1920 (54 page)

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Authors: Eric Burns

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Murray, Robert K., 27, 31–32, 96, 200, 203, 209, 211

music, 69–74, 91, 194, 274–283.
See also
blues, Jazz Age, ragtime music

Mysterious Affair at Styles, The
, 253–254


NAACP, 87, 278, 280

National Birth Control League, 153, 158

National Rifle Association, 43

National Suffrage Bulletin
, 59

Native Son
, 286

Negro History Week, 87

Negro in Our History, The
, 87

Negro World
, 79

New Deal, 302

“New Negro,” 278, 294

New York Call
, 146–147, 227–228, 235

New York Times
, 11, 30, 33, 141, 152, 168, 174, 188, 229, 234, 236, 256–257, 265–266

New York Tribune
, 267

New York World
, 14, 29, 33

New Yorker, The
, 54, 267, 268, 272

Nigger Heaven
, 286

Nineteenth Amendment, xiii–xiv, 58–65, 68, 138–144, 158, 301

Niven, Penelope, 261, 262


Obama administration, 84

“Ohio Gang,” xiv–xv, 200–221

Old Colony Foreign Exchange Company, 117–119, 165

Old Man and the Sea, The
, 243

Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
, 259

Oliver, Joe, 73, 275

O'Neill, Eugene, xvii, 262–266, 271, 284

organized crime, 55–56, 108, 126–127, 208

Ory, Kid, 70, 72


Palmer, A. Mitchell, xvii, 22–34, 44–45, 58–59, 96, 208, 227, 235–236, 303–308

“Palmer raids,” 29–32, 187, 230, 235, 305

Panama Canal, 8–9, 93, 181

Parker, Dorothy, 267, 269, 271, 272

Parrish, Michael E., 118, 161, 278

Paul, Alice, 142

Pemberton, Murdock, 268

Pepys, Samuel, 268

Perkins, Maxwell, 243

Perrett, Geoffrey, 49, 51, 100, 193, 265, 297, 299

Phillips, Carrie, 218

Picasso, Pablo, 239, 293

Pinchot, Gertrude, 153

Pinchot, Gifford, 214

Pittsburgh Post
, 195–196

Pivotal Decades: The United States, 1900–1920
, 68

Planned Parenthood, 144, 157

Poggi, Charles, 307

political reform, 137, 177, 285

Pollock, Jackson, 73

Ponei, Charles, 104

Ponzi, Carlo Pietro, 104–105, 174

Ponzi, Charles, xvii, 104–120, 160–174, 208

Ponzi, Rose, 115, 160–161, 168–173

Ponzi's scheme, 114–120, 160–174


African-American population, 74–78,
277, 287

census counts, 90, 134–135

mortality figures, 135

poverty levels, 92–94

urban population, 90, 277

vital statistics, 135

Post, Louis Freeland, 31–33

poverty levels, 92–94

presidential election results, 191–192, 195–198

presidential elections, xiv–xv, 191–196

President's Daughter, The
, 218

, 59


alcohol consumption rates, 134–135

Anti-Saloon League and, 43–47, 126,
136, 233

beginning of, 47–48

bootleggers and, 125–132, 136, 233

enforcement of, xiv, 48–56, 233–235

groundwork for, 39–41

results of, 125–137

“propaganda of the deed,” 23, 25, 305

Protocol of Peace, 6–7


racial prejudice, 74–75, 86, 157, 281, 285, 289, 292

racial reform, 285


beginnings of, xvi–xvii

election results via, 192, 195–198

newspapers and, xvi–xvii

technology of, 192–193

wireless sets, 194

radio stations, 193–199

ragtime music, 276.
See also

railroads, building, 4–5, 7, 92–93, 272–273

Rainbow, The
, 248–249

Raine, Craig, 257

Reconstruction, 5, 86

“Red Scare,” 29–32

Redding, James Saunders, 84

Reed, John, 20

Reichert, William, 303

Renoir, Jean, 73

Repealing National Prohibition
, 134

Reply Coupons, 112–118, 163–165

Ritucci, Charles, 119

Roaring Twenties, xiii, xviii, 168, 301–302

robber barons, xv, 4, 88–103, 174

Roberts, Needham, 75

Robeson, Paul, 283–285, 292, 295

Robinson, Eugene H., 283–284

Robinson, Jackie, 284

Rockefeller, John D., xv, xvii, 45, 163, 169

Rodgers, Marion Elizabeth, 286

Rogers, Will, xiv

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 27

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 27, 189

Roosevelt, Theodore, 7, 27, 68, 94, 102, 177–178, 281

Rosenberg, Leo H., 195–197, 268

Rosenwald, Julius, 281

Ross, Harold, 267, 269

Round Table, 267–272

Russell, Howard Hyde, 44

Rutgers, Johannes, 151

Ruth, Babe, 39, 301–302


Sacco, Nicola, 20–22, 306

Sandburg, Carl, 260–262

Sanger, Margaret, xvii, 144–159, 301

“Satchmo,” 71–73, 275–276.
See also
Armstrong, Louis

Saturday Evening Post
, 12, 55, 76, 91

Savage, Lon, 98, 101

Sayre, Zelda, 245–246

scandals, 211–220.
See also

Schmedeman, Albert G., 189

Schultz, Dutch, 126

Scott, Robert T., 32–33, 235

Securities Exchange Company (SEC), 114–120, 125, 162–167

segregation, 74, 77, 81, 285

Seldes, Gilbert, 67

Seneca Falls Convention, 60–63, 143

Shepard, William C., 131

Show Boat
, 284

Shuffle Along
, 292–293

Simon the Cyrenian
, 283

Sinclair, Harry F., 214–217

Sissle, Noble, 292

slavery, 64–66, 71

Smart Set, The
, 286, 288

Smith, Bessie, 282

Smith, Gene, 179

Smith, Jesse W., 202, 207–212, 220

Smith, Mamie, 282–283

Smith, Page, 84, 264

Smoke and Steel
, 261

Smoke of the Gods: A Social History of Tobacco
, 299

smoking, xii, 297–301

socialists, xv, 19–20, 146–147, 156, 191, 227–228, 235–236, 240

Sons of the American Revolution, 228–229

Spanish-American War, 6–7

speakeasies, 22, 52–55, 91, 126, 132, 203, 298.
See also

Spingarn, Joel Elias, 280–281

Spirits of America: A Social History of Alcohol
, 44, 46, 52, 128, 132

sports, 39, 70–71, 198, 283–285, 295

St. Cyr, Johnny, 70

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 63–64, 68, 301

Stanton, Henry Brewster, 64

steel industry, 7–8, 11, 93

Stein, Gertrude, xii, 247

sterilization laws, 157

Steuart, Justin, 46

Stewart, Michael E., 21

stock market, 11, 115

stock market crash, 302

Stone, Lucy, 65–66, 68, 301

Strange Death of President Harding, The
, 220

Strange Interlude
, 262–263

Straton, John Roach, 129

strikes, 88–89, 94–97, 102

suffrage movement, 58–66, 138–143, 179

Sullivan, Mark, 10, 14

Sun Also Rises, The
, 243

Swift, Gustavus, 45

Swig, Simon, 166–167

Swope, Herbert Bayard, 267


Taft, William Howard, 178

Tate, Cassandra, 299–300

Taylor, Deems, 241

Teachout, Terry, 73

Teapot Dome, 213–217

“technology of haste,” 4–5

television, xvi–xvii, 198

Tell Me a Story
, 254

Ten Days That Shook the World
, 20

terrorism, xiii, xvii, 3–4, 9–24, 225–237, 302–308.
See also
Wall Street bombing

Tess of the d'Urbervilles
, 54

Testerman, C. C., 98–100, 103

That Jazz
, 133

Thayer, Webster, 22

Thirteenth Amendment, 64, 304

This Side of Paradise
, 244–245, 247

Thomson, Virgil, 73

Thorpe, Herbert A., 148

, 55

Tindall, George Brown, 60

Toohey, John Peter, 268

Toomer, Jean, 288

Torrence, Ridgely, 283

Trader's Guide
, 113

Trani, Eugene P., 201, 214

Treaty of Versailles, xi, xviii, 7, 46, 179–180

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, 92

Truman, Harry S., 284

Twenty-First Amendment, 137


Uncle Tom's Cabin
, 240

United Mine Workers (UMW), 97

United Nations, 180

Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), 79–83


Valdinoci, Carlo, 28

Vallee, Rudy, 53

values, xvi–xvii, 90, 240–241

Van Vechten, Carl, 286

Vanderbilt family, 93

Vansittart, Peter, 247

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 20–22, 306

Veterans' Bureau, 203–207, 213

Vicious Circle, 267, 271

Vital Statistics Rates in the United States
, 135

Voices from the Great War
, 247

Volstead Act, 39–40, 50–51

Voltaire, 240

voting rights, xiii–xiv, 58–68, 88, 138–144, 158, 301


Walker, Seth, 141

Wall Street bombing

investigation of, 225–237

Ku Klux Klan and, 24–26

terrorism and, 3–4, 9–24, 302, 305–308

Wall Street Journal
, 9

Wallis, Frederick A., 34

Walsh, Thomas J., 215

Walworth, Arthur, 176

Washington Post
, 31, 218

Waste Land, The
, 257, 287

Weatherford, Doris, 65, 140

Webber, Andrew Lloyd, 260

Weekley, Frieda, 250–251

Weinberg, Meyer, 77

Western Watchman, The
, 147

Westinghouse, George, xvii, 10

Westinghouse Corporation, 193–195

What Every Girl Should Know
, 153

Wheeler, Wayne, xvii, 43–47, 57, 126, 128–129, 137, 183

White, Walter, 285

White, William Allen, 217

Whitehurst, Mrs., 151–152, 159

Whiteman, Paul, 284

Wilder, Thornton, xii

Willard, Frances, 128

Wilson, David L., 201, 214

Wilson, Edith, xvii, 15, 96, 183–189, 197

Wilson, Woodrow, xii, xvii, 7, 15, 46, 58, 96, 142, 175–190, 197

Winchell, Walter, 54

wireless sets, 194.
See also

Woman Rebel, The
, 147–149, 151

Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 41–42, 59, 128

women, power of, xiii–xiv, 41–42, 59

Women in Love
, 248–251

Women's Crusade, 40–42

Woodson, Carter G., xvii, 85–87, 289, 293

Woollcott, Alexander, 265–269

World Tomorrow
, 228

World War I

African-Americans in, 75–76

aftermath of, xi–xv, 4, 15, 34

beginning of, 7–9

end of, xi–xii

events during, 256, 304

World War II, 20, 132

Wright, Richard, 286


Yagoda, Ben, 268


Zola, Émile, 239

Zuckoff, Mitchell, 108, 112–113, 121, 168, 172–173


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Copyright © 2015 by Eric Burns

First Pegasus Books cloth edition May 2015

Interior design by Maria Fernandez

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The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is available.

ISBN: 978-1-605-98772-9

ISBN: 978-1-605-98773-6 (e-book)

Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company

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