A Kink in Her Tails (5 page)

Read A Kink in Her Tails Online

Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Short Stories, #BDSM, #Fiction

BOOK: A Kink in Her Tails
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Eve’s cautious nature was coming to the fore and making her very nervous. She worried about a million and one different things so that she wouldn’t have to worry about the one big thing. Did she love Simon enough to marry him?

Would he ask?

Could she spend the rest of her life with him? Would she lose something if they became a married couple?

She’d seen so many of her friends divorce. Too many. She’d seen other women become a shadow of their husbands. Losing their own identity to his. Giving up their jobs to stay at home with the kids, and giving up their own rights to their own lives as a result.

Her worries had led her upstairs to Adele’s kitchen, where the two women shared a companionable cup of coffee.

“So you see why I’m scared to death,” confessed Eve.

“I do. I also see it’s a bit silly of you,” said Adele calmly, watching Eve as she fidgeted.

Eve sighed. “Yeah. You’d think I was fifteen instead of twenty-seven.” She swirled her cup around. “I do love him, Adele. I really do. But loving someone and then saying well that’s enough for us to spend the rest of our lives together…that’s a big jump.”

“Actually, it’s a big leap of faith.” Adele smiled at Eve. “Don’t forget who you’re talking to here. I know what it’s like to make that leap, and I know what it’s like to fall.” Eve bit her lip, not wanting to cause her friend any discomfort. “I’m sorry, Adele. If this is not a good subject for you…”

“No, no. Don’t be silly. Water under the bridge as far as I’m concerned. Maybe my perspective can help a little.” She leaned back in her chair, balancing on the two back feet.

“Tell me this, Eve. Do you trust Simon?”

“Well, of course.”

“I mean
trust him?”

“With my life.”

“How about with your body?”

“Excuse me?” Eve frowned.

“I mean do you trust him enough to relinquish control of your body to him?” Eve thought for a moment. “You mean like be submissive to him?”

“Yep. You visited those Internet sites we talked about, didn’t you?” Eve grinned, remembering the research she’d surreptitiously done after she’d received her mystery flogger. “Yeah. Interesting stuff.”

“It is interesting. And often revealing. You say you love Simon, but don’t know if you are able to commit to a lifetime together. You’re afraid. Perhaps the issue here isn’t so much one of love, but one of trust.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

Adele sighed. “I’m not really sure I do, either. I just know that for a good marriage there has to be trust as well as love. Along with respect and all the other nice stuff. You can’t know what he’s feeling, but you can find out what you’re feeling. Find out whether you trust him enough to let him control you.”

“You mean like pass him my flogger and say here, beat me if you want to?”

“Not quite.” Adele chuckled. “It doesn’t work that way. Or it shouldn’t.” Eve sighed her relief. “Well, good. I don’t believe in handing someone a loaded gun and saying go ahead and shoot me with it.”

“But that’s just it. You do need to trust Simon enough to hand him a ‘loaded gun.’ Could you do that?” Eve’s mind whirled. Could she?

Could she hand her body over to him? Completely?

She gazed down into her coffee cup, not seeing the liquid or the china or her hands gripping it firmly.

She saw Simon’s eyes. Calm, smiling, loving, on fire with passion, his eyes had never shown her anger or temper. Even when they argued, and they’d had some really amazingly intense arguments, she’d never seen his eyes darken into fury.

She realized at that moment that she did trust him. She trusted him to love her. And
was the defining thought.

She looked up from her cup and smiled at Adele.

“Yes. Yes I could give him a loaded gun. I trust him and I do believe, all the way down to my toes, that he loves me and wouldn’t ever hurt me.”

Adele smiled back. “You’re on your way, girl.”



“Adele, you remember those Internet websites?” Eve’s eyebrow rose in a wicked curve.


“Would you help me arrange a welcome for Simon tomorrow night? A really

* * * * *

The apartment building was quiet as Simon pulled his suitcase from the elevator and headed for his front door. He wanted desperately to go straight to Eve’s and just bury himself in her, putting the last few days of annoying business meetings behind him, but he’d had his instructions.

Yesterday the cryptic emails had begun and his curiosity was now completely aroused, along with something else that had been bumping his shorts whenever he thought about his messages.

The first had been pretty straightforward.

I’m looking forward to you being home, and I think I’m going to plan a special welcome for you.

Would my place be OK? [email protected]

Well, of course. Her place, his place, the back stairwell, anywhere would be just fine. As long as it involved him and Eve, naked. He’d grinned and spent the next couple of hours mildly distracted at contemplating what a “special” welcome might entail.

At lunchtime he’d checked his email.

I’ve been thinking long and hard about you. Not difficult seeing as there’s much that’s long and
hard about you that I adore. LOL. Will you do me a favor and go to your place first? Shower,
change, then come to me about seven o’clock? The welcome should be ready by then

[email protected]

His anticipation grew as the instructions became a little more specific.

I’ve left some new clothes for you at your place that I think you may find pleasing. I certainly
wish to please you. In fact, you might say that my desire is to please you. In any way

[email protected]
” Okay. Now his shorts were tight and his palms were sweating. The last meeting of the day was an ordeal. His focus was shot, his attention wandered, and it was a good thing that this was just a formality to close the contract between his firm and their new client.

Good wishes had been exchanged, dinner invitations politely declined on the grounds of an early flight, and Simon had all but raced back to his hotel room to check his email.

What he found sent his pulse pounding and his hand reaching for the phone.

Simon, I am aching for your return. My body is lonely and lost without its mate. My breasts are
waiting for your hands to cup them and stroke them and my nipples yearn to harden between your

Simon used the aforementioned fingers to flick a bead of sweat from his brow and undo the zipper on his pants before he inflicted serious damage to himself.

My pussy is yours, Simon, my darling, my master. It cries for you when you are not here to fill it.

It weeps with joy when you honor it with your lips. It shudders with pleasure at the touch of your

Okay. This was getting decidedly hot.

Simon slipped out of his trousers all together, threw the rest of his clothes onto the bed and enjoyed the rough rasp of the chair against his buttocks as he resumed his seat in front of his laptop.

His hand fell to his cock. He felt a bit self-conscious, like some pimply teenager visiting a porn site, but imagining Eve as she wrote these words to him was turning him on like nothing he could ever remember.

My pleasure will be to give you pleasure, Simon. Whatever your wants, whatever your needs, I
am here to fulfill them. Tomorrow night, I shall give you my body, my heart and my soul. Use
them as you will

Whatever his needs? Simon shivered.

He reached for the phone and dialed her number. It rang four times. Then the machine clicked on. He sighed.

Sorry – leave a message please. Oh, and if this is Simon, get some rest, honey. I want you to be fit
and masterful when you get home

“Uh…Eve? It’s Simon. Uh…okay…I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jesus. Masterful? As he hung up his mind flashed on leather, spiked heels and laces.

He tugged on his cock with long firm strokes, eyes closed, fantasizing about the wonderful things he wanted to do with and to Eve. He bypassed the domination scenario and went straight to the heart of things. Her breasts in his hands, her tongue held captive by his, he’d rub himself all over her, imprinting her once again on his brain.

He grasped his cock tighter, just as a chime announced he had mail.

He opened his eyes, keeping his rhythm, and read the next note from Eve.

Thinking of you is making me so hot, Simon. Thinking of taking you in my mouth and sucking
you deep into my throat. I need your touch so badly. I didn’t know I’d miss you as badly as I have.

I’m thinking of your cock, your big wonderful cock, and wishing it was here sliding inside me right
now. I wish your balls were slapping me, I wish your hands were slapping me. I wish…I wish…I
have to touch myself, Simon. I have to release my love for you even though you’re not here. May
I? May I do this, Simon? Give me permission…just email me back one word…yes. I’m here
waiting, my clit ready to burst, waiting for you to say yes…I know you’ve called me, but I can’t let
myself talk to you. Not yet. [email protected]


He gasped as his cock leapt within his hand and he came hard, spurting his cum across his belly and onto his chest. His body throbbed and his spine tingled, and his mind blurred with visions of Eve.

He’d taken a few moments to recover and wipe himself off, blushing a little at his unrestrained behavior.

He hadn’t realized what an effect suggestive email could have.

Or maybe it was the fact that it was from Eve. For him.

With hands that still trembled a little, he opened an email to Eve and typed one word.


He hit the send button, and sat back, eyes closed, thinking of Eve and wondering if she was in her little study in front of her computer, or if she’d now go into her bedroom and climb up on her bed.

If she’d play with the little vibrator he’d bought her as a joke.

To his amazement, his cock stirred.

He sighed, realizing that it was getting late. He had an early flight and a long day of traveling ahead of him.

Practically, he knew he needed to get to bed. Realistically, he knew a cold shower would probably help.

However, neither activity had cleared thoughts of Eve from his mind, and every minute that had passed bringing him closer to her had seemed like an hour.

Now he was here, outside her door, and debating whether or not to honor her request.

Then he remembered the fun and anticipation he’d had reading her emails. The rush of adrenaline flooded his tired body and he turned away to his own door.

What he found inside spread tidily across his bed raised his eyebrows and sent his pulse racing.

wanted leather pants.

Chapter 6

Eve ran her eyes over the apartment one last time.

“Do you think it looks all right?”

Adele snickered. “Sweetie, Simon isn’t going to be running his finger over your coffee table and checking for dust. He’s going to be coming in here for you.”

Eve’s teeth worried at her lower lip. “It’s twenty minutes to seven. I’d better see if I can get into this stuff…” She waved her hand at a small pile of leather that adorned the bottom of her bed.

“Go ahead. Yell if you need help with any of it. I’ll light the candles and we’ll double check for effect.” Adele moved round the room lighting the several candelabra that Eve had arranged carefully on her bureau and bedside table.

Eve took a deep breath and stepped into her bathroom, closing the door behind her. She was showered, shaved, plucked, moisturized, and perfumed. She couldn’t think of anything else she needed to do to herself.

Her favorite women’s magazine would have been so proud of her. She could have headlined the article on “101 Things To Do Before You Seduce That Man Of Yours.” Stalling for time, Eve slipped her robe off her shoulders and stood naked in her bathroom, wincing at the unforgiving fluorescent lights. She took a deep breath, knowing that she was only postponing the inevitable.

She slipped into the leather thong. It was snug, but more comfortable than she’d expected, the caress of the cool leather between her buttocks heightened by the feel of the air on her flesh. It was a kick.

Less easy was the collar and she struggled a little with the buckle that latched the piece together. A large ring was attached to the front, and Eve snapped the chain “leash” to it, tossing it over her shoulders and out of the way.

Next she reached for the nipple jewelry.

Adele had talked her into this, and for a couple of seconds Eve’s rational mind revolted. What on earth was she thinking of? Nipple jewelry for God’s sake. She’d only gotten her ears pierced last year. What would be next? A belly button ring? Tattoos?

Fortunately, this adornment required no bodily piercing, and Eve gently slid two small loops over her nipples and tightened them. A delicate rope of crystal beads swung between her breasts and a short drop fell from each rosy tip.

She gritted her teeth and glanced in the mirror.

She gasped.

It looked fabulous. Her nipples were erect, stimulated by the touch of the cool nylon string. Her breasts were full enough to hold the beads out from her body and allow them to reflect every little ray of light. It was as if a fairy had traced the sway of her breasts with glittering magic dust.

Something inside Eve responded to this rather pagan costume. Her body began to enjoy the feel of the leather thong, and she straightened her spine to admire her matching collar. The beads swung from her breasts catching the light and her hair fell softly around her face.

A tap on the door reminded her of where she was and what she was supposed to be doing.

“How’s it going, Eve? You managing all right?”

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