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It's a Wonderful Knife by Christine Wenger
Ship It Holla Ballas! by Jonathan Grotenstein
WINDHEALER by Charlotte Boyett-Compo
Slaves of the Swastika by Kenneth Harding
River Road by Carol Goodman
Conspiracy Girl by Sarah Alderson
Phoenix by Elizabeth Richards
Talking to the Dead by Harry Bingham
The Art of Jewish Cooking by Jennie Grossinger
The Dangerous Gift by Hunt, Jane
Defiance by Beth D. Carter
Ten Thousand Saints by Eleanor Henderson
Diario. Una novela by Chuck Palahniuk
Tarzan & Janine by Elle James, Delilah Devlin
Gap Creek by Robert Morgan
Amok and Other Stories by Stefan Zweig
A Hundred and One Days: A Baghdad Journal by Asne Seierstad, Ingrid Christophersen
Pat of Silver Bush by Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Tracking Trisha by S. E. Smith