A Dom Is Forever (44 page)

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Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Erotica

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“Oh, oh. That’s so much bigger than the plug.” Her breath came out in nervous little puffs.

He smoothed a hand up and down her spine, letting her adjust. It was so fucking hard when all he wanted was to shove his way in, to dominate her, but this was the way to do it. Patience and caring. His hips moved in measured thrusts, easing his cock head in and out, gaining a centimeter here and there. “Relax. The worst is over. Tell me how you feel.”

He slipped a hand around her hips and toyed with her clit. Her pussy was soaked and swollen. The minute he slid the pad of his thumb over her clit, she pushed back against him and took him deeper, his cock shifting and easing inside.

“I feel full, Li. So full. It burns a little, but I think I like it.” Her back shivered as she rolled her hips, taking him deep.

His skin lit up when he slid inside, his balls nestling against the cheeks of her ass. He had to hold himself still, allowing the heat and tightness to wash over him. His balls were snug against his body, waiting to go off again, to give her his semen. It belonged to her. He never wanted to wear a damn condom again. Nothing between them. She would walk around with his come inside her, and he would never stop feeling her grip his dick.

“Are you all right?” He prayed she was. He was dying.

“I am. It’s not bad.”

“All right. Then tell me how this feels.” He carefully dragged his cock out until just the head was inside.

“Oh my god. What is that?”

“Nerves you never thought you had.” He foraged back inside, every centimeter a pure joy. He got to show her just how good it could be.

She slammed back against him. This was the push and pull he wanted. This was the sweet fight. Avery started to move, trying to keep him in, then trying to push him back out. She was beautifully impaled on his cock, and she seemed to love every minute of it.

And it was all happening too fast. She felt too fucking good, too hot and tight and perfect. He couldn’t last. He fucked deep inside and then pinched down on her clit.

Avery’s cries filled the room, and she clamped down around his dick as she came, sending him hurling into his own orgasm. Semen shot from his balls, filling her up and sending a wave of pleasure through his spine. He fell forward, utterly exhausted, his body driving hers into the bed. The lavender smell of the soap he’d used to wash her skin filled his nose, and he let his face rub against her damp hair. His arm felt like hell, but he forced it to move so he could wrap her in his arms.

“Mine,” he said, twisting so he didn’t crush her.

“Has anyone ever told you you’re a little possessive?” Avery asked with a happy sigh as her head found his chest.

“Not once.” He hadn’t been before he met her. He squeezed her tight and kissed her forehead. “I love you, baby. We have to get a move on. Back into the shower with you. I don’t want to miss our show.”

Worry darkened her eyes. “All right.”

The moment was broken, but he promised they would have more. They were getting out. They were going someplace where the past could never touch him again.

Avery got up with a sad little smile, and Liam laid back.

“I put your boots by the door. I almost tripped over them earlier,” Avery called out. “We’re going to have to talk about your housekeeping skills.”

For just a second, he was back in his nightly dream, looking down at those boots that always seemed so wrong to him. He’d stood there, trying to figure it out all those years ago. Memory was a tricky thing.

It hit like a flash, like a lightning strike that blinded him for a moment.

His dreams had been trying to warn him. Only a silly man wouldn’t listen. He closed his eyes and tried to remember. It was still fuzzy, like a tape that had been slightly warped, but it was still there. The boots had been the key. He hadn’t understood why he got caught on those boots every time. He’d imagined it was because those boots had told him his brother was dead.

But he remembered quite clearly now. Rory’s boots had been at the edge of the couch in that ramshackle death house, but he hadn’t been wearing them.

The boots were wrong because they had been empty, one on its side and sitting straight up as though the owner had simply dropped them after he’d changed into new clothes, a fresh disguise.

Rory had left them behind just like he’d left Liam behind, vestiges of his old life that he’d tossed in an incinerator like old trash.

Bits and pieces of the puzzle started to wind themselves together in his brain. If Rory was working with Nelson, then Nelson had likely had a plan for him. From everything he understood, Nelson hadn’t used those bonds to set himself up somewhere comfy. No. He’d used them to start building something. Ten million wasn’t enough for a man like Nelson. It wouldn’t be enough for Rory either. In the end, what both men truly wanted was power. Nelson was a tricky one. What if he’d kept Rory alive? What if he’d had bigger plans for Rory?

If Rory was alive, then what had he been doing for the last five years?

There was plenty of power and money in the arms business. It would intrigue a man like Nelson, but it wasn’t like opening a gas station. It would take time and planning and years of patience to get to the big time. Nelson had the contacts, but he wouldn’t have the money to set it up. He wouldn’t have an infrastructure to distribute on a wide level.

had both money a plenty and a way to distribute through their relief shipments. And it had a man at its helm who no one had seen for years before he’d decided to take back over his charity.

Thomas Molina wore contacts when he didn’t need them. Unless he was trying to cover green eyes with brown. His brother had always been a good actor, and his accents were impeccable. It was one of the reasons
had considered him for training. The magnitude of his brother’s betrayal washed over him. He’d suspected it when Avery had told him about the contacts, but now he knew it was true.

The shower started up, and he could hear Avery hum. It was funny how the universe worked. It was even funnier that he was contemplating the bloody universe. If he’d figured it out before, he would have been bitter and cold, and he very likely would have walked out on his own team.

But he’d met Avery. His love. His wife.

He would never forgive Rory for what he’d done, but he could finally forgive himself for letting it happen.

Liam sighed, shoving the past behind him as he went to join his future.




Chapter Twenty


Avery buttoned her sweater while internally debating the wisdom of engaging in first time anal sex before going on the run from a potential killer. On the plus side, she was so madly in love with Liam O’Donnell that she was probably glowing.

On the minus, she really kind of wanted to stay home and sit on a bag of frozen peas.

“Come on, baby.” Liam stood at the door. They seemed to have hit some magical time at which he became a serious worrywart. He’d hurried her through the shower that ended with her actually being clean. He’d rushed her through getting dressed. Every moment seemed to be filled with an anxiety to be gone from this place.

She would miss it. Sure it was the place where her creepy ex-boss had listened in on her having sex, but it was also the place where she’d found some peace and love. Liam seemed to think it would be the place where she would be horrifically killed if they didn’t get a move on.

“I’m coming,” she said, grabbing her purse. She’d selected her big purse. She had her pictures and medications and a single change of clothes. She’d left the undies behind because bossy guy wasn’t so into underwear.

What was wrong with her? She was leaving everything she knew behind, and she was making mental jokes. Avery knew it was deadly serious, but somehow it felt like an adventure. Taking Liam’s hand, she walked out the door and rapidly discovered that her adventure began in Adam and Jake’s apartment.
Very exotic.

Adam held the door open as Liam ushered her across the hall. Jake stood beside the bar, a grim look on his face. Avery glanced around the formerly cheery apartment. Now it looked like a war room. Maps were laid out and two separate computers were running. Worse, there were a whole lot of weapons on display.

“What is it?” Liam asked after Adam closed the door. “We need to get out of here. We’re running late.”

“Yeah, we got that. I don’t know if that was Ian meant by acting normal,” Adam said with a little snort.

Avery felt her skin flush. She’d totally forgotten that more than one set of ears could be listening in. She’d sort of lost herself in the moment. “Can’t you stop listening in on that stuff?”

Liam shook his head. “They can now. Up until now, it’s been necessary. They’ve been our backup if something went wrong.”

“Yes, we had to make sure Li there didn’t slip up during sex. Apparently when he’s making love he forgets his accent,” Jake said. “Though you did a damn fine job today. Not a single lilt.”

Liam shrugged. “Only because you couldn’t hear me in the shower.”

“Yeah, well, we heard everything else. I think it’s safe to say whoever was listening in doesn’t think you’ve been tipped off. Poor girl. She’s going to be sore, and you’re going to make her run all over London. Do you need some ibuprofen?” Adam asked.

Or maybe they would just be on the run forever, and she would never have to see Jake and Adam again.

“Stop embarrassing me girl, Adam. Now, if that’s all, we’ll head out. Tell
to text me if plans change.” Liam started toward the door. “And tell Ian I need to have a talk with him. I think I might know who we’re up against, but it’s complicated. Tell him it all goes back to the Irish operation.”

“That’s going to have to wait. The plan has changed. Ian got a call from Nelson.” Jake pulled on a shoulder holster, settling a nasty-looking gun into the side.

“The bastard just called his cell?” Liam asked, his jaw dropping slightly.

Jake shrugged. “Yeah. He called about thirty minutes ago and asked to meet with Ian. According to him, he has information that could help us out.”

Liam shook his head. “He can’t think that Ian isn’t going to take him down. He put a couple of bullets into Ian’s brother and damn near killed Ian’s sister-in-law. Nelson isn’t an idiot. He’s got to know Ian wants revenge.”

Adam’s mouth was a flat, grim line. “He seems to think that whatever he has is going to convince Ian not to kill him.”

She could feel the anxiety in Liam.

“It’s got to be some sort of trap.” Liam started to pace, his eyes staring at the floor. “This
right and you know it. Just before we’re set to leave, Nelson up and decides to come in from the cold? No. Ian needs to walk away, and he needs to do it right bloody now. We all need to leave England and regroup when we know what the fuck is really happening here. Leave the cleanup to MI6.”

Jake ran a hand through his hair. “Do you think we haven’t already tried that line of thinking?”

“Ian thinks he can handle it. Alex is already at the site of the meet up. We’ve hopefully covered everything. It’s in the open so hopefully Ian doesn’t just kill the fucker,” Adam explained.

“I’m more worried about the fucker killing Ian.” Liam’s hand drifted up to his arm. Avery had redressed the wound, cleaning it carefully. “Molina already tried to kill me.”

“I think Ian’s hoping Nelson is turning on Molina. Damon has been informed, and MI6 will be set up, too. Ian’s covered.” Jake passed Liam a long look. “I’m not worried about Nelson killing Ian. We can watch his back, but I’m with you. There’s something else going on here. Something about this spells out FUBAR to me.”

“FUBAR?” Avery asked. She didn’t know what that was, but the timing of Nelson’s call did seem odd.

“Fucked up beyond all recognition. It’s a very precise military term.” Adam opened a case that was sitting on the bar. Several shiny guns sat inside along with a couple of big, matte black ones. He picked up one and handed it to Liam. “Ian wants you armed. You can give it back to Eve tomorrow, and she’ll dump it. There’s no way to get you on a plane with it, man.”

Liam took the pistol, shoving it into his pocket after clicking some buttons and checking things she didn’t have a clue about. He was really competent with a gun. “Give me a couple of knives, too. If I need to do some wet work, I’d rather keep it quiet if you know what I mean.”

She didn’t know what he meant, but Adam seemed to. He pulled out the top of the case revealing a second layer where he apparently kept the knife store. Liam selected a few, and they started to disappear in various parts of his clothing.

“Are you two going to back Ian up?” Liam asked.

Adam pulled out a wicked-looking knife, and it disappeared into his boot. “Jake is headed to the meet. I’ve been given clearance to head to Serena’s. She’s getting on a plane tomorrow, but if Nelson wants to play hardball, taking one of our women would be a good way to go. We’re going to hit the town, just like the two of you.”

“Are they coming with us?” It might be nice to have another couple with them.

Liam shook his head. “No. We’re going to split up. It’s harder for someone to trail two of us. The whole team will leave tomorrow. Is anyone staying behind? I’m sure Ian will if he doesn’t walk into a trap tonight and get his ass sniped. What is he thinking? There’s no bloody way Nelson just decided to talk tonight. He’s up to something.”

Jake’s jaw tightened. “I know, but Ian’s not thinking straight. He’s a little obsessed with Nelson, and I’m not sure why. I guess because of what happened with Sean.”

“There’s more to it, but Ian has to tell you that story himself,” Liam explained. “I will say that you need to watch him, Jake. He can’t be professional about this.”

Jake stopped, tension in his every muscle. “Ian is always professional. Ian’s a rock.”

“Not about this he won’t be. He and Nelson have got history, if you know what I mean. I wouldn’t say a damn thing if I wasn’t so worried about him, but you got to watch his back, mate. He needs you and Alex to make smart decisions for him tonight.”

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