Read A Case of Love Online

Authors: Wendy Stone

A Case of Love (12 page)

BOOK: A Case of Love
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"Oh,” she moaned. “That feels so..."

Hawk sat up suddenly, lifting her with his hands on her waist so that he could find the pebbled tip with his mouth. He heard her cry out, felt her thighs clutch around him, her hands grabbing at him as if he were the only security in the maelstrom of emotions and sensations buffeting her. She tasted of honey and sweetness, smelled of jasmine and gardenias, and felt wholly like a woman in his arms.

He suckled her, reveling in her cries and the feel of her hands in his hair, holding his mouth to her. Mac moved above him, her body searching for the pressure it needed to assuage the ache he was creating inside of her. Hawk rolled with her once more, settling between her thighs, his hips fitting perfectly in the cradle of her loins.

"Oh God. Oh God,” she moaned, barely able to form coherent thought. “Please Hawk."

His dexterous fingers were at the button of her khakis, slipping them free then pulling down the zipper. He could feel soft silk against his fingers, and a warmth that came from the heat of her flesh. Letting go of her breast, he slowly tugged the pants down her long thighs and over her feet. Hawk rose to his knees between her legs, his eyes lingering on the slender perfection of her.

"You're beautiful,” he groaned, one gentle finger tracing the smooth flesh of her belly just above the peach silk where it formed a vee just above her sex. He could see just a hint of dark hair under the silk, a shadowed strip the same black as her hair. Slowly sliding his finger into the silk, he pulled at it, slipping the peach panties off of her and down her thighs until he could see her thick lower lips.

A moan of pleasure shivered through him as his fingers made a foray between her thighs, sliding with delicate ease into the heated wetness of her slit. He heard her gasp and then stiffen, felt the hard pearled bud of her clitoris under the tender pressure of his fingertip. “You like that?"

His voice was husky and he watched as she opened her eyes, a dazed look of disbelieving pleasure in the heated amber gaze. “You do like it,” he said against her throat, his teeth nipping at her flesh. His finger slid through the wet folds of her sex, finding the small opening covered by the thin barrier denoting her pureness. His cock jerked at the thought of pushing through that barrier, of becoming the only man who knew what she felt like inside.

Yet he wanted to taste her, to drive her mad with a desperate need to have him inside of her. He wanted to hear her cry out his name as she came, to feel the orgasm with his fingers and his tongue before he felt that wet, spongy flesh close around his cock, drawing him inside of her.

He slid down her body, his hand catching in the thin silk of her panties to pull them off, leaving her naked. Hawk parted her thighs, pushing them wide, his shoulders coming between to hold her still. He lowered his nose, breathing in the essence of her arousal, loving the sweetly musky scent that was all Mackenzie.

Without warning, his tongue slicked through the wetness of her, thick and probing, teasing her with tiny flicks and licks. She shuddered under him, a new flood of wetness coating his lips as he pleasured her. Her cries were almost incoherent, her need apparent in the sting of her nails against his shoulder and scalp. She rose up slightly, her glazed eyes staring down at him, watching him as he brought her ever closer to pleasure.

When it came, her back arched, bowing off the bed. Her hips thrust against him, almost smothering him with her greed. She moved against him, undulating, begging wordlessly for something more.

Hawk tore himself from her grasp, quickly shedding the remainder of his clothes. He took a moment to drink in her beauty, the long legs still parted, her thighs quivering as spasms of pleasure still shook her. Her hips were lush, the small strip of hair that guarded her womanly slit was dark and curled. A deeply curved slender waist, led to rounded breasts with cinnamon colored nipples that begged for his lips. Her arms were reaching for him, her eyes opened wide, the amber dazed and a little shocked from what she'd just experienced.

A jolt of need tore through him and he worried that he wouldn't be able to hold back, that he would hurt her in his anxiousness to join with her. “Mac,” he ground out between clenched teeth. “You sure about this?"

Her eyes were focusing upon that thick ridge of flesh that jutted from the pelt of pubic hair at his groin. She looked startled, her eyes darting from his cock to his face. “It won't fit,” she said finally.

"Yes,” he said, a snort of laughter torn from him, “it will."

"I want to touch you,” she whispered.

"No, not yet. Not this time, Mac. If you touch me, I won't be responsible for what happens. I'm feeling a bit on the desperate side right now.” He tried to make a joke out of it, but his cock throbbed, clear, lubricating juice dripping from the angry red head. “I want you pretty badly."

"Then what are you waiting for,” she said, gasping when he pushed her down into the mattress, his mouth covering hers, his hands running impatiently over her body. A groan of renewed desire sounded deep in her throat and her hands came up, grasping him, holding him to her.

"I don't want to hurt you,” he panted.

"You won't,” Mac said, her voice shaking. She slid her thighs over his legs, moving them up until they were wrapped around his waist. “Please. I want you,” she whispered.

Hawk reached between them, rubbing the hard head of his cock in the wetness of her sex. Pushing forward, he felt the barrier stretching. “Hold on to me,” he urged.

She grabbed his forearms, closing her eyes in anticipation of the pain. He watched as her teeth gnawed on her lower lip, bending his head to kiss her. With one quick move, he broke through that thin barrier, plunging himself into tight folds of heat and wetness.

Mackenzie stiffened under him, her nails digging into his arms. She jerked, almost as if she were trying to buck him off. A small whimper left her lips and then she stilled under him.

Hawk ran his hand over her hair, pushing the short curls off of her face, his eyes concerned even as he fought to keep from thrusting into her. “Mac?” he whispered urgently. “Are you okay?"

"Yes,” she moaned, her eyes opened, a tremulous smile upon her lips. “Give me a minute..."

"For the love of God, Mac, make it a short one,” he ground out, causing her to chuckle.

She moved under him, her hips rising, rubbing against him. He let her move, clenching his teeth against the urge to slam into her, holding back against the torture of her slow movements.

"It fit,” she moaned.

His snort of laughter ended in a groan as she wrapped herself around him, moving under him with quicker strokes. “Mac? Are you...?"

"Yes,” she whispered, her eyes locked on his face. “It feels..."

"It feels?” he urged, moving against her slowly.

He saw her eyes close, her mouth opening upon a cry of pleasure. Her body arched, rubbing against his with devastating effects. He tried to grab her hips but she was determined, whether by instinct or choice, to make him lose what little control he had left.

A wild cry tore from deep inside of him and he began to move over her, his thrusts heavy and sure. He felt her clench around him, felt the wild fluttering of her pussy around his cock. “God!” he growled, his hands moving over her.

"Gideon?” she gasped.

He saw her eyes upon his face, the look of stunned pleasure in the beautiful amber of them. “Once more love,” he whispered, letting the flat of his hand slide between their bodies, his finger finding her clit. “Once more and I'll come with you."

"Yes,” she moaned, her hands slipping from his shoulders, the softness of them gliding across the straining muscles of his back and down to his hips, cupping around his flexing ass.

Slow strokes, long ones, hard and fast, he ground against her, wet, slapping sounds coming from between their bodies, filling the air. Her musk was heavy around him, making him dizzy, the feel of her, of being inside of her was indescribable and more wonderful than anything he'd felt before, ever. She clung to him, little mewls of pleasure and need torn from her lips until he silenced them with his own.

She tensed under him, her back arching, her breasts rubbing against his chest. Tearing his mouth from hers, he stared down at her, watching as her face grew taut with the coming storm of her orgasm. He felt her nails digging into his hips, the tiny stings of pain adding to the sensations already buffeting him.

"You're coming,” he groaned, heat and wetness bathing his cock even as spasms caressed him.

"Yes!” Kenzie cried, her tone one of disbelief.

It was all he'd been waiting for. Throwing his head back, he slammed his big body into hers, letting loose what little control he had left. It roared over him with the subtleness of a freight train, stealing his breath, his thoughts, everything except for the sensations of her.

When it was over, he collapsed next to her, reaching over to draw her against him. His chest was heaving as he fought to catch his breath. His hands, shaking with the after effects, held her gently.

"Are you okay?” he panted.

"Okay?” She lifted up slightly, her eyes wide. “That!"

Hawk chuckled, his hands pulling her back down. “That's the writer in you coming out, all those descriptive words...Ouch!” He rubbed at his chest where she'd bit him. “What'd you do that for?"

"What'd I do that for? As if you didn't know,” she snorted pushing away from him and rolling onto her back, though her hand reached for his.

"Okay, so I deserved it, but you've got to let me gloat a little. I mean, how often does the great Mackenzie Hunter, Investigative Reporter, find herself speechless?"

Kenzie glared over at him, then her expression changed, a smile curving her lips. “You want to gloat?” she asked him quietly.

"Uh,” Hawk hedged, staring over at her, his eyes narrowing with distrust. “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might get my ass kicked."

"Smart boy,” Kenzie grinned, leaning over to kiss him.

He pulled away before she could distract him. “Mac?"


"You'll stay with me tonight?"

"Just tonight?"

"Well, I wasn't going to push my chances, but I'm free tomorrow night and the next and the next..."

Her fingers came down softly across his lips. “I'll stay. Now, shut up and kiss me."

* * * *

He waited until the day began to seep in, slowly draining away the dark. With a growl of rage, he turned the ignition on his car, backing slowly out of his parking spot. He put the car into gear, pulled out into the almost nonexistent traffic.

His nose twitched, nostrils flaring as if they smelled something infinitely pleasurable. Turning his head, he spotted the gas station on the corner, empty of customers, a loan clerk sitting in a small booth, a book in front of him.

He smiled, hit his turn signal and pulled in, stopping his car at the furthest pump. Leaving the car running, he grabbed a credit card from the wallet he'd stolen earlier that night, sliding it into the pay slot. It was approved quickly and he opened the gas tank on his car, filling it up. Glancing over at the kid in the booth, he noticed that he'd gone back to his book, barely giving him another look.

Letting the gas run, he pulled the nozzle from his car, spilling the acrid liquid down the side of his car and over to the large trash barrel. He shoved the nozzle down deep into the barrel, coating old drive thru bags and newspapers. There was a hole in the bottom of the barrel, the clear, yellowish liquid spilling out to trail towards the small booth.

He quickly recapped his gas tank, reaching into his pocket for the packet of matches... Yanking down some of the blue window washing towels, he lit them carefully, making sure they were burning well before sliding into his car and tossing them into the trash can.

He was out of the lot and back onto the street before the can caught fire with a loud thu-wamp. The rivulets of gas gushed out of the bottom and turned into trails of fire. Glancing into his rearview mirror, he saw the kid in the booth glance up and then stare in disbelief at the flames that were rushing toward him.

The chuckle that tore from his throat was rusty sounding, almost a squeak. He kept driving, glancing often into his rearview mirror as the rest of the station went up, the kid and his book flying from the booth, running hell bent as far away as he could.

He was far enough away when he heard the first siren, but all he could see was the smoke funneling up between the buildings, darkening the sky behind him. Pulling over into a side parking lot, he quickly unzipped his pants, his hand grasping his cock, was wanking with quick hard strokes against the angry, red flesh. It took but seconds and he was coming, his window down to catch the wonderful scent of the smoke, his eyes glazed with the memory of how beautiful the fire had looked as she ate.


He glanced up, staring at the girl who glared at him through his window. In his mind, he saw her on fire, her brown hair flaming red, her pale skin blackening and peeling away from lips that were wide open with her screams.

A final gush of semen spurted from the end of his cock, flying through the window and hitting the girl's tee shirt. She stared down at it, her mouth opened in a wide ‘o’ of disgust. “Ewww,” she cried.

"That'll teach you to mind your own,” he muttered angrily. “Now get or else!"

"I'm calling the cops on you,” she screamed, her hand raised as if she would strike him. “I'm going to call them and tell them what a pervert whack job you are. I got the evidence right here!"

He'd been in the progress of putting the car into reverse to back out when he heard her words... Slamming it back into park, he tore the keys from the ignition and got out of the car. He scanned the parking lot quickly, seeing nobody and then grabbed her as she made an attempt to run.

"No!” she cried out, as his hand came over her mouth. “I won't t...mmpff."

"No, you won't,” he agreed. He grabbed the tee shirt at the collar, ripping downward quickly and pulling it off her struggling body.

"See this?” he asked her, whispering the words in her ear as he lifted his hand in front of her, the same hand that now held her wadded up shirt. “See the scars and the burns? If you tell anyone anything, I'll come back and I'll make sure you're pretty face looks like this when I'm done with you. Understand?"

BOOK: A Case of Love
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