A Baby For The Millionaire (The Full Series) (4 page)

BOOK: A Baby For The Millionaire (The Full Series)
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“I’m sorry.” I mumbled.


“It’s okay. What’s done is done.” He put his arms around me and held me. “It’s okay Jenny. It’s going to be okay.” I sagged into him and buried my face in his chest and breathed him in, I was shocked that he was being so nice. I wished that I had met him in different circumstances.

“Thanks Hamilton.” I kept my arms around him.


“Where’s your room?”


“What?” I looked at him in shock.


“I want to have my wicked way with you again my dear,” Hamilton grinned at me as he brushed my hair back away from eyes. “I want to talk to you.”


“Okay.” I led him to my room, slightly disappointed that he didn’t want to have his wicked way with me.


I sat on the edge of my bed and he sat next to me.


“Can we lie down? I feel a bit awkward just sitting here.” Hamilton looked at me sheepishly. “I promise to keep my hands to myself.”


“Fine.” I lay back on the bed and he lay down next to me. I turned my face towards him and he faced me as well. I could feel his breathe on my nose. I looked up into his eyes and I saw concern there. A deep warm concern. I didn’t know what his issues were but deep down Hamilton was a good man. And I was in love with him. I gasped in shock but he didn’t notice. I wanted to groan out loud. How could I be so cliché? How could I love this man already? But I knew inside that I had been gone the moment I laid eyes on him. That was why I had allowed him to make love to me. I wanted to have some part of him. My body, my soul craved him.




I couldn’t believe I was going to be a father. I was excited. I couldn’t help it. I trusted Jenny and knew that she hadn’t planned this. I gazed into her eyes staring into mine soo innocently. And felt an unfamiliar emotion running through me.


“So Jenny, I think we need to talk about what’s next.”


She looked at me in confusion. “What do you mean?”


I resisted the urge to kiss her, “I mean, us, getting married, living together, having a baby.”


“What, what?”


“I’m not having my kid growing up in a single parent family Jenny.”


“But we can’t get married. You, you don’t love me.” She looked at me searchingly.


“You can’t even afford to pay your rent Jenny. You cannot raise a child by yourself. I want to be in my child’s life.”


“But, but you don’t want to get married. You told me before you didn’t even want to be in a relationship.”


“That was before.” I knew she thought I meant before the pregnancy but I really meant before I met her. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. I wanted to date her. I wanted to get to know her. This pregnancy thing was just fast-forwarding everything.


“I don’t want to trap you Hamilton.” Jenny looked at me with concern. I couldn’t stop myself so I reached over and gave her a thorough kissing.


“You aren’t trapping me Jenny.” I wrapped my arms around her and watched her as she fumbled with my shirt buttons and kissed my chest. She paused when she got to my belt buckle and looked up at me. I quickly pulled her up close to me and took off her t-shirt, she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath and I smiled.


“I thought women with big boobs always wore bras?” I questioned her.


“Are you calling me fat!”


“Not at all my dear, not at all.” I bent down and took one of her nipples in my mouth as I played with the other one. She gasped and starting gyrating against me. I could feel myself growing hard and knew I had to have her.  I reached over and pulled her shorts down and she was lying in her panties. I went to pull my pants down and she stopped me.


“I want to do it,” she said shyly. She slowly and agonizingly pulled my pants down while I shrugged off my shirt. We were both now just in our underwear and naked above the waist.


“Jenny, you are so beautiful,” I played with her hair as she bent over me.


“Not as much as you.” She sat on top of me and I grabbed her ass, grinding her womanhood into my manhood. I could feel that she was wet as she grinded back and forth on me. She was wearing a thong and I could see her clitoris throbbing on top of me. I reached down and let my penis slide out of the hole in my boxers, so that she was sliding back and forth on top of me.


She gasped when she realized it was my direct flesh she was rubbing up against.


“You are always so wet for me Jenny.” I grabbed her mouth and kissed her. Her breasts grazed across my chest as she moved back and forth on me. I pushed my hand down and moved her thong to the side as I rubbed her clit.

“Oh, Hamilton,” She breathed heavily, “don’t stop.”


I pushed my fingers inside of her and her wetness made me harder than I was before. “I want to enter you Jenny.” I looked into her eyes. I wanted to make sure it was okay before I entered her.


“Please,” She groaned at me. I laughed. It seemed that my Jenny was a perfect match for me. She was as insatiable as I was. I removed my fingers and lifted her up a little bit. Then I brought her down on to my cock.


“Awwww,” She groaned down on me.


“Move back and forth Jenny,” I said guiding her hips until I no longer needed to. She got the hang of it pretty quickly and started rocking back and forth bringing me to the brink of an eruption. We came together about 5 minutes later. “I don’t know what you do to me Jenny.” Though I had a feeling I knew what was happening.


I watched her as she slept. Her head resting on my chest, she was so peaceful. She was so lovely. And she was carrying my child. I knew then and there that I wanted this lady to be mine forever. She hadn’t agreed to marry me as yet but I was confident that she would. I smiled. I realized for the first time in about twenty years that things were all right in the world. And I drifted asleep alongside her, holding her stomach in my hands.


Chapter 6


I woke up feeling satiated and happy. I yawned and looked over and saw Hamilton asleep next to me. His face looked so gentle while he was sleeping. I felt a rush of love run through me. I couldn’t believe that I had met this man only two days ago and now I was deeply in love with him. It didn’t seem real. I couldn’t believe he was in my bed right now.


“Jen, you okay?” Lucy poked her head around my door and I smiled embarrassed. Here I was in bed with Hamilton again after just telling Lucy how much I hated him.


“Yeah, I’ll be right out.” I waited for Lucy to leave the room before slipping out of the bed and putting my clothes back on. I looked down at Hamilton sleeping and smiled, I hoped I was having a boy; I’d love to have a little Hamilton running around. I walked quietly out of my room and went to the living room to talk to Lucy.


“Lucy, I’m pregnant.” I blurted out as soon as I saw her. “I’m pregnant.”


Her eyes got wide as saucers. “What? Are you sure?”


“Yes. Omg, can you believe I am pregnant?”


“Whoa, what!” Lucy grins. “This is soo cool. I’m going to be an aunt.”


“I know. I’m soo excited.” Lucy and I danced around the living room.


“Shit, we need to get jobs!” All of a sudden Lucy was really serious. Maybe we need to move Jen; we can’t even afford this rent now. How are we going to save for a kid?”


I didn’t know how to answer her. I didn’t want to tell her that Hamilton wanted to marry me and I wanted to say yes. I just didn’t think she would understand.


“I don’t know Lucy. Where would we go?” I paused. “I mean we can’t afford to pay a deposit for a new place.” We already knew we weren’t going to get this deposit back as we had used it to pay rent a few months ago.


“Maybe we can move to Colorado like we talked about before and maybe Hamilton will pay child support?” Lucy looked at me hopefully. I wanted to tell her that I was going to be living with Hamilton, but didn’t know how to tell her. Here she was making plans for us: for me and my baby.


“Yeah maybe.”


“We’ll be rich Jen. You can take him to Court for child support if he doesn’t want to pay.”


“Yeah, we can buy a house in Aspen and ski all day. No more jobs to us. Thanks baby. Thanks Hamilton.” I played along not wanting to hurt her.


“I think not Jenny. I think not.” A deep voice interrupted us and I looked behind me and saw a murderous looking Hamilton staring at me. Oh shit, how much had he heard?


“If you even think that you can use me to run off to another State while taking my money, you are sadly mistaken. You may be a money grubbing whore but you will not take me for a ride.”


I looked at him in shock.


“No Hamilton. I need to explain. You don’t understand.” I grabbed his arm.


“I think I understand enough Jenny. Your gleeful laughs woke me up and then I come out here to hear you talking about using me so you can move to Aspen and live a life of leisure. What I didn’t get from that was what you intended to do with our baby?”


“I didn’t mean it, Hamilton please listen to me.” I pleaded with him as he walked to the door. I could see all the light gone from his eyes and he looked at me in disdain.


“I suggest you get yourself a job Jenny. I won’t be paying for anything until I get a DNA test.” And with that he slammed out of the door. I fell onto the couch in tears. What had I done? Lucy looked at me in shock.


“What’s going on Jenny?”


“He wanted to marry me Luce, he wanted to marry me.” I cried.


“He did?” She looked at me incredulously. “But what, oh my.” She realized that our conversation has misled him as to my intentions. “Go after him Jenny, go and explain.”


“No, Lucy. What’s the point? He will always do this to me. I’m not strong enough to deal with a man like him.”


“Jenny, I’m so sorry.”


“It’s okay Lucy. It’s okay.”


And then I went and cried myself to sleep. I was jobless, broke and about to have a baby.


Chapter 7


              It’s been 3 months since that day: the day that Hamilton left me in my apartment and walked out of my life. I had tried hard to ignore the pain that was emanating from my heart. It didn’t even make sense; certainly not to Lucy and not to me. How could I be in love with a man I had only met twice? I didn’t know. All I did know was that I was carrying his baby and he wanted nothing to do with me.


              After I had taken the test and we had found out I was pregnant, I had been dismayed and then exhilarated. He wanted to marry me and I thought, deep inside that he may even love me or grow to love me. I know that sex doesn’t mean as much to men as it does to women but I had thought we had had a real connection. The joke was on me. He hadn’t even contacted me since he walked out of my life. Granted he thought I was a gold-digger and had tried to trap him for child support but that wasn’t the truth. I hadn’t gone to him to tell him the truth either because I was mad. How could he treat me like this? How could he think this of me? It seemed to me that it wasn’t worth it. I wasn’t going to even bother with a man that never gave me the benefit of the doubt.


              “Hey Jenny, I’m home.” Lucy rushed in laden with bags.


              “Pay day?” I smiled. Lucy and I had been lucky enough to find jobs at a local bookstore and while we were still barely getting by, we were able to pay the rent.


              “Haha, you know it is goof,” Lucy was excited. I felt a little pang of jealousy. I wasn’t able to go on shopping trips on payday now that I was saving for a baby. Our rent was expensive enough as it was and I didn’t know how I was going to pay for daycare when the time came.


              “So what did you get?” I was excited to see Lucy’s purchases. There was nothing like living vicariously through your best friend; especially when she allowed you to borrow her clothes.


              “Ooh, what, Oh Lucy,” I cried in delight when I opened the bags. They were filled with teddy bears and diapers. “Oh, you shouldn’t have.” I looked at her sternly. “I don’t want you spending the few dollars you have on me Lucy.”


              “Jen, it is no problem. You know that I want to help. I am so happy to do this. Trust me. I’m going to be a God-Mom, trust me I want to do this.”


              “You are going to be the best God-Mom ever.” I reached over and gave her a huge hug. Tears were running down my eyes because I was soo excited.


              “I wonder who that is?” Lucy looked at me quizzically as someone knocked on the door. “Did you order anything?”


              “Ooh, yes. I ordered a crib.” I grinned at her. “I know, I know. It’s early days still but I wanted to get it set up already. I rush to the door and open it.


              “Hello Jenny.” Hamilton is standing at the door and my stomach drops. Just when I had been able to stop talking and thinking about him everyday. I just stared at him. I didn’t know what to say. I was also embarrassed because it was very clear that I was now pregnant.


              “Hamilton,” I said his name very coolly, not wanting to show any emotion.


              “Can I come in?” He nodded into the living room.


              “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I looked him square in the eyes. There was no way he was going to fool me and bed me this time.


              “Please? We need to talk and I’d rather not do it in the hallway.”

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