101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview (32 page)

BOOK: 101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview
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Table of Contents


Title Page

About the Author


Introduction: How to Be a Great Prospect

Chapter 1: When, Where, Why, and How to Ask Smart Questions

Shape Your Questions to the Position
Don't Ask About Time Off
Don't Ask About Salary or Benefits
Know What to Ask When of Whom
Get the Interviewer Talking
Match Your Style to the Interviewer's Style
Watch the Interviewer's Body Language
Be Concise and to the Point
Assume the Position
Don't Ask Questions That Show Your Ignorance
Don't Ask Questions That Reveal Your Biases
Don't Make an Interviewer Obviously Uncomfortable
Don't Introduce Negativity Into an Interviewer's Mind
Don't Tell a Joke
Never Let Them See You Sweat
Remember It's a Two-Way Street
It's Okay to Be a Copycat
Ask for the Job If You Want It
Interview Killers
Is It Okay to Take Notes?
Don't Run Away . . . Yet

Chapter 2: Questions to Ask Yourself

Questions About You as a Person
Questions About You as a Professional
List Your Current Strengths, Abilities, and Values
What Kind of Life Are You Seeking?
The Practical Aspects of Your Job Hunt
What Can You Learn from Past Jobs and Bosses?
Don't Wear Sandals at a White-Shoe Company
The Importance of Goals
Show Me the Money!
Are You Moving Too Fast?

Chapter 3: Questions to Ask During Your Research

Where to Start Looking
Finding Information on Smaller Companies
Ask the Company Itself

Chapter 4: Questions to Ask "Preinterviewers"

Information, Please
Smart Questions During an Informational Interview
Interviewing with Recruiters, Headhunters, Employment Agencies
Why You Should Avoid Human Resources
Questions to Ask Your Peers (Future Colleagues)
You May Be Screened By Phone or In Person
Did the Interviewer Dial a Wrong Number?
Don't Believe Everything You Read
An Organized List of Questions
Questions About the Company
Questions About the Department
Questions About the Job
Questions About the Next Step

Chapter 5: Questions to Ask Your New Boss

The Hiring Interview
Foiling the Inept Interviewer
The "It's All About Me" Interviewer
The "Out of It" Interviewer
Time to Get Up Close and Personal
The Behavioral Interview
The Team Interview
The Stress Interview
The Case Interview
The Brainteaser Interview
What the Interviewer Wants to See and Hear
What to Look for: The Initial Greeting
What to Look for: Body Language
What to Listen For
Smart Interview Questions for Your New Boss
Basic Questions
Probing Questions
It's a Matter of Style
Questions About the Culture, Chemistry, Fit
Semi-Closing Questions
A Little Knowledge Is Powerful
Timing Can Be Everything

Chapter 6: Questions to Close the Sale

"Is There Anyone Elseā€¦?"
Uncover Hidden Objections
Salespeople Can Be More Aggressive
Getting to Yes
You Can Always Work for Free

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