A Baby For The Millionaire (The Full Series) (6 page)

BOOK: A Baby For The Millionaire (The Full Series)
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              “Oh you little minx”. Next thing I know Hamilton has reached down and undid his zipper.


              I gasp, “What are you doing?”


              “What you wanted me to do Jenny.” He whispers into my ear as I feel him lift up the back of my skirt. “Bend forward a little.”


              I do as he asks without thinking and I groan when I feel him enter me.


              “Rock back and forth.” He commands me, using the arms my waist to start the movement for me.


              “I can’t,” I groan. “There are people here.”


              “No-one knows Jenny. Pretend you are excited about something.”


              “Uhm, okay.” I find myself laughing and giggling for effect while bouncing around on his lap, his cock hitting my spot consistently and I could feel the pressure mounting,


              “Oh my gosh, I’m going to…’ I start to moan but stop immediately as I see the waitress back in front of us. Shit.


              “So have you two lovebirds decided as yet?” I think for a minute she knows but then realize she actually does think we are just a couple happy in love.


              “I’ll have the steak,” Hamilton says calmly as his fingers play with my clit.


              I try to ignore the mounting pleasure to place my order. “Oh, Oh, I’ll have the steak too,” I rush my words quickly as I feel Hamilton lift me up and down on his cock.


              “Okay,” the waitress walks away, and not a minute later, I feel myself climaxing on top of Hamilton. I go to get off of him and he stops me.


              “I’m about to come as well Jenny and if you get off of me, it’s going to be quite a scene.” He grins and continues to pulsate in and out of me. I feel myself climax again as he comes and enters his seed in me.


              “It’s a good thing you are already pregnant or I’d be worried.” Hamilton grins at me and I glare back. Trust him to bring me back down to reality in less than 60 seconds.


              I get off of his lap as quickly as possible and sit down next to him.


              The steaks arrive about 10 minutes later and we silently eat our food. I’m fuming inside at myself and at him and know that this has to end.


Chapter 8


              I can tell that Jenny is mad at me. To be honest I don’t blame her. I don’t know what had come over me but she was like crack to me. I just couldn’t get enough of her. This had been the worst 3 months of my life. I had thought about her every day, wondering, hoping, and sometimes even praying that she would come to my office to explain what I had heard that day in her apartment.


              I had been in shock when I heard her telling Lucy she was going to move to Colorado and live off of my millions. It brought up the pain of my college sweetheart. I had proposed to her after we had dated six months. I had been so happy and excited and then I had caught her in bed with my roommate. And they laughed at me. Told me that just because I was rich didn’t mean I could have everything I wanted. I’d never gotten over that pain and swore that I would never allow another woman to come into my life and use me as she had.


              I had long given up the hope that one day I could have a family, be married. I had no way of knowing if a woman was interested in me for just my money. And I wasn’t about to let another one hurt me as she had. Deep in my heart I knew Jenny wasn’t that type of girl. I just didn’t know if I could accept that in my head though.


              “We need to talk Jenny.” I say slowly.  She is glowering at me.


              “About what?” She straightens her skirt and I look down at her legs and stifle a groan. I want to take her to a hotel room and lay her down and have my wicked way with her again.


              “Us. The baby.”


              “You don’t seem to care much about the baby to me Hamilton. It seems to me that all you want from me is sex.” She reddens as the waitress approaches us and gives me the check.


              “Jenny, that’s not true.”


              “All you want from me is sex. What do I get for this escapade? 10k? 20k?” Jenny looks mad.  And all it does is turn me on.


              “I’m sorry Jenny. I know you aren’t a hooker.” I laugh. She glares at me and mumbles something under her breath. I leave a $100 bill on the table and get up.


              “Let’s go and talk.” I reach for her arm, which she pulls away from me immediately, staring at me icily. It’s hard to believe that less than 30 minutes ago she was riding me in the restaurant.


              “I don’t want your money and I don’t want to be your mistress? Do you understand Hamilton?”


              I feel my heart quicken. What if she never wants to see me again? I knew I had screwed up. I knew that I also wanted to try and make this work.


              “I messed up Jenny. I’m sorry.” I look at her and see a range of emotions flittering over her face. Her eyes look at me coldly and I feel my heart sink. Maybe I had pushed her too far. Maybe she would never give me another chance. I wish I knew what I could do to prove to her that I didn’t think of her as my own personal whore.


              “I won’t leave you again Jenny.” We are walking slowly now. “I want to tell you about my past. It may not make what I’ve done any better, but it may help you to understand the screwed up human being that I am.


              “I just don’t know if I can take anymore Hamilton.” Jenny looks at me sadly. “I barely know you, yet you have torn my world apart in every way imaginable.”


              “Just let me explain.” I stop her and look into her eyes. “Please..”


              “Okay,” She looks searchingly into my eyes and I see the goodness radiating from her. I had noticed it that very first day that I met her. I should have never doubter her or her sincerity.


              “Let’s go sit down.” I point to a park bench that is about 200 yards away.


Chapter 9


I can feel Hamilton staring at me in concern. I don’t know whether to be excited or not. It seemed like he was really contrite and sorry about how he had treated me before but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. The last time he apologized, he proposed and ended walking out on me. I didn’t want to hope that things would be different this time.


              “Jenny,” Hamilton took my hand as he said my name, “I want to tell you about my first love.” I want to tell him to stop as I immediately feel pangs of jealousy darting through me. I don’t want to hear about the woman who made him the way he is. I don’t want to hear that he still loves her.


              “Ok.” I say quietly. I don’t want him to realize that I love him. Not now that there is a possibility that we can be in each other’s lives. I don’t want to scare him off. I listen intently as he talks about proposing to his college sweetheart and my heart contracts. I know he proposed to her because he loved her, not because she got pregnant. I truly felt sorry for him when he told me that he caught her in bed with someone else. And I understood why he didn’t trust women. Almost.


              “But, I’m not her Hamilton. And I’ve never given you any reason to think that I am like that.”


              “I know, I know. I just heard you talking and I felt a jab of pain and I knew I couldn’t go through that again. Only being wanted for the money I could provide.”


              “But I never wanted your money. I even gave you back the 10 grand!” I can feel myself getting heated. “You treated me like shit Hamilton. From that very first day, I’ve been nothing to you than a plaything. A sex toy of sorts.” I lower my voice as I notice a couple walking by giving me a dirty look.


              “And now random people look at me in the streets and hate me.” I’m getting hysterical; half laughing and half crying.


              “Who cares about random people?” Hamilton looks at me slightly concerned. I can tell this is not the way he thought the conversation was going to go.


              “That’s not the point,” I start to shout again. “You just don’t get it.” I want you to love me I think. I want to be your world. I want to be the first thing you think of when you wake up and the last thing you think of at night. I want to be your everything. Just like you are mine. But I can’t tell him that. He’ll think that I’m crazy.


              “I’m willing to try Jenny.” Hamilton looks at me hopefully.


              “Willing to try what?” I’m annoyed and cold and I want to go home and cry in my bed.

              “I’m willing to try to get it. If you’ll let me?”


              “You, you want me to be your mistress still?” I look at him keenly to see his reaction.


              “No. I shouldn’t have made that offer. It was crass and I wanted to get a reaction from you.”


              “I see.” I bite my lip. “So you don’t think I only got pregnant for money?”


              “No.” He says bluntly. “No, I don’t.”


              “I can explain about the conversation you heard that day. I wasn’t seriously thinking about moving to Colorado and living off of your money.”


              “I don’t need you to explain Jenny. I know.” He looks at me seriously. “I’ve been debating with myself whether to tell you what I’m about to tell you for fear that you will think I’m crazy but I can’t hold it in.”


              I look up at him worried, not sure how much more I can deal with today.




              Hamilton takes my hands in his and kisses them both tenderly. He then leans in and gives me a very gentle and long kiss. Still holding my hands he starts to talk, “Jenny, from the moment you walked into my office 3 months ago, I was struck by lightning. I can’t explain it only to say that the universe made it so we would meet. I had to have you and I got scared. Scared to feel you in my arms, scared to see you looking at me lovingly. I was scared of what we could be. And then I thought you may be pregnant and my world became alive. I thought of you and me and a baby and that was all I could think of. I thought that perhaps it was possible to have that happy ending. And I rushed over to see you because I wanted to marry you. And when we made love for the second time, I felt my heart soaring.  I couldn’t explain it and didn’t want you. I didn’t need to because I knew I had forever. And then I started doubting myself and how lucky I was and heard you talking with Lucy and I left. I left because I didn’t think I was lucky enough to meet my soul mate.”


              I stared at him wide-eyed. I didn’t know what to say. I was in heaven.


              “Jenny, I didn’t think a man like me would ever meet a girl like you: sweet, beautiful, kind and so warm and accepting. You took me in like a wounded animal and I was just so scared that I would wake up and find it had been a dream. But I love you Jenny. I love how you smile, how you frown, how you bite your lip. I love that you opened up to me and that you are the sexiest woman I have ever known.”


              “I love you too.” I look at him in amazement, not sure if I am in a dream or real life.


              “I want to marry you Jenny.” Hamilton grins.


              “Are you sure?” I look at him, faking a frown.


              “Yes, yes, please marry me.” He looks at me agonizingly and I laugh.


              “Of course my love, of course.”


              “Yes! Next week?”


              “What? That seems a bit soon.”


              “Well, I don’t want our baby to figure it out too quickly that he was a love child.” Hamilton grins.


              “He?” I look at him and smile.


              “It’s a she?” Hamilton looks astonished as if he had never considered that possibility.


              “Perhaps,” I laugh. “Perhaps.”


              “You’re not going to tell me?” Hamilton starts stroking my legs. “You know that I have a way of getting information out of naughty girls.


              “Naughty girls? Hmm. Is that a threat my dear?” I reach down and caress his hardness. “Is that a threat?” I laugh as he groans.


              “Oh Jenny. What do you do to me.”? And he leans over and kisses me.


              “Let’s go home.” I say and drag him to his feet. I am not quite ready for another public sex adventure. No matter how exciting it had been earlier.


              “Okay, my love. Let’s go home.” And we hold hands and walk out of the park.


An Excerpt from Helen Cooper’s

The Professor And The Nanny


Bradley caught Nelly in his arms and groaned to himself. He was annoyed that he had said too much to her. Scared that his jealousy was showing. He pulled Nelly into him closer. Her body was so warm and supple and he could feel her chest beating against his. Her breasts were pressing into his naked chest and he wanted to feel skin against skin. He wanted to rip off her tank top and suck her nipples that were protruding from her top and make her eyes look shocked again. She was soo opaque; every emotion she felt shone through her eyes and he knew she was mad with him right now.

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