1920 (53 page)

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Authors: Eric Burns

BOOK: 1920
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Carpentier, Georges, 302

Carroll, Lewis, 254

, 254

Carson, Johnny, 267

Case, Frank, 268, 271–272

Cash, Johnny, 73

Cashman, Sean Dennis, 55

Cather, Willa, 299

, 260

Catt, Carrie Chapman, 59, 138, 140, 143–144, 192

Census Bureau, 90, 134–135

Chesler, Ellen, 146, 151, 156

Chicago Daily News
, 260

Christie, Agatha, 251–258

Chubb, L. W., 197

Churchill, Winston, 137

Cigarette Wars
, 300

cigarettes, xii, 297–301

civil rights, 78, 295

Civil Rights Act, 295

Civil War, 4, 24–25, 90

civil wrongs, 69, 72

Clark, Norman, 134

Clarke, Edward Young, 80

Clemenceau, Georges, 185

Coacci, Ferruccio, 21

Coakley, Daniel, 168

coal-mining, 11, 92–101

Cobb, Irvin S., 76

Cocktail Party, The
, 259

Cold War, 20, 212

Collier's Weekly
, 131

communists, 19–20, 24–26, 228, 284

Connelly, Marc, 267, 269

Conrad, Frank, 194–195

Conrad, Joseph, 264

Coolidge, Calvin, 95, 219–221

Cooper, John Milton, Jr., 68, 177

Copland, Aaron, 272

corruption, xiv, 6, 109, 137, 143, 170, 211.
See also
Ponzi's scheme

Cotton Club, 279–280, 292.
See also
Harlem Renaissance

Count of Monte Cristo, The
, 263–264

Cox, James M., 139, 191, 195, 198

Cramer, Charles F., 207, 210, 220

Crane, Hart, 288

, 278

Criterion, The
, 288

Cronaca Sovversia (Subversive Chronicle)
, 304, 306

Cuckoo Clock, The
, 254

Cullen, Countee, 278, 285, 291–292

cultural arts, xvi–xvii, 238–273, 277–295

“Curse of the Bambino,” 39, 302


Daniel, Clifton, 27

Daniels, Joseph, 120, 121

Daniels, Josephus, 96

Darwin, Charles, 240

Dash, Mike, 56

Daugherty, Harry M., 202–203, 206–211, 307

David, Hiram, 233

Davis, Harry P., 194–195

Davis, Henrietta Vinton, 84

Davis, Stuart, 73

Day Wall Street Exploded, The
, 9

De Grazia, Gaetano, 237

Dean, John, 204, 207, 208, 211, 215

Debs, Eugene V., 191, 228

Debussy, Claude, xii

Dempsey, Jack, 302


of Charles Ponzi, 169–172

hearings on, 157

of Luigi Galleani, 303

of Marcus Garvey, 82–83

orders for, 29–32

Dercum, Francis X., 189

Detroit News
, 193

DiCarlo, Joe, 106–107

Dickinson, Walter, 13

Discourse on Woman
, 65

Doheny, Edward, 214–217

Douglas, Ann, 287, 288, 294

Douglas, Emily Taft, 145

Douglass, Frederick, 87

Du Bois, W. E. B., 278, 287, 292–293

du Pont, Pierre, 45

Duchamp, Marcel, 239

Dunn, Andrew, 13

Dunn, Donald H., 105, 109, 114, 169

Dunn, Eddie, 162, 165


Eberlin, Fred, 14

economic crisis, 136–137, 272, 300–302

economic growth, 302

economic power, 272–273

Edison, Thomas, xvii, 10

Edwards, Edward I., 131

Eighteenth Amendment, xiv, 39, 42, 56–58, 126–131, 134–137, 203, 207, 209

electricity, 10–11, 108

Eliot, T. S., xvii, 257–260, 287

Ellen and Edith: Woodrow Wilson's First Ladies
, 188

Ellington, Duke, xvii, 279

Ellis Island, xvii, 19, 23, 32–35, 106, 109, 305

Emperor Jones, The
, 264–266, 284

employment opportunities, 35, 89–92

entertainment, 53, 70–74, 91, 194, 274–283.
See also

Epstein, Rebecca, 234

Espionage Act, 191

Etting, Ruth, 53

eugenics movement, 146, 157

Evening Star
, 31


Fall, Albert B., 184, 202, 214–217

Family Limitation
, 149–151, 155–156

Farewell, Dorothy Parker
, 269–270

Farewell to Arms, A
, 243

farmlands, 12, 74, 89–92

“Father of Black History,” 86

Faulkner, William, 272

Fax, Elton C., 278

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 18, 220, 307–308.
See also
Bureau of Investigation

Federal Reserve Act, 179

Ferber, Edna, 271

Ferrell, Robert H., 206–207

Ferris, William, 84

Fisher, Edwin P., xvii, 230–233

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, xvii, 54–55, 90–91, 168, 177, 243–246, 271–272, 275–276

Fitzgerald, Zelda Sayre, 245–246

“flappers,” xviii, 296–302

Flappers and Philosophers
, 244–245

Flaubert, Gustave, 239

Flexner, Eleanor, 141

Flynn, William J., 24, 237, 303

football, 198, 283, 285

For Whom the Bell Tolls
, 243

Forbes, Charles, 202–206

Ford, Henry, 45

Forrester, Marian, 299–300

, 228

Fourteen Points, 179–180

Fox, Stephen, 55

Frank, Waldo, 288

Franklin, Benjamin, 4

Frick, Henry Clay, 24, 45, 157

From Harding to Hiroshima
, 297

Frost, Robert, 242

Furnas, J. C., 150

Fussell, Paul, xii


Gage, Beverly, 9

Gage, Susan, 23, 29, 231–233, 306–307

Galleani, Luigi, xvii, 22–24, 303–307

gangsters, 56, 129, 200, 276

Garner, Margaret, 66

Garvey, Marcus Mosiah, xvii, 78–86, 278, 280

Gary, Elbert, 8

Gates, Bill, xv, 8

Gelb, Arthur, 266

Gelb, Barbara, 266

George, Henry, 94

Giberti, Ettore, 115–117, 167

Gillmore, Margalo, 267

Gilpin, Charles, 265

Gioia, Ted, 70

Gnecco, Rose, 115, 160–161.
See also
Ponzi, Rose

Goldman, Emma, 24, 157, 231

Gossett, Pearl, 110–111

Grant, Colin, 78, 80, 83

Grant, Ulysses S., 67

Gray, Madeline, 149

Grayson, Cary, 183, 189

Great Depression, 136–137, 272, 300, 302

Great Gatsby, The
, 246

Great Migration, 89–90

“Great Red Scare,” 29–32

Great War

African-Americans in, 75–76

aftermath of, xi–xv, 4, 15, 34

beginning of, 7–9

end of, xi–xii

events during, 256, 304

Green, James R., 74

Griffith, D. W., xiii

Gross National Product, xv, 272–273

Grove, Robert, 135

Grozier, Richard, 162, 165–166

Gurko, Miriam, 60–61, 63, 67


Hack, Richard, 252

Hammerstein, Oscar II, 284

Harding, Florence, 202, 218, 220–221

Harding, Warren G., xv, xvii, 138–139, 191, 195–221, 242, 307

Hardy, Thomas, 54, 239

Harlem Renaissance, 277–295

Harriman, Margaret Case, 271

Hart, Moss, 267

Hasse, John Edward, 279–280

Hastings, Captain, 251–253.
See also
Christie, Agatha

Hatfield, Sid, 98–99, 102

Hatfield–McCoy feud, 98

Hays, Will, 203

Haywood, “Big Bill,” 24

Hemingway, Ernest, xii, xvii, 243, 247, 271, 272

Heredity and Human Progress
, 158

Hickox, Wilson B., 57

Higgins, Michael Hennessey, 144

History of Jazz, The
, 70

History of the Negro Church, The
, 86

Hocking, William Henry, 250

Holbrook, Stewart H., 128

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 157

homeland security, xiii, 17–35

Hood, Raymond, 277

Hoover, Herbert, 197, 202

Hoover, J. Edgar, xvii, 18, 30, 33–34, 82, 85, 235, 307

Horne, Joseph, 194

Horton, James Oliver, 75

House, Edward M., 185

Hughes, Langston, 278, 285, 288–294

Hurston, Zora Neale, 285



birth control and, 158

European immigrants, 77–78

generations of, 89–90

Italian immigrants, 92, 174, 307

Jewish immigrants, 92

number of, xv, 26, 74–75, 93

procedures for, 33–34

Russian immigrants, 29–30

In Our Time
, 243

infrastructure, 4–7, 92–93

Ingersoll, Robert, 240

International Reply Coupons, 112–118, 163–165


“Jake-steppers,” 131–132

James, William, 93, 294

Jazz Age, xviii, 70–74, 91, 274–276.
See also

Jefferson, Thomas, 64

Johnson, Andrew, 201

Johnson, Henry, 75

Johnson, Howard, 263

Johnson, Jack, 279

Johnson, James Weldon, 286

Johnson, Lyndon, 295

Johnson, Paul, 93

Jolson, Al, 53

Joplin, Scott, 276

Journal of Negro History, The
, 86

Juneau Daily Empire
, 11

Jusserand, Jules, 186


Kansas City Call
, 83

Kaufman, George S., 267, 269, 271

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 189

Kennedy, Joseph P., 13

Kern, Jerome, 284

Keyboard Sonatas 1-3
, 272

Keynes, John Maynard, 185

Kindman, Joseph, 234

King, Martin Luther, Jr., xvii, 84

Kobler, John, 50

Kouwenhoven, John, 277

Ku Klux Klan, 24–26, 74, 80–82

Kyvig, David, 92, 134


La Guardia, Fiorello, 48–50

labor strikes, 88–89, 94–97, 102

labor unions, 94, 97

labor unrest, 3–4, 88–89

labor–management conflict, 88–89, 94–102

Lacina, George, 14

Ladies' Home Journal
, 70, 276

Ladies of Seneca Falls, The
, 60–61

Lady Chatterley's Lover
, 251

Lala, Pete, 73

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 284

Lardner, Ring, 272

Laughlin, Harry H., 157–158

Lawrence, David Herbert, 248–251

Le Corbusier, 73

League of Nations, xii, 180–184, 187–189

League of Women Voters, 59

Lear, Edward, 254

Lears, Jackson, 188

Lee, Henry, 53

Lehmbruck, Wilhelm, 293

Lender, Mark Edward, 136

Levin, Phyllis Lee, 184–185, 187–188

Lewis, David Levering, 293

Lewis, Sinclair, xv, xvii, 239–243

Lewis, Wyndham, 287

Lincoln, Abraham, 87, 201

Linder, Forrest, 135

Lippmann, Walter, 241

literature, 238–273, 278, 285–294

Locke, Alain, 292–294

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 181–182

London, Jack, 264

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 27

, 228

“lost generation,” xii, xviii, 247

Lost Lady, A
, 299

Louisville Courier-Journal
, 184

Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The
, 257–259


MacArthur, Charlie, 269

Madden, Owney “The Killer,” 279

Madoff, Bernie, 174

Magazine of Wall Street, The
, 12

Main Street
, xvi, 239–242, 272

Manchester, William, 263

manufacturing, 5–8, 11

, 155

Marshall, Thomas, 186

Martin, James Kirby, 136

Martin, Warren F., 210–212

Marx, Harpo, 267

Marx, Karl, 19

mass media, xvi–xvii, 198.
See also

Matewan Massacre, 88–89, 97–103

Matisse, Henri, 239

McCarthy era, 285

McCullough, David, 9

McFarland, Philip, 6, 10

McKay, Claude, 278, 285

McKim, W. Duncan, 158

McKinley, William, 7

McMasters, William, 165–167

McVeigh, Timothy, 16

Meister, Ellen, 269–270

Menace, The
, 147

Mencken, Henry Louis, 50, 54, 201, 285–287

Meredith, Scott, 268

Milford, Nancy, 245

Miller, Alice Duer, 267

Miller, Kristie, 188

Miller, Nathan, 147, 239–240, 278

Miller, Thomas W., 202, 212

Mindell, Fania, 151, 153, 159

mine workers, 11, 92–101

Mis-Education of the Negro, The
, 86

mobsters, 126.
See also
organized crime

Molesworth, Maria Louisa, 254

Moore, Lucy, 71, 297

Moran, Bugs, 126

Mordden, Ethan, 45, 133, 276–277

Morgan, Helen, 53

Morgan, J. P., xvii, 7

Morgan, Janet, 252

Morgan Bank, 4, 9–10, 13–22, 225–237, 306.
See also
Wall Street bombing

Morris, Lloyd, 281

Morse, Charles W., 112

Morton, Jelly Roll, 277

Mott, Lucretia, 64–65, 68, 301

Mousetrap, The
, 254–255

Moveable Feast, A
, 243

Murder in the Cathedral
, 259

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