10 Great Rebus Novels (John Rebus) (114 page)

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Lauderdale shrugged and rubbed his chin, checking the closeness of the shave. ‘He still says he did. You can read the transcripts any time you like. He says he was lying low, knowing we were after him. He needed money for food. He came upon Mrs Jack and hit her over the head.’

‘What with?’

‘A rock.’

‘And what did he do with all her stuff?’

‘Threw it into the river.’

‘Come on, sir . . .’

‘She didn’t have any money. That’s what made him so angry.’

‘He’s making it up.’

‘Sounds plausible to me –’

‘No! With respect, sir, what it sounds like is a quick solution, one that’ll please Sir Hugh Ferrie. Doesn’t it matter to you that it isn’t the truth?’

‘Now look here . . .’ Lauderdale’s face was reddening with anger. ‘Look here, Inspector, all I’ve had from you so far is . . . well, what is it? It’s nothing really, is it? Nothing solid or concrete. Nothing you could hang a shirt on, never mind a case in a court of law. Nothing.’

‘How did she get to Queensferry? Who drove her there? What sort of state was she in?’

‘For Christ’s sake, I
it’s not cut and dried. There are still gaps –’

‘Gaps! You could fit Hampden into them three times over!’

Lauderdale smiled. ‘There you go again, John, exaggerating. Why can’t you just accept there’s less to this than meets your eye?’

‘Look, sir . . . fine, charge Glass with the Dean Bridge murder, that’s okay by me. But let’s keep an open mind on Mrs Jack, eh? At least until forensics are finished with the car.’

Lauderdale thought about it.

‘Just till they finish the car,’ Rebus pressed. He wasn’t about to give up: Monday mornings were hell for Lauderdale, and the man would agree to just about anything if it meant getting Rebus out of his office.

‘All right, John,’ Lauderdale said, ‘have it your way. But don’t get bogged down in it. Remember,
keep an open mind if
will. Okay?’


Lauderdale seemed to relax a little. ‘Have you seen the Chief Superintendent this morning?’ Rebus had not. ‘I’m not even sure he’s in yet. Maybe he had a heavy weekend, eh?’

‘None of our business really, sir.’

Lauderdale stared at him. ‘Of course, none of our business. But if the Chief Super’s
problems start interfering with his –’

The phone rang. Lauderdale picked up the receiver. ‘Yes?’ He straightened suddenly in his chair. ‘Yes, sir. Was I, sir?’ He flipped open his desk diary. ‘Oh yes, ten.’ He checked his watch. ‘Well, I’ll be there right away. Yes, sir, sorry about that.’ He had the good grace to blush as he put down the receiver.

‘The Chief Super?’ guessed Rebus. Lauderdale nodded.

‘I was supposed to be in a meeting with him five minutes ago. Forgot all about the bloody thing.’ Lauderdale got to his feet. ‘Plenty to keep you occupied, John?’

‘Plenty. I believe DS Holmes has some cars for me to look at.’

‘Oh? Thinking of getting rid of that wreck of yours? About time, eh?’

And, this being his idea of wit, Lauderdale actually laughed.

Brian Holmes had cars for him, cars aplenty. Well actually, a Detective Constable seemed to have done the work. Holmes, it appeared, was already learning to delegate. A list of the cars owned and run by friends of the Jacks. Make, registration, and colour. Rebus glanced down it quickly. Oh great, the only possessor of a colour blue was Alice Blake (The Pack’s Sexton Blake), but she lived and worked in London. There were whites, reds, blacks, and a green. Yes, Ronald Steele drove a green Citroën BX. Rebus had seen it parked outside Gregor Jack’s house the night Holmes had gone through the bins . . . Green? Well, yes, green. He remembered it more as a greeny-blue, a bluey-green.
Keep an open mind
. Okay, it was green. But it was easier to mistake green for blue than, say, red for blue, or white, or black. Wasn’t it?

Then there was the question of that particular Wednesday. Everyone had been asked: where were you that morning, that afternoon? Some of the answers were vaguer than
others. In fact, Gregor Jack’s alibis were more watertight than most. Steele, for example, had been uncertain about the morning. His assistant, Vanessa, had been off work that day, and Steele himself couldn’t recall whether or not he’d gone into the shop. There was nothing in his diary to help him remember either. Jamie Kilpatrick had been sleeping off a hangover all day – no visitors, no phone calls – while Julian Kaymer had been ‘creating’ in his studio. Rab Kinnoul, too, was hesitant; he recalled meetings, but not necessarily the people he’d met. He could check, but it would take time . . .

Time, the one thing Rebus didn’t have. He, too, needed all the friends he could get. So far, he’d ruled out two suspects: Tom Pond, who was abroad, and Andrew Macmillan, who was in Duthil. Pond was a nuisance. He wasn’t back from the States yet. He had been questioned by telephone of course, and he knew all about the tragedy, but he had yet to be fingerprinted.

Anyone who might have been at Deer Lodge had been, or was being, or would be, fingerprinted. Just, so they were reassured, for processes of elimination. Just in case there were any fingerprints left in the lodge, any that couldn’t be accounted for. It was painstaking work, this collection and collation of tiny facts and tiny figures. But it was how murder cases worked. Mind you, they worked more easily when there was a distinct scene of crime, a locus. Rebus wasn’t in much doubt that Elizabeth Jack had been killed, or as good as, in the lay-by. Had Alec Corbie seen something, something he was holding back? Was there something he might know, without knowing he knew? Maybe something he didn’t think was important. What if Liz Jack had said something to Andrew Macmillan, something he didn’t realize might be a clue? Christ, Macmillan still didn’t know she was
. How would he react were Rebus to tell him? Maybe it would jog his memory. Then again, maybe it would have an altogether different effect. And besides, could anything he said be trusted? Wasn’t it possible that he held a grudge against Gregor Jack, the way Gail Crawley did? The way others might, too . . .

Who, really, was Gregor Jack? Was he merely a tarnished saint, or was he a bastard? He’d ignored Macmillan’s letters; he’d tried to keep his sister from disgracing him; he was embarrassed by his wife. Were his friends really friends? Or were they truly a ‘pack’? Wolves ran in packs. Hounds ran in packs. And so did newshounds. Rebus remembered that he’d still to track down Chris Kemp. Maybe he was clutching at straws, but it felt more as if they were clutching at
. . .

And speaking of clutch, that was something else to be added to his car’s list of woes. There was a worrying whirring and grinding as he pushed the gear-shift from neutral into first. But the car wasn’t behaving badly (windscreen wipers aside – they’d begun sticking again). It had taken him north and back without so much as a splutter. All of which worried Rebus even more. It was like a terminal patient’s final rally, that last gleam of life before the support machines took over.

Maybe next time he’d take the bus. After all, Chris Kemp’s flat was only a quarter of an hour from Great London Road. The harassed-sounding woman on the news desk had given him the address as soon as he asked for it. And he had asked for it only when told that Kemp was on his day off. She’d given him the reporter’s home phone number first, and, recognizing the first three digits as designating a local code, Rebus had asked for the address.

‘You could just as easily have looked in the book,’ she’d said before ringing off.

‘Thank you, too,’ he answered to the dead connection.

It was a second-floor flat. He pressed the intercom button beside the main door of the tenement, and waited. And waited. Should have phoned first, John. But then a crackle, and after the crackle: ‘Yeah?’ The voice groggy. Rebus glanced at his watch. Quarter to two.

‘Didn’t wake you, did I, Chris?’

‘Who is that?’

‘John Rebus. Get your breeks on and I’ll buy you a pie and a pint.’

A groan. ‘What time is it?’

‘Nearly two.’

‘Christ . . . Never mind the alcohol, I need coffee. There’s a shop at the corner. Fetch some milk, will you? I’ll put the kettle on.’

‘Back in two ticks.’

The intercom crackled into silence. Rebus went and fetched the milk, then buzzed the intercom again. There was a louder buzz from behind the door, and he pushed it open, entering the dim stairwell. By the time he reached the second floor, he was peching and remembering exactly why he liked living in Patience’s basement. The door to Kemp’s flat was ajar. Another name had been fixed to the door with Sellotape, just below Kemp’s own. V. Christie. The girlfriend, Rebus supposed. A bicycle wheel, missing its tyre, rested against the hall wall. So did books, dozens of them, rickety, towering piles of them. He tiptoed past.

‘Milkman!’ he called.

‘In here.’

The living room was at the end of the hall. It was large, but contained almost no space. Kemp, dressed in last week’s t-shirt and the week before’s denims, ran his fingers through his hair.

‘Morning, Inspector. A timely alarm call. I’m supposed to be meeting someone at three o’clock.’

‘Hint taken. I was just passing and –’

Kemp threw him a disbelieving glance, then busied himself at the sink, where he was trying his damnedest to get the stains off two mug-rims. The room served as living room and kitchen both. There was a fine old cooking range in the fireplace, but it had become a display case for pot plants and ornamental boxes. The actual cooker was a greasy-looking electrical device sited just next to the sink. On a dining table sat a word processor, boxes of paper, files, and next to the table stood a green metal filing cabinet, four drawers high, its bottom drawer open to show more files. Books, magazines, and newspapers were stacked on most of the available floor space, but there was room for a sofa, one armchair, TV and video, and a hi-fi.

‘Cosy,’ said Rebus. He actually thought he meant it. But Kemp looked around and made a face.

‘I’m supposed to be cleaning this place up today.’

‘Good luck.’

Coffee was spooned into the mugs, the milk splashed in after it. The kettle came to the boil and switched itself off, and Kemp poured.


‘No thanks.’ Rebus had settled on the arm of the sofa, as if to say: don’t worry, I’m not about to linger. He accepted the mug with a nod. Kemp threw himself on to the armchair and gulped at the coffee, screwing up his face as it burned his mouth and throat.

‘Christ,’ he gasped.

‘Heavy night?’

‘Heavy week.’

Rebus wandered over in the direction of the dining table. ‘It’s a terrible thing, drink.’

‘Maybe it is, but I was talking about

‘Oh. Sorry.’ He turned from the table and headed over to the sink . . . the cooker . . . stopping beside the fridge. Kemp had left the carton of milk sitting on top of the fridge, next to the kettle. ‘I’d better put this away,’ he said, lifting the carton. He opened the fridge. ‘Oh, look,’ he said, pointing. ‘There already
milk in the fridge. Looks fresh enough, doesn’t it? I needn’t have bothered going to the shop.’

He put the new carton of milk in beside the other, slammed shut the door, and returned to the arm of the sofa. Kemp was attempting something like a grin.

‘You’re sharp for a Monday.’

‘But I can be blunt when I need to. What were you hiding from old Uncle Rebus, Chris? Or did you just need the time to check there was nothing
hide? A bit of blaw? That sort of thing. Or maybe something else, eh? Some story you’re working on . . . working on late into the night. Something
should know about. How about it?’

‘Come on, Inspector. I’m the one who’s doing
a favour, remember?’

‘You’ll have to refresh my memory.’

‘You wanted me to see what I could find about the brothel story, about how the Sundays knew it was breaking.’

‘But you never got back to me, Chris.’

‘Well, I’ve been pressed for time.’

‘You still are. Remember, you’ve got that meeting at three. Better tell me what you know, then I can be on my way.’ Now Rebus slid off the arm and on to the sofa proper. He could feel the springs probing at him through what was left of the patterned covering.

‘Well,’ said Kemp, sitting forward in his chair, ‘it looks like there was a kind of mass tip-off. All the papers thought they were getting an exclusive. Then, when they all turned up they knew they’d been had.’

‘How do you mean?’

‘Well, if there
a story, they had to publish. If they didn’t, and their rivals did . . .’

‘Editors would be asking questions about how come they got scooped?’

‘Exactly. So whoever set the story up was guaranteed maximum exposure.’

‘But who did set it up?’

Kemp shook his head. ‘Nobody knows. It was anonymous. A telephone call on the Thursday to all the news desks. Police are going to raid a brothel in Edinburgh on Friday night . . . here’s the address . . . if you’re there around midnight, you’re guaranteed to bag an MP.’

‘The caller said that?’

‘Apparently, his exact words were “at least one MP will be inside”.’

‘But he didn’t name any names?’

‘He didn’t have to. Royalty, MPs, actors and singers – give those papers a sniff of any category and you’ve got them hooked. I’m probably mixing metaphors there, but you get the gist.’

‘Oh yes, Chris, I get the gist. So what do you make of it?’

‘Looks like Jack was set up to take a fall. But note, his name wasn’t mentioned by the caller.’

‘All the same . . .’

‘Yes, all the same.’

Rebus was thinking furiously. If he hadn’t been slouching on the sofa, he might have said he was thinking on his feet. Actually, he was debating with himself. About whether or not to do Gregor Jack a huge favour. Points against: he didn’t owe Jack any favours; besides, he should try to remain objective – wasn’t that what Lauderdale had been getting at? Points for: one really – he wouldn’t just be doing Jack a favour, he might also flush out the rat who’d set Jack up. He made his decision.

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