A Blue Tale (7 page)

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Authors: Sarah Dosher

BOOK: A Blue Tale
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“Oh, Princess.  I wasn’t going to apologize.  I’d never apologize for touching you because I don’t ever plan to stop.  I was gonna let you know, we’ll pick up exactly where we left off…just as soon as you’re ready.”

I didn’t know what to say to him, or if my mouth could even form words any longer, so I simply shook my head.

“Don’t say no just yet, you’ll get there.”

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to control my racing heart.  He trailed his nose from my forehead all the way down to the top of chin but never touched his lips to mine. 

Then he turned and left without ever looking back.


Chapter Eight

Eli Blue

I pulled into the long driveway and saw the gate leading to my house already open, meaning Willow had listened to me—for once in her life—and had already started practice.  I inhaled deeply and prepared my mental state for a night full of loud music and bitchy girls.  The only upside was the music studio was separate from the house, so if they got too bad at least I could escape.

I still lived in my dad’s house.  It sat empty for years after his death while I was being shuffled around by my mother from modeling jobs, to press junkets, to charity events in her attempt to reclaim even an ounce of the fame she had with my dad. But once I was finally old enough to put my foot down and leave that overindulgent life behind, I immediately moved back to the only place I’d ever called home.  I loved this house, and as long as I had any say, I’d never sleep a single night under another roof.

I rubbed the tips of my cold fingers into my temples attempting to ward off the headache threatening to pound.  Yesterday my life was small and simple—something I’d worked years to accomplish—and today things were already more complicated than I cared for.  After Deacon left my office, I sat staring at the empty chair he’d left behind.  His presence had filled the room and once he disappeared through the door I felt the toll his absence took, and there wasn’t a single thing I liked about how deeply I felt it.

I was drawn to him, to his unapologetic arrogance that reminded me so much of my dad.  He owned every part of himself, the good and the bad, and he wasn’t afraid of showing who he truly was.  Deacon was the first person I’d met that seemed to have the same overwhelming charisma my dad had possessed.  Shaw had a small touch buried deep within him, but nothing close to my dad—or Deacon.

A loud scream pulled me from my thoughts, reminding me my dad’s studio was filled with highly volatile female rockers.  I took one last cleansing breath, wishing I’d stopped for coffee on my way home, before finally climbing out of my car.

I heard Erika’s voice booming louder than her drum set before I even opened the door.  The Elle’s consisted of Willow on vocals, Mia on lead guitar, Steph on bass, and Erika on drums.  They were each as dramatic as they were talented.

Mia was the most beautiful person I’d ever seen, with long black hair, perfect olive skin, and striking black eyes that seemed to burrow into your thoughts with one glance.  She was born in South Korea, but spent her childhood in upstate New York.  Everything about her was a perfect mix of eccentric.  She might show up one day decked out in sexy goth gear and the next day dressed in an innocent Catholic schoolgirl uniform.  Her looks and her voice, which perfectly covered the full range of octaves, could draw in a full testosterone-charged crowd; unfortunately, for those fellas, she was usually more interested in what the females in the crowd were doing.

Erika was the newest member of the band, and I really hadn’t been able to spend much time getting to know her.  When she was sitting behind her drum kit she was loud and demanding, but the minute she stepped away she became quiet and reserved, which actually worked in her favor dealing with three other highly opinionated musicians.

Steph had been a friend of mine and Willow’s since as far back as I could remember.  She had long, board-straight blonde hair that she always streaked with whatever color matched her mood – right now it was pink because she was in a “childlike state of mind.”  Besides rock music, she lived for baking.  She spent so much time decorating cookies the smell of warm sugar and melted butter emanated from her pores, which caused a lot of PMS cravings within the band. 

I pushed on the heavy sound proof door—I wasn’t sure why we bothered to have one if they were just going to prop it open—and Luci immediately ran to me with a loud shriek.  I picked her up as she hissed at Steph.

“I didn’t bring her out here, promise.” Steph rushed to explain.

I shook my head, “You can bring her out here just stop trying to steal her from me.”

“But she’s just so freaking cute, I can’t help myself.”  Steph said while reaching out to pet the cat’s head and received a swift swat from a fluffy, yet deadly, paw.

“Shit, she’s got some long claws.  I just don’t understand why she won’t love me.”  Steph whined.

“That damn cat doesn’t like anyone except Elizabeth, so you might as well drop it. You’ve been trying for years and all you ever get is bloody.” Willow added from across the room.

“Ugh, I know.  But I just love that cat and her little face.” Steph pouted.

“Shut up about the cat, and let’s get back to work.” Erika snapped from her seat behind the drums.

“Chill Erika, we can take a freaking two second break.” Mia said, and then added under her breath, “Maybe if you got your timings right we wouldn’t feel the need for a break.”

“Go to hell, Princess Mia.” Erika shot back.

“Both of you shut the hell up, I’m tired of your fighting.  Either rip each other’s clothes off and get down to business, or shut the fuck up already.” Willow bit at them while Steph laughed and gave her a high five.

 “Okay ladies, time to stop bickering like the ninety year old bitties I know you can’t wait to be, and get your asses back to playing some tunes.” I shouted over the roar of their argument.

They finally shut up and went back to their respective corners.  Didn’t take long until Willow was barking orders and the room was bursting at the seams with a roaring melody.

I found my usual spot on the lush blue carpet in front of the couch.  It was a ridiculously expensive Italian leather sofa that opened into a queen-sized bed with recliners on the ends.  I hated it; my dad had loved it. I don’t think a single person had sat on it since he died, and time had aged the leather making it even more perfect.

The closest I ever came to it was leaning against the bottom as I sat on the floor.  This was my spot, and the worn circle in the carpet from my ass proved it.  My dad told me this was the sweet spot in the room, and I should never sit anywhere else; so I never did.  I never once questioned his logic, I just followed it.

After a handful of songs, the door swung open and I saw a guy carrying two large cases of beer on his shoulders, blocking his face.  This obviously wasn’t going to equal a lot of actual practice.  He walked to the long, narrow table at the back of the room and placed the beer down.  It was Duke, but his hair was pulled into some sort of manly bun—those words should probably never go together, but in this case, they fit.  His long hair was twisted in a messy heap at the base of his skull, and I decided he’d look much better with less hair so you could actually see his face.

Johnny and Blaine followed close behind him with bottles of dark liquor and Coke.  They both looked straight to Mia and their mouths gaped in surprise, and their eyes didn’t leave her until the music screeched to a halt—yeah, definitely not going to be anymore practicing tonight. 

“DUKE!” Willow screamed, removing her guitar and placing it in the stand beside her.

“You guys sounded great.” Duke said, seeming surprised, as Willow ran and crashed into his arms.

These two were definitely going to get on my nerves, probably before the night ended.

“So you boys must be Unforgiven?” Steph asked.

Johnny and Blaine finally closed their gaping mouths to acknowledge her.

“That’s us, well three of the four.” Johnny answered.

Steph moved closer to him and ran one finger down his chest. “Looks like we’re gonna be spending a lot of time together,” she said in her best sultry voice.

“Stop!” I blurted out, standing up from my spot. “This isn’t going to turn into one big orgy fest.  You guys can have all the fun you want, but we still have jobs to do, so rein in your overactive hormones.  You hear me?” I said, pointing to the girls, who all immediately feigned innocence.

“Why are you pointing at me?” Mia asked with a laugh that made me smile.

“Because I know all of you—you, Mia, chew them up and spit them out just for the fun of it, and the rest of you completely lose your marbles when hot rockers enter the room, so don’t even go there.” I warned.

“We’re hot rockers?” Blaine asked with a huge grin. “Then why the hell don’t I get laid more often?”

I rolled my eyes at him and everyone laughed.

The impromptu party had been raging for a couple of hours, with Duke continuously handing out drinks to anyone not double fisting a beer and a glass of liquor.  I was beyond ready for bed when Erika finally announced she was leaving, and I wanted to kiss her for allowing me to piggy-back on her lame excuse and escape.

“Elizabeth Blue Savage, you can’t leave, we’re at your house!” Willow shrieked at me.

“Yes, I can!” I laughed, “You guys can stay as long as you want; I can’t hear a thing from the house.  So stay, have fun.  If anyone needs to sleep here tonight that’s fine, you can sleep out here, or you know how to get into the house.  Just do
drive home drunk, I don’t want to deal with the police.”

“Fine!” She pouted. “You’re no fun since you actually have a job now!”

“Hey, leave her alone.  We need her to have a job.” Duke added as he pinched her on the ass, making her squeal.

“You guys are disgusting!” I snapped, trying to sound bitter, when I was actually glad Willow had found someone just as crazy as her and was happy, at least for the time being. “Has anyone seen Luci?”

“Who’s Luci?” Duke asked confused.

“The big fur ball that bit you earlier.” I told him.

“Oh that devil thing, I have no idea.  I hid after it drew blood.”

“She snuck out the cat door earlier, I haven’t seen her since.” Steph answered.


Chapter Nine

Eli Blue

The cool night air danced across my skin as I exited the studio.  This was my favorite time of year.  It was perfect—not too hot during the day, and not too cold at night.  This kind of weather made me want to sit around a campfire roasting marshmallows and counting the stars.  Not that I’d ever been camping before, but I thought it would be fun to do one day.

My heels clicked on the paved walkway as I searched for Luci.  There were only a few places in the yard she dared to venture, she tried to play tough, but she was still a scaredy-cat.

“Luci? Where are you?” I said softly.

I heard a quiet voice singing a slow melody.  I tilted my head trying to hear better as the wind gusted and brought the sound to me quicker and louder. It sounded like a man’s voice.

I rounded the corner of the house, and sitting on the retaining wall facing the tall trees that flanked the edge of the property, was a man.  He was wearing a black hoodie with it up, covering his head.  I saw Luci weaving back and forth on his lap while he stroked her fur and sang.  I stopped and looked back toward the studio, if I hadn’t just come from what I knew was reality, I’d swear this was a dream.

“Luci.” I softly cooed.

She stopped and peeked around the man’s arm, looked at me, and let out a low meow before returning to her path on the man’s lap.

“Lucifer, get your hairy butt over here, right now.” I whispered sternly.

“Lucifer?” The man said, “Is that your name?” He lifted Luci’s face and looked at her before scooping her up and swinging his legs back over to this side of the wall.

Deacon.  It was Deacon.

“Why would you name your cat after the devil?”

The moonlight sparkled in his eyes and nearly took my breath away.

“What are you doing out here?  How long have you been here?” I asked.

“Why do you always answer my questions with a question?”

“Why do you always ask personal questions when you don’t know me?”

“Okay, then tell me about you so I’ll know you.”

I grunted. “It’s not that simple.”

He stood from the wall and strode toward me, dropping Luci to the ground.  She kept pace with him, trying to weave in and out of his legs as he walked.  He stopped when he was a few inches from me.


“I can’t just tell you random facts about myself, that’s not how it’s done.”

“Why not?  It can be done however we want it to be done?” He said, like it was all cut and dry.

He ran his hand up my arm and brushed my hair over one shoulder, sending chills rushing down my spine.

“Are you cold?” He asked, his voice sounding deeper and softer.

I looked up at him, startled at how tight my heart clenched when I saw desire clearly etched on his face.  I pulled away from him, unable to understand the feelings that ran through me.  This wasn’t me, I didn’t do love at first sight, bullshit crushes.  I’d never been that girl, and I didn’t want to be either.

Luci walked her paws up my legs and meowed.  I reached down and picked her up, retreating a few steps before looking back to Deacon.

“What do you want from me, Deacon?  Why are you here?”

He squinted at me for several seconds before exhaling slowly, just like he’d done at his show before he sang, “I don’t want anything from you, Eli.” He said my name like it caused him physical pain, and I didn’t like the ache in my chest it caused.  “I just want to talk, maybe be friends.  Let’s hang out…tomorrow?  We’re gonna be working together, and I want us to be friends.”

“Hang out? You want to make plans to hang out with me tomorrow?”

“Yes, is that so strange?”

“Umm yes, yes it is.  But I guess we can.” I said, even though I wasn’t sure I wanted to be just friends with him; this could end very badly.

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