9781631055577NiKohsChosenMichaelsNC (8 page)

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lifted her chin. “A good Domestic is always attuned to her Head and Mistress of
the Household. The reason you succeeded as a child is due to the fact—”

are there for the Head of Household, not the occupants,” NiKoh finis
hed for her. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all before.” GiNae
saw him take a drink, then set the goblet on the table and resume eating.

are changing, Mother. RaKel says fewer and fewer women are choosing to be
Domestics.” GiNae bowed her head while her
said a quick blessing, then picked up her bread and dipped it into her soup.

shook her head and
. “I have found it very rewarding.”

sister KiRah is choosing to be a Domestic after she bonds, though she will also
be her own Mistress o
f Household with her Chosen.”
NiKoh picked up his soup bowl and drank the contents. “Ah, ViShe, your soup is
very welcome after a hard day.”

always makes you hungry, and I do not know why you had to be in that cold room
all day.” ViShe stood, pic
ked up the soup tureen, and
ladled more into his bowl.

looked at her mother in amazement. “How did you know he was in a cold room?”

sensed his discomfort. A good Domestic regularly checks to see if there is
anything needed to aid the Head’s comfor
t.” ViShe put
the tureen back on the counter and seated herself, picking up her own fork.
“When you reach Maturity, you will begin to notice certain things which will
lead you to your

choked. “Do these include dreams or feeling as if I know
what he is doing?”

eyebrows rose. “Yes. Are you beginning to feel as if your Chosen is close by?”

GiNae averted her eyes and helped herself to more vegetables. “RaKel mentioned
a strange dream she had the other night.” She masked her feelings
so her mother would not sense the deception.
am not going to talk about my budding Maturity while NiKoh is in earshot!
“I was wondering when I would know when
I entered Maturity, and RaKel shared her signs.”

cleared his throat. “On that topic, I t
ake my leave.”

looked up to see him standing in the doorway to the kitchen. “GiNae, one of the
wisest things I ever did was choose your parents to run my household. My family
has always been unconventional, and please remember anything said within th
ese walls should stay here.”

I understand. I would never compromise my mother’s position.” Unbidden, the
urge to offer him more to drink rose to her lips, but she tamped it down.

stood and went to the refrigerator. “Bring me the empty container,
NiKoh, so I can refill it for you.”

thank you, ViShe. I think I will just have more tea. Ladies, I will see you
tomorrow. I would love to hear more about the shelter, GiNae.” Smiling, he
turned and left the room.

pushed her remaining food around her plate.
Where did that urge to
offer him more to drink come from? And he wants to hear about the shelter? Why?

as she drifted off to sleep in her comfortable bed, her thoughts turned to her
dream from the pr
evious evening.


Beautiful GiNae, your hair shines like
the moonlight. His thumb caressed her lower lip. Do not be afraid,
gi’chu’lu’vey. I would never hurt you. His lips brushed over hers, feather soft
and moist, then firmer. She felt his tongue sweep ov
her lips. Open for me; I want to show you how a man kisses his
. Panic rose in her chest and she pulled away.

I am not ready.

He pulled her close. It is all right.
have to wait a little longer anyway. He dropped a gentle kiss on her lips. I am
patient and will not rush you. Can you give me one
little taste?

Curiosity took hold, and she parted her
lips a bit.

He smiled, then covered her lips with
his again. She relaxed, then felt the tip of his tongue probe and touch her

Oh, that is not bad
after all.

His tongue tangled with the tip of hers,
showing her what to do. That is good. You are beginning to trust me. He cupped
her face in his hands and kissed her again, then slid his palms down the column
of her neck, tracing the fine bones of her t
hroat. So

She felt a finger slide beneath the
neckline of her nightgown and caught her breath.

Do not worry. I know I pushed you the
other night. He kissed her again and touched her cheek.


bolted upright, wide awake. She pressed cool palms to
her damp cheeks and tried to calm down.
NiKoh my
? No! It i
s not possible; he is
still in m




Chapter Three



we have tracked JeWal’s whereabouts the past several days and think you should
see this.” The lieutenant tapped a few ke
ys on his
pad and turned it around.

pinched the bridge of his nose. This was so tiresome. Ever since he had agreed
to keep tabs on the Xaxonian in order to humor his mother, the morning
briefings were beginning to take its toll.

far we know he is
frequenting nightclubs and
restaurants. What is so different about where he went last night?”
down. Do not take out your irritability on junior staff, just because you had
trouble sleeping.

young man gulped. “It is not so much as to where he went
, it is who he is with.”

sighed and pulled the pad closer. He saw JeWal sitting at a table, watching the
crowd. “I do not see—who is that?” NiKoh enlarged the screen and noticed
another man patting the back of a female companion. The profile of his d
ate seemed familiar. NiKoh felt his throat go dry. “Is
there a clearer picture of the woman?”

it run a few more minutes. She turns to face him.” The lieutenant shifted his

a cry, NiKoh stood up, knocking over his chair. “SaLie? She is sti
ll seeing that scum?” His fist pounded the desk, causing
the items on top to rattle in protest. “Was the rape not enough for her?
LyDie,” he bellowed.

secretary entered. “Yes, NiKoh?”

my calendar. I need to get to the bottom of this mess and will be gone for at
least two hours.”
NiKoh transported to outside his
mother’s door and entered without knocking.

Are you home? I need to speak with you immediately!” He slamme
d the door behind him and strode into the living room, his
boots thudding against the soft carpet with each step. “

NiKoh! I insist you stop yelling.
His mother’s stern voice echoed in his
You are acting like a child.

Mother, this is between m
yself and SaLie.
He strode to the staircase. “Answer me,
SaLie, or so help me, I will beat down your door and drag you to the Council!”

ReNei came around the corner and faced him from the landing. “Lower your voice.
Grown men do not shout like ban

took a deep breath and stopped three stairs below her. “Apologies, Mother. I
let my anger get out of control.”

are forgiven. Now be civil to your sister.” ReNei stepped aside.

took the final three steps toward his mother and gave her
a courteous kiss on her cheek before striding toward
SaLie’s quarters and requesting permission to enter. The door slid open, and he
found his sister still in bed, her magenta braids tousled.

late? Figures, given your nocturnal prowling.”

awned and pushed her hair from her face. “What are
you talking about?”

were spotted last night with JeWal and DuKah, in one of the nightclubs.” NiKoh
gritted his teeth. “After what those animals put you through, you meet him

one, I
reached Maturity several years ago and do not
need you to tell me who to see or not.” SaLie glared at him, sitting up and
propping pillows behind her. “Secondly, did it ever occur to you that I
what he and JeWal did to me?” She wiped
her sleepy eyes.
“You may be the oldest, but you do
have any authority to boss me around.”

rolled over NiKoh. “You—you actually liked—are you out of your mind?” Bile rose
in his stomach and he stalked over to a couch and put his head between his legs
until the s
ick feeling passed.

be a hypocrite, NiKoh. I heard the stories of you and your friends sharing a
female one evening.” SaLie’s scornful voice brought him up short.

dear sister, was part of an initiation hazing ceremony. I had to prove my worth
iness while undercover.” NiKoh slapped his hands on his
thighs and stood up. “Unless you have suddenly become a spy, I see no redeeming
qualities in pursuing this ‘relationship’.”

because you are as narrow-minded as the rest of your generation.” SaLi
e folded her arms over her chest. “I do not answer to you.”

clenched his fists. “Then show some respect for Mother, while you stay here.
Did the hospital not offer your job back, after the Test? AnKie was able to
return to her post after BeSai died.” Ni
Koh felt his
voice break and controlled his emotions.

held a higher rank than I. It is still available, but I am currently taking
classes to be certified in Pharmacology. If you had not been so wrapped up in
grief these past several weeks, you would
know that,”
SaLie fired back. “I want to work with a researcher AnKie recommended, who is
working on a cure for BeSai’s malady.” Her voice softened. “Maybe one day no
one will have to suffer like she did.” SaLie twisted a corner of the blanket
around her

aback, NiKoh blinked. “Good for you. But that still does not answer my request
for showing respect while you stay here. Mother was the one who brought it to
my attention he was still on the planet. One wonders why the second in command
not return home.”

is recruiting entertainment for the space station which will be operational
next Season. Since several of my friends are in the Trade Industry, I have been
introducing him to restaurant owners and others who can connect him with ba
nds, artists, and other crofters.”

frowned. “I knew the station would soon be ready for travelers, but I did not
know they were looking for full time residents. OkVei is hoping to be chosen
for the Linguistic Program. With his skills as Interpreter,
he would be desirable, since there will be no universal
translator. Why does JeWal desire you to introduce him? Can he not do that on
his own?”

NiKoh.” SaLie shook her head. “One does not simply walk up to a restaurant
owner and say ‘come open a store
on my station’. You
have to cultivate the relationship first. You know that. Same with a band
leader or museum curator.”

are not getting my point.” NiKoh felt his irritation grow. SaLie was skilled at
dancing around a subject, hoping the main point w
be forgotten. “I cannot forbid you to see JeWal or DuKah. But I can insist you
maintain decorum.”

SaLie snorted and crossed her arms. “Fine, NiKoh. I will be discreet. Is that
good enough for you? Now kindly leave my room. I am tired of thi
s conversation.”

too. Remember, people are watching them and you as well.” NiKoh turned and
exited the room. He encountered ReNei downstairs, writing a list for KiRah, who
sat beside her.

for barging in and disturbing you this morning, Mother
NiKoh returned KiRah’s exuberant hug. “What are you up to,

stuck out her tongue at the nickname. “I am doing the weekly shopping for
Mother, then meeting DaTil for coffee.”

instruction at DaTil’s home begins next week.” ReNei patted
her daughter’s knee.

lifted his eyebrows. “So soon? I thought it was still far off.”

you not realize
is nearly over?” KiRah blinked. “In six
days, it will have been a year since we pledged to Bond.”

A year?
“Forgive me.” NiKoh dipped
his head. “Apparently I have not noticed the passing

handed the slip of paper to her daughter. “Perfectly understandable. You have
been consumed by grief and work, my son. The fact you are taking notice of
family matters again is encouragin
g to me.”

took a seat in a chair and rubbed his jaw. “I did not realize you were worried
about me.”

always worry about their offspring, whether they are six or thirty-six.” ReNei
stood up and smoothed her skirt. “Can I expect you for an even
ing meal sometime soon?”

will try.” NiKoh stood and hugged his mother, then turned to KiRah and kissed
her cheek. “You are growing up into a lovely young woman. DaTil is fortunate to
have someone like you.”

silvery face took on a light blue flus
h. “I am happy
you approve of my upcoming Bonding.” A look of surprise crossed her face and
her breath caught. “NiKoh, your pin has something wrong with it.”

looked down at the Bonding Pin he had worn for the past sixteen years and
frowned. The marit
al knot in the center of his family
crest had separated. “It may have done that after BeSai’s death.” His voice
wavered a bit. “I had not noticed. Did yours do that, Mother?”

stepped closer to him and examined the pin. “You are young enough to take a
. I have heard of this happening, and it usually means you
are close to meeting her or have already done so.” She peered into her son’s
eyes. “Are you aware of this?”

shook his head, but a sudden vision of GiNae made him blanch and broug
ht him up short.
No…it is not possible!

His mother’s voice snapped him back to the present.

shook his head to rid the picture in his mind. “I am sorry. So much has
happened lately, and I was not paying attention. I need to return to the
Blessings, Mother. KiRah.” NiKoh teleported
back to his office and told LyDie not to disturb him.

GiNae? But she has not reached Maturity

Maybe she is entering the first stages.
It is possible for young women to have dreams about male role models in
their lives, and I have noticed I enjoy her company at our
evening meal. I thought she seemed more relaxed around me. I do not think I
have been visiting her in the dream state…I may have to activate the sensors
tonight. If I remember correctly, BeSai and
I had
coordinating dreams.

But I remembered those! Surely I would
remember dreams. I do not feel any different toward her than I did when she
first came to live with us or even returned home from the Academy.

paced the length of his office, searchin
g his
feelings. Aside from his initial embarrassment at being caught self-pleasuring
himself the night GiNae returned home from the Academy, he had not given her
much thought, until demanding they join him for the evening meal. Truthfully,
it had been ViSh
e’s conversation he craved, but since
GiNae had revealed an ability to tell humorous stories about her day, he found
himself looking forward to seeing her.
that does not mean she is my Chosen, does it? It has been nearly twenty years
since I went throu
gh this! This is ridiculous, she is
only a few years older than my son. I cannot do anything more until I monitor
myself tonight.

he strode to his desk and sent a message to LyDie he was available again. He
dismissed the troubling thoughts and
concentrated on
his other reports.

he arrived home that evening, he paid attention to any unexplained thoughts or
feelings but found nothing out of the ordinary. ViShe had prepared a delicious
meal as usual, but he noted GiNae refused to look at him
and only picked at her food.

informed me you were starving, but yet you hardly ate anything,” ViShe
admonished her.

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