800 Years of Women's Letters (45 page)

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Authors: Olga Kenyon

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Barbara Bodichon: ‘A Letter from Savannah', in
English Woman's Journal
8, December 1861, pp. 261–6.

Lucrezia Borgia: in A. Fraser,
Love Letters
, Weidenfeld, 1976.

The Brontë family:
The Brontës: Their Lives, Friendships and Correspondence in Four Volumes
, eds. T.J. Wise and J.A. Symington, Oxford, 1932.

Branwell Brontë
, Winifred Gerin, Hutchinson, 1961.

Charlotte Brontë
, Winifred Gerin, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1967.

Fanny Burney:
The Diary and Letters of Mme d'Arblay
, ed. A. Dobson, Macmillan, 1904.

The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney 1791–1840
, ed. J.A. Hemlow, A. Douglas, W. Derry et al., 12 vols, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972–4.

Dr Johnson and Fanny Burney
, Nigel Wood, Bristol Classical Press, Bristol, 1989.

Isabel Burton: in Lesley Blanch,
The Wilder Shores of Love
, John Murray, 1954. For further information, see books on her husband, Arabist Richard Burton.

Eleanor Butler: see A ‘Romantic' Friendship, p. 46.

Josephine Butler, Octavia Hill and Florence Nightingale:
Victorian Women who Changed the World
, Nancy Boyd, Macmillan, 1982.

Margery Clarke: in C. Moriarty, ed.,
The Voice of the Middle Ages
, Lennard Books, Oxford, 1989.

Hannah Cullwick:
Life and Diaries
, Arthur J. Munby, 1972.

Alexandra David-Néel:
Magic and Mystery in Tibet
, Souvenir Press, 1967.

My Journey to Lhasa
, 1983.

Rosalía de Castro:
Poems of Rosalía de Castro
, ed. and trans. by A. Aldaz, B. Gantt and A. Bromley, State University of New York Press, USA, 1991.

Mary Delany:
Letters from Georgian Ireland
, ed. Angelique Day, Friars Bush Press, Belfast, 1992.

Lucy Duff Gordon:
Letters from Egypt
, L. Duff Gordon, 1865; Virago, 1983.

Emily Eden:
Up The Country: Letters from India
, E. Eden, 1872; Virago, 1983.

Maria Edgeworth:
Letters for Literary Ladies
, M. Edgeworth, 1795.

George Eliot:
George Eliot: A Biography
, Gordon Haight, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1968.

Selected Letters of George Eliot
, ed. Gordon Haight, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1968.

The George Eliot Letters
, ed. Gordon Haight, Yale University Press, Yale, 1954–5.

Elizabeth I:
Original Letters: Illustrative of English History
, H. Ellis, 3 vols., Harding, Triphook and Lepard, 1924. Includes royal letters from Autographs in the British Museum.

An Elizabethan Gentlewoman
, R. Weigall, 1911.

Letters of Queen Elizabeth I, 1558–1570
, ed. G. Harrison, Greenwood Press, USA, 1935.

The Word of a Prince: A Life of Elizabeth I
, Maria Perry, Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1990.

Elizabeth Elstob:
The English Saxon Homily
, 1709.

Empress Eugénie:
Lettres familières de l'Imperatrice Eugénie, conservées dans les archives du Palais de Liria et publices par les soins du Duc d'Albe
, 1935.

Millicent Fawcett:
Millicent Fawcett
, Ray Strachey, John Murray, 1931.

Ferdinand and Isabella:
Ferdinand and Isabella
, F. Fernández-Arnesto, Weidenfeld, 1975.

Celia Fiennes:
Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
, C. Fiennes, 1888 (republished as
The Journeys of Celia Fiennes
, ed. Christopher Morris, 1947).

Elizabeth Gaskell:
A Portrait in Letters
, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1980.

The Letters of Elizabeth Gaskell
, ed. J.A.V. Chapple, Manchester Unviversity Press, Manchester, 1967.

Gillian Hanscombe:
Between Friends
, G. Hanscombe, Sheba, 1983.

Mary Hays:
Love Letters of Mary Hays
, ed. A. Wedd, 1925.

Letters and Essays, Moral and Miscellaneous
, 1793.

Heber Letters
, 1782–1832, Batchworth Press, 1950.

, trans. and ed. B. Radice, vols, i to clxxviii, Penguin, 1974.

Hildegard of Bingen:
Letters of Hildegard of Bingen
, ed. M. Fox, Bear and Co., New York, USA, 1987.

Emily Hobhouse:
M. Fawcett
, R. Strachey, John Murray, 1931.

Isabella of Castile:
Isabel la Católica
, ed. Castalia, Madrid, 1985.

Geraldine Jewsbury:
Selections from the Letters of Geraldine E. Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
, ed. A. Ireland, Longman, 1892.

Stéphanie Jullien: Jullien Family Papers, 39 AP 4, Archives Nationales, Paris.

Mary Kingsley:
A Victorian Lady in Africa
, V. Grosvenor Myer, Ashford Press, Shedfield, Hants., 1989.

La Pasionaria:
La Pasionaria
, Robert Lowe, Hutchinson, 1992.

Mary Leapor: ‘Epistle to a Lady' in
Poems on Several Occasions
, 1748.

Lady Honor Lisle:
The Lisle Letters
, ed. M. St Clare Byrne, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1983; Penguin, 1985.

Letters of Madame
, trans. and ed. Gertrude Scott Stevenson, Arrowsmith, 1925.

Katherine Mansfield:
Katherine Mansfield: A Secret Life
, Claire Tomalin, Viking, 1987.

Harriet Martineau:
Harriet Martineau's Autobiography and Memorials of Harriet Martineau
, ed. Maria W. Chapman, Boston, 1877.

Mary Tudor: BL Harleian Ms 444, f. 27; Cotton Ms, Titus CVIII, f. 120.

Elizabeth Montagu:
A Lady of the Last Century: Mrs Elizabeth Montagu
, Dr Doran, 1873.

Mrs Montague ‘Queen of the Blues': Her Letters and Friendships from 1762 to 1800
, ed. R. Blunt, Constable, n.d.

Lady Morgan (Sydney Owenson):
O'Donnel: A National Tale
, Irish Novelists Library, 1814; reprinted, London, 1896.

Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle:
A Glorious Fame: The Life and Letters of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle
, Kathleen Jones, Bloomsbury Press, 1988.

Florence Nightingale: Letters in the Fawcett Library, London, E1.

Anaïs Nin:
, ed. G. Stuhlmann, Peter Owen, 1970 and Harcourt Brace, New York, USA, 1967. 10 vols.

Mrs Oliphant:
The Autobiography and Letters of Mrs M.O.W. Oliphant
, ed. Mrs Harry Coghill, W. Blackwood, 1899.

Dorothy Osborne:
Letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple
, Everyman, 1914. Republished by Folio Society, 1968 (ed. K. Hart).

Emmeline Pankhurst:
The Fighting Pankhursts
, David Mitchell, Cape, 1967.

Queen Christabel: A Biography of Christabel Pankhurst
, ed. David Mitchell, Macdonald, 1977.

The Paston Family:
Selections from the Paston Letters
, ed. Alice D. Greenwood, G. Bell and Sons, 1920.

Lady Pennington:
An Unfortunate Mother's Advice to her Absent Daughters
, The Young Lady's Pocket Library, Dublin, 1790.

Christine de Pisan:
City of Ladies
, C. de Pisan, trans. E.V. Richards, Persea Books, New York, USA, 1982.

Dorothy Richardson:
Writing for their Lives
, eds. G. Hanscombe and V. Smyers, The Women's Press, 1987.

George Sand:
Lettres d'un Voyageur
, Penguin, 1987.

Sand–Flaubert Letters
, ed. S. Sherman, Academy Press, Chicago, 1922.

Letters of George Sand
, ed. Elizabeth Drew, Routledge, 1930.

Claudia Severa:
, vol. XVIII, Society for Roman Studies, 1987.

Madame de Sévigné:
Madame de Sévigné: Choix de Lettres
, ed. N.S. Wilson, Harrap, 1955.

Madame de Sévigné: Selected Letters
, trans. L. Tancock, Penguin, 1982.

Anna Seward:
Collected Letters of Anna Seward
, Constable, Edinburgh, New York, 1811.

Mrs Sewell:
Life and Letters of Mrs Sewell
, M. Bayley, 1889.

Edith Sitwell:
Edith Sitwell: Lion Among Unicorns
, Victoria Glendinning, Weidenfeld, 1981.

Charlotte Smith:
, C. Smith, 1788. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1971.

Lee Smith:
Fair and Tender Ladies
, Macmillan, 1989.

Madame de Staël:
Life of Madame de Staël
, J.C. Herold, Hamish Hamilton, 1959.

Freya Stark:
The Letters of Freya Stark
, eds. C. and L. Moorehead, Compton-Russell, 1974–82, 8 vols.

Ann Martin Taylor:
Correspondence between a Mother and her Daughter
, A. Martin Taylor, 1817.

St Teresa of Avila:
The Complete Works of Saint Teresa of Avila
, trans. Allison Peers, Sheed, 1946.

Maria Theresa:
Maria Theresa
, E. Crankshaw, Longman, 1969.

Hester Thrale:
Intimate Letters 1788–1821
, O. Knapp, 1914.

Flora Tristan:
The London Journal of Flora Tristan
, trans. Jean Hawkes, Virago, 1982.

Marina Tsvetayeva:
Marina Tsvetayeva
, Elaine Feinstein, Penguin, 1989.

Queen Victoria:
Dearest Child: Letters between Queen Victoria and the Princess Royal 1858–1861
, ed. R. Fulford, 1964.

Queen Victoria's Early Letters
, ed. J. Raymond, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1963.

Letters of Queen Victoria
, ed. A.C. Benson, 3 vols., John Murray, 1907.

Nellie Weeton:
Miss Weeton: Journal of a Governess
, ed. E. Hall, 1936.

Fay Weldon:
Letters to Alice, on First Reading Jane Austen
, Michael Joseph, 1983.

Jane West:
Letters to a Young Lady
, J. West, 1806.

Rebecca West:
Rebecca West
, Victoria Glendinning, Macmillan, 1985.

Vita Sackville-West:
The Letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf
, eds. L. DeSaho and M. Leaska, Macmillan, 1984.

Edith Wharton:
The Letters of Edith Wharton
, eds. R.W.B. and Nancy Lewis, Simon and Schuster, 1988.

Mary Wollstonecraft:
Collected Letters
, ed. R. Wardle, Cornell, University Press, USA, 1979.

Four New Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft and Helen M. Williams
, University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1937.

The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft
, Claire Tomalin, Weidenfeld, 1974.

Virginia Woolf:
Vita Sackville-West.

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu:
The Complete Letters of Lady Mary Wortley

, ed. R. Halsband, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1965.
Selected Letters
were published in paperback by Penguin, 1971.

If the source of a private letter is not stated, it is in private hands.

The following have also been used as general sources:

Aitken, James,
English Letters of the XVIII Century
, Pelican, 1946.

Davidoff, I. and Hall, C.,
Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class 1780–1850
, Hutchinson, 1987.

Hanscombe, G. and Smyers, V.L., eds.
Writing for Their Lives
, The Women's Press, 1987.

Hellerstein, Erna Olafson, Hume, L.P. and Offen, K.M., eds.,
Victorian Women
, Stanford University Press, 1981.

Hill, Bridget,
Eighteenth Century Women
, Allen and Unwin, 1984.

Howe, Bea,
A Galaxy of Governesses
, Verschoyle, 1954.

Lefkowitz, Mary R. and Fant, M.B.,
Women's Life in Greece and Rome
, Duckworth, 1982.

Mavor, Elizabeth,
The Ladies of Llangollen: A Study in Romantic Friendship
, Michael Joseph, 1971.

Moriarty, Catherine, ed.,
The Voice of the Middle Ages
, Lennard Books, Oxford, 1989.

Smith, Lee,
Fair and Tender Ladies
, Macmillan, 1989.

Spender, Dale and Todd, Janet, eds.,
Anthology of British Women Writers
, Pandora, 1989.


I should like to thank the librarians of Morley College and Bradford University for their help. The many friends who lovingly read parts of this manuscript and gave me feedback have been immensely supportive, as have those friends who allowed me to include their own precious letters to me. I should also like to thank the librarian of the Fawcett Library for permission to use this excellent feminist library, and for his generosity in permitting me to publish the hitherto unpublished letter from Florence Nightingale.

The editor has tried assiduously to contact every source, and apologizes, where replies have not been received, if sources stated are not correct.

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