A Fall Through Time (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #1) (13 page)

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Authors: Rikki M Dyson

Tags: #Fantasy, #Time travel, #romance

BOOK: A Fall Through Time (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #1)
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Stacey had drawn diagrams of a cradle, a highchair and a crib.  The carpenter had done an excellent job.  Stacey took the baby outside almost everyday for sunshine and fresh air. When the six weeks of abstaining was up, Eric and Stacey were starved for one another.  Shane had pretty much put himself on his own schedule.  He would nurse at six and sleep until two in the morning.

Stacey told Eric, “We have from six until two to make love.” 

As Eric was kissing and caressing her, he said, “I am not sure that will be enough time.  It has been weeks and I am a hungry man.” 

By the time they were finished making love, he was a well-satisfied man.

Chapter 19

The Knighting

t yuletide season, Shane was four and a half months old.  His grandparents came to see the new viscount.  Of course, Lord Hampton had grandchildren, but Shane was Lady Margaret’s first grandchild.  She could not get over how much Shane favored Eric.  Lady Margaret was very content to be with both  of her sons and her grandson as well as Stacey and Callie.

She told Eric, “It be considerate of Hugh to die before he caused more havoc.  Of course, Agnes the girls have no blame in this.”

The winter, spring and summer seasons rolled by.  Stacey and Eric knew they could not change things too fast.  They had opened schools in three villages with brothers to teach in them.  Of course, many of the villeins refused to let their children attend.  When they heard that girls were welcome also; this was looked upon with suspicion.  His lordship told them, “It be up to ye.  If ye need them more to work than to learn, it will be a missed opportunity.”  They stood with their hats in their hands. “Well, ye think on it.  It makes no difference to me,” Eric told them and rode on.

Stacey wanted to scream from frustration. “Sweetheart, ye are dealing with people of my time not ye time. Rome was not built in a day.” 

Stacey started laughing and said, “I can’t believe that old adage is that old.  It’s still quoted in my time.”

Stacey was appalled at the ignorance of men that called themselves physicians. She had stood by and watched as a physician bled and leeched villeins and aristocracy alike. Stacey was not a doctor, but her father was and she had heard medical talk most of her life. To her, common sense should have prevailed over some of the horrendous cures these self-acclaimed physicians prescribed. She felt they contributed to the demise of more patients than they helped, but Eric disagreed with her on that.  He had seen men on the battlefield where physicians saved their lives by cauterizing a wound, removing a limb or stitching a deep cut.

Stacey didn’t agree, but said, “That’s all well and good but keep them away from my castle folk.” 

Eric was smiling and said, “Just as I thought all along. Ye have taken over my people.”  Stacey looked at him questionably.  “Oh yes, I told Mother, first my dog, then my horse; what next, my castle folk?  I prophesied this.” 

Stacey looked at him with love and adoration and said, “But my love, you tell me what is yours is mine too.”

Eric threw his head back and laughed heartily.  Well, once again she had out-maneuvered him.  He was getting used to it by now.  Shane turned two in august.  Rodric would be twenty-one on September first, thirteen-seventy-three.  He was to be knighted by King Edward III.  A group from Dun-Raven, Finwick and Hampton keep would be trooping to London for the occasion.  Eric had asked Stacey days before if she wanted to leave Shane with Nicole; that it would be a long trip for a child.  They had had this discussion before and Stacey’s answer was still, ‘no.’ “I’ve told you before, Shane goes where I go.  He’ll ride with you and me.  He has done so before, so it’ll be no hardship,” Stacey said.

Eric knew not to argue with Stacey about Shane.  When she made up her mind she was like a rock, unmovable.  Eric often wondered if Stacey was afraid, she might be pulled back into that time warp again.  He had noticed that when there was a storm brewing, Stacey would not go outside and she kept him and Shane as close as possible.  She and Eric never talked about it but Stacey lived in fear of the possibility of her being pulled back into that vortex that had brought her there.

He remembered a few weeks back when Stacey had taken Shane with her to visit the sheriff’s wife, Matilda. When she left the castle, it was a bright sun shinny day but later dark clouds gathered in the afternoon. On their way, back to the castle thunder and lightning filled the sky. Stacey became so

panic-stricken she hid with Shane under a shed at the charcoal makers shack. The two soldiers that had escorted her ladyship tried in vain to urge her to continue their journey to the castle before the rain started. She would not budge for fear of disappearing with her son back into the time warp. One of the soldiers rode to Dun-Raven to tell the earl of the situation. Eric understood her fears and came for her and his son. They continued on to the castle with the knowledge that should she disappear so would Eric and Shane with her.

On their journey to London, Shane was a good little traveler.  He rode on the saddle in front of Stacey, Eric, Rodric or Callie.  The trip to him was like one big picnic.  Rolf never let him out of his sight.  He had taken over guard duty the day Shane was born and they had been inseparable ever since. A weary group of travelers arrived at Hampton hall.  It was so good to have a bed to sleep in again.

Lady Margaret had a quiet dinner party for Rodric’s twenty-first birthday.  On the morrow, the king would knight him.  Prince Edward would be there with his wife Joan and son, Richard.  He was back from France for a few weeks.

Stacey knew he wasn’t well.  When she had a chance to talk with him, she invited him and his family to Dun-Raven.  He thanked her and said that he had much to do in London before returning to France. The prince invited Eric and Stacey to a gathering that was to be held after the knighting. The king would bestow knighthood; on ten young men that were invited as well.  Neither Stacey nor Callie had been to a function such as this.  At the ceremony, Callie and Stacey stuck close to Lady Margaret.  Somehow, Stacey knew she didn’t belong here.  She was introduced to some of the ladies’ of the court. 

She could sense their inquisitiveness.  Stacey knew she had been sheltered at Dun-Raven and had forgotten how spiteful some women could be. She wasn’t concerned about herself, but she didn’t want to embarrass Eric.  Stacey knew herself and knew she would not put up with too much of their meowing.

As they were dressing and getting ready to go to the gathering, Stacey said, “I really don’t wanna’ go to this thing.”

“I want ye to accompany me,” Eric said. “Edward invited us. Just be yeself that is one of the many reasons I love ye.”  Lady Margaret was looking forward to having her grandson all to herself.  She told Stacey, “Should that pack of backbiters get too nosey tell them like ye did Isabelle.”  That was so long ago that Stacey had almost forgotten Isabelle.

When Eric and Stacey reached the palace, they were escorted to a big reception room.  There was a

large group of people and the smell was strong.  Men came over and clasped hands with Eric and Rodric.  Stacey and Callie were introduced and then they were escorted over to the women.

“Is this a segregated party?”  Stacey asked.

Eric kissed her temple and said, “Mind yeself sweetheart.”

Eric and Rodric were across the room.  Callie and Stacey were offered wine.  They both took a goblet.  They were standing around listening to the meowing gossip when an elderly woman came over and introduced herself as the Duchess of Wryneck.  She was very nice and introduced them to a man of about thirty years of age.  When the duchess said his name was Geoffrey Chaucer, Stacey almost lost it. Of course, Callie had never heard of him before, but Stacey had.  Stacey hung on his every word.  She wanted to ask about his writing, but wasn’t sure if he’d been published yet.  He did look at her strangely a time or two when she talked about a book of poetry.  Everything Stacey wanted to say was coming out wrong, so she said very little.  Stacey could hardly wait to tell Eric of her meeting Geoffrey Chaucer and what a famous writer he would be someday and would still be famous in her time.

After standing around talking for a while, everyone gathered in a large dining room.  Eric and Stacey were seated three and four seats down from the prince, while Rodric and Callie were seated farther down.  Stacey waved to them, and then noticed she and Eric was seated across and to the left of two of the chatty, gossipy women.  The wine steward came around and filled their goblets.  Stacey took notice of these young women.  Under their tons of make-up they were little more than teenagers. They were all privileged young women married too young to mostly older men.  Their days were long, boring and filled with malicious gossip.  Stacey felt a bit sorry for them until they turned loose on her.

One of the young women two seats down from Stacey said, “Countess Dun-Raven, I understand you are referred to as the maid from across the sea.  Can you tell us which sea that is?” 

“Oh, really?” Stacey asked. “I have not heard that particular round of gossip. Tell me, are ye acquainted with all the world seas?”

“Yes, I believe so,” she said.

“It must be so gratifying to be a geographer in these enlightened times. Can ye name all the seas for me?” Stacey asked.

“Well, yes, I believe so,” she said. “There is of course, the North sea, the Irish and the Mediterranean sea, the Red sea, and the Dead sea...”

While one was thinking, the other one sitting beside her with the questionable red hair said, “Don’t forget the sea of Galilee.” 

“Is that it?” Stacey asked. “Well, I’m sure I’m not from any of those.”  Eric took Stacey’s hand, kissed it and winked at her.

The food was served and that diverted the young women’s attention away from Stacey. The duchess; who Stacey and Callie met earlier was sitting beside Joan, the wife of Prince Edward.  She looked at Stacey and smiled.  The wine steward came around again and filled Stacey’s goblet.  Eric was speaking with the prince, therefore he didn’t notice.

Stacey was listening to the conversation of two of the young women next to her.  These so-called court ladies were vicious.  Stacey didn’t know whose husband was shagging whose wife, but she had heard about enough. How did they know so much about everybody’s bedroom business in the first place?  The chatty Cathy from across the table with the red wig asked, “Countess Dun-Raven, what would ye do to correct the situation, say ye husband was a philanderer?”

Stacey took a swallow of wine, set her goblet down and said, “I would cut his dick off, that ought to keep him home.”

The room went quiet.  Eric smiled, reached over and took Stacey’s wine goblet and said, “Oops, no more wine for ye my love.” 

Miss red said, “I do not understand what ye mean, Countess.”

“Then let me make it quite clear,” Stacey said. “I would remove his offending member with a sharp implement, be that clear enough? Then I might find the young women with vicious tongues and remove those also.” 

The older duchess said, “Good for ye, countess.  Now, shall we retire to the other room and leave the gentlemen to themselves?”

When the ladies stood up, so did the men.  Eric put his arm around Stacey, kissed her temple and said, “I will be in shortly and we can leave.” 

After the ladies departed, the men had a good laugh and asked, “Be that how the countess keeps ye home, Dun-Raven?” 

The Earl of Dun-Raven smiled his devilish smile and said, “Gentlemen, all ye need do, be to look at my wife and ye can see what keeps me home.”

Prince Edward said, “I for one think ye a lucky man. I like a woman who speaks her mind.”

Eric finished his wine, excused himself and said, “I must collect my lovely wife and go home to our young son.”

“Congratulations, Eric.  I did not know ye had a son,” the prince said.

“Yes, we do, I am pleased to say. He be four years younger than young Richard.”

“Ye lovely wife has invited us to Dun-Raven.  Should I find the time we will avail ourselves of ye hospitality.”

Eric clasped Edward’s hand, slapped him on his shoulder and said, “Edward, ye know ye always be welcome at Dun-Raven, anytime.”

Eric found Stacey and asked, “Be ye ready to go home or would ye care to stay longer?” 

“Don’t toy with me; I’ve had just enough wine to make me nasty. Where are Rodric and Callie anyway?”

Eric smiled at her surly attitude and said, “I believe they left earlier.”

Outside, three of the earl’s knights were waiting.  The trip up the river on a warm summer night was intoxicating.  Stacey was half-asleep when they arrived at Hampton hall.  She went immediately to check on Shane before she could go to sleep.  This was the longest time she had been away from him.

In their room, Eric helped her out of her dress, laid her back on the bed and asked, “Do ye remember

our first night here?” 

“Yes, of course, I do. That was when I conceived our son.”  She smiled at Eric and said, “I think it’s about time I conceive another.”

Eric said as he held her in his arms, “I will be most happy to comply, my lady.” 

The ride home was long and tedious.  Callie was quieter than usual because Rodric was staying with his parents until the wedding in November.  The trip seemed longer this time. Shane jabbered until he fell asleep. They were all relieved when they finally arrived home at Dun-Raven.  Everyone was ready to rest except Shane.  He was ready to rock and roll.  That started Stacey remembering her other life in the future.  She wished her mom and dad; Mr. Chen and her grandparents could meet Eric and Shane. Stacey loved them both so much.  She wished there was someway to share her happiness with them. It bothered her for them to think she was dead.

Chapter 20

The Marauders

hey had been home a few weeks when a rider came at full gallop.  Some Irish and Scottish raiders had attacked Rogan’s farm just inside Dun-Raven domain.  Eric, with some of his knights and soldiers left within the hour.  They were gone for two weeks.  Stacey was worried sick.  This was the first time Eric had ridden into danger since they were married.

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