Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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It was a large room with two beds. The massive king would have been the subject of contention if there wasn’t a woman to share. The loser of that argument would have been relegated to the smaller queen next to it.

On the other side of the room, a sofa and coffee table faced the bed. It was a piss-poor excuse for a room, but it was only for one night. The pair had secured better accommodations for the remaining four days of their trip.

“You’re going to wear a hole in the carpet, and the people in the room below will be able to hear everything.”

Stefano didn’t bother to hide his amusement. It wasn’t often that either of them was bothered by a case of nerves. He continued fishing equipment from his luggage as he chuckled at Alexei.

“I don’t give a fuck who hears us, Stef. Sabrina left the wedding more than twenty minutes ago.” She had been blushing a million shades of pink as her new husband whispered things into her ear. Alexei had a good idea the kind of things he whispered.

She looked happy. Marriage suited her, but it wasn’t something he or Stef wanted. They liked their lifestyle too much to mess with the formula. With lots of traveling and their pick of women, life was perfect.

Stef headed toward the bathroom. “She’s a bridesmaid. She has duties, things to do. Plus, that place was packed with relatives and friends. You saw how popular she was. It seemed everybody there had a hug for her, something to show her, or some big news to share.”

She hadn’t seemed to hurt for company after he and Stef left her alone. Alexei snorted, more anxious than anything else. “I gave her fifteen minutes. She’s late.”

Stefano’s voice floated from the bathroom. “She’ll show. We hooked her good, Lex. She wants more.”

Alexei spread a towel on the coffee table. “I’m going to spank her ass. One for every minute she’s late.”

Stef strode from the bathroom. He stopped, parking his hands on his hips. “She’s not into that, Lex.”

“My ass,” Alexei said. He saw too much in her eyes to believe she wouldn’t respond to a good spanking. She had liked being restrained by Stef too much.

“Regardless, until she tells us that’s what she wants, our hands are tied.”

Alexei would have preferred to tie her hands, but Stef was right. He grunted.

Tapping sounded on the door. Alexei schooled his features until he was sure his anxiousness didn’t show on his face. She wasn’t using the keycard they’d given her. The knock had been firm, but light, meaning she had no plans to press her point. Lex hoped she wasn’t there to give her regrets. Somehow, he knew Samantha would be the kind of woman to tell a man she didn’t want to see him again instead of avoiding his calls and blowing him off in general.

He glanced to Stefano, and he knew Stef was thinking similar thoughts. Alexei moved to the door, but he didn’t open it until Stef nodded that he was ready. Of the two of them, Stefano was the one who wore his emotions more openly.

Her head turned as the door opened, a friendly smile already on her lips. She had been watching something down the hall while she waited, but now all of her attention was focused on Alexei.

She stood tall. Her bare shoulders were thrown back and her entire demeanor exuded confidence and sensuality.

“Hi, Alexei,” she said. “How are you?”

She wasn’t supposed to speak first, but he was glad she had. This was the second time she’d correctly identified him, and there was nothing hesitant in her manner. She knew exactly who he was. His heart beat a little faster. After years spent telling himself it didn’t matter if a woman knew the difference between him and Stefano, he finally admitted it was a lie. It did matter.

She held out the keycard. “Using this didn’t feel right. I hope you’re not upset, but it’s just not who I am.”

He opened the door wider, suddenly unable to utter a sound. This was a sign of submission. He couldn’t punish her for achieving the desired result without training.

Her smile grew. She brushed against him as she entered the room, her shoulder bumping lightly against his chest. She didn’t acknowledge the contact. He wondered if it was accidental, or if it was her way of marking her territory. Submissives could be very possessive.

The suite opened into the narrow kitchenette, something that bothered Alexei to no end. A suite should always open to the living area. He liked to breakfast outside, on the patio. August in
did lend itself to eating outdoors, and he hated carrying food through sitting and sleeping areas.

“Have you made a decision?”

Stefano had come to the arched, doorless entryway leading from the kitchenette to the rest of the room. He parked one hand on either side of the entrance, blocking Samantha from entering the suite further. She was effectively trapped between them.

Maybe he did like this suite design after all.

Samantha’s nod was less confident. She looked from Stef to Alexei. “I’ve never done this before, but I know if I don’t, I’m going to spend the rest of my life wondering what I missed out on.”

Alexei shot a look to Stefano. It was quick, but he and his brother rarely needed words to communicate. They closed in. Each of them stood next to her, their chests an inch from her shoulders. She was tall. In those heels, she had no trouble looking them in the eyes. He wanted to drop a kiss on her shoulder and work his way up her neck, finding all the sensitive spots and making her gasp.

Reaching behind him, he secured the door.


Her body didn’t move. Only her head turned to look at him. She arched a brow, probably at the gravity of the tone he used. He needed his tone to be serious. This was consent time.

“Tonight, you belong to us. This body,” he ran a finger along her waist, “is ours. We’re going to make you beg us to fuck you, and then we’re going to have you until you pass out. If you pass out too soon, we’ll wake you up until we’re satisfied. When you fail to do what we say, you will be punished.”

He watched her pupils dilate and blood rush to her face and neck. She had lovely skin. He wanted to taste every inch of her, not just the musky sweetness between her legs.

“Do you understand what’s going to happen tonight?” Stefano asked. “We need clear consent, Sammy.”

She turned to Stefano, addressing him now. “Is there a safe word?”

“No,” he said. “If you tell us to stop, then we’ll stop.”

She opened and closed her mouth, questions forming behind those cornflower blue eyes and the crease that formed between them.

“We don’t play games,” Alexei said. “No means no and stop means stop.”

Her smile returned. It was small, but pleased. It stole his breath.

“I like that.”

Stefano moved to the side. He indicated the area between the bed and the sofa.

“Stand in the center of the room and undress.”

Head high, she marched to the middle of the room and stopped, glancing back with a grin. She knew she was attractive, and she knew they were attracted to her. Alexei wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

He and Stefano parked themselves on the edge of the foot of the bed to watch the show. She oriented herself so that she faced them. Lifting one arm, she reached for the zipper along her right side.

Ah, he’d wondered where that thing was hidden.

The tangerine and pink dress loosened, sliding down Samantha’s long, lithe body to pool around her ankles. Alexei stopped breathing. Standing before them in heels, pale pink thigh-high stockings and a pink strapless bra, Samantha planted her hands on her hips. She had the body of a runner. She wasn’t overly thin, which Alexei liked.

He hated to fuck a skeleton.

She had a strong body and smooth skin. Alexei’s eyes were drawn to the tuft of hair between her legs and he longed to taste her again. Her panties were still in his pocket. It was a souvenir she would not get back.

Next to him, Stef’s sharp inhale told him that his brother wasn’t going to hold out for very long. Her entire manner invited them closer. Alexei fought the urge to go to her, to taste her lips and her skin, to delve into her pussy with his tongue and his fingers.

“Isn’t she?” Stef muttered, shifting to relieve the pressure between his legs.

Samantha couldn’t have heard him. He and Stef had long ago perfected the art of mumbling to one another.

Alexei’s nod served two purposes. First, it answered Stefano. Yes, Samantha was beautiful.

Second, it indicated to Samantha that she should continue with her striptease.

Stepping out of the dress, she turned to the side and bent to retrieve it. Alexei could tell a woman with a background in dance. Samantha’s grace only added to the growing problem in his pants.

She spread the dress over the back of a chair. He hoped she went for the shoes next. He loved a barefoot woman.

She stepped out of them, leaving them neatly next to the chair. Alexei felt a little ripped off. He fought the urge to bend her over his lap and make her ass match her lingerie. When they originally propositioned her, she expressly forbade violent contact. That rule would stay intact until she changed it.

The thigh-highs went next. She bent at the waist as she rolled down the left stocking, then stood and bent again as she lost the right one.

One hand disappeared behind her back and the strapless bra fell to the floor. She stood, proud and confident, in front of them. Alexei allowed his gaze to drink in the sexy sight before him.

Stefano stood. “Are you sure you don’t want to be tied up and spanked?”

The smile that invited them closer widened. “I’m willing to let you call the shots, Stefano, but a girl’s got to draw the line somewhere. After all, we just met.”

Stef nodded. “Just checking.”

Wordlessly, Alexei joined his brother. They moved around the low coffee table to flank her. She might not want everything they had to offer, but she had responded to their dominance earlier. It was a starting point.

Samantha breathed easier, pleased and relieved that Stefano accepted her decision without arguing. She didn’t expect them to completely avoid alpha male behavior, especially after what they had done to her on that tiny patio. She trusted them to make sure everyone got what they needed.

Stefano bent his head and kissed her shoulders. His lips whispered a caress on her bare skin. She brought her hand up to caress his shoulder, but he wrapped his hand around her wrist and held it next to her thigh. His right hand came up to cup her right breast. She wanted him to knead it, to play with her nipple, but he only held it in his palm.

On the other side, Alexei did the same thing, holding her wrist at her side even though she hadn’t moved to touch him. His kiss began at the same point on her shoulder, but where Stefano’s lips traveled along her shoulder to the back of her neck, Alexei’s kisses headed straight for her mouth.

They turned her so that she faced Alexei. She opened her lips to let Alexei’s tongue inside. Liquid heat spilled from his mouth into hers, riding on the tongue he thrust between her lips. Samantha moaned and opened to him even more. She relaxed her body, melding it to his.

Behind her, Stefano kissed a line down her spine. His hands rested on her hips and his thumbs traced patterns over her ass. She felt him shift to kneel behind her. The heat of his mouth fastened on the fleshy part of her rear end, and he sucked hard.

Samantha whimpered into Alexei’s mouth. The sharp pinch had felt so damn good. She did like a forceful lover, but she didn’t want to give these two permission to do all the things to her that a Dom did to his sub. She wasn’t ready for that.

Hands moved over her body, and Samantha soon lost track of who touched her where. Sensations ran rampant. She relaxed into the dual embrace, forgetting to care who kissed where until one of them moved away from her.

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