9781616503369 (4 page)

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Authors: Sondrae Bennett

BOOK: 9781616503369
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“I still have another hour before I can leave. We don’t close until nine-thirty tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it. Samantha and I can handle it. You go have fun,” Laurie called from behind the bookcase, startling them both. If he wanted proof that being around Julie addled his brains, here it was. Brendan hadn’t sensed Laurie. His wolf should have heard and smelled her approach.

Julie pulled three books out of the shelf at eye level and peered at the other side of the bookcase.

“Are you two spying on me?”

“Not at all, Laurie was, uh, helping me find a book.” Samantha’s nervous laugh drifted to him from behind the case. Julie glared through the hole she had created before shoving the books back in place with a muttered curse.

She sighed and looked at him with faked grimness. “You’re not going to give up until you have your way, are you?”

Brendan couldn’t help but laugh. Was it any wonder he loved this woman? “Nope.”

“All right, since it appears I’m outnumbered. Let me go grab my purse from upstairs.”

Brendan watched her backside as she turned and walked away, tilting his head to get a better view of her retreating ass. More laughter rang out from behind the bookshelf, drawing his attention. Two sets of eyes watched him where stacks of books had been removed. The one he recognized as Laurie’s raised one eyebrow at him. Smiling, Brendan shook his head before crossing to one of the armchairs to wait for Julie. At least the women in her family appeared to be on his side.

* * * *

Julie paused with her key poised to lock her apartment door. The sun was just starting to set and long shadows littered the ground. An eerie chill crept up her spine, causing her to shiver in unease. The hair at the back of her neck tingled, and she got the distinct impression she was being watched.

Looking around, Julie detected nothing out of place. A nervous laugh escaped and she shook off her discomfort. Clearly, reading all those mystery novels was getting to her. She needed to pull it together. She’d need all her wits about her to get through dinner with Brendan without embarrassing herself.

Kissing him had been more dangerous than she’d imagined. When he’d touched his lips to hers, Julie’s first thought had been to pull away. It was the rational thing to do. But the moment had been short lived as his kiss had robbed her of all thought. She’d only been vaguely aware of clenching his shirt in her fists as his arms circled her waist.

Then nothing had existed beyond him. The feel of his lips, his embrace surrounding her, supporting her as he’d arched her backward–it had gone to her head quicker than one of Laurie’s famous margaritas. Just thinking about it made her quiver with excitement.

As she turned from her doorway, something moved off to her left. She froze, her gaze scanning the forest surrounding the parking lot. Leaves rustled as a breeze blew through them, but nothing else moved. A shiver of a different kind ran down her spine. The feeling of being watched returned, bringing with it a premonition of pure evil.

She needed to get a grip. Nothing lurked in the woods. The town was too well guarded by the pack. Her upcoming dinner with Brendan must be making her more ill at ease than she thought. Projecting her fears on her surrounding environment wasn’t going to do anything but make her paranoid. Julie laughed at herself as she walked into the bookstore.

Brendan stood and crossed to her as soon as she entered.

“Gorgeous, as always.” He tried to pull her into an embrace, but Julie laughed and pushed him away.

“Enough. I’m hungry and you promised to feed me.” Grabbing Brendan’s hand, Julie dragged him behind her.

“Have fun,” Laurie’s sing-song voice sounded behind them as they exited the store. Julie didn’t even glance back.

As they rounded the corner of the store into the parking lot, Julie scanned the forest, trying to detect the presence from earlier. Nothing. No feeling of being watched, or sense of foreboding. Just her stupid imagination running away again.

“Everything okay?” Julie jumped as Brendan spoke directly behind her, his arm circling her waist. She looked over her shoulder and saw his gaze raking the woods, his sharp-eyed gaze moving from tree to tree.

“Fine. Just me being silly.” Julie shrugged off his concern, grabbed his hand and tried to pull him toward his truck, but she couldn’t budge him. She looked back and found him staring at her. His shrewd gaze bore into her.

“What?” she asked, biting her lip. He shook his head before stepping forward.

* * * *

She was the most confusing woman he’d ever met. One minute she would lean into his embrace, and the next instant turn away from a kiss. And that moment in the parking lot worried him. She’d stared at the dark and empty forest as if expecting something to jump out and attack. There
been something in the air. Some strange scent Brendan wasn’t familiar with, but nothing worrisome.

Still, it couldn’t hurt to take a few passes by her apartment tonight. He’d feel better knowing she was safe. Actually, he’d feel better once he had her with him every night. When he could hold her in his arms, safe and protected from everything that caused her pain. Then his wolf would settle.

Dinner had reaffirmed his belief that Julie was perfect for him. It hadn’t taken long to draw her out of her shell, and soon after, she’d laughed and traded snarky comments with him. When he was around her, it seemed everything was right in the world. But now, as he drove Julie back to her apartment, she was silent, staring out her window.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked, more to break the silence than anything else.

“They’re worth way more than a penny.” She laughed and turned toward him. Her chest rose as she took a deep breath, drawing his gaze to her breasts. His hands tightened on the wheel as it shot back to the road. “Why did you kiss me today?”

“I thought that was pretty obvious.” Taking one hand off the wheel, he threaded his fingers through hers. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her staring at their linked hands.

“Brendan, you’re a great guy…”

“Oh please. Don’t tell me you’re giving me the ‘you’re a great guy’ break-up speech.” Throwing her one of his most charming smiles, he told her without words he wasn’t going anywhere. Nothing she said would change his mind. Brendan found her huff of frustration utterly adorable. Then again, he found everything about her adorable.

“What break-up? We aren’t together, so there is nothing to break up. And it would never work between us.” Ignoring her words, Brendan picked up their linked hands and brought them to his lips. Julie was running scared. But he held enough patience and stamina to outrun her. He was a wolf, after all.

Pulling up behind the bookstore, Brendan got out and rounded the car to hold Julie’s door open. He placed his hands on either side of her as she stood, and leaned in, looking deep into her eyes.

“Why don’t you come by my place tomorrow for dinner? I’ll cook.”

“Brendan, have you listened to a word I’ve said? A relationship between us isn’t practical.”

“I make a mean salmon dish. You like salmon, right?” He couldn’t help but smile as she blew out yet another exasperated breath and rolled her eyes.

“You are unbelievably stubborn!”

“I’ve learned stubborn people tend to get what they want. And Julie–” Brendan leaned in until they were mere inches apart. “I want you.” Flames of desire leapt into her eyes, pulling him forward as he leaned in for a kiss.

Right before his lips touched hers, she whispered his name. A plea. She couldn’t fight the attraction between them any more than he could.

“Just one taste,” he whispered before closing the remaining distance. She leaned into him, and his tongue swept inside, claiming her mouth. His hands clutched her waist, pulling her closer as her fingers wrapped around his neck and threaded into his hair. Sinking into her softness, he marveled at the feel of her in his arms. She was everything feminine and delicate, yet he knew from experience she could be strong and determined when it counted. And she was all his, just as soon as he could convince her.

Breaking off the kiss, Brendan rested his forehead against hers, struggling to even his breathing. He reached up and swept a lock of hair behind her ear, lingering to trace the rim with a finger.

“Do you know how beautiful you look, all flushed and warm? How turned-on I am, knowing I’m the one who put that look on your face?” he asked, staring at her closed eyelids and kiss-swollen mouth.

Her eyelids fluttered open. The naked desire her eyes revealed took the words from his mouth. The overwhelming urge to kiss her again, to drag her into her apartment for all sorts of wicked things, rushed through him.

“So tomorrow night, huh? Should I bring anything? Wine?” Her words penetrated the haze filling his brain. He shook his head, trying to clear it.

“Sure,” he muttered. He needed to get out of here before he did something he’d regret. Julie was human. Taking her against the hood of his car like an animal was out of the question, no matter how much he might want to.

Steeling himself, he placed a chaste kiss against her nose and led her to her door.

“Sleep tight,” he murmured as she pulled out her key and unlocked the door. As she turned to say goodnight, her gaze drifted to the forest behind him, reminding him of her earlier fear.

Something had spooked her, and it was his responsibility to figure out what and protect her from it. Once he got back to his place, he’d let his wolf patrol the forest around the store. He’d do whatever he needed to keep her safe.



Chapter 4


Taking this much time to choose wine was ridiculous. He probably wouldn’t even care what she brought over. So why couldn’t she make up her mind? Julie paused to examine yet another label.

It might be easier to buy several bottles and decide at home. With any luck, Brendan would never know she’d traveled two towns over to get wine for their night together. The liquor store in Alpine Woods didn’t have anywhere near the wine selection this one had. The more she thought about it, the more she liked that option. It would be nice to have some around the apartment. It wasn’t as if she wouldn’t get to them all sooner or later.

As if whatever wine she bought would change things between them.

This was stupid. Brendan wasn’t hers, and she would never be the mate he needed. Maybe if she were a beta wolf or an omega, things wouldn’t look so bleak, but she wasn’t even a shifter. She was only kidding herself, fantasizing about winning his heart like a child. A wave of depression crashed over her. The truth was she wanted to go to Brendan’s. She wanted to do a hell of a lot more than kiss him too.

She looked at the bottle in her hand, not really seeing the label. What was she doing? Having a fling with Brendan would fulfill the dreams she’d had since high school, but was such a bad idea. No matter how much she tried to deny it, her heart
get involved. And it would lead to more tears and a broken heart.

It was already going to be difficult to let her dreams go once his mate came into the picture. Julie sucked in a breath at the painful thought. Having to watch her siblings pair off was hard, knowing she wouldn’t have the same connection. Watching Brendan with a mate would devastate her.

Right now, she was at least rational. But if she acted on her impulses, dropping the reins on her wayward fantasies and jumping in with both feet, Brendan finding a mate wouldn’t just devastate her–it would destroy her.

Where did that leave her tonight? Either she could go to Brendan’s and risk losing control–risk ruining everything–or she could cancel. Julie let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She knew what she had to do. As much as she wanted to throw a tantrum at the thought of cancelling, it was time to put on her big girl panties. The right decision wasn’t always the most desirable one.

She glanced down at the two bottles of wine in her hands. Might as well buy them. Since she was going to spend the night alone and depressed, a bottle of wine might be just what the doctor ordered.

“The chardonnay is a great choice.” Julie jumped at the sound of the deep voice in her ear. Why was everyone so intent on sneaking up on her? And why was she so damn jumpy lately?

She turned to look at the man behind her and hastily closed the mouth that had flapped open in surprise. Wowza–handsome didn’t begin to describe him. She ran her gaze from his casual brown shoes up his jean-clad legs and form fitting black t-shirt, ending with his piercing blue eyes. The look in them was almost frightening in its intensity, startling her from her perusal. He looked…hungry.

It took a moment to compose her thoughts. To buy time, she glanced down at the bottle she held, trying to form a response.

“Good to know. I don’t suppose you’ve tried the pinot?” She held up the bottle in her other hand. His smile was friendly, but his hungry gaze remained fixed on her.

“I haven’t. How about I pick up a bottle, and we can test it together. What do you say?” As far as pick-up lines went, it was one of the better ones she’d heard. Not to mention, a tempting offer. The man was attractive, and she
single. It might be the perfect way to distract herself from her feelings for Brendan.

But ditching Brendan for this man, for
man, left a bad taste in her mouth. Besides, the intensity in the man’s eyes was a bit unsettling.

“I appreciate the offer, but I have plans tonight.” Plans that only minutes ago she’d decided to cancel, but he didn’t need to know that.

“A shame. At least tell me your name, for the next time we meet.”

Julie shivered. Next time? The certainty in his voice unnerved her. Jeez–first thinking something had lurked in the forest, and now creeped out by a friendly stranger. Her imagination was in overdrive. As soon as she got home, those damn suspense books were going in the trash. It was obvious she needed something milder.

“It’s Julie.”

“A pleasure, Julie. I’m Jay. So you have plans tonight, but what about tomorrow?” The way he continued to stare at her gave her the heebie jeebies.

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