A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution (36 page)

Read A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution
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Leo looked at him, “Make it convincing.  Also ask for a higher reward if we’re able to deliver his daughter.”

“Uhhh…you want me to do this?”

“Of course.”

Embree shrugged, “Ok.”

“Take the shuttle when you go.”

“I don’t like that idea.  He could send a bomb through.”

“Not if you’re persuasive enough.  Just make sure the green button is pushed,” Leo replied.

Embree sighed, “Yes, Captain.”

Chapter Twenty

t was late in the evening ship’s time and Victoria walked down the corridor to Gem’s quarters and pressed the button on the wall.  A moment later, she heard a click and she opened the door.  She saw Gem sitting at a table staring at a computer screen and she said, “Do you have a few minutes?”

“Sure, what’s on your mind?

Victoria walked in and pulled up a chair suitable for humans across the table from Gem, “I’ve been bothered by something and I need you to be honest with me.”

Gem clacked and said mockingly, “Whatever do you mean, Dahlin?”

“Gem, I’m serious.”  Gem just stared at her in silence and Victoria said, “The real Victoria never acted as dumb as I have, did she?”

Gem’s thorax swelled and he tilted his head left, “No, she didn’t.”

“You must find my behavior appalling?”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because I know, in your own way, you loved her.”

“She could play stupid with the best of them, Victoria.  But she was far from dumb.  She was witty and her heart was full of warmth and good will for everyone she met.”

“I need to know why you loved her.”

“I just told you.”

“No, you didn’t.  You told me how she treated everyone.  You didn’t tell me how she treated you.”  Gem was silent and Victoria waited.  After a few minutes passed she said, “I believe she loved you as well.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because love one way is no love at all.”  Gem was silent again and Victoria sighed before continuing, “I must admit that initially, I was quite put off by your appearance but after a while, I didn’t seem to notice it and I started getting to know you for who you are.  I’m greatly impressed by what I see and I know the other Victoria must have seen it as well.  Did she see it, Gem?”

Gem lowered his head and twisted it to the left again, “She did.”

“And you chose to come here with me because of your love for her.”

Gem raised his head and, after a long pause, said, “Yes.  That was the reason, initially.”

“And what is the reason now?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“Gem, I need you to tell me!”


“Because I find myself falling in love with you and need to know if this is hopeless.”

“You can’t do that!”

“You could.”

“But that was then, this is now.”

“What about now?”

Gem shook his head and blew out a puff of air from the vents along his thorax, “I made a mistake with Victoria and it’s taken me this long to realize it.”

“What mistake was that?”

“I was mystified by how human males were struck stupid whenever she was present.  I just couldn’t fathom their behavior.  It made no sense and really appeared to be nonsense.  I talked with Leonidas about this and he told me that humans work differently from my species.  It was something that couldn’t be explained to a non-human.”

“What did you do?”

“I injected some human DNA into my reproductive system.”

Victoria’s eyes flew wide open, “YOU DID WHAT?”

“It was crazy.  I know now that I had to be insane at the time to even consider it, much less do it.   However, it did clear up all the misunderstandings about why human males were all ga-ga for her.”

“Gem, what were you thinking?”

“That’s just it, Victoria, I wasn’t thinking.  I have a life ahead of me where I will rule my planet and be bound to the planet for the rest of my existence.  That future nearly drove me crazy; I didn’t want to do it and had considered suicide to avoid it.  Injecting that DNA wasn’t as bad as thoughts about killing myself…but they were close.”

Victoria stared at him shaking her head before saying, “So now you’re in an alien body desiring a human female and can do nothing about it.”

Gem twisted his head from left to right, “Something like that.  However, I found out afterwards that any human female attracted me sexually but none of them came close to how I felt about Victoria.  Her soul was the purest I’ve ever encountered in all of my travels.”

“Did you tell her?”

“She confronted me just like you are now.  I told her and the next eight months were the happiest I’ve ever been.  But I was called back to my world to meet with my mother and once the meeting was over I rushed away to join Victoria.  I arrived in time to see her ship destroyed by a star going nova.”

“I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t be.  It’s forced me to return to reality.  I know I have to accept my fate.”

“Gem, you said you initially chose to be here because of your feelings.  Has something changed?”  Gem stared at her and Victoria finally said, “I need to know, Gem!”

“I know you’re not the real Victoria.  Even though you look just like her, you are not her.  But…I find that I feel the same way I did with her every time I look at you.  You are…remarkable.”

Victoria came around the table and wrapped her arms around Gem’s body.  “We don’t have long but I want to spend as much time as I can with you.”

“Ana, this is not something we can give in to.”

“We’ll keep it between us.  But I do love you, Gem.”

Gem blew out another breath and tenderly wrapped his upper arms around her.  He realized he had made a mistake and now he was going to pay a heavy price for it.

• • •

Desiree entered the room, saw Leonidas staring at his computer screen, and asked, “What’s up?”

“There were more devices here than we thought.  As ships arrive here from other locations we’re finding the frequency on them.”

“Is that going to extend the time needed to protect them?”

“No, not really.  Getting the manufacturing process online is what’s consuming most of the time.  Once the three weeks have passed, Traffic Control has agreed to prevent any ships from coming here before they can be inspected.”

“What about the rest of the planet?”

“That was a real problem initially until we demonstrated to the Tortugan Government that there were many of the modules scattered around their communities.”


Leonidas chuckled, “Desiree, if you’re worried about them blowing the whistle to Romanov, you can put that concern away.  They are more close-mouthed than a sprung bear trap.  They are righteously indignant about it but you need to remember that they pretty much do what they want and ignore the consequences.  That’s why the pirates are here.  They are conducting the searches for the devices on the rest of the planet and they get madder with each one they find.  We are inspecting their commercial ships and all of them have been ordered back to the planet.  They’ll be covered before time runs out.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing that can be done to save the Unity?”

“Not without Romanov finding out.  He has more spies inside their government than there are bureaucrats.  It’s also a question of numbers.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Unity has warships scattered across this galaxy and there’s absolutely no way to get our devices to them before Serge could push the button.”

“Couldn’t you warn them after the three week deadline?”

“To what end?  Serge would immediately know and would press the button.”

“This is going to cause chaos and anarchy if the Unity is destroyed.”


Desiree’s eyes narrowed, “What do you mean by maybe?”

“We’ve sent a ship to take a look at Kellinger and there are no devices there.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!  That’s where the main Treasury is located and where all the currency is printed.”

“And where do you think Romanov has most of his hard assets stored?  Remember that he had the Trillium sent there.  He won’t blow up the main location of his wealth.  And it is pretty much a certainty that the Unity Credit Note will continue to be used in the aftermath until he can take control and replace it with his own.”

“You’re right.  Well, I thought I would check in and see how you are doing.”

She turned to leave and Leonidas said, “Desiree.”


“I hope you realize that I thought that you and Mark were a couple for all the years we served in the Legion.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Because you followed him wherever he was in command.”

“Did you ever think that I was there because that was where you were?”

Leo sighed, “No, it didn’t cross my mind.”  He looked at her and after a moment said, “There were many moments where I was envious of him.”

“Why are you telling me this, Leo?”

“Because it’s stupid of me to envy someone who never had you.  I’ve missed a lot of time where you and I could have been together and I don’t want to continue doing that.”

“I thought you and Ana were…”

Leo interrupted her, “I agree that I am aware that she is interested in me.  However, you are the one that I see in my dreams.  If you’re ok with it, I would like for us to spend some personal time together getting to know each other better.”

Desiree smiled, “Was that so hard to say?”

Leo shook his head as he fell back in his chair and rolled his eyes, “You have no idea.  I’ve not been in romantic relationship my entire life, this is uncharted space to me.”

Desiree walked around the console and kissed him on the cheek.  She stepped back and smiled as she walked toward the door, “Well, you’re navigating it pretty darn well.  I look forward to it.”

She left the room and Leonidas smiled; so was he.

• • •

Embree stopped the shuttle just off the Tortuga filament and pressed his communicator.  After a few minutes, the middle aged man appeared, “Who are you?”

“I am Captain Leonidas’ Second-in-Command.”

“Why isn’t he contacting me?”

“He is forced to remain on Tortuga until the welcoming ceremony is completed.  Every new resident has to go and introduce themselves to the other pirate fleets prior to the official welcome given by the Council.  That is scheduled to take place in two weeks.”

The man’s eyes narrowed, “Why are you contacting me!”

“Because Captain Leonidas needs your input on what you want him to do.”

“What are you talking about?  I want him to send me Blakely!”

“Something else has presented itself and he wants to know if you would prefer him to send you someone else.”


“Romanov’s daughter.”

The man’s eyes flew wide open, “YOU HAVE HER?”

“No, but he’s learned where she is.  Leonidas has become quite close with Blakely and has learned that he is in regular contact with someone inside your organization.  He heard them talking and learned where Ana is being hidden.  He believes that he can go and take her and bring her to you.”

“Tell me where she is, we’ll go get her ourselves.”

“There are some protections around her and if anyone shows up she doesn’t trust, she would flee to another sanctuary.  He wants to offer you the choice of getting her or Blakely.  If you want Blakely, Leonidas believes he can send him to you immediately after the official welcome is completed in two weeks.  If you want Romanov’s daughter, it will take about a week to arrive at the galaxy she’s hiding in and send her to you.”

“Take Blakely and then send me the daughter.”

“Leonidas says that won’t work.  If Blakely disappears from Tortuga, it’s a certainty that they will know and move her to another location before we could arrive and take her.  Leonidas says you can have either one of them but both is not really an option.”

“What galaxy is she in?”

“There are some things Leonidas does not discuss with his crew.  I do not know where she is.  However, I know my Captain and if he says he can send you either of them, I know he believes he can do it.  Which one do you want him to focus on sending to you?”  The man stared at him and Embree said, “He also asks that the price to go and retrieve Romanov’s daughter will be higher than sending Blakely.”

The man’s eyes narrowed, “How much higher?”

“Another ten million.”


• • •

Serge looked at his Security Chief, “Do you believe this?”

“I wouldn’t have but for the demand for a higher payment tells me that it’s probably true.  Also keep in mind that you originally chose to send him because Ana knows him and might come out in the open to meet him.”

“Which one do you think is more important to us?”

“There is a chance that Blakely doesn’t know who is working him in our organization.  However, Ana does know and she also knows where the stolen funds are located.  Ten million more is a small sum to pay for eight trillion credits.”

“So you think we should try to get Ana?”

“She is by far the better choice.”

Serge thought about it and knew that before too much longer, Unity Currency would disappear.  He was going to have to delay his plan for another three weeks but that was nothing in the large scheme of things.  “Ok.  Send them the ten million and tell them to notify me as soon as they have Ana.”

“Yes, Sir.”

• • •

Embree saw the man appear on is monitor and say, “I’m sending you the ten million credits.  Notify me as soon as you have Ana.”

Embree quickly said, “Uhhh…Sir.”


“Could you please send the credits in boxes!?”

The man smiled and then started laughing, “Are you the one that will have to box them up?”

Embree showed his pain, “Yes and its back breaking work.  Please!”

The Chief regained his composure and said, “If I didn’t have to take them out of boxes I probably wouldn’t do it but it will actually save us some time.  Press the receive button on your module.”

“Thank you, Sir.  I’m forever indebted to you!”  The screen went dark and Embree pressed the red button.  Twenty minutes later he saw the box rock slightly.  He flew back to Tortuga and landed outside the First Bank of Tortuga.  One of the employees came out and Embree said, “Please send our representative out.”

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