A Kink in Her Tails (3 page)

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Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Short Stories, #BDSM, #Fiction

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It was almost too much, but nowhere near enough.

He bit his lip in frustration and quickly flipped the catch on her bra. He released her arms and freed her of her clothing, only to find her hands stripping his shirt off his shoulders.

He was going to lose it. Hurriedly he grabbed her hands again, pushing them even higher and bringing her to her toes.

His head fell and his mouth closed around her breast.

She choked out a sob as he let his tongue rove around the delicate skin, and pulled it taut with his mouth.

“God, Simon,” she whispered. “Oh God.”

She tasted of sweetness and woman and some powdery fragrance that tickled his nose. He sucked her hard, feeling her heartbeat increase.

“I can’t take it,” she gasped.

“Yes you can,” he muttered, switching his attentions to the other breast, leaving the first glistening and rigid in the cool air.

“I need to touch you.”

“No you don’t, not if you want this to last.” He attacked her softness, biting the nipple tenderly and rolling it between his teeth.

“Dear heavens, Simon, I can’t—I really can’t—” Her breath hitched and Simon felt her legs tremble.

Astounded, Simon realized she really was on the verge of her orgasm. Without even a second thought, he opened her pants and pulled them down over her hips, taking her underwear with them.

He slid his hand between her thighs, over the softness of her mound and pushed two fingers into the searing heat of her cunt.

His mouth and tongue worked her nipple as his fingers began to move.

He was as hard as he had ever been, yet his attention was focused on this woman who shuddered beneath his fingers. He felt like a maestro playing a perfectly tuned musical instrument that responded to his slightest touch. He knew his chest was against her soft body, he could feel his own pulse throbbing in his cock, but these sensations paled next to what was happening to Eve.

Her body was tensing, her breath coming in irregular gasps, and her juices were soaking his hand. Her nipple was bullet-hard against his tongue, pushing itself further into his mouth and demanding his touch.

He suckled her forcefully, and added a slight curl to his fingers.

Eve went rigid against the door. A strangled scream emerged from her throat and her thighs clamped together around his hand. He felt her cunt squeeze his fingers in fierce contractions as her whole body shook with the force of her orgasm.

He leaned against her and took her tremors into his soul.

“Oh. My. God.” Eve’s body turned to jelly against him, and he had to hold her entire weight to stop her from sliding bonelessly to the floor.

“Are you okay?” Simon quietly asked the woman panting in his arms.


“You’re breathing.”

“Are you sure? I thought I just died and went to heaven.”

Simon snickered. Judging it safe to release his hold on her, he let her arms down and gently rubbed her shoulders.

She moved a little and kicked herself free of her pants. “You have too many clothes on, Simon. We have to do something about that.”

“In a moment.” He was certainly hard enough, and ready enough, but he was finding an unusual pleasure in watching Eve as she recovered from the depths of an intense climax. He wanted to see the heat return to those burning eyes as he brought her to another orgasm in a little while. They had all night. There was no hurry.

His cock, however, although impressed with all this whimsy, was definitely sending a message loud and clear.
Let me out

As if reading his mind, Eve’s hands moved gently to his fly and she unzipped him, delving into the folds to release his straining erection.

“Oh, my. Nice.”

Simon smiled a little painfully. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you.” Eve pushed Simon’s pants down and knelt to help him free himself from his shoes and socks. His cock waved politely at her, growing even more in an attempt to impress her.

She was clearly impressed.

A soft stroke from base to tip nearly did him in.

“Let’s get a little more comfortable. Follow me.”

Seeing that Eve had a hand firmly around his cock, Simon saw few, if any, options. And that was just fine by him.

She led him into her living room and stopped in front of a large armchair.

“Sit, Simon,” she encouraged, releasing his cock and pushing him down gently.

The rough fabric of the chair grated across his buttocks and the backs of his thighs as Eve knelt between them and spread his legs wider.

Her intentions were obvious, and his heart began to pound savagely, as once again she took him in her hands and gently stroked his length.

This time, however, she licked her lips.

* * * * *

Eve couldn’t recall the last time she’d felt such an overwhelming need to taste a man. Actually, she didn’t think she ever had.

Oral sex was not something she usually indulged in. Tonight with Simon was very different. She dipped her head and placed a quick butterfly kiss on the head of his cock, just to see what would happen.

On the surface, nothing did. But she sensed his thigh muscles tighten on either side of her body, and noticed his knuckles whitening on the arms of the chair.

She slid her hands up the inside of his thighs, enjoying the roughness of his hair as she pressed against its growth patterns.

“Move closer, Simon,” she breathed, digging her fingers into his flesh and pulling, showing him what she wanted him to do.

Obligingly, he slid his buttocks forward on the chair, slumping back against the tufts. His cock thrust upwards from its nest of dark hair and his balls hung full and warm just over the edge of the seat.

Now she could play.

She wasn’t sure how to, at first, but then remembered snippets of conversation she’d heard from her girlfriends during their endless gabfests on their favorite subject—sex. Basically, the theory proposed that anything you do to a man with your mouth he’ll love. There were no rules.

Eve began by examining Simon’s cock with almost clinical interest, feeling the veins that bulged from the smooth surface and the dips and ridges that formed the head. She opened herself to his responses as she touched and smoothed different places, noting his strong reaction to her light contact with a little spot beneath the head.

A small bubble of moisture wept from the tiny hole at the tip of his cock and she touched it gently, working it over the deeply reddened flesh.

She was intent on her task and almost jumped as his hand touched her head.

She glanced up at him, to see his eyes half closed and his cheeks flushed.

“Am I doing something wrong?”

“Oh no, babe. I just wanted to make sure you’re real.”

Holding his gaze, Eve daringly lowered her body and watched his eyes as she slid her tongue around the top of his cock. He seemed to blank out for a couple of seconds when she first touched him, then his focus intensified until the heat of his gaze burned her skin.

She dropped her head forward and tried something else, sliding her tongue down to the base of his cock and tracing the veins back up to the tip. She flicked that little sensitive spot on the way, and was pleased to note that a definite moan resulted.

One more time she swiped his hardness with her tongue, leaving a trail of warm wetness behind. She loved his taste, musky, clean and male. He smelled of warm nights and strong hands, and a body that was hers to play with all night long.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled him into her mouth and fastened her lips around him.

It was his turn to sob, and she glanced up to see his eyes shut, head tilted back and the cords in his neck standing out. He was beautiful.

Again she sucked on him, letting him slide from her mouth with a little plop and then immediately sucking him back in again, as deep as she could. Her technique could probably use work, but Simon didn’t appear to mind.

She decided to add a little something to her skills, and slid a hand beneath the cock she was energetically sucking to find his balls. He flinched as she ran her fingers over the soft sac, now pulsing with his heartbeat and tightening as his arousal grew.

It was a heady feeling, to hold a man’s responses in her hand and her mouth, and Eve decided she liked the feeling of power it gave her. She enjoyed knowing that she was reducing this man to a state of limp ecstasy simply with her fingers and her tongue. She allowed his balls to move a little within her cupped hand, and stroked behind them to find what her friends had described as a “magic spot.” Her adventuring fingers brought another groan from Simon and he writhed in the chair.

“Eve, honey, what are you…oh God, please Eve—“

Eve wasn’t sure if the “please” was to stop or go on. She decided to go on. Mouth continually sucking and releasing as much of his cock as possible, Eve let her hand rove around his balls to the flesh behind and stroke, flick and press the tender flesh she found there.

Simon’s harsh breaths told her of her success.

“I’m going to come, Eve, honey…I can’t stop—“ Simon gasped out the words as his hands scrabbled to pull away from Eve’s unrelenting mouth.

Committed to bringing him to climax, Eve soldiered on, sticking to his cock like a limpet. She wanted to be part of that moment when he lost it, when he gave up his tranquility and surrendered to that base human need to procreate, to spurt his cum into another human being.

She felt his balls tighten against his flesh and his whole cock began to throb as she caressed it with her tongue and lips. Intensifying her efforts, she took him in as deep as she could without gagging and sucked him strongly, letting the sides of her mouth tug on his super-sensitive flesh.

“Eve…” he squawked, trying desperately to pull back.

She wouldn’t let him.

On a gasp and a shout, Simon came.

His cock jumped in her mouth, muscles twitching, veins throbbing. She felt the spurt of his cum warm and salty, as he erupted down her throat. It was an amazing moment, and one she had always thought she’d dislike intensely. But as she swallowed his juices, she felt a sense of accomplishment and delight.

She, Eve Bentley, had sucked a guy off. And done a pretty good job of it, too, if his blissful state of inertia was anything to go by.

She regretfully allowed his cock to slip from her lips, giving it a last farewell salute with her tongue.

She sighed and leaned her head against Simon’s thigh, while his hand gently stroked her head.

“My God, Eve. What can I say?”

She grinned. “How about something like ‘nice job, Eve’, or ‘that was the best I’ve ever had’?”

“Eve, that wasn’t a
job it was outstanding, and it was so much more than the best I’ve ever had.

Words fail me. It was bliss.”

“Oh. That’s nice too.” A warm feeling stole over Eve as she ran her hand idly up and down Simon’s shin.

She felt a little tug on her hair.

“Hey, sweetheart. Now we know that I give good door, and you give great chair, can we find out what we can do in bed?”

Chapter 4

They lay together on the bed, chest to breast, heart to heart, cock to pussy. Simon ran his hands up and down Eve’s body, learning her curves, discovering the silky feel to her skin and just absorbing her into his mind. Her scent, her sounds, her roundness, all intrigued him and became worthy of his intense study.

“What are you doing?” she asked lazily, as he continued his silent caresses.

“Playing,” he answered softly. “Do you mind?”

Eve stretched like a cat. “Oh no. I like it. In fact you’ll have to forgive me if I purr…” She leaned in to his touch as he reached for her buttocks and stroked them.

“I’m glad you like it. I’ve always been a tactile person. You can learn so much from touching someone.” Simon ran his hands down her thighs.

“Really? Like what?”

Simon had to smile at that essentially feminine question. He knew the translation was “what are you learning about me?”

“Well, for example, I can tell that you like to walk.”


“Really. This muscle here,” he pressed against the back of her thigh. “It’s nice and firm. It obviously gets used, and that comes from walking a lot. So you move around, maybe walk for pleasure, you’re not a desk person by any means.”

His hand moved slowly up, caressing the curve of her bottom and settling comfortably with a cheek cupped in his hand.

“And here, we have a wonderfully womanly curve.”

Eve snorted. “Nothing wonderful about it. It’s my butt and has more in common with the acreage covered by a third world country than a womanly curve.”

Simon squeezed it firmly, making her wriggle. “I don’t know what it is that women fear about their backsides, Eve, but you have one of the nicest ones I’ve ever seen. If you think I want to grab on to a handful of skin and bones, you’re way off base.”

Eve sighed as he clenched his fingers into her buttock and drew her even closer to his hardness.

“I want to know I’m holding a woman. I want to have my hands full of your body, your flesh. I want to be able to grab onto a real pair of hips and have them ride me, or tug them right where I need them so I can sink into the heat of you all the way to my tonsils…” He slipped his tongue over her ear as he spoke, sensing her shivers.

“And when we play together and you’re on your knees waiting for me to fuck you oh so sweetly from behind, I want to look down and see warm and willing buttocks parting for me, trembling for me.” Eve’s breath was coming faster now, and he could hear her ragged swallow as she listened to his words.

“Really?” Her question came on a breath expelled in a whoosh as he pulled and squeezed her plump curve.

“Really. Let me show you.”

He rolled her onto her stomach and eased her arms onto the pillow above her. Straddling her legs, he let his rapidly hardening cock rest against her as he placed both hands onto her buttocks.

She pressed up into his touch with a little sigh of pleasure and widened her thighs slightly, allowing his cock to fall between them. With a small chuckle she pressed them gently back together, bringing a moan of delight to Simon’s throat.

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