A Kink in Her Tails (14 page)

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Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Short Stories, #BDSM, #Fiction

BOOK: A Kink in Her Tails
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He returned, holding a clothes hanger. A wooden clothes hanger.

Her eyes widened and a chill of fear ran up her spine. Mad visions of bruises, antibiotic ointment and excuses about running into a door ran across her brain, leaving cold footprints that chilled her soul.

He held out the clothes hanger. “Pick up your suit and hang it up properly.” She released a breath she didn’t know she’d held. Damn him and his neatness urges.

Thankfully moving her hand away from herself, Laura did as she was told and picked up her suit from its pile on the floor. She carefully folded the pants and shook out the jacket, putting both neatly on the hanger.

Silently she glanced at Adam for the next instruction.

He nodded at the hook on the back of the door, and she crossed the room to hang the suit up.

“Now please step into the tub and face me.”

Taking a deep breath, Laura stepped over the side of the bath and stood, as instructed, facing Adam.

“Raise your arms above your head.”

Cautiously, she raised her arms, watching silently as Adam brought one of the scarves over and proceeded to tie her wrists together. His movements were sure and within seconds she was bound lightly but securely.

He then tugged on the scarf and fastened her to the shower rod.

Whoa. That was a surprise.

Her pose thrust her breasts toward him and she felt even more exposed when he took one of her legs and pulled it toward him.

“Rest this foot on the side of the bath.”

She did so, realizing that she was now completely revealed to him, her body his to do with as he would.

Her breathing was unsteady as he ran his hands over her skin.

“You please me greatly, pet,” he breathed.

“I’m glad, Adam,” she answered, only to see a frown cross his face.

“You will not speak from now on, unless I give you permission. Do you understand? Nod if you understand.”

At a bit of a loss, Laura nodded.

Adam reached for the other scarf. “To ensure your obedience, I’m going to gag you.” Laura dragged in a breath as Adam placed the second scarf around her head and between her lips, effectively silencing her. Her eyes widened as he fastened it behind her. She could breathe, but not talk.

Okay. This was getting freaky.

Adam stepped back and surveyed his handiwork, nodding to himself.

“Good. Now there are some rules for tonight which I wish you to follow, and I must make sure you understand.”

He opened the cabinet door and pulled out a small bag of bath salts. It was soft and pink and had a little plastic rose on top.

“In D/s play there is a need for something called a “safe word.” Did your reading explain this to you?” Laura raised her eyebrows, not sure how to respond without invoking his ire or breaking a rule.

“You may nod your response for yes, shake your head for no.” Laura nodded.

“Good. Because I have gagged you and removed your ability to speak, we need to institute some other method of your using a safe word, so for tonight, it will be this…” He held up the small bag, showed it to her and then reached up and put it in her tied hand, making sure she had a firm grip on it.

“If, at any time, you wish to stop play, all you have to do is drop that bag. I shall be aware of your movements at all times. Do you understand?”

Laura nodded.

“And do you trust me enough for this to be effective? Do you believe I will stop if you ask me to do so?” Adam stared into her eyes, making Laura realize how important this question was.

She nodded, and watched as his expression became purely sensual.

“Good. Laura, pet, one of the most important beliefs amongst those of us who follow this lifestyle is something called Safe, Sane and Consensual play. Did you also read about that?” Laura nodded energetically, having found many references to this most important of all rules for any kind of bondage play.

“I firmly adhere to that principle. That’s why you have your safety mechanism tonight, and at other times we shall select a safe word for you, should you desire to continue along this path.” Laura nodded again. God, why didn’t he get on with it? Whatever it was he was going to do to her.

She was naked and ready, dammit.

And ooh, look, so was he.

His robe swung as he moved and she glimpsed his cock, rigid and erect.

Suddenly, she relaxed. This was still Adam. Her lover, her husband and soon to be her Dom. She wanted him with every single iota of emotion she had. She loved him beyond words. Nothing he could do to her would be anything other than wonderful.


It was that little niggling doubt that sent shivers up her spine.

She watched him cross the room to the bathroom cabinet and rummage inside. He pulled out some powder, some shaving cream and…and…her razor?

Good God.

Chapter 6

Adam was in dire straits. The woman he loved was bound and gagged and revealed in all her beauty before him.

Her body was wet and hungry for his, her eyes were dilating with anticipation and arousal, and his was responding to all these signals with a painful need to mate.

He could not remember feeling this sense of urgency with another sub. Ever.

He took a deep breath and nearly did himself an injury as he grappled for some vestige of mental control.

to stay in control.

Especially tonight. The pattern that they established tonight would go a long way toward defining their future within this lifestyle. If it was going to work it was up to him. He had to make it good for her, good enough for her to want to pursue it.

Shaking, trembling, stuttering and coming over himself just from looking at her was
the way to go.

He let out the breath slowly, attempting a measure of meditation as he exhaled.

He took the implements over to the bath, and almost lost his control again as he smelled her body, hot for him and awaiting his touch.

He busied himself running water into the sink and shaking the can of shaving cream.

It took a couple of agonizing moments, but finally he felt calm enough to turn to her.

“I am going to shave you, Laura. Shave the hair from one of the parts of your body that you will be surrendering to me. Do you understand?”

Laura nodded at him, eyes wide.

“This will remind you that you belong to me. I wish you to keep this area shaved. Every few days as necessary.” He glanced up and she nodded again, signifying her assent.

He took a couple of silent breaths and reached for the shaving cream. “Oh, and Laura? You are forbidden to come unless I give you permission. Is that clear?” Her eyes were questioning as she absorbed the meaning of his words.

He removed the top of the can and squirted the foam onto his fingers. At least that’s what he meant to do.

Of course the damn thing was pointing the wrong way and he squirted a nice dollop of fragrant foam onto his foot. Shit.

He hoped she was distracted enough by his last comment not to notice. This time he managed to get a respectable pile of shaving cream onto his hand. He began to massage her mound.

“You will not come without permission, Laura. I will be the one to allow you to enjoy an orgasm. I shall decide whether the time is right, or whether you should wait longer…” He rubbed the shaving cream over her pussy, knowing she was already sensitive.

She moaned softly, behind the gag.

“You have my permission to make whatever sounds you wish as I touch you. It pleases me to know that you are enjoying the experience.”

His hand rubbed a little harder and she obeyed by giving him a very nice groan.

He reached for the razor, dipping it in the sink.

“Your pussy is going to be quite bald, pet. It will not be able to hide its secrets from me.” He gently stroked the razor across her flesh, taking a swath of dark hair with it. Laura was a neat person by nature, and shaved her bikini line regularly. So it was not an excessively difficult job to render her pussy naked.

Just a very appealing one.

He rinsed the razor and applied more shaving cream, bringing another moan to her lips.

“Remember. You may not come.”

He stood upright, rubbing the shaving cream into her flesh. “Your breasts please me, Laura. Offer them to me.”

She looked wildly at him, her arms automatically beginning to tug on their bonds.

“Think how I might like them offered, Laura. You’re going to be my submissive. It will be for you to think up ways to please me. Your breasts and their lovely nipples please me. How can you offer them to me?” Laura’s flesh colored up nicely and her face flushed. His hands brought fresh moisture from her cunt and he could feel her heat as his words and his touches aroused her even more.

She was obviously considering his words.

Then she leaned toward him, straightening her spine and pushing her breasts out even more.

“Good pet. Excellent,” smiled Adam.

He leaned forward and took one breast into his mouth, suckling firmly on the nipple, tugging it with his tongue and gently biting down.

Laura sighed and moaned through her gag, her hips beginning to sway toward his hand.

He released her with a little plop, blowing on her wet nipple and watching as it beaded up even harder.

She thrust forward again, as if begging for him to take her back into his mouth.

He immediately pulled back.

“You forget, Laura. You are here to pleasure me, not the other way around.” A sob broke from Laura’s throat as her hips moved.

“Now keep still. I haven’t finished yet.”

He returned to his grooming efforts, slicking the razor carefully around her mound, and rinsing it often to make sure he was getting all the hair away from her soft flesh. He pushed her legs further apart, removing the stray hairs from her flesh and stroking the softness he found around her cunt.

Finally, he was satisfied.

She was soaked with her own moisture, sighing and moaning as his fingers caressed her labia and brushed softly against her clit now and again.

He’d deliberately avoided too much stimulation of her delicate bud, because he wanted her mind to be as aroused as her body. Only then could he fully help her to understand the nature of her submission to him.

He rinsed away the remaining shave cream and toweled off her skin, pulling back to review his handiwork.

She was naked, bald, her little folds and creases open to his eyes and his touch. Her mound was beautiful, a sight that no man but he had seen. She was his, this was his, to do with as he would.

Unable to restrain himself, he leaned forward and ran his tongue over her newly shorn flesh, feeling her clit hard and aroused and ready for him.

He heard and felt her gasp. Her whole body trembled, and he smiled at himself.

Now for the next phase.

Provided his cock didn’t self-destruct first.

* * * * *

Laura’s mind was in a whirl of chaos.

Torn between the sensual messages she was receiving from every single nerve-ending on her body and the incredible rush of adrenaline that was pumping through her bloodstream at the thought of what might happen next, she was completely and totally beside herself.

She knew her arms were getting a little stiff, but didn’t care. She knew her juices were flowing freely between her thighs, but didn’t care about that either.

She felt the air waft against her newly shaved pussy and the resulting shiver made her buttocks clench with arousal.

She couldn’t have cared less.

All that mattered was Adam. Where was he, what was he going to do to her? Was he going to let her come?

If he didn’t she was damn well going to self-combust all by herself. Look ma, no hands!

Her body was shaking and trembling at a level of arousal that was stunning, composed as it was of such incredible mental stimulation as well as physical pleasure.

She prayed that nobody slammed a door in the apartment building, because that might well set her off.

Hell, a butterfly could fart in the Amazonian rain forest and
would set her off.

She wanted to shout for Adam, to scream for him to come back to her from the bedroom where he’d disappeared. To demand that he set her free and fuck her to within an inch of sanity.

Then she realized what was happening to her.

With a shock, awareness of her position blasted through to her consciousness. She was submitting to Adam. To his every whim, order, gesture, each little thing he’d told her to do, she’d done.

And look where it had gotten her.

Strung up on her own shower rail, with a naked pussy, and closer to the biggest screaming orgasm than she could ever remember being. Her whole existence was focused on Adam and what he would do next.

To bring them both pleasure.

This wasn’t about dominating bodies or submitting bodies. It was about the mutual exchange of pleasure, of trust, of love. Of allowing another the freedom to play and permitting one’s body to be the toy.

Of relaxing into the pleasure, knowing that there were no unspoken criteria to meet. She would give Adam pleasure tonight because he wouldn’t let it be any other way.

She didn’t have to worry if he’d come yet, or if it was okay for him. He’d make sure it was. All she had to do was follow his instructions. And so far, doing that had resulted in a blissfully mind-bending shave coupled with excitingly restrained desire.

Satisfying Adam was going to be the most satisfying thing she’d ever done. For herself.

She gulped, overawed by the depths to this new pattern of behavior that she felt she’d only just glimpsed.

But before reflection could replace arousal, the door opened and Adam returned to the room.

He was carrying the Master’s legacy. His very own flogger.

Laura’s skin shrank all over her body, making her feel tight and tingly.

Oh God. He was going to smack her with it.

Her mouth went dry as she watched him run the soft red leather tails through his hands.

She was mesmerized, captured by the movement of his fingers, by the swing of the leather and the tumble of the strips as they cascaded up and down according to his movements.

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