A Man Called Destruction: The Life and Music of Alex Chilton, From Box Tops to Big Star to Backdoor Man (48 page)

BOOK: A Man Called Destruction: The Life and Music of Alex Chilton, From Box Tops to Big Star to Backdoor Man
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“All the other boys”
HGW interview with Adele Brown Tyler.

“Alex was nothing like”
O’Brien, written remembrance of AC.

“Alex had a big four-poster bed”
HGW interview with Bill Buffett.

“We stayed up all night”
HGW interview with Jobe.

“Alex was the person”

“He had the kids”
HGW interview with George Klein.

“He was trying really hard”
HGW interview with Carole Ruleman Manning.

“Alex and I were amorous”
HGW interview with Leffler.

“I was renting a tiny”
HGW interview with Buffett.

“I kind of had a crush”
HGW interview with Adele Brown Tyler.

Chapter 5: From Moondog to Deville

“The first time I ever saw Alex”
HGW interview with Gary Talley.

“Ronnie was incredibly arrogant”
HGW interview with Russ Caccamisi.

“black as hell”
Cub Koda, “Alex Chilton: My Dinner with Alex,”

“There was a dress code”
Jud Cost,
The Letter
liner notes.

“I didn’t care for”
Bruce Eaton interview with AC.

“We were as much wooing”
HGW interview with Caccamisi.

“enormous macho guys”
New Music News,

“There was probably a group”
HGW interview with Pat Rainer.

“an explosive temper”
HGW interview with Danny Smythe.

“There were cliques”
HGW e-mail interview with Dixie Thompson.

“I was getting laid”
Koda, ”My Dinner with Alex.”

“We told Alex”
HGW interview with Caccamisi.

“due to his talent for gambling”
Jim Dickinson,
The Search for Blind Lemon.

“Everything I ever knew”
HGW interview with Wayne Carson Thompson.

“I wanted to produce a hit record”
HGW interview with Dan Penn.

“We worked out the chords”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“I was a little hung over”

“He was the darnedest thing”
The Letter
liner notes.

“We had a big room”
HGW interview with Penn.

“We set up”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“The guitar player”
HGW interview with Penn.

“After Dan got all the instruments”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“Alex was one of the few”
HGW interview with Penn.

Chapter 6: America’s Youngest Hitmaker

“I guess my life”
Gina Arnold, “Ex Box Top Bounces Back as Rock Legend,”
San Francisco Chronicle

“When we cut it”
HGW interview with Dan Penn.

“The Memphis Strings were a little sloppy”
Roben Jones,
Memphis Boys: The Story of American Studios

“That was a big part”
HGW interview with Penn.

“We hadn’t really worked up”
HGW interview with Russ Caccamisi.

“never had to crack a book”
Cub Koda, “Alex Chilton: My Dinner with Alex,”

“We worried”
HGW interview with Caccamisi.

“Somewhere around that time frame”
HGW interview with Paul Jobe.

“I think he paid us $900”
Memphis Boys

“Our manager”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“We were talking about”
HGW interview with Caccamisi.

“I went in again”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“Nobody was happy”
HGW interview with Caccamisi.

“My dad said”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“We weren’t too happy”
HGW interview with Danny Smythe.

Management “was scared”
HGW interview with George Klein.

“It had a great feel”

“We were driving”
Jud Cost,
The Letter
liner notes.

“Dan got pissed off”
Robert Gordon,
It Came from Memphis

“Dan was just very frustrated”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“Tommy was a great guy”
Jim Dickinson,
The Search for Blind Lemon.

“My dad had played some gigs”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“I was right up close”
HGW interview with Bill Buffett.

“I remember thinking”
HGW interview with Adele Brown Tyler.

“Sometime in August”
Bruce Eaton interview with AC.

Chapter 7: On the Road

“I liked the Box Tops”
HGW interview with Jerry Blavat.

“keeping me a little bit in line”
Parke Puterbaugh interview with AC, 1987.

“thought it was a regional hit”
HGW interview with Gary Talley.

“I’d never met any hippies”

“He had a fifth of booze”

“Jim Morrison turned around”
HGW interview with Danny Smythe.

“Suzi was a sweetheart”
HGW interview with Marc Benno.

“Suzi was part of the hippie commune”
HGW interview with Talley.

“This was my backdrop”
HGW e-mail interview with Chris Paul.

“We would tape it on Saturday”
Sarah Crump, “Noted Rock Agent, Radio DJ David Spero Shares Memories of His Entertainment Career,”

“a giant cereal bowl”
Cost liner notes,

“I remember the first gig”
Cub Koda, “Alex Chilton: My Dinner with Alex,”

“The Beach Boys liked us”
Parke Puterbaugh interview with AC, 1987.

“the recordings were so manipulated”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“I didn’t go for that material”

“As we were pulling away”
HGW interview with Talley.

“The phone rang at our hotel”
HGW interview with Louise Leffler.

“We discovered”
HGW interview with Smythe.

“We did all three”

“We stayed in different motels”
HGW interview with Talley.

“The thing about Alex”
HGW interview with Smythe.

“Though Alex was the youngest”
HGW interview with Talley.

“By the time I quit”
HGW interview with Smythe.

Chapter 8: Nonstop

“People talk about 1968”
Bruce Eaton interview with AC.

“‘The Letter’ was upbeat”
HGW interview with Dan Penn.

“Dan called me one day”
HGW interview with Spooner Oldham.

“Alex and the musicians”
HGW interview with Penn.

“I was frustrated”
HGW interview with Oldham.

“It was laying around”
HGW interview with Reggie Young.

“When they got a real good song”
HGW interview with Penn.

“Ardent had a brighter sound”
Roben Jones,
Memphis Boys: The Story of American Studios

“a certain yearning bluesy quality”
Lester Bangs, “The Box Tops:
Dimensions, Nonstop, Super Hits
Rolling Stone

“Memphis pop production at its best”
Jim Dickinson,
The Search for Blind Lemon

“At American, there was no clock”
HGW interview with Young.

“Whatever I asked him to do”
HGW interview with Penn.

“Dan didn’t have his finger”
Cub Koda, “Alex Chilton: My Dinner with Alex,”

“He and I always got along”
Memphis Boys

“Dick Clark seemed really interested”
HGW interview with Gary Talley.

“They placed him”
Jud Cost,
Cry Like a Baby
liner notes (2000).

“The Box Tops”
Mark Lindsay,
Cry Like a Baby
original LP liner notes (1968).

“For years I tried to cut a song”
HGW interview with Mark Lindsay.

“I was just too busy for 1968”
Eaton interview with AC.

Chapter 9: “I Slept with Charlie Manson”

“Here I am at the top”
Gina Arnold, “Ex Box Top Bounces Back as Rock Legend,”
San Francisco Chronicle.

“I remember being amazed”
Michael O’Brien written remembrance of AC.

“I don’t know that anybody’s prepared to handle fame”
Parke Puterbaugh interview with AC, 1987.

“We’d get together”
HGW interview with Paul Jobe.

“It became the main hangout”
HGW interview with Gordon Alexander.

“I’d only known Alex”

“This was when I was really starting to get serious”
Cub Koda, “Alex Chilton: My Dinner with Alex,”

Alex told one friend
Bruce Eaton interview with AC.

“I’d never seen that many groupies”
Puterbaugh interview with Thomas Boggs.

“I stayed at Dennis’s house”
Koda, “My Dinner with Alex.”

“the whole Manson family moved in”

“got wind of that”
Neil Strauss,
Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead

“Suzi was laid-back”
HGW interview with Jobe.

“I never saw or heard them argue”
HGW interview with Alexander.

“Chips Moman came in”
Puterbaugh interview with AC, 1987.

“He loved this . . . Dylan song”
HGW interview with Wayne Carson Thompson.

“I think Chips saw that I had some potential”
HGW interview with Gary Talley.

“My biggest disappointment”

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