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Authors: Wendy Stone

A Case of Love (13 page)

BOOK: A Case of Love
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His hand was a mass of thick ridged scars and angry red tissue. It was shiny looking, almost like something unreal that could be seen in some slasher film. She stared at it, her eyes wide with horror above the angry clasp of his hand.

"Do you understand?” he asked again, shaking her.

She nodded, relieved when he let her go and got back into his car, leaving her sprawled on the black topped surface of the parking lot. She'd had a tank top on under her shirt, tucked into her cutoff shorts, now ripped and dirty.

He peeled out, his front tires missing her by mere inches, leaving her curled into a ball, tears of fright streaming down her cheeks.

* * * *

The explosion blew out windows in a two block radius, shaking panes of glass and setting off car alarms to add to the cacophony of the sounds of sirens, the yells of men rushing around and the static of radios.

It was the mixture of noises that woke Mackenzie and she stared around her in confusion, her sleep befuddled mind not recognizing where she was for just a moment. Then a muttered moan and a heavy arm curled over her waist, reminded her.

She turned her head, staring at the picture he made in the orange glow that came in the window. He was so handsome, so sweet and gentle,

"Gideon?” she hissed, nudging his arm to get him to release her. “Something's going on outside."

"It's outside and not in here,” he muttered, grumbling and drawing her back down and under him.

"Come on, Hawk, something's going on outside. I think something's on fire. Wake up!” She nudged him again, this time not so gently and with her elbow in his gut.

"Something was on fire in here too,” he growled, letting her go to rub at his gut where she'd elbowed him. He stared at the strange glow, Mac's outline shadowed by it. “Shit, something is on fire.” He grabbed for his jeans, struggling to pull them on.

Looking over her head, he laid his hands on her shoulders, watching as the flames licked the inky blackness of the sky. “That's the Exxon station over on Twelfth and Elm."

Mac looked over her shoulder at him. “I've got to get over there,” she said, pushing away from him and reaching for her clothes. “Can you give me a ride?"

"Yeah, but I don't think it's going to be too safe over there. Do you know what would happen if the underground tanks went up?"

"It's all part and parcel of the job, Gideon.” She pulled her shirt over her head, stopping to lay her hand on his cheek. “But I appreciate you worrying."

"I can't help it,” he said, trying to grab her hand but she pulled away too quickly. “You've kind of grown on me."

"Ah, just like fungus, huh?” She laughed, reaching for her khakis and pulling them on. “Are you getting dressed?"

"Yeah, yeah. Nag, nag, nag. You try to give a woman a compliment and she just demands more from you.” He sighed heavily, watching the smile blossom on her beautiful face. “I'll get dressed on one condition."

"What's that?” she asked, not looking at him as she busily tucked her shirt into her pants.

"You move in with me."

* * * *

He slipped through the door to her apartment building, smiling easily at the woman who'd opened the door. “Thanks, forgot my keys again,” he said with a self-depreciating chuckle.

"You're welcome,” the older woman said, quickly moving toward the back of the elevator. He followed her on, ignoring how she seemed to move to the far corner of the elevator car, as far from him as she could, staring at the numbers that were changing slowly.

She scurried off when the door opened on her floor, sneaking a peek behind her as the doors started to close.

He laughed, enjoying the affect he had upon the old woman... Mackenzie's floor was next and he slipped off the elevator, walking the short distance to her door. The locks were a bit of a challenge, taking too much time to pick, making the nerves that fluttered in his stomach seem to lift up all at the same time.

When the last one clicked into place, he breathed a huge sigh. Then he turned the knob, pushing the door open with one finger. “Mackenzie Hunter,” he muttered. “May I come in?"

His head cocked to the side as if he were listening for a response. He smiled, taking a step through the doorway and closing it behind him. “Thank you so much, you're such a gracious host. Something to drink? Would you happen to have anything in a white wine?"

He wandered around the apartment, touching her things randomly, running a silk scarf through his burned hands. Most of the nerve endings were dead, but he could still feel a bit of the soft material. He brought it to his nose, breathing in the scent that clung to the fabric.

"Very nice,” he said quietly. “You have wonderful taste, Mackenzie."

Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, he reached out and slashed his arm across the top of her desk, sending her lap top and everything else on it crashing to the floor. “Fucking bitch!” he snarled. “Fucking nosy bitch!"

He tore the cushions from the couch, slashing at the pillows with a knife he took from her kitchen. Feathers flew around in the air, mixing with the broken shards of glass, and the dirt from the few plants she'd managed to keep alive.

His rampage continued on into her bedroom, the knife flashing into her bed, tearing apart material. He pulled fistfuls of clothing from her closet, ripping into it with the knife, pulling apart and tossing the shredded fabric. Bottles of perfume were broken, cds smashed, books ripped apart.

Finally, he stood in the midst of the destruction he had wrought and smiled. Then he pulled out his lighter.

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Chapter Eight
* * * *

She stared at him in the orange glow of the fire, almost stunned by his words. “Move in with you?” she echoed.

"Yeah, you know, share closet space, your toothbrush and mine hanging together in the bathroom, his and her towels?” He kissed her gently, almost as stunned as she seemed by his words. It had just slipped out before he knew what he was going to say. But he didn't regret it now. “So...” he urged.

"We've had one date, Gideon. It's kind of a stretch to go from one date to living together, isn't it?"

Hawk smiled at the hesitant sound in her voice. Okay, so she wanted him to convince her, he could do that. “Well, considering the mind blowing sex, the fact that we enjoy each other so much and the problem you have with constantly getting yourself into impossible situations, no, I don't think it's much of a stretch. Besides, wouldn't your family feel more at ease if you had a man in your life, a cop?"

"My family wouldn't be the one living with you,” she said, shaking her head. “You gotta do better than that, Hawk."

He sighed. “How about if you don't answer me now and think on it? But I wouldn't take too long, because you don't know how hard it is to hold off all those single women constantly throwing themselves at me.” He turned her around, smacking her on the ass with the flat of his palm. “Come on, woman, you have a story to get."

* * * *

The heat from the fire was oppressive even from three blocks away. Kenzie took a deep breath, gasping as the overheated air seemed to almost sear her lungs. She slipped under the blockade, sneaking behind one of the uniformed cops that were there to keep bystanders and news people back.

Hawk followed her, reaching out and grabbing her hand to pull her into an alley. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” he hissed, pulling on her.

"I'm getting the story,” she said, glancing around to see if anyone had seen them yet. “And if you don't let go of me, we're going to get caught."

"We should get caught. Those barricades are up there for a reason.” He started heading back only to turn when she yanked her arm out of his grasp.

"Okay, you go ahead. I've got a story to get, Gideon. It's my job.” She started toward the next block, pulling a small digital camera out of her purse.

Hawk drew a deep breath, trying to control his temper. “Mackenzie!” he called after her, jogging to catch up. “You can't do that. It's too damn dangerous.” He grabbed her arm again only to growl when she jerked away. “Don't make me have to arrest you."

"You wouldn't,” she said, her eyes narrowing.

"Yes, I would so don't push me.” He stood nose to nose with her, both unwilling to back down.

"You'd keep me from doing my job?"

"Who the hell do you think you are, Lois Lane? I'm not Superman, I can't fly down and save your ass every time you stick it into trouble."

"I have a job to do, Hawk. I'd never try to stop you from doing yours, give me the same consideration.” She started to turn only to feel his hand on her arm once more, this time holding her with a grip that she knew she'd never be able to break.

"Mackenzie Hunter, you are under arrest for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law...” He glanced down at her as he started to pull her back toward the barricade and his car before he finished reading her the Miranda rights.

Kenzie felt a screech building in her chest only to be overwhelmed by something else, something that felt suspiciously like pain. She stopped fighting him, following him meekly and ducking under the barricade without being told, waiting while he flashed his badge at the cop standing there. She followed him through the growing crowd, sitting in the car when he opened the door. Crossing her arms over her chest, she sat there, staring straight ahead, her thoughts racing.

Hawk opened the door, glancing over at her before sliding behind the wheel. “Look Mac...” he began, only to stop when she turned a frosty cold glare at him.

"Am I under arrest?” she snapped.

He closed his eyes, and she watched as he took a couple of deep breaths before answering. “No. I couldn't let you get closer Mac, you have to understand that. It's way too dangerous."

"In other words, I'm supposed to sit back and let you do your job when it deals with drug king pins and cartels, and...and...henchmen with big guns, but you can't let me get the facts on a simple arson story.” She let out a harsh sigh. “It's good to find this out now, before we actually got involved with each other."

"What's that supposed to mean? I think we got pretty involved last night.” He dropped his hand down on the steering wheel, jamming the key into the ignition with the other.

"We had sex. Sex doesn't make a relationship.” She turned her head, staring out the window. “Take me home please, or drop me off somewhere that I can catch a cab.” She refused to look at him, refused to see the expression on his face.

"Dammit woman, why do you have to be so stubborn?!"

"Stubborn?” she squeaked, twisting around to face him. “I'm stubborn? How would you feel if I threw a fit every time you had to go undercover? It's my job, Gideon. It's all I know and all I've ever wanted. You are keeping me from my job!” Her voice rose until she realized she was almost screaming, than she turned her head once again. “Just take me home!"

"Mac,” he began, then quit. “Okay, fine, have it your way then."

"Fine,” she echoed.

He drove her to her apartment, making record time as he squealed around corners and blew stoplights, pulling in to the parking garage and parking as close as he could to the entrance to her building. Getting out, he started toward her side of the car. She opened the door herself and got out, turning to look at him.

"Thank you for a lovely evening, you don't need to come up.” Her voice was very proper and cool, almost frigid. Then she turned on her heel and headed into the building.

Hawk started to follow her and then stopped. “To hell with it!” he growled, getting back into his car and slamming the door hard. “Women!"

* * * *

Mackenzie seethed all the way into her building and even as she started up the long flights of stairs toward her apartment. How dare he treat her that way? How dare he?!

"Did I stop him when he was meeting an informant? No-o-o. I knew he had a job to do and I smiled and let him do it. Masochistic pig. My job is just as important as his and I'm damn good at it. So what if I had a couple of problems recently. Everybody has off days,” she growled, slamming through the door onto her floor.

She could smell something burning even before she reached her door, shocked when she saw it standing open and a thin curl of dark gray smoke escaping into the hallway. “What...?"

A shriek of surprise was torn from her as a hand grabbed her arm, pulling her back. “Are you all right?” Hawk asked, pulling his pistol from its holster.

"No, you scared the hell out of me,” she snarled, slapping at his hand. “And somebody broke into my apartment. How could I be fine?"

"Stay here,” he ordered. He held his gun down in front of him, sliding slickly to the door before peering in through the crack.

Mackenzie stared at his back for one moment and then swiftly followed, her sandaled feet making no noise on the carpeted floor. She sidled close to his back, shrieking when he twisted around and pushed her against the wall.

"Dammit Mackenzie! Can't you just once do as you're told?” he hissed.

"It's my apartment and it's on fire,” she said, one hand going to her breasts as she tried to quiet her wildly thumping heart. “I'm not sitting in the hallway like some naughty little girl in trouble with the teacher. Now quit being an overbearing man and let's go!"

"I swear Mackenzie Hunter, your family is right about you needing a keeper. You,” he said, punctuating the word with a finger stabbed at her chest, “stay right behind me!” He growled low in his throat, turning and slamming open her apartment door with more force than was necessary.

Kenzie cringed when she saw her apartment. It had been ransacked, a small pile of clothing, papers, and her laptop lay in a pile in the center of her living room, flames burning feebly in their midst. She gasped, stepping forward to try and save her computer, only to run into Gideon's back.

"Stay behind me,” he repeated in a whisper. “He could still be in here.” He moved forward cautiously, his senses alert.

"Good, then go do your job and arrest him. I have to get to my laptop,” she snapped at him, whirling around him to run to the pile of smoldering ruin.

BOOK: A Case of Love
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