A Death in Vienna

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Authors: Daniel Silva

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller, #Suspense

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Explosive Praise for
A Death in Vienna

“Not one for cookie-cutter cheap thrills, Silva’s mastered the art of weaving provocative narrative, espionage, and foreign intrigue. His protagonists are always flawed, never invincible. His bad guys are peppered with good qualities. Seeming and being get big play. And history’s dark side—whether it’s tackling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the Holocaust—is meticulously researched, emotionally charged, and hauntingly sexy, straddling the fine line between reality and fantasy. Silva’s gift is to pressure the reader to read on, to absorb unspeakable truths, and to glimpse a James Bond–less espionage lifestyle. Life is shaken constantly, never stirred.”

Chicago Sun-Times

“Our premier spy novelist…a masterful and compelling tale of evil, treachery, and revenge, again showing why he’s at the top of the list of thriller writers.
A Death in Vienna
goes to the top of the list of the year’s best.”

Rocky Mountain News

“[A] world-class practitioner of spy fiction…Silva writes with style, economy, and a sure command of the historical record…. Silva is a skillful novelist who does justice to the often heartbreaking material without exploiting it.”

The Washington Post Book World

“Provocative and deeply satisfying…stars one of the most intriguing protagonists in the genre….
A Death in Vienna
isn’t just a masterfully constructed tale of memory and revenge. It demonstrates that thrillers can be more than entertainment.”

The Miami Herald

“Unfailingly entertaining…gripping [and] significant.”

The Raleigh News & Observer

A Death in Vienna
completes Silva’s increasingly powerful trilogy about the unfinished business of the Holocaust…. The ending is haunting.”

The Orlando Sentinel

“Silva’s writing is perfect: just enough description to be precise and an undercurrent of tension that drives the action. As always, Allon’s cause is justice, regardless of the means, and we can’t help but rally behind him.”

Chattanooga Times–Free Press

“Silva keeps the pot from boiling over with cool brilliance.”

Chicago Tribune

“Complex, compelling international espionage in the John le Carré vein.”

The News-Press
(Fort Myers, FL)

“Silva’s intricate plot takes Allon across much of the globe, from Argentina to Poland, from Vienna to the Vatican…. Silva writes with care and skill. He has a knack for local color, and Allon, his main character, is refreshingly human—world-weary, given to self-doubt, and seemingly always wrestling with an inner demon of some sort.”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“An exciting and complex novel.”

Library Journal

“[A] superbly crafted narrative of espionage and foreign intrigue…. Those seeking cheap thrills should look elsewhere. Action and suspense abound, but this is serious fiction with a serious purpose. Silva keeps the pressure on the reader as well as his characters as there are important lessons to be learned and vital history to be remembered.”

Publishers Weekly


Kirkus Reviews

“Silva writes le Carré–style spy novels in which the action, despite careening across cities and continents, retains knife-edge-sharp suspense, as one man confronts a host of ingenious enemies…. Scrupulously avoiding the whiplash that comes from too much action in too many places in too short a time (an endemic condition in lesser spy novels), this finely wrought thriller reads like an exquisitely suspenseful chess game.”


Praise for Daniel Silva and His Previous Thrillers

“A writer who brings new life to the international thriller.”


“Silva builds tension with breathtaking double and triple turns of plot.”


“Each plot-twisting segment is marked by almost unbearable tension…. Silva’s unsmiling prose urges you on like a silencer poking at the small of your back.”

Entertainment Weekly

“A master writer of espionage.”

The Cincinnati Enquirer

“In the style of authors like Frederick Forsyth and Ken Follett.”

New York Law Journal

“At the forefront of his generation of foreign intrigue specialists.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“A terrific thriller…one of the best-drawn fictional assassins since
The Day of the Jackal.

The San Francisco Examiner

“A strong, driving pace…. Its two main characters cannot be denied.”

Chicago Tribune

“[A] fast-moving bang-bang thriller.”

Los Angeles Daily News

“A thrill-a-minute surefire bestseller…[that] rips Middle East strife from the headlines.”

Kirkus Reviews

Also by Daniel Silva

The Secret Servant

The Messenger

Prince of Fire

The Confessor

The English Assassin

The Kill Artist

The Marching Season

The Mark of the Assassin

The Unlikely Spy

Daniel Silva


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Published by Signet, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Previously published in a G. P. Putnam’s Sons edition.

ISBN: 978-1-101-21010-9

Copyright © Daniel Silva, 2004
All rights reserved


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Dedicated to those who give the murderers
and their accomplices no peace,
To my friend and editor, Neil Nyren,
And, as always, to my wife, Jamie, and
my children, Lily and Nicholas

In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this.



We’re not in the Boy Scouts. If we’d wanted to be in the Boy Scouts, we would have joined the Boy Scouts.


The Man from Café Central

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