A Man to Remember (5 page)

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Authors: Mary Tate Engels

BOOK: A Man to Remember
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Suddenly she was alarmed at his tone, his frank words. Were they alike? She didn't think so. Even though she thought he was exciting, she felt the need to back away and evaluate what he'd proposed. What was it about this golden man who intrigued her. "No, thank you, Jake. I've had enough to drink tonight. And I have a lot to consider. Just walk with me back to the Skye Command."

They strolled along the shoreline in silence, like any American couple in Mexico. Distant laughter and lively music wafted invitingly to them. When they reached the pier, they could hear only the soft, sucking sounds of tiny waves lapping at the nearby boats. It was an enticing sound, a gentle tugging at the senses. Their shoes clacked on the wooden wharf, sometimes together, sometimes at odds.

Stopping before the Skye Command, Alyse held her breath. Should she agree right now to his bizarre plan? Or was it too risky? She looked up into his dark eyes, searching for answers.

Jake's eyes explored hers for only a split second, then clouded with bold desire. He knew only that he wanted this woman, had wanted her since he'd first set eyes on her. But she wasn't his to take. Not yet. Not now. He could ruin it all. . . .

Maybe… just one kiss . . . His lips lowered to taste hers, softness-to-softness, warmth-to-warmth. He held himself back from gripping her fiercely and penetrating her mouth as he wanted to do. It was just a touch, nothing more. The vibrant blending was brief, merely a sweet kiss that lasted a few moments. It was just a morsel of her, a temptation he could barely resist.

This woman was different. He could sense it. Although nothing had transpired between them, his wild and active imagination was thrown into overdrive. She rocked his entire body with one kiss. He was tense all over and wasn't sure how to react.

For that brief moment Alyse allowed the kiss. She had expected it from the look in his eyes. She knew he desired her. What she didn't expect was her own reaction to him. She wanted to part her lips for him, to invite his invasion. Her breasts ached with a sudden surge, and she wanted to arch against him, to feel his muscular body engulfing hers.

But she didn't dare.

He kissed her again. This time his tongue edged her lips, moistening them and teasing them open. Her tongue played against his momentarily, then gave way. Slowly, deliberately, he entered her lips, receded, then probed further. His hands cradled her face, and he murmured, "Oh, God, Alyse. . ."

She pulled back and whispered, "I thought you said this was strictly business."

"Right. You make the rules."

Oh, God, did he really mean that? Hell, yes! His life was at stake here! His hands dropped to his sides. He had to control himself. And resist her.

Her small right hand grasped his tightly and shook it. "It's been nice doing business with you, Mr. Bronson."

When she tried to remove her hand, he held on. His words were hot spurts of breath on her cheeks. "Tomorrow. Pichilinque Bay for shrimp tacos. A business lunch."

"More business?" Alyse caught a shaky breath. "Okay." Yes! Oh, dear God, yes! Again with Jake.

"Around eleven?"

She nodded, then clambered aboard the Skye Command. Why she was so shaky? And why had she agreed to go with him again tomorrow? And why she was so damned breathless right now. She leaned against the cabin door and gasped for air as if she'd been jogging for miles. The golden man did strange things to her.


Later, as Alyse settled in bed with her book, she couldn't concentrate on Bristol Bordeaux's adventures. She could think only of Jake Bronson, his strange story, and his even stranger request of her. . . And, oh God, the way his lips felt on hers and how he left her so breathless and weak.

She didn't know anything about him, didn't even know if she could believe him. She knew only that this golden stranger had mysterious and beautiful eyes that intrigued her. His mass of disheveled hair was tawny gold in the sunlight, darker at night. His chin and jaw-line were covered with a week's growth of a beard that was beginning to show reddish highlights. Viking ancestors, indeed. His hands were strong and warm, and she felt very safe when he touched her. How could she feel safe with a man she hardly knew?

Yet she knew she wanted Jake to touch her again. And kiss her . . .


Somewhere on Mexico's mainland two national soldiers talked in private.

"The suspect is missing, Captain."

"Are you sure? Have you checked everywhere?"

"Yes. He is gone."

"How long has it been?"

"At least two days, sir. Maybe a week."

"Damn! Why are you just now reporting this?"

"I wanted to make sure, Captain."

"What was his rank?"

"Just a soldier, sir. No rank."

"What about his family? Maybe he went home for a visit. Sometimes the men get lonely."

"We're checking now. It seems that he had no family."

"Just a man alone? Seems unlikely."

"Some men..."

"Only if he's guilty."

"We are searching. Maybe he left the country."

"Well, don't stand around talking about the situation. Find him, damn it!"

"Yes, Captain." The soldier saluted as he backed obediently out of the office.



Chapter Four


"You're positively giddy!" Alyse muttered to herself as she again peered through the long port window for sight of him.

She could hardly wait until Jake arrived. Remembering how he'd gawked at her yesterday on the beach, she purposely wore her red bikini under a sheer shirt with long sleeves. She checked her image in the cabin mirror. Alluring but not too, too revealing. Okay.

Alyse didn't know when she'd been as nervous over a man. Thoughts of Jake Bronson and what he did to her blood pressure when he looked at her that way made her as jittery as a cat on hot bricks. What if. . . what if she complied with his strange request to travel together? Yes, the man was intriguing, but was he telling the truth? There had to be some way to make sure he wasn't doing something illegal or dangerous. She had to remember that her goal was simply to bring the yacht safely around the 'horn' of the Baja, and back to the San Diego port.

What about the risks involved in this endeavor, legally and otherwise? From Jake's point of view, he was taking only what he deserved, his legacy from this aunt. Alyse could understand that… if it were true.

What would Bristol Bordeaux do in this situation? How would she respond to such a request? Then she smiled to herself. If Bristol wanted to travel with a man, especially such a hot, intriguing man as Jake, she would go.

Of course, badass Bristol packed a snug little Beretta and could take care of herself quite adequately.

Well, so could Alyse, and this was her chance to prove it. She didn't pack a gun, as Bristol did, but she'd play it safe. She'd keep her eyes open, watch him carefully, and use her intuition. Bristol often claimed her keen intuition was her best weapon, so Alyse would see how well hers worked.

Meantime, she would enjoy this intriguing little game with Jake Bronson.

At a quarter to eleven Jake appeared on the dock. Alyse waved from the aft cockpit, then came around the deck. He wore jeans low on his hips and a loose white knit sweater with deck shoes. Double sizzle!

"No boots?" Alyse laughed, and he did too.

"We Texans do have clothes for other occasions," he boasted with a devilish grin. "Not many, but we have them." He knew how ridiculous he'd looked yesterday on her boat with those damned boots. He had just worn them naturally without thinking.

She walked up on the forward deck and folded her arms while boldly assessing him. "You're hot, Mr. Bronson."

"You too, Ms. Skye. Ready for a great day?" He motioned for her to join him. "Come on. Our seafaring chariot awaits."

She looked at him quizzically. "I assumed we'd just take a cab out to the restaurant."

"Going by waterway is much more fun. I'll give you a free tour of the sights between here and Pichilinque. We might even find some of that treasure they say the pirates buried here two hundred years ago. Or pearls on the beach like Cortes did."

"Did he actually find pearls lying around in the sand?"

"So the legend goes."

"I've always loved the idea of a treasure hunt. But finding pearls on the beach is one I haven't heard." She hurried to lock the cabin, smiling to herself. Today promised to be even better than she anticipated.

When Alyse stepped onto the pier, Jake took her hand, and they strolled away like a couple of sweethearts. Alyse realized she was playing right into his hands, but she didn't care. Considering the way she felt last night after only one kiss, this was exactly where she wanted to be. In his hands . . . maybe in his arms . . .

Jake steered her toward a small motorboat tied to the end of the pier. "Here we are. A little Mexican picnic, a six-pack, and thou. Everything we'll need."

"What's a Mexican picnic?"

"You'll see."

"I thought we were going to a restaurant on Pichilinque Bay for grilled shrimp tacos."

"We will, later. But for now…" He motioned her aboard.

Alyse accepted his hand for balance and watched him as he pushed off. Jake was lean and golden, with swirls of curly hair adorning his bare legs and forearms, and his light growth of beard glistened red-gold in the sun. It gave him a bold, masculine appearance and reminded her of those pirates he'd mentioned.

As she settled aft, Alyse felt as though she were off adventuring with a modern day pirate of her own, a man equivalent to any Bristol had encountered. She tingled inside at the thought. Here she was, participating in her own fantasy.

Jake revved the motor to life and tried to concentrate on steering them out of the crowded harbor. But his mind was on Alyse. He'd touched only her hand today, but oh, God, did he ever want to touch more of her.

His hungry eyes watched those lithe, slender legs beneath the sheer shirt she wore. She sat almost primly with her knees and straight thighs together, but when she twisted around to gaze across the beautiful La Paz Bay, he could see through the shirt to that skimpy red bikini. Damn, she was sexy! He feasted on the tantalizing tanned skin between the red triangles of her suit. . . tanned skin he longed to explore.

With a strength born of frustration he gripped the tiller and the engine seemed to vibrate through his entire body – or was the nerve-racking vibration coming from being so close to her?

Alyse swung her knees back around and faced him. "Where are we going?"

Jake swallowed his erotic thoughts and forged a tight smile. "To tour the greater sights of La Paz Bay. Seal Island and Pelican Rock. Maybe we'll even find a peaceful, secluded cove for our picnic. And I brought along some snorkeling equipment in case you want to dive." He lifted a facemask from the pile of paraphernalia at his feet.

"Looks like you thought of everything, Jake. You really are serious about playing tourist, aren't you?"

"Any objections?"

She shook her head and grinned. "Course not. I think it's fun."

"Good. So do I." Jake forced his eyes away from the lovely, long-legged creature before him and scanned the brush-covered shores. A few days ago he couldn't imagine getting this close to the woman on the yacht. He'd never thought it would be this easy and so quickly accomplished. Taking a deep breath, he told himself it was a good omen. But even as he fantasized about Alyse, Jake's dark, brooding gaze continually combed the shorelines on both sides of the bay they traversed along.

No one was following him so far. But he was constantly cautious.

Actually Jake hadn't relaxed in months. Last week had been pure hell, always looking over his shoulder, always expecting the worse. If they weren't after him now, they would be soon. It had been eons since he'd just had fun—pure and simple fun with a woman who enjoyed the same things he did.

With Alyse he felt a renewal of excitement again. Oh, hell, he felt like a man about to have an affair with a beautiful woman. And Alyse looked like a woman about to agree. Hell, that could only help his mission.

When they left for California . . . yes when, no doubts about it, he had already decided they should pose as a couple. That would be most convincing in any Mexican patrol checks. Therefore, the more romantically involved they were in actuality, the more convincing the charade.

He caught her eyes and pointed to the large volcanic rock jutting out in the middle of the blue bay. "Pelican Rock."

"Why is it white instead of black like the others?" she asked.

"At night it's completely covered with roosting pelicans. They're indiscreet."

She laughed and wrinkled her nose prettily. The warm wind whipped her hair around her face and billowed the shirt away from her body. She raised her arm and shaded her eyes. The shirt lifted above the bottom of her bikini, revealing trim thighs coming to an enticing V. It was a day for enjoyment, and Alyse Skye seemed to be enjoying every glorious moment.

So was Jake. He felt white-hot heat spread through his loins.

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