Read 2041 Sanctuary (Genesis) Online

Authors: Robert Storey

2041 Sanctuary (Genesis) (59 page)

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– The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (civilian space agency of the United States government) /


– The China National Space Administration (civilian space agency of the People’s Republic of China) /


– The European Space Agency (civilian space agency of Europe) /


– The Russian Federal Space Agency (civilian space agency of Russia) /


Smithsonian Institution
– World renowned collective of research centres and museums in the United States of America /

[Author note: I always thought the Institution was called the Smithsonian Institute, but apparently this is a common misnomer.]


Smithsonian Museum of Sanctuary (SMS)
– Located in USSB Sanctuary and administered by the Smithsonian Institution, the Museum of Sanctuary is a vast resource on the extinct species, Homo giganthropsis (commonly referred to as the Anakim).


– The German Federal Intelligence Service, also known as the Bundesnachrichtendienst.


The Committee
– A secret society of power elites operating outside the law. Little is known about the global organisation, its members, structure or purpose, however, its near limitless wealth and influence hints at a long and illustrious heritage.







– United States Subterranean Base


U.S.S.B. Steadfast
– A Class subterranean base

Footprint: circa 20 sq. miles (52 sq. km)

Height: 7,500 ft (2.3 km)

Depth from surface: 3,000 ft (0.91 km)

Deepest point from surface: 10,500 ft (2 miles / 3.21 km)

Cubic capacity: 28.7 cubic miles (119.6 km³)

Year of build: 1996 – 2035

Population: circa 500,000


U.S.S.B. Sanctuary
– A Class subterranean base

Footprint: > 314 sq. miles (813 sq. km)

Height: 21,120 ft (6.4 km)

Depth from surface: circa 10,000 ft (1.9 miles / 3.1 km)

Deepest point from surface: 31,120 ft (5.9 miles / 9.5 km)

Cubic capacity: 1,256 cubic miles (5,203 km³)

Year of build: 2016 – ongoing

Population: circa 20 million


Protegere Et Conservare, Civilitatem, Humanitas Et Omnes Vitam In Terra

To protect and preserve civilization, humanity and all life on earth’).


Sanctuary Proper
– Ancient subterranean structure

Footprint: > 20,000 sq. miles (51,800 sq. km)

Height: circa 20 to 30 miles (32km to 48km)

Depth from surface: circa 10,000 ft (1.9 miles / 3.1 km)

Deepest point from surface: circa 22 to 32 miles

Cubic capacity: 400,000 to 600,000 cubic miles

Year of build: circa 900,000 yrs B.C.


– European Union Subterranean Base


E.U.S.B. Deutschland
– A Class subterranean base

Footprint: circa 40 sq. miles (104 sq. km)

Height: 8,500 ft (2.6 km)

Depth from surface: 2,500 ft (0.76 km)

Deepest point from surface: 11,000 ft (2.1 miles / 3.36 km)

Cubic capacity: 28.7 cubic miles (270.4 km³)

Year of build: 2015 – ongoing

Population: circa 2,250,000


– Private security firm operating around the world and utilised by various organisations, corporations and governments. Primary client: Global Meteor Response Council.


– CIA’s Special Operations Group


– Non-commissioned officer.


– Executive officer.


– Special Forces Subterranean Detachment

Division of the United States Army

Member of Subterranean Command

Codename: ‘Terra Force’

Active: 2013 – present

Type: Infantry / Special Forces Commandos

Motto: ‘No Depth Too Difficult, No Height Too Great – Honor and Country!’

Battle cry / affirmation: ‘Ooyah!’

Deployment: United States Subterranean Bases


S.E.D. (Sanctuary Exploration Division)
– Founded in 1826 by the sixth President of the United States, John Quincy Adams, the SED has a unique position within USSB Sanctuary in that it has a certain amount of autonomy despite its military oversight. The reason for this independence is mainly due to two factors. Fact one, the SED was operational long before the USSB was built or the GMRC ever conceived. Fact two, the SED was also instrumental in helping the United States government and GMRC create USSB Sanctuary, their knowledge of Sanctuary Proper an invaluable resource to the subterranean engineers during the planning, design and development of the enormous multilevel, underground structure / city.

Types of Team: Mapping, Structural, Archaeological, Scientific and Deep Reach.

Motto: ‘Into the dark, into the light, pioneers for life.’


– name given to residents of USSB Sanctuary.


Project ARES
– Unacknowledged Special Access Programme, or black project, utilising ancient Anakim technology. A collaborative venture between the GMRC’s R&D Division, United States military and NASA.


GMRC Directorate
– Executive body ruling over the GMRC. Comprising Directors from the twelve major divisions within the GMRC, the Directorate helps to shape the council’s policies and actions around the world.

Motto: ‘
In Veritate Scientia
’ (In Truth, Knowledge).


Deep Reach
– Special unit working within Sanctuary’s Exploration Division (S.E.D.).


Team Alpha Six
– S.E.D. Deep Reach unit.


U.S.S.S. Orbiter One
– United States Space Ship. Co-funded and managed by NASA and the U.S. military. Small, modular craft designed for orbital observation and scientific research.


U.S.S.S. Archimedes
– United States Space Station. Co-funded and managed by NASA and the U.S. military. Large, modular craft designed for orbital observation, scientific research and classified military applications.


– International Space Station. Co-funded by the world’s major spacefaring nations. Large, modular craft designed for orbital observation, scientific research and classified military applications.


E.S.S. Guardian
– European Space Station. Co-funded and managed by the ESA (European Space Agency) and the EU (European Union). Large, modular craft designed for orbital observation, scientific research and classified military applications.


C.S.S. Jiùshìzh
– Chinese Space Station. Co-funded and managed by the CNSA (Chinese National Space Administration) and the People's Republic of China. Large, modular craft designed for orbital observation, scientific research and classified military applications.  Jiùshìzh
translates  as ‘
the Saviour


Three Sisters
– A phrase used to describe the collective of the three space stations, Archimedes, Jiùshìzh
and Guardian.


– A multidisciplinary elite taskforce comprising twenty-two highly skilled individuals, or operatives, available to the highest bidder. Masters of various styles of combat, each member has access to the best military hardware the world has to offer and can function as a lone agent, or as part of a greater whole. S.I.L.V.E.R. is an acronym for: Stealth, Infiltration, Liquidation, Verification, Extraction and Reconnaissance. Their existence is hidden from public eye and they are regarded as mercenaries by some, assassins by others, and necessary by those who employ them.







– Ancient and extinct race of Hominids living on Earth circa 1.2 million to 20,000 years before present-day. Scientific name: Homo giganthropsis (unofficial: Homo gigantis). Alternative plural: Anakai.


– The word
is found in the Hebrew Bible. Its true meaning, as far as I can tell, still seems to be contested to this day. Some suggest it derives from the word,
, which can mean ‘to fall’, which some then interpret as the ‘fallen ones’. Another, and perhaps more reasoned argument, is that
is derived from the word
which means ‘giant’. When researching this, I found that Dr. Mike Heiser gave a well-reasoned argument for the latter hypothesis mentioned above.


– A region in Central America in which pre-Columbian cultures thrived between approx. 10,000 B.C. and 1700 A.D. Modern day countries contained (partly or fully) within the Mesoamerican area include: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The most well known civilisations/tribes in Mesoamerica include: Inca, Aztecs, Maya, Olmecs, Mixtecs and Zapotecs.


– SFSD commandos’ affirmation / battle cry.


The Deep Web
– Term for the part of the World Wide Web not appearing on regular search engines. Unindexed content not seen by regular Internet users who frequent the Surface Web. This content can take many forms; some is benign while other content can be more sinister in origin and use, resulting from illegal activity by individuals, criminal gangs, corrupt organisations, companies and sovereign nations, although the latter may argue this is just offensive national defence conducted in their country’s best interests. Also known as: Deep Net, Dark Net, Dark Web, Invisible Web, Under Web, Under Net, Hidden Web etc.


– Vulgar German word for shit, faeces or something rubbish / worthless (alternative:


– Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


– Killed in action.


– Missing in action.


Brine Pool
– A high salinity body of water found on the seabed of deep oceans which give the impression of an underwater lake or pool.


Intercept missions
– Planned missions by the GMRC’s Space Programme to prevent four of six approaching asteroids from impacting planet Earth.


– Word used by
The Committee
to distinguish between the hierarchical ranks of its members. There are thirteen castes within The Committee, and only nine people can hold the top, and thirteenth, caste.


– Extra vehicular activity is a term used by astronauts and cosmonauts when they operate outside of their spacecraft in a pressurised suit when in the vacuum of space or other unpressurised environments.


– Is a volcanic glass which has a shiny black appearance and naturally occurs in nature.


Das Gespenst
– The name used by the computer hacker, Eric Wolf, which translates from German as: ‘The Ghost’.


Da Muss Ich
– One of many names used by, and assigned to, the cyber terrorist, B.I.C., which translates from German as: ‘Because I Must’. Although, the acronym B.I.C. stands for the better known name of: ‘Because I Can’.


Rodgers and Hammerstein
– A well known, multi-award-winning musical theatre writing duo from the United States. Considered by some to be the greatest writing team of the twentieth century, they wrote the song ‘You'll Never Walk Alone’ for their musical
. This song has since been covered numerous times all around the world and is used by supporters of Liverpool Football Club (Liverpool, England) on match days, as a rousing anthem.


‘There’s an asteroid with our name on it’
– When I originally wrote the last sentence of this book, I didn’t realise I had paraphrased a well known scientist. Rather, I was sitting back in relief that I had finished the manuscript and quite pleased with my final paragraph. However, when I read back over my work a nagging doubt crept into my mind that perhaps the words were not my own. After some investigation I found that my fears were true – and there was I believing I’d come up with the perfect line … I should have known [sigh].

Anyway, there was a slight chance I had come up with these words independently on my own, but considering I am a big fan of the man who originally said them, it was clear to me I must have read or heard these words spoken previously and just believed I’d had a flash of inspiration, when in fact … I hadn’t. So who said ‘There’s an asteroid with our name on it’? The man in question is the English physicist,
Professor Brian Cox, OBE
, who currently works as a professor of particle physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester, England. When speaking to the MailOnline he said:

‘There is an asteroid with our name on it and it will hit us,’ Professor Cox told MailOnline. In fact, the Earth had a ‘near-miss’ only a few months ago.

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