

“Is Dale married?”

“No, he’s not.” Mike waited for Harry’s response.

With a sigh, he said, “I’d have to vote for the switch with the Cody sheriff, to give Wayne a job there. He’s been really good for us. He deserves the job.”

Mike smiled. “I appreciate the sacrifice, Harry. I know Wayne will, too.”

“It’s not really a sacrifice. Like I said, she’s going back to France anyway.”

“Even if she were to stay here, I don’t think anyone could knock you out of the running, Harry. The whole town is behind you.”

“No one knows, Mike!”

“Aw, come on, Harry, you know this community better than that. You kissed the woman on a downtown street!”

“There wasn’t anyone around, I swear!”

“Not when you started kissing, Harry, but by the time you finished, Wayne wasn’t the only one who saw you.”


Mike laughed. “You’ve got to look for ’em around every corner, boy. Folks love to talk about our love lives. When Caro and I were dating, they knew our every move.”

“I remember. But I thought
been discreet.”

“Yeah, I thought so, too. And I wasn’t just kissing her. It’s a wonder Jake didn’t throw a punch my way.”

“Melissa swears her dad is trying to play matchmaker for the two of us.”

Mike rubbed the back of his neck. “Could be. The Randalls seem to think they can maneuver their daughters that way.”

“Was Jake trying to match up the two of you?”

“Yeah, I guess so. But I didn’t put any stock in it.”

“Yeah, me neither,” Harry said glumly.

Mike stood and slapped his friend on his shoulder. “Maybe things will work out, Harry. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. And thanks for making the right decision about Wayne.”

“Sure, boss. No problem.”

No. No problem. Because he figured Melissa would be back in France before Dale could move to Rawhide.


the small house on one of the few back streets of Rawhide. The place still looked the same as it had the first time he’d entered it, to arrest the woman inside for breaking and entering.

Then he’d married her.

“Honey, is that you?” Caroline called.

Before he could answer, she came into the room, carrying their baby. Their oldest son came running after his mother.

“Well, this is a fine welcome.” He bent over to kiss his
wife, then his baby, Jake. Then he opened his arms to his four-year-old son, Samuel. “How is everyone?” he asked.

“We’re fine. Did you visit with Harry?”

“Yeah, he voted for the switch so Wayne could have a job. I figured he would, but he had to make a hard choice.”

“He doesn’t like the new man?”

“He’s never met him. But he asked if he was married.”

“Is he?”


Caroline eyed her husband. “You’re trying to tell me something, but you’re just going to have to come out with it. I’m not catching on.”

Mike settled on the sofa and set his son on his feet. “Go play, Sam. I need to talk to Mama.”

Caroline joined him on the sofa. “Okay, what?”

“Harry’s falling for someone.”

“Really? That’s great!” Caroline said with a big smile. Harry was a favorite of hers.

“No, not so great. He’s falling for a Randall.”

“A Randall? But there aren’t any— Melissa! That’s why he was in the waiting room this morning.”

“Probably. It’s all over town that someone saw him kissing her on the street this morning.”

“That wasn’t too discreet.”

“That’s the funny part. He thought he was being discreet!”

Caroline laughed. “In Rawhide?”

“Honey, can’t you talk to her?”

Caroline stopped laughing. “About what?”

“Staying here.”

“No, I can’t, and I can’t believe Harry would want me to.”

Mike sighed. “All right, you’re on the same page with Harry.”

“You mean he doesn’t want me to talk to Melissa?”

“I never said he did. You just assumed—”

She punched him in his gut. “Mike Davis, you tried to sucker me!”

“Hey, that’s not fair. I was just trying to get some help for Harry. I want him to be happy.”

Caroline moved closer, leaning into her husband’s arms. “I want that for him, too. But Melissa lives in France. She’s only here for a visit.”

“He knows.”

“If she ever asks my opinion, I’ll encourage her, but it has to be her decision.”

“That’s what Harry said, too.”

“Now that we’ve had our little chat, go change your son’s diaper while I start fixing dinner.”

“Yes, ma’am. Come on, shorty.”


spent the evening chatting about their lives and their loved ones. It was a time Melissa cherished. She even considered telling her Mom about her decision. But she didn’t. Not because she couldn’t trust her; she knew she could. But she feared her mother would think her illness had forced the decision.

It hadn’t.

Melissa was ready for the change. For starting her own company here in the U.S. For returning to her homeland. Maybe even for visiting her hometown a lot more often.

But Harry wouldn’t kiss her then, she thought, and was stunned by the feeling of loss that consumed her.

Whoa! She hadn’t intended to let things go so far. Maybe she should back off the idea of continuing the kissing game with Harry. He certainly was a good kisser. No doubt about that. But she hadn’t thought a few kisses could sway her.

Melissa finally admitted that she didn’t want to back away from Harry. She was enjoying the game they were playing almost as much as the kisses she received. Even if she moved to New York, they could still kiss occasionally, couldn’t they? After all, she’d come home frequently…right?

When a nurse brought her evening pills, Camille downed them promptly with a glass of water. After the nurse left the room, Camille said, “She’s cute, isn’t she?”

“Yes. I don’t think I know her. Did she move here after I left?”

“Yes, Betsy replaced a nurse Harry used to date. But they broke up and she married someone else. There’s been talk that Harry might be interested in this lady.”

“Oh, really?”
He’d better not be!
Melissa thought. After all, he was kissing her, wasn’t he? Surely he wasn’t two-timing her. But it gave her food for thought. When she left, someone else might move in on Harry. Melissa wouldn’t like that.

So what should she do? Back away, leaving him ripe for the picking? No, she didn’t think so. She’d keep playing the game as long as Harry was willing.

She went to sleep that evening with a smile on her lips.


Melissa did the next morning was inform the nurse she wouldn’t need breakfast ordered for her. Then she woke her mother, helped her wash up, and got her ready for her meal.

“The nurse said she’d be in after breakfast to get you up to walk again. She said you did so well yesterday that today would be a lot easier for you.”

Camille sighed. “I hope so.”

“And while you’re walking, I’m going to go to the café with Harry. He offered yesterday to buy me breakfast.”

“Yesterday morning?” Camille asked innocently, keeping an eye on her daughter.

With her cheeks flushed, Melissa looked away and said, “Uh, no, I saw him later, when you were napping.”

“Oh. Well, that’s nice.”

Melissa breathed a sigh of relief. She’d worried about mentioning her breakfast date. Her father would’ve made a big deal about it. Thankfully, her mother didn’t react that way.

Melissa had just finished clearing her mom’s tray when the nurse came in. “Melissa, Harry’s in the waiting room.”

“Oh, thank you.” She checked to be sure her mother had everything she would need at hand. “I should be back in an hour, Mom.”

“Take your time. I’ll probably go to sleep after I do my walking.”

Melissa kissed her cheek and left the room, a big smile on her face.

“Your daughter certainly seems happy,” the nurse said.

“Yes, I think so, too.”

After Camille did her requisite walking, moving out into the hall and then returning to her bed, the nurse offered another pain pill.

“I don’t think I need it this morning,” she stated.

“Well, let me know if you change your mind. We don’t want you to suffer.”

“All right.”

After the nurse left, Camille gradually let her muscles relax. Just as she was completely comfortable, the door opened and her husband entered the room.

He gave her a good-morning kiss, then looked around with a frown. “Where’s Melissa?”

“She’s gone to breakfast.”

“I thought they’d order her food. Haven’t you eaten?”

“Yes, and I’ve done my walking.”

“Walking? This early?”

“Yes, I walked out into the hallway and back. With the nurse’s help.”

“That’s terrific, honey!” He gave her another kiss. “When will Melissa be back?”

“I don’t know. I told her to take her time.”

“Well, yeah, of course, but—”

“She’s with Harry.”

Suddenly Griff stopped complaining. “She is? How did you manage that?”

“I didn’t do anything. Well, not much.”

“And you complained about me matchmaking!”

“I wasn’t matchmaking. I just mentioned that Harry might have an interest in one of the pretty nurses.”

Griff sat down on the side of his wife’s bed. “You’re the best, sweetheart. Much more subtle than me.”

Camille laughed. “It wouldn’t take much to be more subtle than you, dear.”


French toast again?” Harry asked, eyeing the woman across the table from him.

“Why, yes, if you don’t mind.”

“No, I don’t mind, Melissa. I enjoyed watching you eat it yesterday.”

“And the fact that I gave you a bite?”

“Yeah. I’m hoping for another one today.” He listened with pleasure as she laughed.

“How’s your mom this morning?”

“She’s doing very well. She should be able to go home in a couple of days.”

“A good thing you’re here, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Melissa agreed warily. “You’re not going to tell me it’s a reason I shouldn’t go back to France, are you?”

Harry gave her a direct look. “No, I’m not going to tell you that, and I don’t think your mother will, either.”

“Thank you. No, she won’t.”

“I would ask you if you’re still going back to France,
but I can’t do anything about it anyway. Besides, we’ve already caused enough talk.”

Melissa’s head snapped up. “Talk? What do you mean?”

“Mike said someone saw us on the street yesterday when I was kissing you.” He flexed his jaw. “I didn’t think anyone was around.”

“Oh. So you wouldn’t have kissed me if you’d known?”

“Damn it, Melissa, everyone’s going to feel sorry for me when you leave!”

“Are you ready to order?” a waitress asked, suddenly appearing at their table.

“Yes, I’ll have the French toast, please.” Melissa looked at Harry, a challenge in her eyes.

“I’ll have the number-two breakfast, please,” he said, folding his menu and handing it to the waitress. Melissa hurriedly did the same.

“I didn’t realize I was making you an object of pity just by letting you kiss me!” she whispered as soon as the waitress moved away.

“I’m not complaining. I just didn’t intend for anyone to see us. I thought you should know.”

“I think I’ll survive,” she told him, letting her irritation show.

“Oh, really? Even if your dad hears the rumors?”

Harry felt guilty for his remark when Melissa paled.

“Oh, no! I hadn’t realized— Maybe he won’t hear.”

“Yeah, right. As Mike said, you know how much townsfolk around here gossip.”

Melissa groaned. “Dad’s going to think he’s won.”

“Not if you keep telling him you’re moving back to France. Surely he won’t believe a simple kiss is going to keep you here.”

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