Read A Kiss Remembered Online

Authors: Sandra Brown

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A Kiss Remembered (11 page)

BOOK: A Kiss Remembered
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“Yes?” she said, whirling around to face him before her name had completely left his lips.

His eyes roamed her face, lingering a long time on her mouth. “Nothing,” he said with a sigh. “Is it all right if we work Friday night? I have a department meeting Thursday evening.”


“See you then.”

“Is that rain?”

Grant rose from his deep chair and crossed to the window, sliding open one panel of louvers. “Yes. It’s raining hard.”

“It was cold when I came in this evening.”

She had almost been late. That afternoon her honors sorority had hosted a tea for the women on the faculty. She’d stayed afterward to help with the cleanup and, since she was running late, had walked to Grant’s duplex. It was closer than the lot where she had parked her car earlier in the day.

She had arrived out of breath, still wearing her gray georgette blouse under a tailored slate-blue suit. “Did someone just get married?” he had quipped when he answered her knock. He was wearing the jeans that seemed to be his uniform while at home and a gold crew-neck sweater.

They had worked silently for hours. Now, with the stack of exams they were grading almost done, Shelley had raised her head when she heard the patter of rain on the roof two stories overhead.

“Would you like a fire? You’ve had your feet curled up under you for the past hour and I know how cold they can get.”

His words were a poignant reminder of the night in the library when his own hands had warmed her feet. Their eyes held for an instant before she looked at the fireplace wistfully. “You shouldn’t bother. There are only a few exams left to grade and then it’ll be time for me to go.”

“No bother,” he said, kneeling down to the grate to arrange the firewood and kindling that had previously been stored on the hearth.

While he coaxed the wood into flame, Shelley read through two more exams, making notations in the margins. She was concentrating on an indecipherable essay when the overhead light suddenly went out, plunging the room into darkness, save for the light from the fireplace.

She raised her head and saw Grant just lowering his hand from the light switch on the wall. In the flickering light he appeared larger, stronger, more masculine than ever. The firelight touched the planes of his face and cast the hollows into deep shadow. The stark contrast made his expression impossible to read, but the predatory gait with which he walked toward her announced his intent.

She unfolded her legs and put her stockinged feet on the floor as though preparing to run. “I’ve got one more exam to grade,” she said tremulously.

“It can wait. I can’t. I’ve already waited ten years.”

He stood in front of the deep easy chair which had been her station all night. The reflection of the flames danced in the depths of his eyes as she lifted her head to look at him. He brought his hand up to brush a vagrant strand of dark hair from her brow. His fingers cupped her jaw; his thumb stroked her cheek, which was unusually warm and rosy.

Her eyes closed when his thumb brushed over her mouth. Her lips parted under his gentle persuasion and the pad of his thumb ventured between her teeth to touch her tongue. Wet with the nectar of her own mouth, his thumb bathed her bottom lip.

Her breath caught in her lungs when his hands moved down her throat to rest against its base. He pressed each fingertip into the hollow triangle there while his thumb paid homage to the delicacy of her collarbone.

A delicious lethargy seemed to seep into her body through his fingers and she luxuriated in it. How could she be held responsible for what might happen when his touch rendered her helpless?

But the languor was dispelled when his index finger began to trace the collar of her blouse to its deep “V.” She opened her eyes wide to meet his. One look into his face and all caution, restraint and inhibition were forgotten.

His face was a study of desire. His eyes glowed with passion. Through his lips, his uneven breath whispered like a love tribute to the woman his hands were honoring. One was gently supporting the back of her head as she gazed up at him, while the other was marveling over the silkiness of her skin.

Her heart stopped beating only to begin racing when his hand paused at the first button on her blouse. He waited, savoring the moment, the firelight, the rain, the transported look on her face. Then his fingers released the fabric-covered button from its loop. He pressed her heart, as if to catch each throbbing beat in his palm.

The second button fell away under his deft manipulation, yet neither of them moved. Each was transfixed as they continued to stare at each other.

At first it was only the tip of his index finger that glided along the lace border of her gray satin slip. Then three others joined it, charting the swell of her breasts beneath the lace. His harsh breathing matched her own. She smiled tentatively, and he returned the smile, but it relieved none of the intensity on his face.

He feathered the side of her breast with trailing fingers that curved to the underside. He tested her fullness in the palm of his hand. Even though his other hand still held it, her head fell back and her throat arched. A low moan of pleading escaped her lips. He kept her waiting no longer.

He maneuvered the satin strap of her slip down into her sleeve far enough so that he could pull away the lacy fabric covering her. For a long while he looked at her— ivory infused with a glowing life of its own. His soft exclamation of delight brought her eyes open again.

With infinite care he touched her, marveling over the round plumpness that was deceptively small beneath her clothes, but which filled his hand. He circled the swollen nipple, then aroused her still further by tenderly rolling it between his fingers. A sound that was half sigh, half sob came out of her throat and she leaned forward. Frantically she groped for a handhold to keep her on the world, to keep her from flying out into space.

Her hand buried itself under his sweater and four fingers dug past the waistband of his jeans, gripping the denim between them and her thumb on the outside. She rested her forehead against his stomach and moved it back and forth as he performed his sweet torment on her breast. His hand, cupped behind her head, pressed her closer.

“Grant, Grant,” she repeated in a sexual cadence matching the tempo of his caressing fingertips. Her slip had worked down beneath her breasts. His hand roamed seemingly without direction, yet touched her in such a way that wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. “Please …” she panted. Her hand tugged, trying to pull him down.

Finally he knelt beside her. He held her face between his palms and drew it close to his. “Shelley, I love you.” His sweet, hot breath struck her lips. “There’ll be no stopping me.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want you to stop.”

With hands sure and eager, she clasped his head and drew him down to her breast. He kissed the lush, fragrant flesh with abandon, dropping ardent, damp kisses at random. When his mouth fastened on her nipple and suckled gently, she arched her back instinctively. His hand slid around her, found the groove of her spine and urged her upward and forward.

When his primary, savage hunger had been satisfied, he finessed her more tenderly, plucking at her softly with his lips, then laving her with his tongue. Her hands gloried in his thick dark hair, weaving it between her fingers. She stroked his temples and cheekbones with her thumbs.

He kissed his way up to her mouth and made love to it. Tongues battled, conquered, submitted.

“May I undress you?” he asked against the velvet spot beneath her ear.


He pulled the tangled blouse from her shoulders and brought the slip to her waist. Slowly he stood and raised her with him. He unbuttoned her skirt, undid the zipper, and both skirt and slip drifted to the floor. He helped her to step free of them. His eyes traveled down her torso and his hands followed their lead.

He closed them over her breasts, not with passion, but with reverence, and kissed her sweetly on the mouth before he lowered himself to his knees again. Her panty hose were tinted gray and had a sheer lacy panty. He kissed her through the lace.

When he lowered the garment, he placed his lips directly against her skin and his longing increased to such a pitch that he nearly shredded the hosiery getting it down her legs and off her feet.

Reining in his desire, he treated himself to a visual feast. She smoothed his brows with loving fingers as he took in every inch of her flesh, touching her at will, kissing, tasting. He leaned forward and nuzzled the delta of her womanhood.

“Grant,” she gasped softly. He stood at once and lifted her in his arms, navigating the spiral staircase with ease.

He set her down next to the bed and flung back the covers. Smoldering lust and tender love combatted in his eyes as he laid her on the bed. With a brazenness she didn’t know she possessed, for it had never manifested itself before, she propped herself up on one elbow to watch as he rid himself of his clothes.

As his brief underwear was peeled down his muscled thighs and calves she stared in fascination at his bold virility. He came to her slowly, not rushing, not wanting to frighten her.

Thus he was surprised when she said, “You’re beautiful, Grant. Beautiful.” Shy fingers reached out to touch his hard thigh. Then she leaned forward and kissed him, tentatively at first, then with an aggression that robbed him of breath, of thought, of life.

“My God, Shelley.” Falling on the bed to lie beside her, he cradled her against him. The pressure of his hand on the small of her back urged her against him. The softness of her belly absorbed the strength of his desire and they pulsed together.

He stroked down her thigh with a leisure that brought a murmur of entreaty to her lips. He captured them with his own as his hand lovingly separated her thighs and touched the heart of her femininity.

His caress was tender and adoring. As it became more curious her arms tightened around his neck. Her breath was a soft wind in his ear as she sobbed joyfully, “I can’t believe this is happening. Is it just another dream? Oh, God, don’t let it be.”

“It’s real, my darling. You’re real. Dear and precious and so very much a woman.”

A gasp tore through her throat when he touched her in a way she’d never been touched before. Her heart and soul and mind expanded until they burst into a sparkling shower of light. “Grant—” she called, trying to pull him on top of her.

“No, my love,” he whispered against her neck. “We share everything equally from the beginning.”

His words meant nothing to her fogged brain then. All she knew was the glory of his hand sliding under the curve of her hips to bring her upward to receive his loving thrust. She took all of him, lifting her thigh over his and pressing him into her innermost self. She was washed with his fire. And what had happened but once in her life only seconds before, happened again, more sublime, more meaningful than the first time because he was inside her.

With their bodies still fused together, they lay in breathless repletion. Her hair was a damp silken skein that blanketed his chest. His hand idly caressed the contours of her back.

“Grant,” she whispered, hesitant to interrupt this moment of bliss, “do you believe in fairy tales?”

He breathed deeply and she felt him awakening again, stirring within her body. “Not until tonight.”


rant studied the bite of scrambled egg on his fork and said contemplatively, “You haven’t ever asked.”

Shelley cocked her head to one side and looked at him quizzically. “About what?”

He chewed slowly for a moment, swallowed, took a sip of coffee, then said, “You’ve never once asked about Missy Lancaster and me.”

She glanced down at her own empty plate. She didn’t remember when food had tasted so good or when she’d been so hungry. After they had shared a shower, she’d wrapped herself in his royal blue velour robe. The garment, which hit him mid-thigh, came to the top of her knees. She’d prevailed on him to dress only in pajama bottoms.

Now, lifting her eyes to him across the first breakfast they’d shared, she was again awed by how handsome he was. His hair was still damp from the shower. His cheeks were smooth from the recent shave. The hair on his torso curled and swirled in a pattern that continued to intrigue her though she’d traced it time and again during the night with slumbrous eyes and languid fingers. She recalled vividly the salty taste of the fine sheen of perspiration that covered him each time they made love. Her tongue had lifted it off his skin with dainty licks while he murmured love words and threaded his fingers through her hair.

The look she greeted him with now was warm and drowsy with remembrance. “It wasn’t important to me to know. Nothing you did or could have done would have changed the way I feel about you. I thought that if you wanted me to know, you’d tell me without my having to ask.”

He set his ironstone coffee cup in the matching saucer and reached across the table to cover her hands with his. “I have no idea what kind of lover Missy Lancaster was. I was never—never, Shelley—her lover. She was in love with someone else.”

She digested this slowly. “Were you in love with
?” A ribbon of jealousy wound around her, squeezing her tight. She didn’t want to know, but she had to know.

He smiled slightly and shook his head. “No. We were never more than friends. I’ve wished a thousand times I hadn’t been such a good friend. Maybe if I hadn’t been, she’d be alive.” At her bewildered expression, he said, “Let me clarify. Missy was having an affair with a congressman. He was young, handsome, prominent, politically visible … and married, with three young children.”

Shelley’s frown revealed her opinion of the unnamed congressman.

“Exactly,” Grant said, interpreting her expression correctly. “I thought her affections were misplaced, but she was crazy about this guy. Anyway”—he sighed—“when I joined Senator Lancaster’s staff and met Missy, we developed a friendship. Grudgingly I consented to escort her to a reception where she was to meet her lover. After he’d commissioned someone to drive his wife home because ‘something urgent had come up,’ he sneaked Missy off to their rendezvous.”

BOOK: A Kiss Remembered
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