A Fall Through Time (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #1) (11 page)

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Authors: Rikki M Dyson

Tags: #Fantasy, #Time travel, #romance

BOOK: A Fall Through Time (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #1)
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“Yes, who is it?” Stacey asked. 

The door opened and there stood Eric. He stepped in, only closing the door part way.  He said, “This

night our eyes have been on each other.  I think ye want me as much as I want ye.  If I am wrong, tell me and I will leave and trouble ye no more.”

Stacey stood up and said, “No, you’re not wrong.”

Eric closed and locked the door.  He came to Stacey and took her in his arms.  He said, “I have long dreamed of doing this since the first day ye came to Dun-Raven. I know ye think Isabelle and I..., but I swear to ye, I have not touched her since ye came into my life.” Stacey was still holding the hairbrush.  Eric smiled and said, “Would ye care to surrender ye weapon, my lady?”

Stacey handed him the brush and said, “I would like to surrender myself to you too, my lord.” 

When Stacey put her arms around him, he said, “Kiss me like ye did before.” 

They kissed and this time there was no holding back.  They both knew what they wanted.  Eric untied her robe and Stacey let it slide to the floor.  He looked at her in her black laced underwear and asked, “How do we remove this tiny armor?” Stacey unhooked the bra from the front and let it fall to the robe on the floor.  Eric admired her slenderness and said, “I knew they would be beautiful and desirable.”

He pulled his shirt over his head, and then took her in his arms once more.  His kisses were so sensual her head was spinning. No man had ever touched Stacey, now she was glad she had saved herself for this man from the past.  Eric picked her up and carried her to the bed.  He started to put out the candle, but Stacey said, “No, leave it.  I want to see you.”  Eric removed his clothes and stood before her. Stacey said, “You’re such a beautiful man you take my breath away.”

As he took her in his arms, he said, “Men are not beautiful.”

“Yes, my lord, you are,” she said.  Eric kissed her lips and her breast.  Stacey’s arms were around him, pulling him to her and running her fingers through his hair. Where his hands caressed, his lips soon followed. Stacey was holding tight to the head of the bed.  She had never felt such ecstasy.  She loved the feel of his soft silky chest hair and his hard, strong muscular body against hers.

After making love to Stacey, Eric said, “Me thinks hell be froze over.” 

Stacey laughed and said, “Well, if it did, I think we thawed it.” 

Eric held her close to him as they laughed.  They were both remembering what Stacey had said to him during one of their many arguments.  Eric kissed Stacey and said, “I find much pleasure in kissing ye.” 

“Yes and I you,” Stacey said as she traced the thin scar on his face and then kissed the one on his lip.  “How did you get these?” she asked. 

“When I was in France with the Black Prince; do ye know of him?”

“Yes, I’ve read about him in history books.” 

“It be strange, ye know so much about us and we know nothing of ye.” 

“That’s because we don’t exist yet,” Stacey said.

Confused, Eric said, “Yet, ye do exist.  Ye are here in my arms.” 

“I know,” Stacey said.  “I can’t explain it either.” 

“I know ye are not a great believer, but I think our lord sent ye to us.  We have learned many things from ye.”

“I wish I could take you back to my time with me.”

“I am sure I would not fit in, in ye world,” Eric said. 

Stacey kissed him and asked, “Will you tell me about Frances?”

Eric lay with his arm across his forehead and said, “There be not much to tell.”  Stacey waited and asked nothing more.  She was fondly running her fingers through his hair. Finally, Eric said, “She was a sweet child and a godly woman.  She was meant for the convent, not for the marriage bed.  She did her best for me, but thought touching or making love was sinful.  When I kissed her, I always had to do so with my lips closed.  I was never to touch her other than to insert my member.  I tried to tell her we both could achieve pleasure, but she would have none of it.”

“But she did conceive,” Stacey prompted him. 

“Yes she did,” Eric said. “As soon as she knew she was with babe I was no longer welcome in her bed. She was young, only sixteen and schooled at the convent.  I know she loved me in her own way.  I loved her too, but we were never lovers, only friends.”

“I’m so sorry for you and for her.  That’s just one of the reasons I’m not a church person.  In the next hundred years or so England will have a king that will break with Rome and will make himself the head of the Church of England.  Don’t get me wrong; he didn’t do it for humanity, he did it for his own selfish reasons.  He’ll marry six times and have the heads of two of his wives chopped off.  The sovereignty of Britain will still be head of the Church of England, but a more benevolent one in my time.

With amazement Eric said, “I find that hard to believe. What kind of man would do such a thing?” 

“Eric, you know as well as I do, where kings are concerned many heads roll. I’m sure that’s why many European people came to America. In my country all religions are welcome,” Stacey said.  “Of course, when the English first came to my country in the sixteen-hundred’s they brought superstition, witch hunts and a great belief in the devil with them, so it’s not a utopia, but it’s one of the best the world has at this time.  In fact, your country and my country consider themselves cousins.  They’re allies through thick and thin.”

Eric kissed her again, politics and history forgotten.  He knew dawn was not far away and he had to have her one more time.  They made slow sensual love; they both knew it would be the last time.  When it was time for Eric to go, he held her so tight she could hardly breathe.  Stacey just wanted to melt into him and go with him, but she knew better.  Never once in the entire night had he told her he loved her so she held her own tongue. A little before dawn, Eric kissed her one last time and waked out the door.

Stacey lay in the bed remembering the night and the feel of his arms around her. Before the sun touched the horizon, she heard the horses and mules and the clatter, chatter of a large party as they moved out and headed north to Dun-Raven castle.  After she had a bath and came downstairs, Stacey looked better, even if she didn’t feel better.

Lord Thomas and Lady Margaret invited her to break the fast with them. She ate a bit of fruit and made idle conversation. Her heart was at Dun-Raven, but her head was on Druid’s Grove and the possibility that she could find her way back to her own time from there. Stacey was a strong independent person, but she had lost her heart to Eric. There was no one she could pour her heart out to, not even Rodric. She had her pride, so she wasn’t going to share her feelings about Eric, with anyone.

Chapter 15

Druid’s Grove

hat afternoon Stacey and Rodric rode to Druid’s Grove; this was the first time Stacey had seen it in its pristine condition.  She could understand why Eric thought she had lied to him.  It would be almost seven hundred years before it would give up its secrets.  Stacey couldn’t help but wonder if Druid’s Grove would take her back to her own time.  After all, this was where she fell through time.

Rodric and Stacey walked all around where she thought the villa might be buried.  They went everyday the first week.  The second week they rode out four times searching, but the third week they rode out only once.  When Rodric saw tears in Stacey’s eyes, he thought it was disappointment over not being able to go home to her own time.

Lord Thomas had received two more offers for her hand in marriage, but of course, Stacey had refused.  She was not eating and had no interest in anything.  They were all worried about her.  One morning after breaking the fast, Stacey told Lady Margaret and Lord Thomas that she thought, it would be best if she looked for employment in Spain or Holland.

Rodric was surprised, they went for a ride and he asked, “What is wrong with ye?  Have ye given up on going back to ye own time?” 

“Yes,” Stacey said. “I can’t stay here any longer.  If time is gonna’ take me back, it’ll find me wherever I am.” 

“If that be true, then come to Hampton keep with Mother and Father. Ye can do much good there.” 

“No,” Stacey said. “I must go far away, I can’t stay here.”

Later that afternoon Rodric wrote a letter and sent it by the fastest messenger.

Lord Thomas talked with Stacey and said, “My dear, if ye be determined to leave us why not accept one of the gentlemen that has offered for ye?” 

“I know you don’t understand,” Stacey said, “but I have nothing to offer a husband.  I have no money no property...nothing, and I will be no mans chattel.”

The lord of Dun-Raven had just set down to the mid-day meal when the messenger arrived.  Eric opened the letter and read: 

Brother, ye asked me to inform ye when Stacey had returned to her own time.

Eric had only gotten that far when a commotion outside called for his attention.  He stuck the letter in his surcoat to finish reading later.

Eric was getting ready for bed when he thought of the letter.  His heart was heavy.  He was sure Rodric was writing to inform him that Stacey had returned to her own time, to a place where he would never see her again. Eric took the letter from his surcoat, leaned close to the candle and read.  Brother, ye asked me to inform ye when Stacey returned to her own time.  We went to Druid’s Grove everyday the first week, four times the second week and only once the third week.  Father has had many offers of marriage for Stacey, but she has refused them all.  Now she be talking of going away to Spain or Holland.  We all be concerned about her.  She be melancholy and not like herself at all.  I have asked her to come to Hampton keep, but she refuses.  I do not know what more I can do.  She said that if time were going to take her back, it would take her from wherever she be.  Mayhap she be right. Ye devoted brother, Rodric.

Chapter 16

A Gentleman’s Offer

ric called for Franklin.  When he came, sleepy eyed, the lord of Dun-Raven was giving orders left and right.  By morning, he was well on his way to London.  Stacey was in Lord Thomas’s parlor reading a book when he informed her; there was a gentleman in the hall who wished to make an offer of marriage.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but you know I’m not interested in marriage.”

“Yes I know, my dear, but he insists on speaking with ye.” 

“Very well, I’ll get rid of him myself.”

When Stacey walked into the large sitting room there were two men waiting.  One was Eric, which made her heart skip a beat.  The other man she didn’t know.  He was tall, blond and handsome.  She looked back at Eric and became very angry.  Eric saw her eyes flashing fire and tried to explain before she became enraged.

Eric said, “My lady...”

Stacey put her palm upright and asked, “Did you bring this man here?” 

“Yes,” Eric said, “but Stacey...” 

Stacey put her hand up again and said, “Please, your lordship.”  To the man she turned and said, “Sir, I do not mean to be rude, but I am not in the market for marriage.  I am sure you will find someone more compatible elsewhere.”

The blond gentleman said, “My lady, I am sorry to hear that.  The lord of Dun-Raven seemed sure ye would agree.”

“Well, his lordship has made mistakes before about me.”

The gentleman shrugged his shoulders and said, “Of course, if ye do not wish to marry Dun-Raven, we will not force ye.”

Stacey was still standing with her arms crossed with that stubborn stance Eric knew so well.  She said, “Certainly not...Dun-Raven?  You mean Eric?  But I thought he brought you.” 

“He did, my lady, as a witness to the marriage, if ye will have him.” 

“Sweetheart, this is Edward Plantagenet, better known as the Black Prince.”

Stacey said, “I’m so sorry, but I thought...”

“Yes, my dear; I know what ye thought.  I assure ye, were I not already married, I would give Dun-Raven a run for his money.” 

Stacey could hear the prince, but she only had eyes for Eric. 

Lady Margaret came in and announced that the priest was on his way. Then she turned to Stacey and asked, “Would ye like to change into something more suitable to be married in, something more festive?” 

“Wear the green one,” Eric entreated.  Stacey smiled and nodded her head.

The priest came and they were married on December 3, 1370.  While they were having libations, Eric told Stacey, “We will stay the night here.  On the morn, we ride for Dun-Raven.  Will ye mind to dress as a page and ride with me fast and hard?” 

“My lord, husband, I would follow ye to hell and back,” Stacey replied.

Eric hugged her and said, “Me thinks we need not go that far, my love.”

After the prince and priest had said their goodnights, Eric hugged his brother and thanked him for writing the letter.  He asked, “Will ye be riding back with us on the morrow?” 

“Nay,” Rodric said. “I will stay here until after the Yuletide season.  Then I will return to Dun Raven.”

The Earl of Dun-Raven carried his bride upstairs.  As she took the pins from her hair, Eric was slowly unlacing the laces in the back of the green dress.  As he kissed her neck and bare shoulders, he said, “I have dreamed of this for much time.”

When Eric finished with the laces, Stacey turned to him and let the dress fall to the floor.  She helped Eric remove his garments.  She had dreamed of his lithe, muscular body for a long time.  She wanted to savor every touch and kiss, because life was too short. She wanted to love and be loved by this man for the rest of her life. Stacey knew there was the real possibility of her being pulled back into her own time, but until then she would love this man and cherish every minute with him.  Making love to him was heavenly. This time when they made love, it was better than the first time if that was possible.  Perhaps knowing that Eric loved her made the difference.

Afterwards, Eric held her in his arms telling her how much he loved her and that there be no way he could live without her that it had been a wretched few weeks without her.  When he received Rodric’s letter he had told the castle folk that he was going to Hampton hall to bring Miss Stacey home.  Langston told him that his people could not be happier.”

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