A Lifetime to Find Love (12 page)

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Authors: Ava Riley

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: A Lifetime to Find Love
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She cupped his firm bottom and pulled him deeper, her legs still wrapped around him.  She couldn’t get enough of him.  His mouth devoured hers as his body consumed her.  The rhythm of their bodies increased harder, faster until they both were going over the edge into an abyss.  Their orgasms hit simultaneously. Both of them screamed out each other’s names as Cade pulled out just before he spent himself inside her. His seed spilled onto her belly and she loved the feel of it against her skin.  He pressed his body against hers, kissing her mouth ever so gently, a stark contrast against the moment they just shared. Their bodies were slick with sweat and Cade’s semen. 


Being mindful of his weight, Cade rolled off of her, pulling her on top of him.  He couldn’t bring himself to release her just yet wanting to keep her as close as he could.  He had just felt the most amazing connection with Tessa.  Something he had never imagined in a lifetime he would experience.  The release he experienced was like no other he’d had prior to tonight, but it wasn’t just his release that made his heart clench.  It wasn’t even the physical connection he felt between them, but a connection of their hearts, minds, and souls.  For the first time during a sexual experience, he truly understood what it meant to make love to someone.  He planned on enjoying this experience over and over with Tessa.  Laying there in the dark, the only sound their shallow breathing, Cade felt true contentment and he wanted that feeling to last for as long as Tessa would have him. 


She couldn’t think. Tessa couldn’t form one coherent thought or sentence.  She could only feel and everything felt right as she laid there with her head against Cade’s chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat.  His breathing was erratic, her breathing not much more stable.  She felt amazing.  The world outside her bedroom didn’t exist, only she and Cade.  Here, in her bedroom, lying in his arms was where she belonged, where they belonged and she reveled in it.


Chapter 13




Tessa woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon.  Her body was wonderfully sore and in places she wasn’t aware were capable of ever being sore.  Her and Cade spent hours making love last night, neither of them seemed to be able to get enough of the other.  She slowly rolled to her back and stretched her muscles.  As sore as she was, she felt incredible.  Amazing was not a sufficient word to describe her night with Cade or how she felt in this instant.  Looking at the clock on the bedside table, she was shocked to see that it was already past ten.  She grabbed the green robe that hung from her bedpost, made a quick stop at the bathroom, and wandered into the kitchen.  Cade was leaning next to the counter and Tessa couldn’t keep the smile in her heart from making its way to her lips.  Not only was he in here making breakfast, but he was doing it with nothing on but an apron.  And he made the apron look sexy as hell.  Cade cocked his head to the side smiling at her.  That smile was going to be her undoing.  Just that simple gesture caused liquid to pool between her thighs as her cheeks flushed from thoughts of all the naughty wonderful things they did to each other last night.   She could definitely get used to this. Waking up after long hours of love making, to a naked man making her breakfast. Of course not just any naked man, but this naked man.


“Good morning beautiful.” Cade walked over and placed a cup of coffee in her hands as he leaned down brushing a kiss on her forehead.


“If you keep this up, Cade, you’re going to spoil me so much that you’ll never be able to get rid of me.”


“Well, maybe that’s my plan.”  He winked at her then went back to the stove.  “How do you like your eggs?”


“Cade, you really didn’t need to do this.  Last night was more than I could ever ask for.  I do, however, love your choice of cooking attire.”


He strolled over to the table where Tessa sat. He bent his head, bunched his fist into her hair and took possession of her mouth. 


“If you think last night was the beginning and the end, Tess. Then I think I need to take you back to bed and convince you otherwise.  Now, how would you like your eggs?”


“Can I have them in bed?” she said with a wicked smile and a swat on his ass.


Cade turned his hungry eyes on her. “Oh, there will be plenty of time for that later, but I must feed you first.  We have to keep up your energy.”


“Cade McCarthy, you are going to be the death of me.  I’d like my eggs over easy, please.”


As Cade turned to walk back to the counter, Tessa couldn’t help but reach out and grab the firm bottom that was guarded by only apron strings.  She absolutely loved having her hands on that tight ass. 


Cade just shook his head and went to work on finishing breakfast for them.  When he had awoken next to Tessa this morning he was amazed at how comfortable he felt laying in bed beside her.  He never spent the night with women. Tessa was the only one he had actually spent an entire evening with only to wake the next morning with.  He hadn’t thought about what the morning would bring when he fell asleep with her in his arms the night before.  She’d fallen asleep before he had and he spent most of the night watching her.  As she lay there in his arms, her face flushed from the hours spent making love and her hair a tangled mess, his only thoughts had been that he couldn’t tear himself away from her for one second.  It felt so right to be with her.  Although he’d gotten very little sleep,  he felt revived as if he’d just got a good nine hours of solid rest.  He had planned on waking her when he slipped from the bed, but she looked so peaceful, so he had let her sleep.  It was while he was in the shower that he had decided to make her breakfast.  He wanted to make sure she knew he wanted all of her, heart and soul, not just her body.   The night they had was amazing, but it wasn’t all he wanted.  Maybe he would be asking too much too soon.  He didn’t care. He was willing to put it all out there for her.  Breakfast would only be the beginning.


As Cade finished up with breakfast, Tessa couldn’t take her eyes off him.  He’d already spoiled her the night before in so many wonderful ways. Cade’s attentions were causing her to feel a little overwhelmed,  but incredibly happy at the same time.  Their relationship didn’t have that weird
get to know you
phase.    That awkwardness from the normal morning after routine and dealing with someone after having sex with them on the first date was missing; maybe because they had known each other for so long, or because of the chemistry that was evident between them.  She didn’t really want to put too much thought into the whys, but would enjoy the gift standing in her kitchen.    Normally, she would be so self conscious about her frazzled morning appearance and morning breath, but when Cade had looked at her with that hunger in his eyes as she walked into the kitchen, it all seemed futile.  Just with his eyes, he made her feel as though she were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, bed head and all.  She sat there smiling like she had the IQ of a three year old watching him while her thoughts rambled on and on.


“What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked, placing their plates on the table.


“Nothing you’d be interested in hearing, I’m sure.  This smells wonderful.  You know, if you haven’t figured it out, the way to my heart is really through my stomach.”


Caressing the inside of her thigh he said, “Wow, after last night I would never have guessed that.  I figured the way to your heart was -


“Cade!  Let’s not go there,” she said, shaking her head.  She really was hungry and didn’t have the strength at the moment to fight off the temptation that sat across from her stroking her thigh.


“Baby, I plan on going there a lot.”


He dragged out that last word as if to emphasize his meaning, then quickly picked up his fork and began to eat, rarely taking his eyes off of her.   Tessa dug into her breakfast as well and was quite surprised at how good it tasted.  She had not expected Cade to be a good cook, but this was absolutely wonderful.  This man was going to have her hooked in no time at all, as if she weren’t already.  Not only was he incredible in bed, he was incredible in the kitchen.  He took a simple meal of eggs and bacon and made it exquisite.  Before Tessa could get the last bite off her fork, Cade grabbed their plates, rinsed them and placed them into the dishwasher.  He swept her up out of her chair, bringing her up to his mouth so that he could thoroughly kiss her.  Lowering her until her feet touched the floor, he quickly turned her to usher her out of the kitchen.


“Cade, what are you doing?”


“I made plans for us today. You need to get showered and get ready.”


“What plans?  And what about clothes for you?  You don’t even have any clothes here other than what you wore last night.  Which by the way, I’m really sorry about the button.”


“One, don’t worry about the shirt.  I’d let you ruin every shirt I own for as many nights as I could have like last night.  Two, you need to hurry and get ready so we can swing by my place so that I can get some clean clothes.  And three, I thought we’d take a drive up the coast.  The view is absolutely beautiful and there is a terrific restaurant I’d love to take you to.  Of course, the view won’t be as beautiful as the woman standing in front of me and nothing will taste as good as what I tasted last night.”


Tessa felt the color burn into her cheeks and liquid heat pool between her legs. Cade truly was going to be the death of her.  He gently brushed at her cheek with his knuckles. 


“I love when you do that.”


“Do what?”  A shiver ran down her spine as he caressed her cheek.


“When your cheeks darken with color, that’s when I know I could sweep you off your feet and have my wicked way with you,” he said as he leaned into her.


“Oh, you think so?”  She pushed at his chest.


“Mmmhmm, now go get in the shower before I have to carry you in there myself,” he said, as he swatted her backside.


Tessa just stood there staring at him.  A part of her really wanted him to carry her into the shower.  There were so many wicked, erotic images running through her mind of what they could do in that small shower.  And she wanted to try every one of them.


“Tess, I see on your face what’s going on in your mind.  And as much as I would love to take you up on those things, I really do want to take you for a drive.”


“Wow. Are you really turning me down?  Cade McCarthy, turning down sex?”


“Baby, I would never turn down sex with you unless I had a good reason.  And not wanting to miss our reservation is a good reason.  So, yes, I am turning down sex, but just at this particular moment.  Later, I will be making up for what we let pass now,” he said, with a wink and another swat on her backside as he guided her to the bathroom.


“Great sex,” Tessa said as she opened the bathroom door.




“We have great sex, Cade.  Not just sex.”  And with that she closed the door before he could respond. 


Chapter 14




After a quick stop at Cade’s for him to change into clean clothes they made their way up the coast.   Tessa couldn’t get over the view.  Cade was not lying when he said the drive was beautiful.  Lined with the most amazing views of the ocean and hillsides, she was in a photographer’s heaven .


With the music turned down low enough to where they could still hear it, but it not interfering with their conversation, they reminisced about their childhood together.  Well, it was more about his childhood with Rowan and her view of it as they grew up. Several times along the way, Cade pulled over at certain spots that he favored and Tessa took the opportunity to shoot some photographs.  The weather, a perfect seventy-two degrees with a slight breeze and an incredible deep blue sky allowed Tessa to get some magnificent photos.  Because the brilliant color of the sky, the clouds looked an incredible stark white, they reminded her of big cotton balls.  The sun’s reflection off the water made everything sparkle and she couldn’t help but be enthralled by the beauty of it all. She lived in California practically her whole life and never once took this drive up the coast.  Experiencing it for the first time with Cade, made it even more special.


Cade had never realized until today the joy that her photography brought Tessa.  Not until he saw her face light up each time he stopped so that she could take pictures.  The first time he’d pulled over was to show her one of his favorite areas along the coast, but when he saw the complete bliss on her face as she pulled out her camera, he realized he wanted to see that look a million times over and there wasn’t anything that compared to her joy.  There was so much about Tessa he realized also that he didn’t know, even though he’d been around her most of her life.  He’d always seen her with her camera and always thought it was just a job for her, something to pay the bills.  Today, however, he realized that it was more than that.  Tessa saw the world completely different from everyone else.  Where everyone else saw the bigger picture of what was laid out in front of them, Tessa saw in frames.  She saw what the lens showed her, not what the world was showing her.  She was at home behind the camera; showing others what their surroundings truly looked like.  A few times she had shown him a picture she was particularly proud of and when Cade had looked from the camera to the actual area of what she had shot, he saw the beauty he hadn’t seen at first glance. 

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