A Hockey Tutor (6 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

BOOK: A Hockey Tutor
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Okay, get a hold of yourself. You have things to do. I went straight to the bathroom. I didn’t have anything to freshen up with, so I used Wes’ mouthwash, and grabbed a washcloth to wash my face. Luckily, I had my small makeup bag with me, and I could add a little bit. I didn’t want him to wake up and my horrible morning makeup less face scares him.

When I finished, I thought how sweet it was of Wes to put me in his bed. On top of that, he didn’t try to take advantage of me. Most college guys wouldn’t be like that. He didn’t make me feel like a tease, or bad, for sticking to my “rule” of no sex on the first date.

I opened the bathroom door when I finished, and ran right into Wes’ hard chest. I stumbled, but his strong arms caught me, balancing me.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” I blurted out .

He chuckled. “It’s fine.” He didn’t release my arms, but instead gently squeezed.

I should have backed up, but instead I looked deeper into his eyes. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” I broke eye contact, and stepped back.

“Oh, you didn’t. I usually get up around this time on Sunday to go running.”

I nodded. “Um, thank you for letting me take over your bed. You could have woken me up and taken me home.”

“I could have.” He smirked at me. He looked so handsome with his fresh bed head and naked chest. “But I wanted to see how hot you looked in the morning.”

I giggled and rolled my eyes. “Oh, Heidi Klum should look out?”

“Yes, she should.” His eyes roamed up and down my body, making my stomach quiver.

“Hey.” I stepped closer and placed my hands on his shoulders. “I had a lot of fun last night.”

“I did, too,” he said softly.

We stood there for a moment just looking at each other, my ache for him to be between my legs growing.

“Let me get ready and drive you back over to your place. I have a lot to do today, and I’m sure you do, too.” I nodded, stepping aside so he could enter the bathroom.

I went into the living room, where I had left my purse and cell phone. I checked my messages, and I had several from Lindsay. She had probably been worried about me. I texted her and let her know I would be home soon.

The one message I didn’t expect was from Andrew:

Hope you’re coming over

I wasn’t sure what to think about that, except that he was drunk-texting me, or sent it to me by mistake.

Wes came out of the bathroom, hair fixed, and dressed. I was sitting on the couch when he walked into the living room and reached his hand out to me.

I gave him a tiny grin and took his hand. When we got to his truck, he helped me inside and drove me to my apartment. He held my hand the whole time, and we listened to the radio.

Wes helped me out of the truck as he parked behind the BMW, and walked me up to my door, still not releasing my hand. I never gave much thought to the significance of someone holding my hand. In high school, Brandon did it to show everyone that we were a couple. The few dates I did have last year, there was no hand holding. But with Wes it was pleasurable.

How about I call you later and see when we can get together again?” He lightly touched my cheek.

“I would like that.” I got up on my tiptoes and kissed him hard, letting him know that I
wanted him to call me.

Chapter 6 – Andrew


“Andrew, thank you very much for your generosity,” Father Michael said, shaking my hand again.

“Don’t worry about it. My mother always taught me to give to others.” I told him, “Will that work?”

He nodded. “That’s perfect. Good luck on Friday with the game.”

I told him thank you and left the church. When I got into my car, I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples. I did one too many shots again last night. I should have known better, again. At least I wasn’t too far gone to send Amber on her way home. I didn’t want to deal with her.

I started the car and headed to grab some food for myself and something for Katie. I knew that she would be coming by soon, and I wanted to get home before she arrived, maybe have time to take a quick nap.

When we worked together yesterday, we got so much done, but that was just one session, and one class. There were still four more that I needed to catch up on.

As I drove up to my house after picking up the food, Katie’s BMW was parked in front of the house. Well, so much for resting, I thought. The moment I opened the door, I saw her at the dining room table, books out, and ready to go.

“Hey, where were you? Why are you all dressed up?”

“I had some things that needed to be handled this morning.” I set the food on the table. “Hungry?”

“Starving.” She grabbed the breakfast burritos from the bag. She seductively moaned as she took a bite.

“I’m guessing by that sound, you like it?” I couldn’t help the twitch in my pants when she did it again.

“It’s so good, you have no idea.”

I chuckled. “I’m going to change and then we can get started.” I jogged up the stairs to my bedroom. I changed out of my suit and threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

As I came back down the stairs, I heard Katie laughing. The twitch in my pants was more pronounced this time. One night of no sex and a laugh turned me on. When I hit the bottom step, I saw Franks and Lindsay sitting at the table. I’m guessing that Lindsay stayed the night with Franks, again.

“What’s so funny?” I asked as I sat at the table.

“I don’t know.” Franks shrugged.

“I was teasing Katie about spending the night at Wes’ place,” Lindsay informed them.

Instantaneously, my blood boiled. Katie spent the night at Wes’ place? I couldn’t believe it.

“Wes Crown?” Franks asked, and then looked at me. He knew the history that we had together. I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t, because I would have exploded right then.

“Yes,” Katie blushed slightly. As hard-nosed as she was, I didn’t think she blushed at all. It made her look even cuter.

“We need to study,” I said abruptly. I didn’t want to talk about Wes, and I sure as hell didn’t want to talk about Katie spending the night with him.

“We were heading out anyway.” Franks got up and Lindsay followed.

Katie laid out all of books and jumped right into tutor mode. I could see her grow serious in her expressions and I know that it was time to start. I tried to focus, but my mind wondered to Wes Crown. I hated him. I hated him even more now that I was on the same team with him.

“Earth to Andrew,” Katie said, bringing me out of my hate-fueled fog.


“Did you hear anything I said?”

I took a breath and focused back on her. “Sorry, my mind was somewhere else.”

“I figured you would be more hung over, considering you didn’t have to practice today.” She pushed my laptop closer to me so I could start on my paper for our business ethics class.

I didn’t say anything to her. I'd let her think whatever she wanted about my drinking habits and my Sunday routine.

Katie jumped back into explaining the details that the paper needed, and I started typing. She helped me articulate my thoughts, and answered any questions I had.

A few hours later, I called it quits. I had typed and read so much, I was spent. I didn’t think I could look at one more word. I knew that there was still a lot to do, but I needed a nap.

“I’m done,” I announced.

“I figured as much. How about we take a break and grab some food?” she suggested, closing her book.

“Together?” I asked, surprised.

“I figured you understood the word ‘we’?” she said sarcastically.

“Well, let’s go.” I got up and grabbed my keys. She gathered up her bag and followed me out to the car.

As I drove across town to a local sandwich shop, Katie told me about the busy week that was ahead of me. Each time she talked about it, I just thought about the game on Friday. It was the opening game of the season. Everyone would be watching me. I knew that my father’s money was the one reason I wasn't sitting on the bench, and I needed to get my ass in gear to pull up these grades. I had thought about buckling down, and getting my life in order, but now I had to. If I didn’t, then I would never make it into the NHL. What would my mom have said then? I knew she wasn’t proud of me because of everything that I was doing. I had been given a last chance, and I needed to take it.

“Are you okay?” Katie asked after I parked the car.

“Yep,” I said.

We walked in and grabbed a seat. The waitress took our drink order, and we quietly browsed the menu. When she brought the drinks back, we ordered our food. I got a double bacon cheeseburger, and Katie got a chicken sandwich with Swiss cheese and avocados.

“So, are you pumped for the game this week?” she asked.

I nodded. “I really am.”

“May I ask you a question?” She looked me straight in the eye.


“Why did Franks look at you when I said Wes’ name today?”

Shit. I stared at her; I didn’t know what to say. Do I tell her the truth? Or should I just bypass the subject altogether? It wasn’t like she couldn’t use Google and find out what happened.

I cleared my throat. “Um, I guess it was because he’s my backup.”

“Okay, if that’s the story you’re going with, then fine.” She plastered a fake smile on her face.

I should have told her right then. I should have told her that she shouldn’t be around him. Instead, I kept my mouth shut.

“Are you going to tell me about that necklace?” I pointed at her the necklace around her neck. I’ve seen her fiddle with it a lot, but I couldn’t figure out what the ‘N’ stood for. I knew that there had to be a story behind it.

She protectively covered it up with her hand. “It’s my necklace, and none of your business.” Her fake smile was replaced with narrow eyes and tight lips. I must have hit a nerve with her. That ‘N’ meant something to her, but she wasn’t going to tell me.

Katie quickly changed the subject to homework and reading assignments that I would need to finish before Friday. Every day we were scheduled to be together at least two hours for tutoring. Our food finally came, and thankfully, she didn’t moan this time.

“Since you won’t talk about the necklace, why don’t you tell me why you picked business for your major?”

“That’s an easy question. My dad told me too.” She rolled her eyes.

“Wow.” I was taken aback. “I didn’t think that you were the type to listen to people.”

“Are you saying I’m stubborn?” she narrowed her eyes at me.

I scoffed. “Never.” I joked.

Katie took a deep breath. “It was a compromise. I could get my Digital Photography Certificate, if I got a business degree.”

“Photography? I’ve never seen you with a camera.”

“I don’t carry with me everywhere. I typically like nature shots the most.”

I shook my head.

“What?” she asked with a stern tone.

“Nothing. I’m just surprised, that’s all. I mean, I didn’t know this about you before.”

“Well, it’s not like I announce my passions in the first two meeting of someone new.” She picked at her food, and I could see her getting upset.

“I can understand that.” I sipped my drink. “I’m glad that you’re opening up to me. That must mean you like me.” I winked at her.

She rolled her eyes again.

After we finished eating, the waitress brought the check. Even though Katie argued with me, I paid for the meal. When we got back to my car, I decided that this would be a turning point for me.

“Want to go back to my place and finish up that paper?” I asked.

“Seriously?” She looked shocked by my question.

“We aren’t finished yet. Unless, you
don’t want
to finish it up tonight?”

“No, no, I’m just surprised that you want to. I figured you were done for the day, and wanted to go home and drink.”

“I want to get it done,” I said seriously.

“Then let’s go.” She smiled.




My alarm was buzzing in my head, and I didn’t want to leave my comfortable bed. I hated early morning practices, but they were necessary. I rolled out of bed and hit the shower. It was the first time in a long time that I didn’t have a hangover. Katie and I worked late into the night, but we got a lot done. Just a few more classes to catch up in, and then I needed to dive in to the new work that was starting to come in. I shook my thoughts away, and focused on the moment: practice.

“Really?” Katie was standing in the middle of my bedroom with her hands on her hips. “Didn’t I ask for you to be dressed when I came in the morning?”

“I just got out of the shower. Don’t you knock before coming into people’s bedrooms?” I had the towel covering my privates.

“I figured you were still asleep, and I knew that you had practice this morning.”

“Well, I’m up. So are you going to stand there and watch me get dressed?” I asked in a challenging voice.

“Ha, you wish.” She turned and walked out.

I chuckled and started getting ready. When I finished, I went downstairs, assuming Katie would be there. I was wrong. She had left a note:


              See you in class


As I walked into the locker room, a few guys were laughing and wooting. I noticed that they were standing next to Wes’ locker.

“She was fucking amazing,” Wes said smoothly. “Her mouth was pure perfection, and she rode me all night long.”

“What’s going on, guys?” I asked.

“Wes was just telling us about his sexual adventure this weekend,” one of his teammates said.

“With who?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Oh, I’m sure you know who,” he said with a wicked grin. “It was Katie.”

“You had sex with her, this weekend?” my blood began to boil.

I couldn’t believe it. Even though I had no claims to Katie, I was still mad that Wes was standing here bragging about it. Then again, I’ve done that a hundred times before, but this was different. It was Katie

“Yep, sure did. She stayed at my place, and we did it all night long.” Wes stood up and pulled on his jersey.

If I looked at his face for another minute, I would punch him and break his jaw. I turned and went to my locker to get ready for practice. The room began to empty, and only Wes and I were left.

“Does it bother you, Andrew, that a girl likes me, and not you?” Crusher walked over to me.

“I don’t want to talk to you,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Oh, Andrew, I think you hurt my feelings.” He placed his hand over his heart and pouted his lips.

I stood up and got within an inch of his face. “I don’t like liars or cheaters, and you are both. So get the fuck away from me. And take this piece of advice: If you hurt Katie, I’ll kill you.”

“Be careful, you don’t want to get into any trouble, Daddy might have to bail you out,” Wes hissed back.

“Oh, Crusher, I think
dad was the one who did all the bailing out during Junior’s. If I had done what you did, my dad wouldn’t have bailed me out. But, there was your dad, rescuing you. How much did he pay for you to play again?”

Crusher’s evil grin came back onto his face. “My dad’s money speaks volumes above your little farm supply money.”

We stood staring at each other, and it was taking everything that I had not to beat him to death with my goalie stick. Wes was the first to move, turning and heading out to the ice.

I dropped back down into my locker. I couldn't believe Katie was dating that ass. It wasn’t my place to interfere, but I wanted to so bad.

Wes kept his distance from me during practice, and I from him. He knew how mad I was, and I was constantly sending evil looks his way. I meant what I said; if he hurt Katie, I would kill him.

When the two hours of practice was up, I went back into the locker room and got ready for class. Wes was the first to change and exit the locker room. Since my class wasn’t far from the rink, I walked over, only to find Wes and Katie standing outside.

I watched them flirt with each other, and my stomach churned. I took a deep breath and walked towards the building. I heard Katie laughing at something he said, and I just wanted to run up and drag her away from him. Instead, I marched past them both. I'd seen Wes enough already today, and I sure as hell didn't want to hear his voice anymore.

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