Read A Dom Is Forever Online

Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Erotica

A Dom Is Forever (49 page)

BOOK: A Dom Is Forever
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“Sure, mate.” Liam watched as Ian walked away. Nelson would show up, but they would be ready. They had won this battle, but the war raged on.

He opened the door again. Avery had
in her arms, rocking the baby sweetly. She looked up, her eyes bright.

She was his whole fucking life.

“Hey, baby,” she said with a smile.

Liam let the door close behind him. It was all right. He was with his family.


* * * *


Deep in the night, Alex turned on his laptop. He would just check his email before going to bed. Hell, who was he kidding? He would be sitting here for hours. The minute he laid down in bed, he would be reminded of the fact that Eve wasn’t with him.

Watching Sean and Grace and their baby had hit him squarely in the gut. He was happy for them. He was happy for all of them. Everyone was married and had pregnant wives it seemed. Adam and Jake had wanted to start a family forever. Fuck, even love ‘
and leave ‘
Liam had settled down. He would be a father before Alex.

That was what churned in his gut. He and Eve should have been parents a couple of times over by now. Two or three kids. They should be in the suburbs with a couple of girls who looked like Eve and a dumbass boy who would act like Alex. They should have had a future.

He’d screwed it all up. He’d thought he was so fucking smart, but Michael Evans had shown him. He closed his eyes, the memories still so fresh in his head like the horror had happened yesterday and not years ago. But then wounds never healed when a man just kept ripping them open again.

A weariness invaded his veins as the screen changed. He’d earned his heartache. He’d gotten out of Eve’s bed not an hour before, and his soul was already aching. He’d lain there and just for a moment he’d pretended she wasn’t going to kick him out. He’d let himself hope that she would turn to him, lay her head on his chest and they could fall asleep wrapped around each other.

She’d gotten up and taken a shower as though she couldn’t wait to wash him from her body. He’d slunk out knowing damn well she was done with him for the night.

Their world was changing, and he was wondering if he wasn’t changing with it.

He couldn’t handle it. He loved Eve, but he couldn’t handle the punishment much longer. He loved her, and he’d destroyed her.

If he couldn’t put her back together soon, his life might be over.

He glanced down the e-mails. Work. Work was the only thing that held him together half the time. He could lose himself in work. He answered a few questions about ongoing cases. There was nothing special in the list until about halfway down.

He hit select, his heart skipping a little. His eyes searched the mail, and his blood pressure rose.

Michael Evans was back, and it seemed like he wanted to play a little game.

Eve was in trouble. Eve was in danger. She might not want his help. But she would get it. It was time to protect his wife.

Whether she wanted it or not.





The McKay-Taggart security team returns in 2013 with
On Her Master’s Secret Service


Her submission fulfilled her


When Eve St. James married Alex McKay, she had her whole life ahead of her. They were the FBI’s golden couple by day, but by night Eve gave herself over to her husband’s world of Dominance and submission filled with pleasures she came to crave.


His betrayal destroyed her


Worried for her safety, Alex left Eve behind to tackle a dangerous mission. But Alex never suspected that Eve was the real target and her security is destroyed by a madman. By the time he rescues her, his wife has been changed forever.


But when her life is in danger he is her only hope


Unable to heal the damage, Alex and Eve are still trapped together in a cycle of pleasure and misery that even their divorce cannot sever. But when a threat from Eve’s past resurfaces, Alex will stop at nothing to save her life and reclaim her heart.






Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places.
believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem. She also writes contemporary western ménage as Sophie Oak.


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Other Books by


Masters And Mercenaries

The Dom Who Loved Me

The Men With The Golden Cuffs

A Dom Is Forever

Coming in 2013:

On Her Master’s Secret Service

Love and Let Die


Masters of Ménage by
Black and

Their Virgin Captive

Their Virgin’s Secret

Their Virgin Concubine

Coming Soon:

Their Virgin Princess


Coming Soon:

Leaving Camelot, Wild Western Nights, Book 1




Enjoy the following excerpt from
Their Virgin Concubine
, by
Black and
Blake, available now:

Copyright 2012 by
Black and


The country of
– renowned for its wealth and the beauty of its deserts…


Piper Glen is thrilled when
ask her to visit their country on a business trip. Madly attracted to both, the virginal secretary knows that neither of her intensely handsome bosses desires her. But every night she dreams of having them both in her bed, fulfilling her every need.


have finally found the perfect woman in Piper. Sweet and funny. Intelligent and strong. Before they can reveal their feelings, the brothers must fulfill an ancient tradition. Every sheikh must steal his bride and share her with his brothers. They have thirty days to convince Piper to love them all forever.


The country of
– notorious for its danger…


knows his villainous cousin seeks to take his throne. If
and his brothers fail to convince the beautiful Piper to love them, all will be lost. After meeting Piper, he knows he would risk everything to possess her heart.


Khalil al Bashir has long coveted his cousin’s rule. Without a bride to seal their birthright, his every wish will come true. If Piper falls for them, he will lose everything but Piper can’t love them if she’s dead…


Chapter One


watched the gorgeous blonde with the swaying, tight ass walk by and wondered if there was something wrong with his dick. She was lovely and obviously available. No ring on that finger. Wearing a gray skirt that barely covered her essentials and red stilettos, she was definitely dressed to attract a man. As she passed, she turned slightly, her eyes widening as she took in his thousand dollar custom-made suit and handcrafted Italian loafers. He could see the hot blonde silently itemizing him, doing her best to estimate his wealth down to the last dollar.

And she would fall short by a few billion.

“Hi.” She carried a few folders, but not where they’d hide her breasts. At least a D cup and, from the placement of those large globes high on her chest, he would bet she’d purchased them herself. Like the rest of the blonde, they were magnificently constructed and hard as a rock.

His dick practically yawned. “Hello. I’m looking for Mr. Townsend.”

Her painted mouth curled up in a sex-kitten smile. “He recently changed his last name to James.”

Good for
A little warmth flooded
system at the thought of his friend finally finding his true place beside his two biological brothers, along with their shared wife, Hannah. “Excellent. Then where is Mr. James this morning?”

was the head of security. He would be the one to talk to about the little problem
was having. He needed information on one of Black Oak Oil’s employees. Little things like where her office was and whether or not she had all her teeth. All the things his eldest brother,
, hadn’t seen fit to mention when he’d ordered
and their middle brother,
, to fetch this girl and bring her home to
. The sheikh could be a bossy asshole at times.

God, if
didn’t settle on a wife soon,
was going to lose his bloody mind—and a lot more. Of course, the problem was that once
settled on a wife,
would have to settle for her, too. One wife for all brothers. God bless

He had to hope this candidate looked better than the mousy pictures included in
dossier. It wasn’t that she was ugly, merely plain and deeply somber. And the photos were grainy, a driver’s license picture and a little black and white image that looked like it had come from a school yearbook. Neither had been promising. And her background was so bland he’d forgotten most of it already. Grew up in a small town. Apple of her parents’ eyes. Graduated from college with a degree in economics. Yep. He’d gone to sleep just after reading that tidbit.

“He’s in a meeting, but you can wait in his office.” Her eyes softened, an obviously practiced move. “Or you could buy me a cup of coffee.”

Nothing. Not even a stir. His cock was still completely flaccid, despite her less than subtle come-on. Damn it, he was barely thirty. His dick should be standing up and shouting “let’s party!”
would rather take a nap. He sighed. Maybe his dick’s lack of responsiveness didn’t matter since he’d likely soon be chained to some boring, dull-as-dishwater intellectual because that was

Maybe he should try to convince his cock to take the blonde up on her offer.

Before he could, a flurry of chaos walked by, her brown hair caught at the back of her head in a messy bun. She quickly rushed down the hall, barely containing a haphazard stack of files in her arms that stuck out this way and that, the edges poking at all sorts of odd angles. She was talking on a cell phone tucked between her ear and her shoulder, her face animated. She plowed right into the blonde, who dropped the two little folders she’d been carrying. The stack in the brunette’s arms exploded, paper filling the air like a ticker-tape parade.

“Goddamn it,” the blonde cursed. “Fucking researchers.”

“I am so sorry, Amanda.” The brunette spoke in a soft Texas twang as she dropped to the ground on her hands and knees, phone tumbling across the office carpet as she began wrangling the wild herd of papers. “I was talking and I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’m really sorry.”

“Here, let me help you,” a deep voice said.
, his brother, always the gentleman, hurried up the hall and got to one knee.

“Thank you,” the blonde purred. Then she realized
was talking to the little brunette and frowned down at her. “There’s a reason everyone around here calls you Pandora.”

Pandora. Goddess of Chaos. The messy bun on the back of the brunette’s head looked like it would unravel at any moment, unleashing a cascade of brown curls lit with strands of honey blonde and warm red. She turned her face up, and
nearly cheered.

His dick was back in top form now, standing tall and eager.
Oh, yeah.

There was nothing at all artificial about Pandora. She was soft and feminine, with bee-stung lips and blue eyes that were nearly hidden behind a pair of big glasses that might have been fashionable in the eighties. She wore a shapeless blouse, but as she moved, she popped a button, and he caught sight of creamy white cleavage flushed with a hint of pink. Clearly, she was flustered and embarrassed.

BOOK: A Dom Is Forever
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