A Deeper Shade of Bad (5 page)

Read A Deeper Shade of Bad Online

Authors: Ella Price

BOOK: A Deeper Shade of Bad
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such an ass,” I snapped as I got up and went to my room. I was annoyed that he
had won but I didn’t want to keep pushing his buttons. I stripped the dress off
and found a gray silk nighty and panties to put on.

flipped on the TV found a movie to watch but I couldn’t really pay attention
because I was still annoyed. I eventually fell asleep after about an hour of
sitting there staring blankly at the TV screen.


woke up and the sun was coming in the room. I sat up and Alex was sitting a
chair in the corner watching me. He was already showered and dressed. His dark
blue shirt went well with his complexion and his overall demeanor.

morning Amelia,” He said softly.

morning,” I said quietly feeling the tension in the room. He was so evasive and
annoying but I knew I would miss him if we broke up which annoyed me.

and I need to talk,” He said quietly.

about what?” I asked casually like I didn’t know.

you are being difficult. I admit I am not helping but I still expect a certain
amount of respect from you.”

can’t expect me to respect you when you don’t respect me,” I snapped.

is where you are mistaken, this is not a romantic relationship this is a
business deal. You agreed to act a certain way and I agreed to provide you with
everything you want,” he said standing up.

watched him and I realized maybe it was a business deal to him and that’s all
it would be. “Maybe I didn’t understand what I was getting into, I haven’t
spent any money and you can take the car back,” I said and got up.

blocked me from moving and I looked at him, “Don’t do this,” He said quietly.
Surprisingly there was no threat it was more of a plea.

just make you angry all the time,” I said quietly.

always, I enjoy being with you even when you are annoying me,” he said and
touched my face. “Maybe we need to just talk to each other before walking away
from each other.”

looked at him, “I guess we don’t have to give up yet.”

leaned in and kissed me, “Get dressed and I will take you back to the bookstore
before work.”

nodded and he left. I dressed in a pretty green dress I found with a pair of
black high heel sandals. I pinned most of my hair up and let just a few strands
fall free. When I was done I walked slowly downstairs hoping he was in a better

was in the kitchen when I came down. He was reading a paper or tabloid. He
looked up and he looked annoyed.

is it now?” I asked.

shook his head; “Apparently we have a love triangle,” He said and showed me the

was a picture of the incident with him, Nicky, and his parents in front of the
bookstore. I smiled, “They really get pictures of everything don’t they?”

they do. Are you ready?” He asked and smiled.

I said and followed him out to his car.

was still quiet and I didn’t want to start any problems so I just listened to
the radio. He parked in front of the bookstore and got out. He came around and
let me out. “Do you want a coffee?”

it is a requirement,” I said smiling.

smiled and led me over to the coffee shop. I liked how many women stared at
him. It made me feel important since he picked me to be with him. I ordered my
usual and he ordered a tea. “Well I should get to work, please keep your phone
on,” He said.

nodded, “I will.”

kissed me and then went to his car and left.

sighed, he was always going to be dense and I wasn’t sure if I liked that. I
walked into the store and nearly yelped in surprise when someone picked me up
and squeezed me. It was Jake my best friend in the world.

are you doing here?” I asked hugging him.

to see you of course,” He said like I should have known. Jake was my first
crush until I found out he was gay. I still had a crush on him for the longest
time but I eventually got over it. He was tall, athletic, and blond. He had
left for college last year and I didn’t get to see him often.

can’t believe it why didn’t you call?” I asked smiling.

I thought you would be here not off with some rich boy toy,” He said excitedly.

would have postponed the boy toy plans for you.” I would have to. Jake was one
of the only true friends I had.



hung out all day. I hardly noticed that Alex didn’t call or text. We went to
the mall and out to eat. We took his corvette instead of my BMW it was easier
if I didn’t have to explain.

seven we were walking down a stretch of down town that was all upper class
eateries and boutiques. Jake was going on about some guy he was seeing. It was
kind of amusing because he sounded like he was in love even though he claimed
it was a fling.

stopped when I saw Alex standing outside one of the restaurants. I hid behind a
tree and when Jake asked what we were doing I pointed him out.

him? Well you can cancel plans with me whenever you want,” He said grinning.

blue Mercedes pulled up and Elaine got out. I felt my blood boil and Jake made
a face that indicated he knew what was going on. Alex walked over and greeted
her, she hugged him and I wanted to kill someone. I went to go after them but
Jake pulled me back. “You could be misinterpreting this,” he said quickly.

the hell ever,” I snapped.

could be a business deal,” Jake said trying to restrain me. He really didn’t
like conflict and I didn’t either but this was bull shit. I knew what kind of
business deals Alex made. They took seats in the patio area of the restaurant
and I could tell he ordered wine.

don’t need to see anymore I want to go burn the car he gave me,” I said annoyed
and went to walk off.

caught me by the arm, “Remember the whole nice girl image thing you’ve got
going. Burning a car isn’t going to help that.”

would really like to tell him where to shove that car,” I growled.

oh you might get to I think he saw us,” Jake said looking toward the restaurant
they were at.

turned and looked and he was looking in our direction. “Let’s go” I said and pulled
Jake along with me. “Put your arm around me and act straight.”

laughed, “You are only fueling a fire that you don’t even know exists,” He said
following my lead.

don’t care.” I was too angry to even see straight.

I think he is following us and if he kicks my ass I’m going to be upset,” Jake
said looking worried.

won’t or I’ll hurt him,” I said getting angrier.

I heard Alex call from a distance but I was determined to ignore him.

picked up my pace and practically drug Jake along with me. “You should just
talk to him Amy,” Jake groaned as I pushed through the crowd.

there is nothing to say,” I said fighting off tears. I wasn’t going to cry, I
was tired of him hurting me it was starting to annoy me.

your being a child again,” Alex snapped catching my arm and stopping me.

pulled away from him, “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

is he?” He asked and nodded toward Jake.

of your business,” I wasn’t about to tell him what he wanted to know.

I’m not playing games with you,” He growled.

leave me alone, your date is waiting,” I snapped and walked off pulling Jake
with me.

have to admit he is very sexy in a domineering kind of way,” Jake said glancing
back at him. If he only knew how domineering Alex really was he would probably
smack me.

is not anything anymore,” I said quietly. We walked back to Jake’s car and he
drove to my apartment. Surprisingly my phone hadn’t made a sound. We went
upstairs to my room and watched movies. I was in a big tee shirt and panties
and he was in a pair of pajama pants and a tee shirt. Granny came in around
nine followed by Alex.

didn’t look happy and I could see why I mean I had a hot guy in my bed and he
was in pajamas. “Granny why didn’t you say something before you let him in,” I

you didn’t say you were avoiding him.” I sighed that was my Granny for you she
always had a way of annoying me.

would like to talk to you alone,” Alex said quietly but he was glaring at Jake.

going out with Granny,” Jake said and squeezed past Alex. Alex was
intentionally making him squeeze past which I think Jake rather enjoyed at
least he gave be a thumbs up and pointed at his ass.

stifled a smile and Alex narrowed his eyes, “What is so funny?” He growled.

Jake just enjoyed feeling you up,” I said and smiled.

face fell a little, “He’s gay,” he said like it just dawned on him.

he did give a thumbs up though so that’s good for you,” I said.

looked even more annoyed and shut the door, “I owe you an explanation,” He said

don’t want one,” I said quietly.

sighed and looked around the room, he had never been in my room before and he
seemed like he liked being nosy. “It wasn’t a date, it was just a dinner with
an old friend.”

I’m young, but I’m not stupid and she is not just a friend,” I said getting

used to be more but now she is just a friend,” He said firmly.

since you don’t mind maybe I’ll go out for dinner with some of my exes,” I said
crossing my arms.

smiled, “Which ones would that be?” he asked obviously knowing I didn’t have

could go out with Nicholas he did ask for a second chance,” I said just to piss
him off.

worked to, “For being a virgin you sure have the tendencies of a slut,” He

right, signing that deal with you really proved it. I’m cancelling the
contract, I can’t believe I agreed anyway,” I said and turned away as I crossed
my arms defiantly.

felt him climb on the bed and I could smell his cologne, “I know you are angry
and you have every right to be, come see me tomorrow night with your final
decision. I won’t take an answer while you are angry,” he whispered then kissed
my cheek and I heard him leave closing the door behind him.

tears started down my cheeks which only annoyed me more. Jake came back in and
hugged me, “Did he break up with you?” He asked.

I broke up with him,” I said burying my face in his chest. I fell asleep in
Jakes arms and I was glad he was here. He made me feel better.


woke up and I was in a foul mood. Jake was still asleep when I showered and
dressed and went downstairs. Granny was in her usual position and I went to get
my coffee like normal. I walked outside and Alex was standing near his car
holding a coffee.

handed it to me and I took it even though I didn’t want to. “I took the day
off, I want to spend time with you.”

don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said quietly.

smiled, “Why because I might convince you to do what I want?” He asked.

I said and smiled.

on baby, we need talk,” He said and took my hand. I sighed because he had won
again. He led me to his SUV and I got in. He drove to his house and parked in
the garage like usual.

got out and followed him in. He set my coffee on the counter and led me up the
stairs to his room. I was excited because I hadn’t been in his room yet. He
opened the door and it was huge. The bed room was big and done in beach colors.
There was a balcony that overlooked the beach. I loved the room, it could have
done with some more color but it was still pretty.

is going to you bedroom talking?” I asked as I sat on his bed.

smiled as he stripped his coat off, “I express myself better in bed,” He said
and sat next to me.

kissed me gently and I wanted to protest and tell him he wasn’t going to orgasm
me into submission but I didn’t want him to stop kissing me. His hands went to
my shirt and he pulled it over my head.

pulled at the buttons on his shirt and pulled his shirt off. I laid down on the
bed and he followed me down kissing my chest. He slid my pants off and the
wiggled out of his own. I still had my bra and panties on but he was naked next
to me, “Now ask me anything,” He said softly as he laid light kisses along my

watched him as he kissed my hand and arm, “Was Elaine a submissive like me?”

shook his head. “No, she was a girlfriend and the reason I went to this

hurt a little that a woman was his girlfriend when I wasn’t, “Why did you break

fingers were now tracing my panty line, “Because she wanted more and I didn’t.
She’s married now, she wanted children but found out she couldn’t have any.”

were you on a date?” I asked feeling my anger growing.

looked at me, “It wasn’t a date, and we were just catching up. I have a girl I
really enjoy when she isn’t being difficult,” He said and smiled.

can you possibly be happy with me? I don’t even know how to please you
sexually, and we can just barely stand each other,” I said quietly.

breaking a lot of rules for you because I enjoy you,” He said as he kissed my

we going to have sex?” I asked nervously.

smiled, “I want to more than you know but I always use condoms and you don’t
want me to use them for your first time. Not only that we still have two days
until your birth control is considered effective”

break my rules for you,” I said quietly.

smiled, “Oh what would those be?” He asked as he kissed my belly.

never wanted to have sex before I was in a serious relationship. I gave you a
blow job when I told myself I would never do that, and I let a man tell me what
to do and hit me when I promised I never would,” I said trying not to sound to
annoyed. I had done a lot more with him than any other man and he was acting
like I didn’t.

looked at me and smiled, “Are you asking me to break another rule?”

want to feel you not a condom that’s all, we can wait two more days,” I said

smiled, “Ok I won’t use a condom but understand what I am giving up. I have
never once had sex without a condom.”

smiled and kissed him, I was glad he was going to do something how I wanted it
to be done. His tongue filled my mouth and he unclasped my bra and tossed it
aside. His mouth covered my breast and I groaned and tangled my fingers in his
hair. He slid my panties down and I moaned as he covered me with his mouth. He
teased me with his tongue making slow tantalizing circles. I gripped the bed
sheets and cried out when my body went into an intense orgasm.

was panting and someone started clapping making me jump. Alex started cussing
and covered me with his body then grabbed a blanket. Nicky was standing in the
doorway grinning. My face was burning red if it wasn’t before it was for sure

the fuck are you doing in my house?” Alex yelled.

don’t yell at me, I didn’t know you would be fucking her in the middle of the
day. By the way I thought you didn’t do the whole oral sex thing or is she just
special?” I could tell he was slightly angry but if he hadn’t cheated on me I
never would have been near his brother.

none of your business what the hell do you want?” Alex snapped.

closed the Morgan deal, I thought I would pay you a personal visit,” He said

be down in a minute,” Alex said firmly. Nicky grinned then turned and left.
Alex looked at me and he looked a little annoyed, “I am going to harm him.”

smiled, “You did the same thing to him the night I met you.”

grinned, “True, ok so I deserved it, I still didn’t want him seeing you come.”

it matter as long as when he sees it, it is you bringing me?” I asked
seductively and kissed him.

smiled, “That does make all the difference,” he said and got up.

guessing you have work?”

nodded, “I will pop your cherry eventually,” He said as he started to dress.

sighed; “I can only dream,” I said and smiled playfully.

down and make lunch,” He said and tossed my clothes at me.

you want to be served now?”

you got your payment, my jaw is sore now,” He said amused.

blushed, “Fine I will make you lunch” I said and started to dress.

went out before I did. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. He must have been in
his office because he was nowhere in sight. I made honey sesame chicken salad.
He had all the things I needed and I just had to glaze and fry the chicken.

was finishing up when he came into the kitchen. “Smells good,” He said and
hugged me.

is good,” I said and handed him a plate. We both sat down and ate.

my parent’s anniversary is tomorrow night, will you come?” He actually looked
like he was nervous for the first time since I met him. I knew it meant a lot
for him to ask me to a family affair.

smiled, “Yes of course, they don’t like hate me because of the whole you and
Nicky thing right?”

my mom loves you and she didn’t like that you were with Nicky. She doesn’t
think I’m any better but she still likes you.”

smiled, “Good, I was worried about that because I liked her to.”

watched me for a minute, “I don’t ever bring girls home.”

smiled, “Why not?”

didn’t want my family getting attached to a woman I wasn’t serious about,” He
said quietly.

looked at him unsure of what he was trying to tell me. I mean I thought he was
telling me he was serious about be but then again I could have been wrong. “How
many of these women were there?”

looked at his salad, “A lot, there is a part of what I like that I haven’t
shown you. I want to show you but I don’t want you to run because of it.”

it that bad?” I asked watching him.

might think so. Come on I might as well get it over with,” He said and took my

led me down to what looked like a stone hallway. My heart raced. I didn’t want
to see his dark side. What if it was a deal breaker? What if I couldn’t handle
it? He stopped in front of the only door and unlocked it. “Please keep an open
mind and understand I don’t expect you to do any of this,” He said quietly.

was nervous as hell now; god knew what he was hiding in the basement like room.
I followed him in and looked around. It was a room with stone walls that looked
like an old time dungeon. There were red velvet curtains hanging from the
walls. On one side of the room there was a huge bed that looked like it had a
leather mattress. Chains were on the bed and hanging from the ceiling above the
bed. There was a table with chains secured to it. There were various other
devices along with a couch facing the bed. There was one wall lined with whips,
riding crops, and canes. There was also a huge cabinet that held god knows
what. There were so many devices that I couldn’t even imagine what they were

something,” He said quietly.

looked at him unsure, “This is all for sex?”

in a way. It’s more about dominance then sex. I was going to take your
virginity and get you used to regular sex before I asked you to play in this
room with me.”

we try it?” I asked and looked at him. I wasn’t afraid. I trusted him even
though he was a little intense at times.

looked surprised, “You have to do this because you want to not because I want
you to.”

want to,” I said. I was interested beyond interested. I had always read about
things like this in my favorite books. A man taking a woman into a dungeon like
place and doing as he pleased.

you sure?” He looked unsure now. Like he expected a different reaction then
what I gave him.

smiled, “You seem more nervous than I am are you sure you know how to use this
stuff” I asked playfully.

laughed, “Undress and get on your knees,” He ordered and I could see his
demeanor change.

did as he said and watched him move around the room. He turned some music on
and disappeared behind a curtain. He came back out wearing leather pants. He
came over to me and I looked up at him excitedly, “You want this, don’t you?”

I whispered and he touched my face.

He said and pulled me to my feet. He led me to one wall and clasped metal cuffs
around my wrists so my arms were above my head. I watched him anticipating what
he was going to do. “Face the wall,” he said and turned me.

did as he said then I heard him walk away. He was back a few minutes later and
I felt the soft leather of a switch tracing up by thigh and rear. “I’m going to
hit you now, if I need to stop say ‘red’ understand,” he whispered.

nodded, too excited to speak. He hit me and it stung but at the same time it
felt good. I moaned and he did it again and again. I was panting and enjoying
the pain. “Harder Master,” I begged hoping to encourage him. He hesitated then
hit me harder making me cry out in pain, he put his arm around me like he was
worried, “Again please,” I begged. I didn’t know why but I loved it. It was
incredibly sexy and intoxicating. I wanted him to want me and I knew he was
enjoying this.

released me and hit me again and again making my knees buckle. His arm went
around me again “Tell me if it’s too much,” he whispered sounding strained like
he was thoroughly enjoying it. I pushed my ass against him. I could feel his
hard cock straining against the leather of his pants.

me,” I begged and rubbed against him.

cussed and dropped the switch, he fought his pants down and I cried out when he
thrust inside me. “Fuck” He groaned. The sudden fullness was shocking. He
pulled back slightly and forced himself forward again. I slowly began to relax
and his thrusts became smoother.

please, master” I cried as he thrust. He pushed me against the wall roughly and
started thrusting more aggressively. It hurt but felt so good my body was
reeling with sensation. I cried out in a confusion of pleasure and pain. He
made the pain feel so good, it was hard to handle.

moaned and held me pinned as he moved. The wall was rough against my skin.
There were so many sensations I couldn’t focus. I cried out when the feeling
became too intense and my body tightened around him as it went into an orgasm,
“Oh god Alex please!” I screamed which only spurred him on.

thrust really hard forcing me against the rough stone. His cries were muffled
as he buried his face in my hair. I felt his hot release fill me. He was
fumbling to unlock the cuffs as he pinned me still inside me.

undid the cuffs and we collapsed to the floor. He stayed on top of me, inside
me and I was face down on the soft carpet. “Are you ok?” He asked sounding out
of it.

really good,” I said as my body hummed.

pulled out of me and I moaned. I was coming off my high and I was going to be
sore as hell but it was well worth it. “You’re bleeding everywhere,” He said
sounding concerned.

sorry” I said still in my euphoric state.

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