Read 02 Dragon - Capturing Cara Online

Authors: S. E. Smith


02 Dragon - Capturing Cara (13 page)

BOOK: 02 Dragon - Capturing Cara
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Cara just closed her eyes with a sated smile on her lips. The grass was soft under her and warm. She stretched her arms over her head and tilted her head towards the warmth of the sun. It felt so good on her chilled skin. She had never laid out in the buff before but it was kind-of fun. Maybe she was a surpressed nudist colony refugee, she thought lazily. She let her mind drift as she dozed in and out. She could hear the trees nearby as the breeze moved through them, the sound of water from the stream, Trelon muttering softly under his breath, and had never felt so content in her life. Even the nervous energy that always seemed to flow through her seemed to have calmed a little. Cara felt something else. It seemed to move inside her, stretching and growing, as if alive. She was so focused on the strange feeling of something else moving inside her she didn't realize Trelon had returned until she felt his hand move down over her breasts to her belly. Whatever was inside her seemed to like his touch as much as she did as it seemed to eagerly move towards him

Trelon sucked in a breath as he watched small, delicate scales ripple over Cara's skin. They were beautiful! Varying depths of burgundy and amethyst moved along with his touch. Trelon's dragon purred as its mate responded to his touch. Leaning over, Trelon captured a delicate bud in his mouth and sucked on it marveling as it tightened to a hard peak. Cara moaned at the hot mouth sucking on her; moving restlessly under it. Trelon moved his hand down to gently part Cara's legs as his mouth moved to tease her other nipple. He loved how responsive she was to his touch. Her legs parted and he took advantage to move between them, never breaking the attention he was giving to her breasts. Cara arched her back to get closer to him and started to bring her hands down to touch him wanting to thread her hands through his hair so he wouldn't move.

"No." Trelon said softly, barely pulling his mouth away from her nipple so she could feel each puff of hot breath as he spoke. Trelon put one hand up to prevent Cara from moving hers. "Leave them above your head. I like seeing you spread out for me."


Cara opened her eyes just enough to look into his. Nodding, she moved her hands back above her head gripping one wrist in an effort to anchor herself. "Love me." Cara whispered.

mi mador
, forever." Trelon replied softly.


He knew deep down she was asking for more than just for him to love her body but was afraid to ask for more. Trelon wondered grimly what had happened to his beautiful, little mate to make her so afraid of being loved. Trelon was determined to wipe that fear away. He would love her so deeply, so thoroughly she would never doubt his feelings for her or the fact she was the most special female in his world. Trelon continued his assault on Cara's body and senses. He kissed his way down the underside of her perky little breasts making a trail down to her stomach. He spent a few moments laving her belly button before her impatient sighs of frustration and her rocking hips told him she was wanting his attention somewhere lower. Trelon chuckled at her impatience.

"Trelon!" Cara whimpered impatiently.


Trelon gave in to her demands, pulling her legs over his broad shoulders so she was lifted up slightly he buried his mouth in the soft red curls covering her mound. Cara's cry of passion ignited the flames burning deep inside Trelon. He wanted to renew his claim on her. He wanted her to know without a doubt that she belonged to him forever. The first flash of her desire flowed over his tongue exploding over him as his body answered. His dragon pushed against him,
Not tomorrow - today
, it demanded. Trelon answered fiercely, pushing it down. Sucking harder on the swollen nub, he gently parted the lips of her pussy exposing all of her to his tongue. He knew he was hitting her sweet spot when her heels dug into his back and her body arched sharply against his mouth. Her soft scream echoed as she came hard. Trelon didn’t stop. He continued his assault on her determined to bring her to fulfillment again and again. She was so beautiful when she came he wanted to watch her do it again and again. When her body stiffened again as the next climax built at an impossible speed, he jerked away and positioned his body over hers to drive deeply inside as it exploded around him.

Trelon threw his head back and gritted his teeth as he felt her squeeze him so tightly he had to bite back his own scream of pleasure. Cara legs wrapped around his waist as tremor after tremor of her climax swept through her body.


She was sobbing softly at the intensity of the pleasure pulsing through her. It was almost painful in its depth. She felt as Trelon drew her closer to him, nudging her face to one side as he kissed the side of her neck. When he reached the spot right above her shoulder, she felt a sharp flash of pain followed by a burning heat that ignited her blood all over again.

“Trelon!” Cara screamed as a fierce wave of desire flooded her.


Trelon didn’t answer. He continued to breathe dragon fire into Cara’s blood, relishing in the way her dragon and she responded. Breathing the last of it, he pulled away and lapped at the dragon-shaped mark on her neck. It matched the one on her upper shoulder on her back. Trelon felt a sense of satisfaction. His mark was definitely on her now for all to see! He pressed a kiss to the quickly healing mark.

Cara gasped as she felt a hot wave of desire burn through her. It was just as intensive as what had happened before but it didn’t hurt as much. If anything, she felt an answering burn inside her to bite Trelon. Cara turned her head to Trelon’s neck. She felt something move inside her again, encouraging her to follow through on the feeling. Cara resisted and felt a deep disappoint; as if she had somehow denied a part of herself an essential element to something special. Instead, she pressed little kisses up and down his throat feeling his purr of delight. As the wave built, she couldn’t hold back the rocking of her hips against Trelon’s hard length.

“Fuck me.” She whispered against his throat. “Hard.”

Trelon responded by thrusting deeper and deeper. Cara whimpered in frustration as the wave built to a pressure bordering pain but she couldn’t find that point that would push her over. She pushed against Trelon, forcing him to look down.


“Roll over onto your back and let me ride you.” She whimpered.

Trelon growled. He rolled over making sure they never lost their connection as he laid on his back looking up into Cara’s passion-glazed eyes. The position forced her legs further apart, letting him take her deeper. He watched as she threw back her head and rode him gently at first then with increasing speed. The sight of her perky breasts moving up and down, the nipples dusty roses swollen and red from his lips glistening in the sun, and her head throw back clearly displaying his mark upon her throat heightened his desire.


“Touch your breasts.” Trelon didn’t realize he had said that out loud until he saw Cara’s hands raise up to cup her breasts in her hands. Her fingers squeezed the nipples he had been sucking on. The sight was so erotic, Trelon’s climax exploded out of him in hot burst deep inside Cara’s womb. The heat of his seed triggered a reaction in Cara and she screamed as she came again. Trelon’s hands gripped her upper thighs holding her in place as he pushed upward to her downward movement, trying in a desperate move to fuse them together.

Cara collapsed on top of Trelon, totally spent. She curled up on Trelon’s chest and let the soft beating of his heart lure her to sleep. Her last thought was maybe making love with Trelon was a cure to her insomnia.

Chapter 13

Trelon opened his eyes and let out a deep sigh.
“She’s gone again, isn’t she?”
He silently asked his dragon. His dragon gave a disgruntled snort in acknowledgement that their mate had once again disappeared on them. Trelon lay still as he tried to get his cock to settle down. He had been having such wonderful dreams and had planned to fulfill some of them. He noticed the shadows of the meadow indicated the sun would be setting soon. Zoran had planned a dinner for all the females tonight to introduce them to some of their people. Their mother was even attending. Trelon sighed again as he looked down at his hard cock.
I really need to work with our mate on staying put
, Trelon thought in disgust. He was a warrior, Curizan and Sarafin warriors had tried on more than one occasion to sneak up on him and he heard them every time; but, one little human female was forever slipping away without him hearing her. He was going to have to chain her to him. At least until she learned not to disappear on him. He couldn’t use his symbiosis to chain her. With his luck, it would help her escape. He had never seen anything like it before. His symbiosis was supposed to be loyal to him no matter what. Instead, it was so infatuated with his little mate, she only had to think of something and it did whatever it could to make her happy.


Trelon rolled over and stood, stretching his arms over his head. When he looked to where he laid out their clothes he frowned. Where had his little mate gone and what the hell was she wearing? If she returned to the palace garbed only in his shirt…Trelon’s mind rebelled at his sweet little mate’s body clad only in his shirt, with her sexy little legs showing for all to see, and her dragon’s mating scent close to the surface as she approached her first transformation. His eyes popped open in fury at the thought. He would kill any other male who came close to her!

Striding over to the rock where his clothes were he frowned when he saw his shirt and boots but no pants. Looking around to see if they had fallen off, he grunted when he couldn’t find them. Closing his eyes, he focused on his symbiosis. It sent back images of Cara, wearing his oversized shirt that hung to her knees and…his pants on her tiny frame. He chuckled as he watched her pull them up as they started to slide off her narrow hips. She had them rolled up so far, almost half the length was in a bunch around her delicate ankles. She touched her waist and he felt the warmth of his symbiosis as it instructed the tiny piece of gold around her waist to tighten a little more. Only then did she let go of the pants. She had made it to the enter walls of the city. He must have been asleep longer than he thought for her to have walked so far, they were a couple of miles outside the walled city. Knowing she was safe, Trelon picked up his shirt and slid it over his broad shoulders and slid his feet into his boots before calling for his dragon. That was one nice thing about the change, whatever he was wearing before the change was what he wore after. It was part of the magic no one really understood, just accepted. Unfortunately, his dragon was his best bet of getting back to the palace without the embarrassment of explaining how he had lost his pants. With a swept of his wings, he was in the air flying towards his wayward little mate.


Cara had woken sprawled across Trelon’s huge chest. The catnap was just what she needed. Trelon had continued to sleep even as she pulled carefully out of his arms. Since he looked so peaceful, she decided to let him sleep. She had learned a long time ago she didn’t need as much sleep as most people. When she had tried during her years at home to force herself to stay in bed she had almost made herself sick. She had too much energy and trying to hold it in just gave her ulcers. At the boarding school, she had driven the faculty and staff nuts with her midnight wanderings until they had finally given up on trying to contain her. They had tried locking her in her room, she just picked the lock. They tried wearing her out by making her do all kinds of physical activities, she had just excelled while they had to hire extra staff due to burnout. They had tried medicating her, she had ended up in the emergency room and her Uncle Wilfred threatened to throw them all under the jail. So, finally they just ignored her which suited her just fine.

Cara grinned as a couple of little boys about the ages of nine or ten began following her. Cara smiled at them and they giggled, pointing at her. She turned to walk down a narrow street that contained all types of stands. She didn’t really know for sure where she was going but figured she was headed in the right direction since she was following Symba who had changed into a type of large cat. Many of the men in the market must have recognized Symba because they bowed in respect, their symbiosis’ lowering their heads as she passed.


“You some type of bigwig or what, Symba?” Cara asked softly as she ran her hand over the symbiosis’ head. Symba’s huge frame shivered as if a chuckle had passed through it.

Cara stopped as she saw she had three little boys following her now. Reaching over to pick up some type of round fruit, she frowned and looked at the man behind the stand. “How much are these?” She asked.


“Nothing for my lady.” The man replied with a broad grin. His eyes were glued to the mark on Cara’s neck. Cara could feel the heat of a blush rise up her neck until her cheeks were pink. She had noticed the mark when she went to rinse in the stream. She had touched it in fascination but the blurred image made it difficult to really see.

“Oh, but I can’t just take them.” Cara said hesitantly. She had no idea how the economy system worked here.


Symba sent an image to Cara. It had let Trelon know of her purchase and the man would be compensated for the fruit. Cara smiled down at her golden friend. It appeared Symba had also communicated with the man’s symbiosis who relayed the message to the man.

“Okay. That is just freaky.” Cara said with a grin. “Thank you.” She told the man as he held out the fruit.


“Would you like a basket for them?” The man asked.

“No, thanks.” Cara said with a happy smile. She didn’t plan on having to carry them for long.


Cara winked at the boys behind her as she moved over to a fountain in the middle of the market. Sitting down, she waited until them came towards her before picking up one piece of fruit, weighing it carefully in her hand. She winked at the tallest boy first before she picked up the other two. With a skill developed over years of practice, she tossed the first, then the second, followed by the third piece of fruit up into the air. Soon, she was juggling the three pieces doing random tricks like turning around in a circle or tossing them under her leg. The boys giggled and laughed as she did some of the more complicated tricks. After a few minutes, she lightly tossed one piece of fruit then the others to each boy.

BOOK: 02 Dragon - Capturing Cara
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