A Man to Remember (7 page)

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Authors: Mary Tate Engels

BOOK: A Man to Remember
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"Doing what? I promised you the best shrimp tacos in La Paz. Aren't they good?"

She took a bite of the shrimp rolled in a soft corn tortilla and spiced with salsa fresca. "Delicious. Best I've ever had. But what are you trying to prove to me?"

He shrugged and turned his palm up to mate sensually with hers. "That I'm not perfect, but not such a bad guy either. I have a problem, and I need help. Your help, Alyse."

She looked at him curiously. "No one has ever said that to me before. No one has ever needed me, Jake. It's… it's an interesting feeling."

She was reminded of the Bristol Bordeaux adventure set in Galveston: The ruggedly handsome man leaned across her desk. 'They've taken my sister hostage. You're the only one who can help me, Ms. Bordeaux. Penetrate the slave ring and bring her back. Please help me. I'll pay you well, I need you...'

'Then maybe I can help you. . .'

Alyse smiled at the handsome, rugged man across the table who needed her help. If she were the only one who could help him, wouldn't she try? Oh, it was romantic . . . and exciting . . . and compelling. Just like the life of Bristol Bordeaux. "Maybe it's possible that we can help each other. . ."

"Then can we say we've struck a deal? We'll leave together on the Skye Command tomorrow." Jake's hand tightened around hers.

Alyse looked dubiously at their hands, pressed together and fingers laced. Her blue eyes grew large with apprehension. What would Bristol Bordeaux do in this situation? How would she know if this stranger was telling the truth? If only . . .

Alyse cleared her throat. "I want to meet your aunt, Jake. You've told me how beautiful her villa is, and I'd just like to see it before we leave."

He pursed his lips and forced a tight smile. "Maybe it can be arranged. It will have to be quick. And we have to be ready to leave."

"Sure." Alyse smiled and placed her hand on his. He couldn't be lying if he could produce a dying aunt and an expensive villa. Could he?

"Okay, tomorrow. And then we shove off."

She squeezed his hand. He wouldn't be lying, would he?


The two Mexican soldiers met again. This time their conversation was curt and sharp. The problem threatened to be greater than either of them had imagined at the beginning.

"Did you find him, idiot?"

"We have identified him. Over six feet tall, brown hair, named Silvio Juarez."

"And this Silvio Juarez has no family?"

"Can't find one, sir."

"Is he Mexican?"

"Yes, sir. He is from Cananea."

"Are you sure, asshole?"

"We are still checking on him, sir."

"Damn! Es mal. He just appeared out of nowhere. And disappeared into nowhere! How can that be? Only if you are an idiot!"

"We will find him, sir."

"Find him pronto, or I'll lose my ass over this. And you'll lose more than your ass!"

"Yes, sir." The soldier backed out of the irate officer's sight, knowing he might still be blamed for the mistake.



Chapter Five


It was one of the most difficult things he'd ever done, but Jake left Alyse alone on the Skye Command that night. Usually when a woman had that look in her eyes, he took full advantage without hesitation. But this woman was different. Oh, he wasn't opposed to using her boat. That had been his objective all along. What bothered him now was using Alyse, manipulating her emotions. And harnessing his libido. Usually the latter took charge.

Caring about someone else's feelings was not the norm for Jake Bronson. And it shouldn't matter this time. He had more important things to consider, such as his life. But he had to admit that for some crazy reason Alyse mattered very much. Hell, it actually bothered him to lie to her. In his line of business, lies were second nature. Presently his whole life was a lie. So what difference was another, and another? Yet something melted inside his cold heart when Alyse looked at him with those clear blue eyes and believed him. That hurt more than he cared to admit.

As he watched the sleek, silvery vessel through binoculars from the patio on the hillside, Jake remembered their parting kiss. And he thought he must be absolutely crazy to stop with a kiss.

They stood facing each other on the Skye Command's deck, reluctant to say good-bye.

"I had a good time, Jake."

"It was a day to remember, Alyse. You, on the beach . . . beautiful." He took her hand and lifted it to his lips, nuzzling it with tiny kisses.

"I hope we'll have more days like this. Together. Just the two of us." She shivered with delight as his beard scuffed her hand lightly.

"We will," he said, and kissed her fingers one by one.

Alyse gasped softly as her entire body responded to the sensual act. She smiled into his eyes and stepped closer to him. She could feel his natural heat and boldly reached up with both hands to touch him. Framing his face, her thumbs rubbed his smooth cheeks, and her fingers spread apart over the modest stubble of hair along his jaw line. She delighted in the roughness of him, the extreme masculinity he exuded.

He clasped her palm to his lips and kissed it with a hungry fervor. "Alyse, you drive me crazy."

Unable to hold back, she pressed her entire length to him, brushing her softness back and forth against his tautness. Admittedly she loved the tantalizing sensations his hard muscles created within her as she moved provocatively against him.

Jake could scarcely think straight, knowing those red bikini patches he'd watched from afar and dreamed about were actually rubbing against him. Her skin was silky smooth and oh, so tempting. His hands gripped her forearms, and he forced her back a little. Taking a shaky breath, he muttered, "I want you to weigh our options, Alyse. If you don't help me, who will? I'm losing time." With what she was doing to him, he could easily lose control here.

Alyse threw her head back and met his passion-darkened gaze. "Tell me something, Jake."

"What's that?" Jake was damn hot. A trickle of perspiration rolled down one temple.

"Why are you growing the beard?"

"Oh. Just, uh, for a change." Another lie. Everything he said to her now was a lie. Although he knew it was necessary, he felt it was keeping them apart. And he hated it. Hated every lie. He wanted to melt in her softness and tell her everything. Admit the truth about himself and his dangerous mission and cruise away in the sunset with her by his side. But that was a dream, not reality.

"I really like the beard, Jake." Her gentle, innocent laughter fell like feathers against his cheek. "Makes you look like a pirate. Redbeard, my pirate."

Jake closed his eyes and tried to tell himself he was a fool, reacting this way to this woman. She was young and naive and had no idea what he was really doing in Mexico. She would probably be appalled. And he was sure she would refuse his request. Oh, God, he had no right to get her mixed up in this, to put her in danger.

"Kiss me, Redbeard." She moved close again. With her tongue, she teased his lips. And he succumbed to the temptation. The deck swayed gently beneath them as small waves rocked the boat. Their bodies moved with the natural motions of the small yacht, and the intensity of their kiss increased rapidly.

His lips forged hers apart. His tongue dipped into her sweet mouth, giving her erotic expectations of further invasions.

Alyse relished every sensation, especially the hardness of his male body rippling against her. His arousal was brash and unhidden, and the knowledge excited her. This man, whom she barely knew, whom she suspected of being some kind of modern-day pirate, thrilled her as no other man ever had. She was ready to relinquish any reservations and be carried away in his arms.

She longed for the adventure of being swept up to ecstasy by this handsome pirate, longed to feel his body naked and strong next to hers. Oh, how she wanted to tantalize and satisfy him with her body. She'd never felt quite like this before, wanting only to please the man who desired her.

But he pushed her away again. This time roughly.


"No. Don't say it, Alyse. Don't say another thing or I'll – God, I must be crazy!" He paused, breathing heavily. "Tomorrow I'll come and get you. We'll spend the day at the villa."

"But, Jake – "

"Look, Alyse, I don't want to mess up the business we have together."

"Business! It seems to me we're beyond business! We've gone beyond the first move, Jake. And I've made it."

He gripped her arms. "I told you, Alyse, I want only one thing out of this: a quiet ride back home. There are things about me you don't know and – "

"I don't care, Jake. Can't you see that?"

"Don't let your fantasy rule your head. There are things about me you would abhor." With more willpower than he'd ever exhibited, Jake wheeled around and walked away. He told himself there was a life at stake here. His! In the back of his mind he couldn't help wondering if he was risking hers now.

Yet another voice, the self-serving devil in him, rose to say he was absolutely crazy to leave her. She certainly wasn't afraid of any risks with him.

Alyse watched him stride purposefully down the pier. Then she swept inside the cabin and flung herself on the narrow bunk. Dammit! What had happened between them? What had gone wrong? He'd been strange all day. Coming on to her, then reacting coldly. Then the roughness. Why had he rejected her tonight when she had changed her mind? When she was ready.

As she calmed down, Alyse began to question her own actions, her own motives. What was wrong with her, throwing herself at this stranger as she had tonight? Her fantasies took over her logic. He was right. They did have important business together. And their deal shouldn't be muddied by a sexual relationship. That wouldn't help either of them.

Tomorrow was a new day. He would take her to the villa and prove his strange story. Soon they would be on their way. Simple as that.

Wasn't it?

Then why did she lie awake for hours, longing to feel Jake's arms around her again? The voice of her heart told her it had nothing at all to do with business.


It was nearly noon the next day before Jake came to pick her up. On the first leg of the journey they took a cab to the outskirts of town and disembarked at an old mission. There they joined a few tourists who were stumbling around the ancient ruins. Crumbling mud-brick walls attested to the age of the church and created an eerie background. Eventually Jake led her around to the rear, where he had parked a car.

"Get in. I'll drive the rest of the way." He motioned and quickly started the sedan's motor.

Alyse looked at him curiously. "What's this about, Jake? Another of your tourist games?"

"Why not?" He shrugged and tried to sound nonchalant, but there was an intensity about him that couldn't be shrugged away.

"Well, it seems a little silly, that's all," Alyse said. She waited for his explanation, but he was quietly concentrating on driving up the curvy mountain road. With a baffled frown she turned her attention to the spectacular view as they rose above the city. The clear waters of the bay sparkled like blue jewels glistening in the sunlight. It was a glorious sight, but Alyse couldn't stop worrying about Jake's mysterious actions.

It seemed he suspected they might be followed. Otherwise, why would he have taken such elaborate precautions merely driving from town to his aunt's private villa? But why would anyone follow them? And who? A government official who suspected he was about to leave the country with contraband? Unlikely, but that was his story. Who, besides family members, would know or care that his aunt was dying? And who would theorize that an American wanted to escape with an inheritance? Perhaps someone from the company could profit from his aunt Myra's death.

Alyse couldn't shake the feeling that Jake was hiding something else. But what? A million questions plagued her, but she decided to keep quiet and observe what happened. Maybe her intuition kept her from questioning Jake; maybe she was afraid of what she'd hear.

She glanced across at him as they trekked up the winding mountainous road! The man was definitely puzzling. He was a hottie today in a pale blue embroidered native shirt. He still wore jeans, though, and those elegant boots. The western attire seemed so natural on him; it convinced her at least that part of his story was true. His reddish-blond beard was growing thicker by the day and seemed to fit his rakish character, a pirate right out of Badass Bristol's fictional pages.


When they arrived, brick walls and an ornate wrought-iron gate marked the entrance to the fortress-like villa compound. With a casual wave to the gate-man they rolled inside the elegant arch beneath a magnificently scrolled name, "Viaje a Sol" Journey to the Sun. Jake parked beside an elegant two-story Spanish hacienda and gave Alyse an abbreviated tour of the rambling estate with its cool tiled floors and white-stuccoed walls. Each room had a beautiful view from a patio or balcony. The lower levels enjoyed lush, private courtyards with fragrant tropical flowers accenting small fountains.

Alyse was impressed with the beauty and wealth expressed in the villa. "Jake, this place is fabulous! How could you leave it?"

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