A Blue Tale (9 page)

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Authors: Sarah Dosher

BOOK: A Blue Tale
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It was dark, but a small stream of light from the kitchen illuminated his beautiful face.  He lowered his mouth, lightly ran his soft lips over mine, and his stubble raked against my skin—it felt exactly like I’d hoped it would.  I welcomed his tongue as he stroked every inch of my mouth, sucking my bottom lip, pushing deeper into me.

I pushed my hips forward and felt his erection digging into my stomach, a promise I felt deep in my core.  A sensual moan slipped from my throat, and was answered by the sexiest growl I’d ever heard.  My hands moved up his arms and I felt his muscles bulge under my touch.  He felt too good, too real—already my body ached for him.  He placed his hands on my face and laced his legs with mine, locking us together even tighter, molding us into one.  I couldn’t have moved away if I wanted, but I didn’t want to.  I’d found a weakness I didn’t even know existed before yesterday: Deacon Chastain.  I’d felt a pull to him before now, but I thought it was a familiarity I felt for him. This went beyond any similarities to my past I saw in him; this was unlike anything I’d ever known.

I felt his grip on my face loosen as the intensity of his kisses slowed.  One last slow kiss, placed perfectly on my mouth, then his lips glided to just below my ear.  His tongue slowly ran down my neck before stopping at my collarbone. 

“Damn, Eli, hallelujah.” He growled against my neck, his breath cold on the wetness his mouth left behind.  “You taste better than I imagined; you’re all I’ve been thinking about.”

My heart leapt at the idea he’d thought about me even half as much as I had about him.

“Why?” I asked breathlessly, not sure I’d ever be able to pull enough air into my lungs for them to feel whole again.

He moved so we were face to face, his blue eyes hot with lust.

“I don’t know,” He whispered.  “Since the moment I touched you, I can’t stay away.  When I’m not touching you, I’m thinking about your soft skin under my fingers, brushing my mouth across those plump lips, running my tongue around this tight nipple.”  The pad of his thumb lightly brushed across my breast in perfect time with his words and my back arched off the wall, pressing into his touch.

“I know you feel it, too.  Your body responds to every word, every touch.  I tried to stay away; I tried not to touch you.  But I couldn’t, not even for one day.  I’m consumed, Eli; every inch of me is consumed with you. I don’t understand it, all I know is I can’t fight it.”

A loud noise sounded from the kitchen.  Deacon didn’t move an inch; he stayed tightly pressed against my body, locking me in place with his hips.

“Shh, she’s probably already in bed; you’re gonna wake her up, and I promise cranky Eli is
who you want to see right now.” I heard an obviously drunken Willow slur.

“If she’s in bed, I promise she ain’t sleeping if she’s with Deacon.” Duke replied.

Great.  We’d kissed once and apparently everyone had already seen it coming.  I focused my gaze back to Deacon and his eyes were glued to mine as if his gaze had been locked there forever.

I pushed against his body, trying to escape our compromising position before Willow and Duke made it to the hallway, but he didn’t budge.  I widened my eyes at him in a silent plea. He just smiled at me before cupping my face and bringing my mouth back to his.  His tongue licked and swirled desperately, as if my mouth was his only link to life itself.  I could feel his desperation and felt my lips move to match his frenzy, afraid I’d never feel such a connection again.

A light came on above us just as our lips parted.  I heard a light laugh coming from where Willow and Duke were standing, but I couldn’t see them because Deacon hadn’t let go of my face.  He was resting his forehead against mine with his eyes closed.  I heard him inhale deeply and felt his chest rise as it filled with air.  He finally pulled back and released my face, but never took his eyes from mine.

“I told you she wasn’t sleeping.” Duke teased.

“I’ll-be-damned!” Willow replied.

“Leave.” Deacon commanded harshly.

They both laughed hysterically, but turned and walked away.

He reached up cupping my cheek, and my head instinctively leaned into his touch.

“I feel the same way.” I admitted and couldn’t believe I was. “I think about you, too. All the time.”

His lips parted as he exhaled a long, calming breath.

“You don’t know how much I wanted to hear you say that.”

Then he leaned forward slowly, grazing his lips across mine.


Chapter Eleven

Eli Blue

I spun in a circle and watched as my long, flowing dress danced in the breeze. It was a gorgeous blue - pale like the afternoon sky. It covered me from the tip of my well-manicured toes to the curve of my neckline. It made my whole body sparkle in the moonlight streaming through the window. My shoes were clear crystal with pointy heels that made me tall and lean. I’d never felt more beautiful.

I was standing in the middle of a long, narrow ballroom that was completely empty - except for me. The only light came from candles burning in the chandeliers hanging from the tall ceilings and the moonlight beaming from the large windows that encompassed an entire wall.

Soft music echoed through the room. It was a slow, methodical rhythm unlike anything I’d heard before. It drew me to the other end of the room, toward the source of the sound. My heels made a low tapping sound on the wood floor, perfectly timed with the beat of the song and the pounding in my chest.

The closer I got to the music, a shroud of darkness moved over me. With every step I could feel it surrounding me, engulfing me. I fought forward until all I could hear was the tapping of my heels, the darkness blocking out the music. I stopped, trying to listen for the rhythm, for the beat – but heard only the dull hum of silence.

I ran; ran straight for where I hoped the music had been leading me. Forward, only forward—never back. I saw something—something glistening and gleaming, even with no light. The darkness fought hard to conceal it, to hide its beauty, but my eyes could still see the shiny places hidden in the rough wall.

There it was; I found it. I reached out and ran my finger across the edge careful not to let it puncture my flesh. It felt razor sharp and cold to my touch. I pushed harder, deeper into it, and felt it flex and mold to my hand. The harder I pushed, the further it expanded.

I pulled my hand away and ran my palms up and down the surface looking for something, anything – there had to be more. Retreating several steps, I could see the shiny places again. Up close, the shininess disappeared, only from afar could I pinpoint them within the harshness. In the exact center was a large curved spot that shone the brightest, and I knew that was it.

I put my hand even with the spot and ran—ran with all my might, with all the strength my legs would allow. My hand hit the spot, hit it hard. I heard a crack then the splintering of the surface. The roughness started to fall away, huge chunks fell, hitting the floor and shattering until nothing remained. They started falling faster, with more force, heavier and heavier pieces hit the floor, each with a loud boom.

I moved away from the splinters and the shards. Unable to handle the assault, I turned my back trying to shield myself. I could still hear the cracking and the shattering; it rang through the emptiness and echoed in my ears. It grew louder and louder, begging for me to return, pleading for me to come back. The final piece, the largest of all, fell, striking the floor with such force it shook the entire room almost knocking me to my knees.

I finally turned back and where the wall had been was now a long staircase that led down into brightness. I timidly walked forward and heard the music louder and clearer. It pulled me forward as if an invisible string encircled me. I didn’t fight it; I willingly gave myself over to the music, wanting to be where it would take me, where it would allow me.

Once I reached the top of the staircase, I looked down and saw a figure—tall and lean; dressed in a black suit, but with no other features. I couldn’t see his face. I took my first step down and he took a step back. I paused and so did he. I took another step and he did the same. Over, and over, until I was halfway down the staircase and he had retreated further and further away. The room seemed to expand with his existence and shrink where he wasn’t.

His face never became clear; always concealed from my view. The longer I refused to move forward, the stronger the pull felt from the connection he controlled. My heart raced and my head swam, I couldn’t wait, I had to go to him. I had to reach him before it was too late.

I ran. Ran quickly down the stairs and watched as he retreated just as rapidly. I was unsteady on the staircase, my feet felt too large, too heavy. I was almost at the bottom when I felt my shoe loosen and slip from my foot sending me crashing to the floor below. I felt the cold, hard floor beneath my face blanketing me in sharp agony. I looked up, but saw nothing.

He was gone.



I didn’t have a clue how I charmed my way into Eli’s house, but once her head was resting in my lap, tucked snuggly against my rib cage while she slept, I didn’t care what I had to do, I was never fucking leaving. I’d give my right hand to stay, which, for a man making his living playing a guitar, that’s saying a whole hell of a lot.   

She made the whole damn room smell like berries, it engulfed me and all my common sense drained from my body, faster than the blood pooled south.  No part of me deserved to be here, or this close to something so fucking sweet, but she’d let me in, and I would stay until she forced me to leave.

Eli shifted in her sleep drawing my attention back to her breathtaking face – literally pulling all the breath from my lungs.   She’d been asleep for hours, but I never once closed my eyes.  I was too busy watching her, wondering what she was dreaming; searching for ways I could weasel my way into her life, permanently.  I was also pissed at myself for putting that pillow on my lap instead of just laying her down on my legs.  Every time her head turned, or shifted, I wanted to feel it rub against the roughness of my jeans and the flesh underneath.  God, just seeing her mouth, open with sleep and so near Annie, made me throb.

Annie? Yeah, I named my dick Annie—my penis, my schlong, my deep-v-diver, my one-eyed snake, my flesh flute, my DICK—I’m aware there are other names for it, but that’s not what I chose to call him. So what man would willingly name his number one symbol of masculinity Annie?  One whose manhood was reminiscent of an anaconda, that’s who.

Eli started mumbling in her sleep, I couldn’t understand what she was saying, but by the way her brow was furrowed and her lips were trembling, I knew her dream wasn’t a happy one.  I ran my hand down her bare arm, trying to soothe her, but she just jerked against me harder.  Tilting her up so she fell harder against me, I hoped the contact would calm her slightly, but she pushed away from me, almost rolling from the couch.  I stared helplessly at her while tears streamed down her face, but she never woke.  The broken look on her face told me the dream was shattering her heart.  Her arm flopped over her head and I saw a small tattoo on her wrist.  I traced it with my finger and could feel a horizontal scar running just beneath the black ink.  There was a small outline of a heart connected with a tracking heartbeat that faded into the word “live.”  My head screamed at what it might mean, and I prayed one day I’d have the chance to hear her explain it to me.

The devil cat jumped onto the coffee table and meowed at me.  We locked eyes, and I actually wished the thing could talk to me, tell me what to do.  Of course, she didn’t; instead, she launched from the table and landed on the edge of the couch next to Eli’s arm.  Wiggling her head, she nudged her way under Eli’s arm and rested her chin on the front of Eli’s neck.  It was like the freaking cat had just blanketed Eli in a warm armor of protection.  As the cat laid there, purring loud enough to wake the dead, Eli completely calmed.  Her face returned to normal and her breathing evened.  Lucifer was definitely bad dream kryptonite.  I touched the cat’s head and she looked up at me and yawned, then closed her eyes, snuggling deeper. 

The loud purring that filled the entire room must have put me in a trance.  The next thing I knew, I jolted awake to the sound of my cell phone vibrating on the table next to me.  I picked it up and saw the text message, “I REALLY screwed up this time.”  I slowly slid from under Eli’s head and practically ran to the kitchen while hitting dial on my phone.  Lucifer was close on my heels, almost knocking my ass to the floor several times.

“Where are you?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, Deacon.  I really fucked it all up this time.” Was all she said in reply.

“It’ll be fine, just tell me where you are.”

She didn’t speak, she just cried.  I could almost feel her crocodile tears on my face as her sobs wrapped around my heart like a vice. 

“Damnit, Angela, just fucking tell me where you are!” I shouted, trying to loosen the pain in my chest, if I could get to her I would make it better—save us both.

“No.” She said more clearly, and I hoped the rogue tears would cease.  “You have a life, too, and I can’t call you every time I can’t take care of myself. I should have left you alone, I’m ruining…everything.”

“I don’t have anything going on, no plans.  I just want to help you, please let me keep my promise.” I told her, even though it was a lie.  I had every possibility at happiness asleep in the next room, but I would not forsake Angela.  Never.

“Deacon, no. I can’t be your problem forever.” She croaked, and I knew the tears were returning.

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