9781616503369 (9 page)

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Authors: Sondrae Bennett

BOOK: 9781616503369
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“Are you sure I won’t be an imposition?” The words brought him up, and he pulled her toward him, gazing deep into her eyes.

“Never. I mean that, Julie. I don’t want to hear you talk like that again. Don’t you know I would do absolutely anything for you?”

“Anything?” she asked, a wicked gleam entering her eyes.

“Anything.” No hesitation. Whatever she needed, wanted, was hers. All she had to do was ask.

“You know what would make me really happy?” Judging by the mysterious smirk on her face, whatever would make her happy was going to make him happy too.

“What’s that, beautiful?”

“Take off your pants.” He stood and unbuttoned his jeans, shoving his briefs off with the pants in his haste.

“Don’t have to tell you twice, do I?” She laughed. He paused to throw her a disbelieving look before finishing his task. He was as eager now as last night, the raw need for her returning stronger than before. Last night hadn’t been enough to quench his need for her. Nothing would ever be enough.

Julie’s impish smile told him she was just as eager. Her eyes were hungry as she sat forward on the couch. Without waiting another moment, she took him into her mouth. He stiffened, feeling the wet heat of her mouth encase him. His head fell back with a groan, and all conscious thought fled. He gripped her hair as she moved forward, taking him deeper.

Even his most vivid fantasies paled in comparison to the realities of Julie’s mouth wrapped around him.

Needing to see, to watch, he opened his eyes and gazed down at the woman he loved. Any doubt he might have once harbored had vanished after last night. She was perfect for him.

She gripped him in her hand as she moved back, paying special attention to the head. Her gaze met his as her tongue came out to circle the tip. The desire in their depths, the pleasure she gained from pleasing him, was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

Without a word, he reached down and pulled her to her feet. Keeping eye contact, he unbuttoned her pants and sank to his knees. His hands ran down her legs, dragging her pants to the floor along the way.

He switched positions with her, pushing her onto the couch and spreading her thighs, opening her to his gaze. Giving no more than a moment’s pause to appreciate the sights before him, Brendan dove in.

* * * *

Dear God

Julie gripped Brendan’s hair in her hands as sparks of pleasure robbed her of thought. There was only Brendan, the feel of his hair beneath her fingers, his tongue plunging inside her.

This wasn’t what she’d wanted–she’d wanted to taste him as he came. She’d never done that for George, or anyone. And she’d wanted to give it to Brendan.

That had been her plan. But Brendan had never been one to stick to plans. Groaning as his tongue did something wicked, she really couldn’t complain.

His mouth continued to plunder, bringing her higher and higher. Without warning, a wave of pleasure crashed over her, leaving her gasping for air as her body jerked.

Her cries echoed throughout the room, subsiding as Brendan finished feasting.

“You are incredible,” he whispered, his hands caressing her inner thighs. “Absolutely perfect.” The look in his eyes made her feel every ounce the incredible woman he seemed to think her. When she was with him, she felt like a different person. She felt “special.”

The word crashed through her brain. She’d spent years believing she wasn’t as good as her siblings. Believing she would never feel the depth of love her parents felt.

But…she felt it now. Felt it for Brendan. And gazing into his eyes, she believed he felt it too. Brendan’s words from brunch came back to her. He thought she was special. He wanted her exactly as she was. And if she let him, he could give her a future she’d never dared dream about.

“I bet you tell all the women that,” she teased, closing her eyes as she tried to lighten the mood. She kept them closed as Brendan pulled her into his arms, his fingers caressing her cheek as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

“No. Only my mate. Only you.”

Julie's eyes flew open.
Had she heard him correctly? Gazing into his eyes, she knew she hadn’t imagined it.

“Are you sure? Please be sure,” she continued before he could answer. “Because I love you so much. I wouldn't survive it if you're playing around or–”

Brendan's mouth crashed down on hers, cutting her off. This wasn't a kiss of passion or love. It was a kiss about possession. Julie gripped his shoulders, unable to do anything but hold on. The fierceness thrilled her and terrified her in equal parts.

She’d never dared to dream. But this kiss...this kiss embodied everything she’d sat up at night longing for. Heat and love mingled together, bringing utter contentment with them. Her heart swelled and Brendan, already so much a part of it, flooded every inch. Years of loving him from afar hadn't prepared her for this all-consuming joy.

They were both panting when he released her. He swung her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom, sitting against the headboard with her on his lap.

“I love you more than words can express, and I am going to take care of you the rest of our lives.” His lips brushed against hers. The gentle caress was such an extreme contrast to the last kiss, it made her breath hitch. He adjusted their positions so he sat behind her, surrounding her with his body.

The rest of their lives.
It sounded wonderful. Permanent. To feel like this–knowing she was loved, cherished–filled her with pleasure she couldn’t begin to describe. Without a doubt, she was the luckiest woman alive.

“You’re perfect for me.” The breath of his words caressed the skin behind her ear, causing her to gasp in surprised delight. He froze. At least she thought he had, until his lips touched the spot again. His curled lips tickled against her skin.

“Hmm, I think I found a secret pleasure spot.” Her body arched, thrusting her breasts upward as his lips stroked the sensitive area with every word. His chuckle rumbled from his chest.

The sharp scrape of his teeth caused her to shiver. His arms tightened around her, reassuring her she was safe. She breathed deeply, inhaling his scent–sweat and man. It was more enticing than any high-priced cologne.

Instinct took over as he nibbled a trail lower, reaching the juncture of her neck. As if a dam had broken inside her, she pulled away long enough to remove her shirt. Then she attacked, her lips taking his, trying to fuel his desire until he was consumed along with her. She ripped at his shirt, desperate to see his bare chest.

A button hit her arm, flying off his shirt as she yanked too hard. She barely felt it. All she felt was need. Need to have Brendan inside her, filling her as only he ever would.

“Slow down.” He caught her hands as they ripped at the last pesky buttons. “We have forever ahead of us–”

“No. Now. I need you right now.” She shrugged out of her bra and threw it across the room. She rubbed against him, eager to feel his skin against hers.

She shoved him onto his back, her focus captured by Brendan's erection. As she stared, a drop of liquid seeped out.

Unable to resist, she leaned down and took him into her mouth, closing her eyes as the salty taste hit her tongue.

She wanted to continue. To bring him the same devastating pleasure with her mouth that he had done earlier for her, but her body protested. Her own needs soared to the surface.

Unable to wait anymore, Julie rose, lining Brendan with her opening. As she sank on top of him, she braced her hands against his chest.

Bliss filled her as she moved against him. A sense of rightness, of belonging, surrounded her, bringing deeper pleasure with it.

Her breath caught as she fell into a speedy rhythm. His hands shifted her body, and she cried out in surprised pleasure as she felt him penetrate deeper.

One hand reached up and pinched her nipple. It was the last sensation she needed to send her flying over the edge into ecstasy.

On some level she was aware of him rolling her, lifting her legs. Of his furious thrusts as he groaned out his own pleasure, but her mind still grappled with the intensity of her release.

She lay there, cuddling against him, waiting for her wits to return. She felt as though she would have flown away if not for his body surrounding her, grounding her.

She placed her lips against his shoulder, content to remain as they were for the rest of the night.

Lost in her thoughts, she became aware of a strange wetness against her leg. For a moment she couldn't breathe as memories collided around her, shattering her calm.

They hadn't used a condom.

The feel of him inside her, unsheathed, was wonderful. But the potential consequences overshadowed her joy.

She wasn’t on the pill. Had stopped taking contraceptives after breaking up with her last boyfriend. There had been no need since she’d planned to remain single.

Brendan claimed she was his mate, but what if he didn't want children? Would he change his mind? Could he? Please let her not have ruined things already.

Having grown up in a family of wolves, she knew some details about mates. They weren't “official” until he bit her, injecting her with an enzyme to mark her as his. It wouldn’t turn her, nothing would. But even though there was no outward change, she knew she remained unmarked.

She’d heard whispered conversations about the incredible pleasure of mating. How mates were connected in a way not visible to others, but that was felt as clearly as if they were tied together. By not marking her, did he have the option to choose someone else? Apprehension and worry warred inside her, forming a ball in the pit of her stomach.

His weight lifted, and he gazed down at her, his confusion evident.

“What's wrong?” The desire to snuggle into the hand caressing her cheek and ignore reality pulled at her, but she knew she had to face this. It would be easier to face rejection sooner if he decided to turn away. She braced herself.

“No condom.” No other words were needed. His eyes widened as he realized what she had moments before. He glanced between their bodies as if to double check, but she knew as well as he did they'd forgotten in their haste.

He sat up, pulling her with him until she straddled his hips.

“Is there a reason you're so panicked about it?”

Whatever response she'd expected, that wasn't it. She tried to formulate a proper reply, but all that came out was, “I'm not on the pill.”

“And...” His eyes narrowed.

“We haven't discussed whether or not you want children.” Silence. His gaze locked on her face until she looked away and bit her lip in discomfort.
Here it comes
, she thought, steeling her heart. Whatever happened, she had to stay calm. She would not break down in front of him. That could wait until she got home.

“I assumed we'd wait a while, but whatever happens, we'll deal with it. And don’t think I can’t see you preparing for, I don't know…rejection, or scorn. Don't you understand what it means when I say you're my mate? It means we're a team now. No matter what life throws at you or me, we're in this together. You never have to face anything alone ever again.”

She held his words to her heart, letting them warm her. Was it any wonder she loved the man? But there were other worries she needed to address, things he probably hadn’t considered. Things she’d worried about since she’d been young.

He needed to know what he might be resigning himself to. She loved him too much to trick him.

“What if–” Her voice broke, and she took a calming breath, forcing herself to continue. “What if I can’t have shifter children?”

“Why wouldn’t you be able to?”

“I’m one of the only shifter-born full humans, ever. What if there’s something in my makeup preventing it? Some kind of…shifter gene suppressor. I might pass it on to my children. They might all be human like me.” She whispered the last, knowing she had to get it out but terrified of his reaction.

“I’d love every single one of them as much as I love you. Human or wolf, they’ll all be precious, because they’re a part of our love.” She read the sincerity in his eyes and almost broke down. How had she gotten so lucky?

“Now can we stop all this nonsense, and go take a shower?” he suggested. “I’ll let you wash my back.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

She smiled, staring into his hopeful face. She should’ve known Brendan would say the right thing to ease her fears. Her giggles filled the room as he pulled her to her feet and chased her into the bathroom.



Chapter 8


“Hey, Jules, delivery for you.”

She glanced up from her book. A delivery? She didn’t remember ordering anything.

Wondering what it could be, Julie walked out from behind the stacks. Samantha and Laurie stood beside the counter where a single red rose rested in a slender glass vase. Next to it stood a bottle of champagne, the Moet & Chandon label pointed toward her.

“Looks like Brendan has something special up his sleeve for tonight.” Laurie nudged Samantha with her shoulder as she said it.

Now that she knew the truth, Julie couldn't believe she'd once thought Laurie and Brendan were mates. Their relationship had always been more brother-sister in nature than romantic. But wanting Brendan like she did, the green-eyed monster came out when she’d seen all the time he’d spent with Laurie. Great–blinded with jealousy. She had become a cliché.

“I remember the first time Jason sent me flowers. I still pull out the card every now and then to read it.” Samantha sighed and handed Julie the white envelope. Laurie said something, teasing Samantha about Jason’s adoration, but Julie’s focus was on the white square envelope in her hand. She stared at it, nervous and excited at the same time. Had Brendan written something so romantic she’d be like Samantha, pulling it out of her underwear drawer when in need of a lift?

Breaking the seal, she took out the card and flipped it open. Her giddy excitement sunk and then vanished as she scanned the note. She read it twice, wracking her brain to figure out who the sender was before she recalled the name. When it hit her, worry slammed into her as she read the short message yet again.

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