A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (26 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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“What worries me is there might not be
much of YOU left when these ten nights are over. Look at what he’s done to you
already.” Scarlett really didn’t enjoy seeing her headstrong friend weakened by
a man. She enjoyed being a submissive, and had for years, but it wasn’t a
defining characteristic of her life; Daniel knew she only liked him to be in
control in the bedroom, in all other aspects of their life they were partners. Carla
was unlikely to have that opportunity with Jason, for him the lifestyle was

“I’m a big girl, Scarlett.” Carla
grinned in an effort to lighten the mood now that her decision was made. “I’ll
be fine.”

“I hope you’re right, hon, I’d hate to
have to open up a can of whoop ass on Jason Portland’s ass.” Shaking her head
she knew it was a waste of time to argue with her friend. When Carla made up
her mind about something she rarely budged; at least that part of her friend’s
attitude was still intact, she thought.

Their talking out of the way they
enjoyed the rest of their morning at the beach, relaxing under the sun as they
alternated between tanning themselves and swimming in the surf. When lunchtime
arrived they returned to the hotel and ordered from room service, enjoying
their food on the veranda, where they could continue to tan themselves.

They rested for a while after lunch,
enjoying the sun on the veranda and then they went shopping. Carla wasn’t too
bothered about shopping, she had nothing she wanted to buy, but Scarlett was
determined to spend some money so they went down to the shops.


By the time Jason returned to their
suite that evening Carla was in a much better frame of mind. She had gone to
the boutiques with Scarlett, intending only to keep her friend company while
she spent Daniel’s money, After going back a couple of times to admire a
diamond and ruby pendant with a white-gold chain, she her allowed her friend to
persuade her to buy it on Jason’s credit card.

Jason entered the suite that evening
carrying a dozen long stemmed white roses, which he hoped would go some way to
convincing Carla that he was sorry about what had happened the previous night.
He didn’t get a chance to say anything however, the moment he walked through the
door he stopped dead, frozen by the sight before him.

Carla stood in the middle of the room,
dressed in a black mini-dress that barely covered her ass and wearing five inch
heels. The heels made her legs look miles long and he couldn’t help admiring
them, running his eyes up their newly tanned lengths to the hem of the

“Damn you’re beautiful babe,” he said
when he was finally able to unfreeze his tongue. His eyes moved further up her
body, pausing briefly when he noticed the pendant around her neck. “Is that
new?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir, I bought it this afternoon,
I hope that is alright.”

“Of course, sweetheart, you can buy
anything you like. You have good taste; it’s beautiful, though not as beautiful
as you.”

“Thank you, Sir. How were your meetings?”
she asked. Moving carefully, because she was unused to wearing such high heels,
Carla approached Jason to take the roses from him.

“I’ll have to show you how good it was
tomorrow,” Jason said, holding out the roses; now that he could see Carla was
no longer holding a grudge his mood was much lighter. “We just acquired a new
beachfront property.”

“I can’t wait to see it, Sir,” Carla
said, accepting the roses with a smile.

Following Carla into the kitchen Jason
wrapped his arms around her waist as she took out a vase and filled it water.
All day he had worried about how she would be when he got back to the suite; he
was greatly relieved to see that she was in a much better mood. Several times
he had been on the verge of calling off his plans for that night, each time he
had stopped himself with his hand on the phone.

With the roses in water Carla turned
around in Jason’s arms and put her own around his neck, laying her head on his
shoulder. Closing her eyes she breathed in the scent of his cologne, knowing
that whatever happened between them she would remember that scent for the rest
of her life.

As he held her Jason softly caressed
her back, loving the feel of her in his arms. “I want to stay here with you
like this all night, sweetheart, but we have somewhere we need to be.”

Carla forced herself not to tense up
at his words. She had decided during the day that she would put the previous
night behind her, and not think of it again, and she was determined to do that.
She had also decided that she was going to go through with the remaining
nights, whatever happened. “I’m ready when you are, Sir.” She hoped her voice
sounded as light and carefree as she intended it to be.

Jason was pleased to see that Carla’s
entire attitude had changed since the events of the night before. “In that
case, my beautiful girl, let’s get the hell out of here.” He was wearing his
business suit, but tonight wasn’t really about him, it was about her, so his
clothes didn’t matter.

On the way out of the suite Carla told
herself that whatever happened that night she would deal with it, and would not
feel guilty afterwards. She only had a few more days before the ten nights were
over, and she was determined that whatever happened she would have memories to
keep for the rest of her life.

Jason kept his arm around Carla’s
waist as they walked out of the hotel and made their way down to the dock. Like
the night before a speedboat was waiting for them and they settled into the
back of it as the driver started the engine and they took off across the water.

While the boat raced away into the
sunset Jason pulled Carla into his arms, holding her tight. Tonight would be a
positive experience for her, he hoped, he was sure it wouldn’t be a negative
one. Most of the submissives he had trained loved this night out of the ten
since it gave them a different perspective on the lifestyle.







When they
reached the mainland, which took them just over half an hour in the speedboat,
they climbed into the limousine that was waiting for them. The drive from where
they docked was not a long one and soon enough they pulled up in front of a
beach house that was so lovely it made Carla gasp.

Her hands
trembled as they ascended the few steps that led to the front door. She had no
idea what Jason had planned and the lack of knowledge made her a little
nervous; unconsciously she grabbed his hand and squeezed it as the door opened.

An elegant
woman dressed in a full leather bodysuit answered the door. She smiled at them
warmly and stood on tiptoe to kiss Jason’s cheek. “It has been much too long, Jason,
I have missed your company.”

chuckled. “We have all missed you at the dungeon, Dominique; you need to visit New
York more often.”

Seeing the
easy way the beautiful woman was with Jason, Carla felt a sudden urge to
scratch her eyes out. She ran her eyes over the woman, searching for some flaw
to make her feel better; she couldn’t find any. Dominique was around 5’9”, and
the leather cat suit she was plastered into showed off every luscious curve she
had, accentuating her perfect body.

“This must
be your little pet.” Dominique’s eyes roamed over the petite woman at Jason’s
side, inspecting her with cool brown eyes. “She’s absolutely charming; I know
Travon will enjoy this treat.” She stood back to allow her guests to enter.
“Travon, we are waiting for you,” she called out impatiently.

Carla took
a step back as handsome man, wearing nothing but a black collar around his
neck, moved into the room. His cocoa colored skin was flawless, while his
chocolate colored eyes were fringed by the longest and darkest lashes she’d
ever seen on a man. Though he wasn’t as muscled as Jason his abs were
impressively chiseled; she didn’t look any lower than that, having no desire to
make any other comparisons between the two men.

After last
night, the presence of a strange man made her think of only one thing, and the
thought made her want to bolt.

“Could we
please have a moment, Dominique?” Jason knew exactly what Carla was thinking as
she stepped back away from the strange man, and wanted to reassure her.

course, we’ll be waiting in the black room, join us when you’re ready.” Smiling
at her friend’s lady she hooked her finger in the silver hoop on Travon’s
collar and led him away.

agreed, Sir.” Carla felt her heart race, and knew she would use her safe word
and end everything, rather than endure another night like the previous evening.
How could he do this to her? She wondered.

down, Carla; this is not what you think it is. I should punish you for thinking
I would go back on my word,” he said, a smile on his face to tell her he wasn’t
about to do that. “I’m going to be lenient tonight and trust that you won’t
allow that to happen again; punishing you now would defeat the purpose of
tonight.” He took her by the chin and gently lifted her face until her eyes met
his. “Travon is your slave tonight, my dear. Dominique has graciously consented
to allow you the use of him this evening.”

Carla was
floored by his words and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. What
was she supposed to do with a slave? She didn’t have the first clue. “Sir, I’m
afraid I’m completely lost here.”

decided to ignore the fact that she didn’t apologize for not trusting him, it
wasn’t worth making an issue out of right then. “That’s why we are here with
Dominique,” he told her. “She is going to provide a demonstration, so you will
understand a different side of the coin, so to speak. There is more to this
lifestyle than you have seen so far, that is what this night is about.

“Now, if
you’re comfortable with that, I don’t think we should keep Dominique and Travon
waiting any longer.”

ready, and Sir, I’m sorry I freaked out.” She felt like an idiot after hearing
what they were really there for.

don’t let it happen again, sweetheart.” Taking her hand he led her through the
house to the black room. Though Dominique’s dungeon was not as large as his, it
was just as nice, and he noted a few additions since the last time he’d been

Carla was
shocked to find the dungeon, or rather a living area turned into a dungeon, so
readily on display. At Jason’s home the dungeon was where a dungeon was
supposed to be, out of sight below ground. She could only assume that anyone
who visited the house was aware of, and accepting of, Dominique’s lifestyle.

overcoming her surprise at finding the dungeon in such an unexpected place, Carla
focused her attention on Dominique and Travon. Travon was chained to a
suspension bar by his wrists, and Carla watched, fascinated, as Dominique massaged
his smooth skin. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be the
one with all the power.

“I thought
I would warm him up a little, before we allow your pet to try her hand.”
Dominique winked at them and continued to massage Travon’s skin.

“Try my
hand?” Carla whispered nervously to Jason. “What exactly am I supposed to try
my hand at, Sir?”

chuckled at her worried expression. “Just watch, sweetheart.” His arm wrapped
around her waist as they stood back far enough to let Dominique work.

continued to watch, fascinated, as Dominique finished her massage and began
flogging the beautiful man tied up before her. With each fall of the leather
strands his muscles danced and he moaned softly; the sound filled Carla with strange
warmth she found difficult to understand.

Jason watched
her expression and smiled, pleased by it. Moving behind her he wrapped his arms
around her waist and lowered his head to her ear. “How does it make you feel to
watch him being controlled?”

beautiful, Sir,” she whispered softly. She could tell Travon was suffering no
pain, she wasn’t sure she would have enjoyed watching it so much if he had been
in pain; in fact it was clear that he was enjoying being flogged.

over Dominique smiled at the expression on Carla’s face and motioned her
forward. “Come, pet, take your turn.” She smiled, waiting patiently for her
friend’s sub to join her.

looked to Jason, who nodded, and nervously made her way over to the woman. She
accepted the flogger, holding it awkwardly. “I don’t know how to use this,” she
said softly, her eyes on the object in her hand. Though she had seen one
before, and had it used on her by Jason, she had no idea how to handle it.

why you are here, so I can teach you.” Dominique said patiently. “Don’t worry,
I won’t allow you to hurt my pet. We will start with slow figure of eight
movements.” Taking hold of Carla’s hand she guided her as she traced the
flogger through the air. “Now, dear one,” she said when Carla had the movement
correct, “use the same motion against his flesh.” She kept her voice low to
avoid making her nervous.

Biting her
lip Carla stepped closer to Travon and flicked her wrist. It was the barest of movements;
just enough for the flogger in her hand to find contact with the submissive’s

softly Dominique spoke. “A little more force dear, you won’t break him.”

laugher made Carla’s cheeks burn in embarrassment and she tried again, with a
little more force. For reasons she couldn’t understand the knowledge that she
was the one who decided whether Travon felt pleasure or pain gave her a heady
feeling. Raising the flogger once more she brought it down again, and then again,
allowing her strokes to gain in strength until a soft moan reached her ears, bringing
a smile to her lips.

several minutes Carla found her confidence rising; she wasn’t proficient with
the flogger but she was improving. Smiling she allowed her pace to quicken,
bringing the leather thongs down on Travon’s back with greater force.

“I do
believe your pet enjoys this, Jason,” Dominique said with a laugh. “You may
have to start sharing your role with her.”

“I think
we should move on to another exercise before I find out just how much she
enjoys it.” Jason enjoyed watching Carla with Travon but there were other
things she could do with him, and he wanted to see that as well. He resolved to
find a nice submissive when they got back to New York, if she wanted to
practice more in the future.

you’ve done very well for your first time, but it’s time for us to explore
something different.” Dominique smiled warmly at Carla.

cheeks were filled with color at the compliment. “Thank you, Mistress, I
enjoyed that.” She was surprised by how much she had enjoyed flogging the man
and only reluctantly returned the flogger to Dominique before rejoining Jason,
an embarrassed grin on her lips.

“So my
little girl loves dishing it out, I will have to remember that.” Jason chuckled
at her blush. “I am pleased you are enjoying yourself, sweetheart.” He wrapped
his hand around her waist and leaned down to kiss his cheek. After last night
he was pleased to see he had made the right decision in selecting what they
should do.

With the
flogging finished Dominique released Travon, who knelt at her feet. She stroked
his shaved head briefly but then motioned toward Carla. “You should be kneeling
at her feet, she is your Mistress tonight,” she told him.

immediately crawled over to Carla, assuming the position he had so recently
taken at Dominique’s feet. He and Dominique had been together for more than
five years, and during that time they had trained many people in the lifestyle,
showing them both sides of it. They enjoyed each other, and enjoyed training

smiled nervously down at Travon, not sure what she should do. Was she supposed
to stroke his head, she wondered, lowering her hand to pat him awkwardly. The
whole pet thing was strange to her, and she was glad that Jason didn’t treat
her that way; though it didn’t seem to bother Travon she didn’t think she would
have liked being treated like a dog or some other animal.

you, Mistress.” Travon kept his eyes lowered as she spoke meekly to Carla.

lowered surprised eyes to him, not having expected him to say anything. “Um,
you’re welcome.” She glanced at Jason, not sure what she was supposed to do.

“He is thanking
you for flogging him, sweetheart.” Jason smiled for a moment before speaking
again. “What else would you like to do to him, or have him do to you?”

question stunned Carla, controlling a slave was a new experience for her.
“Honestly, Sir, I have no idea.” She bit her lip, hoping she wasn’t going to be
asked to come up with one.

women dream of having a man at their command, my dear.” Dominique laughed
warmly. “He is yours to do whatever you wish with.”

from Jason to Dominique Carla realized they were both waiting for her to come
up with something, to give a command to Travon, but her mind was drawing a
complete blank. “Sir, I truly don’t have a clue what to do with him.” She felt
her cheeks burn as both Jason and Dominique laughed.

“It is
clear that being a dominant is not in your sights right now, sweetheart,” Jason
said. “That’s fine, I prefer you as my submissive.” He pulled her into his arms
and hugged her tight, seeing how embarrassed she was. “Dominique, I believe we
will just be watching this evening, if that is okay with you?”

“Of course
that is fine, pet, if you see something you would like to attempt, just let me
know.” Snapping her fingers Dominique summoned Travon, who crawled back over to
kneel at her feet.

Leading Carla
to an oversized cushioned chair Jason sat down and pulled her into his lap.
“Now you can watch how she plays with him. I think you will enjoy some of

walked over to a small closet and pulled out a tray before joining them. “My
pet and I enjoy playing with needles; perhaps your pet will enjoy our

eyes widened and she looked on in shock as Dominique placed dozens of needles
in an intricate pattern down Travon’s back. She flinched as each needle pierced
the skin; she’d never been particularly fond of needles and what was being done
to Travon looked painful.

“Would you
like to try this one night, sweetheart?” Jason whispered for Carla’s ears only.

She shook
her head no rapidly, thinking being a pin cushion really didn’t seem like fun.
“No, Sir, thank you.”

chuckled softly, knowing that she would almost certainly enjoy it if she just
allowed herself to relax and surrender to him. “Hmmm, we’ll have to see about
that one day. I think you’d enjoy it, if you gave it a chance.” He chuckled
louder as she stiffened in his lap.

removed the thin needles and swabbed over Travon’s skin with a light
antiseptic. “My pet actually requested this when we first began playing
together. It was a few years before I felt comfortable enough to do it
however,” she told Carla. “If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.”

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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