A Marriage of Convenience (4 page)

BOOK: A Marriage of Convenience
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Michael’s gaze followed her as she carried
through the parking lot. His eyes stayed on her retreating form until she disappeared from view.

I have a child? I have a child!
Michael couldn’t let Ayanna leave like this. He took two steps then froze as Bridget placed a hand on his arm. As the commander’s daughter began chatting, Michael knew he’d lost Ayanna for the moment.

He wanted to get this straightened out and then he wanted to make love to her. Over and over again.

Michael made his excuses as soon as he could and drove to the address on the paper she’d given him. It wasn’t much to look at; the whole building needed work. He went home and waited until six when he hoped she’d be home from the park.

His mind repeated her name over and over as he got out of his car and headed up the dark stairs to the number she’d written on the paper. He knocked on the water-stained door.

“Who is it?” Ayanna’s voice reached him.


He heard locks disengage before the door swung open. The light from behind her highlighted the dark auburn tint to her hair. Beautiful.

“You came.”

“You honestly didn’t think I wouldn’t come, did you? You have my son.” There was no menace in his voice, just fact. He looked over her head and smiled as he saw
playing with blocks on the living room floor.

“Come on in,” she said. He walked past her and straight to where
was and knelt beside him. Michael heard the locks engaged but didn’t turn around. The big brown eyes that looked up at him struck him speechless.

showed him a block and smiled. “Hi,” he said before turning his attention back to his toys.

.” Michael reached for a block and turned it over in his lean fingers.


Michael looked away from the block and saw
holding out his hand for it.


“Oh, sorry.” He handed it back with a smile. The child babbled a toddler’s version of thank you while Michael looked over to the kitchen table with one chair and a highchair at it and saw Ayanna watching their private interaction with a nervous expression on her beautiful face.

Pushing up from the floor, he walked over to her. “I think we should talk.” His gaze took in the books on the shaky table—all of them about Pharmacology.

“You’re right.”


* * * *


“No. I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Ayanna shook her head. Michael’s suggestion didn’t feel right to her.

He blew out an exasperated breath. They’d been going over this for the past two hours. A while ago,
had been put to bed then they’d continued arguing over the same thing. He didn’t like her and his son living here.

“What isn’t a good idea? You need to get out of this place. I have room at my apartment. I can watch him when you’re in school or need to study. Let me help you.”

“I just…” She let the words hang in the air.

He shifted his weight on the couch and watched her, she’d opted to reclaim her seat at the kitchen table. “Look, I have a three bedroom townhouse.
can have his own room.” He licked his lips. “And so can you. Please, Ayanna. Let me help with

“Why aren’t you more upset that I didn’t tell you?” she questioned, truly baffled. She didn’t understand why he wasn’t yelling at her.

“Would that make you feel better? Do you want me to yell at you? I
furious that you didn’t tell me, but what good will yelling do for either of us? I want to be a part of my son’s life and not just by giving you money.”

Ayanna ran her hands over her face. “I…I just don’t want you to be—”

His jaw clenched. “Don’t you
say inconvenienced. I could never be inconvenienced by my own son.”

His son. Not her. Her heart sank before she could stop it. “Okay, we’ll give it a trial run. But I’m putting my stuff in storage in case it doesn’t work out.”

Michael grinned. Standing, he moved to her side and tipped her head up. “We’ll get you moved in tomorrow. I’ll be here around seven. Does that work for you?”

Ayanna couldn’t answer him. All it took was his touch and she was a bumbling mess of nerves. When a knowing grin touched the corners of his mouth, she found her words. “Okay, we’ll be ready. I just hope you know what you’re getting into.”

One hand caressed her cheek. “I know exactly what I’m doing. Now, I should get going and clean up my office so it’s is ready for
.” His head lowered so their lips were scant millimetres apart. “Goodnight, Ayanna.” He settled his lips along hers and gave her one of the most tender kisses of her life.

Her body shivered with longing. And she didn’t quite catch the whimper that escaped as he backed away. The flare in his eyes told her that he heard it.
Jesus, I would walk through the fires of hell to experience this man’s touch again.

Michael traced her lower lip with his thumb before kissing her again. Then he grabbed his keys and walked to the door, saying over his shoulder. “Tomorrow, Ayanna. Lock this behind me.”

She stayed motionless in her chair as he walked out the door and disappeared from view. After it closed, she got up to lock it again. She looked around her tiny place.

“This is a good move. More space for
. His father in his life.” Trying to assure herself and keep the doubt at bay, she began to pack her few belongings in boxes and suitcases. She took only the bare necessities for herself, making sure that
came first. All his toys and clothes were most important. She also called Erma and filled her in on the change in plans so the woman didn’t show up the next day.

It was after midnight before Ayanna climbed into bed, her meagre items packed and ready. She’d clean tomorrow after the place was empty. The lingering taste of Michael’s kiss still on her lips, she murmured his name as she lay on her twin size bed and pulled the sheets over her.


* * * *


Michael was at her door a few moments before seven. He knocked and couldn’t explain his relief when she opened the door, a shy smile on her face.

Today she wore a pair of dark green warm-up pants and a grey T-shirt. Her hair called out for him to touch it, to sink his fingers into the curls and kiss her until neither of them knew their own names.

His gaze dropped to her lips, which were free of gloss and he groaned as the memory of her taste floated to the surface of his mind. “Morning, Ayanna,” he whispered.

“Come on in,” she said. “We’re ready. I just have to clean after its empty.”

He picked up on the nervousness in her tone. “This will work out, Ayanna. Trust me.” His hand travelled over the small of her back as he moved to where
ran in circles with his toy plane. The engine noises he made were in sync with his “flight path.”

“Good morning,
,” Michael said as he crouched down beside the pattern the child was wearing into the already-worn rug.

Those big brown eyes, darker than his mother’s looked right back at him. In fact, they looked like the dark chocolate colour of his own eyes. “Hi,”
spoke. One hand shoved the grey plane at Michael. “P’ane,” he announced proudly.

A knock on the door, interrupted before Michael said anything. He moved to stand behind Ayanna as she opened it and admitted a group of his friends who said hello to Michael.

“Okay, Ayanna,” he said as he lifted
into his arms, “tell them what you want put in storage and what you want to keep with you.”

Obviously unnerved at the looks the men were sending her and Michael, Ayanna cleared her throat first. Then she began pointing to items that were going. The men left and with
playing with a toy, Ayanna and Michael made short work out of the cleaning.


* * * *


Ayanna followed Michael in her vehicle,
secure in his car seat in the back. Unbidden her mind drifted to the man she was moving in with. Michael’s powerfully fit body appeared in her head. Lowering over her, his hard cock slipping between the lips of her wet pussy. The way his sensual eyes grew lustful as he drove into her. Over and over again.

Ayanna shifted on her vinyl seat as her belly clenched with longing. Squirming helplessly, she swallowed and thought a bit more. How was she going to be able to control her rampaging lust when it came to this man?

Memories swarmed her. The water droplets cascading down his naked physique in the shower. The dimple in his right butt cheek. The feel of his cock in her hands, mouth, and how he tasted as his cum shot down her throat.

She whimpered as her body reacted to the images as if they were happening.

“Get a grip, Barker,” she admonished herself and did her best to focus on something other than the tall, muscular, smouldering-eyed Michael Taylor.

It didn’t work.

As Michael pulled into an apartment complex, she followed and parked beside him. Her gaze took in the nice two-story buildings. It looked nothing like where she’d lived previously.

The lawns were well manicured. The buildings were not in need of painting. In fact, all of it was amazing. The kind of place she wanted to be—a place where she’d be safe going out at night, a place where she’d be okay letting Devon play in the front yard.

“Mama!” Devon yelled from the backseat as he began kicking his legs.

“I’m coming.” She unbuckled her belt and found Michael had opened her door. His hand lingered longer than necessary against her skin as he helped her out.

“I’ll get him.” Michael moved back to the door. With ease he lifted the three and a half year old from his seat. “Let’s go, little man.”

After he shut the door he glanced again at Ayanna and said, “We’ll get you two inside and then I will come back for the rest of your things. The truck is here and your stuff is being put in your new rooms. My townhouse is the one at the end.”

Grabbing two bags for Devon from the trunk, Ayanna followed Michael. She felt as if every eye in the development was on her. Watching her, judging her. Considering it was early morning on Sunday, however, there weren’t people outside, so she knew it was her imagination.

Her stomach knotted up as Michael unlocked the door to his townhouse. She followed him across the tiled foyer and into the open and airy downstairs. The carpeted parts were done in a slate grey and all the furniture was beige leather. She didn’t see any personal touches around the place. It was much larger than hers—and this was just the downstairs.

Walking behind him to the stairs, she automatically identified things that needed to be done to child-proof his place. She bit back a worried snort as she saw his large television.

When they got to the top of the stairs, Michael pointed to the left. “That’s my room. Devon’s is in the middle and your room is down there. I gave Devon the smallest room and yours is in the back so you can have some privacy.” The men who’d moved the items smiled at her as they passed them. They nodded at Michael.

“Sounds great. But we really need to go over rent and stuff like…” She stopped as his eyes speared her. “What?”

Michael opened the door to Devon’s room and set the child down on the floor among the toys that were there. His furniture was already set up. Everything was more than she could have hoped for.

She blinked as Michael’s attention turned from Devon to her. He stalked her until her back was against the corner of the doorjamb. Her eyes widened as inch by inch her personal space was eviscerated.

“I am not charging you rent. You’re the mother of my child. First thing tomorrow, we’re going to get both of you on my medical plan and get you a dependant’s card.”

A dependant’s card?
“I’m not marrying you.”

“Yes, you are. I won’t force my attentions on you, but you
marry me and you
take the health insurance I can offer. It will help you with the cost of your schooling, too.”

She shook her head furiously until one of his hands gripped her chin and held it immobile. His mouth covered hers and his tongue swept inside.

Ayanna clasped his sleeves as their bodies pressed closer. Just as it had been the first night they’d touched, each response was explosive and set her body on fire. Her craving for him flared almost out of control. She wanted to crawl all over his body and let his touch carry her away to the stars.

getting married,” he promised her as his mouth left hers.

“I agreed to move in—not marry you.” Ayanna tried to step back but his hand swept behind her and kept her body pressed to his. His erection pressed into her.

“Ayanna,” he said with increasing exasperation. “I’m willing to overlook the fact you kept my son from me. But this is the only way I know to give you protection and you
take it.”

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