Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (44 page)

BOOK: Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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He lifted one dark brow. “And?”

She knew her smile reflected the conflict within. “And I’m still thinking about it.”

The second brow joined the first. “What’s there to think about? You can stop working for
and concentrate on your art full time. The rest of the time, you can concentrate on Lex and me. You can travel to places you pick and you can go when you want to go, not when your boss tells you to go. And, Sammy, you’re wrong about Lex. We’re both sadists, just in different ways. He likes to take it out on your ass, and I prefer to spend time with your luscious tits. But, honey, we’re not more sadistic than you’re masochistic. You’ve experienced the farthest we’ll take things already.”

A hand pulled at her shoulder. Alexei repositioned her between them. He and Stefano moved so that they flanked her and pinned her arms at her sides. They both leaned up on one elbow and talked to each other across her body.

“She’s afraid her family will be so upset about her being with us that they’ll disown her.”

Stef didn’t flinch, and his eyes didn’t leave Alexei’s, even when his head bobbed in understanding. “We take turns being with her, and we’ll pretend to be one person around her family.”

A sharp pain stabbed Samantha deep in her heart. They were willing to sacrifice their individuality to set her mind at ease. They were willing to act as if only one of them mattered to her. It wasn’t fair, and it wasn’t right.

“No,” she said, interrupting a conversation to which she hadn’t been invited. “Don’t do that. I don’t want you to do that. I love you both. I can’t be dishonest about that, not to anyone for any reason.”

They stared at her, watching as she struggled to free her arms and sit up. On each side, a strong male hand came up to stroke and soothe. They petted her until she settled down.

Lex spoke first. “We love you, Samantha. We don’t want you to lose the people closest to you. We don’t want you to have to choose between being happy with us and being happy with them.”

“Yeah,” Stef added. “We’re used to acting like we’re one person. Very few people can tell us apart. So far, just you, our dad, and our housekeeper. If it will make things easier for you, we’re okay with doing it.”

She took a deep breath and shook her head. “I’m not. Come with me on Saturday. We’ll see how it goes then. Ellen will be there. I’ll call her beforehand and she’ll be on our side. She liked you guys.”

Hands stroked down her body as they silently considered her proposal.

“Okay,” Stefano said at last. “We’ll wait. Did you want a gag, Sammy?”

“No,” Alexei answered before she could draw a breath. “If we gag her, we won’t be able to hear her beg.”

Samantha groaned. “I’m ready to beg right now, Lex. I want to feel you buried in my pussy so badly I’m close to screaming.”

A cocky smile settled on his lips as his hand slipped between her legs and parted her folds. The insistent throbbing in her pussy grew as he circled her clit with his thumb and plunged three fingers inside.

Sam’s hips shot off the bed, lifting to thrust against his hand.

Stefano pulled her thigh toward him and trapped it between his, stealing her balance and her leverage. His fingers replaced Alexei’s, who used his newly freed hand to trap her other thigh between his.

Then too many fingers thrust and circled. Sam lost track of who was where as the pressure increased and climax hovered just out of reach. She thrashed and tried to thrust, but they held her firmly between their hot, hard bodies.

“Oh, God,” she said, the words whispering from her on thready breaths. “Please let me come. Oh, please, my Masters. Please let me come.”

The hands stopped their magic and Samantha groaned in protest. They shifted her. Alexei arranged her pillows behind his back and sat against the headboard. He pulled her against him, arranging her so that she reclined against his chest. He lifted her legs to fall to the outside of his, and he spread his legs wider, revealing all of her to Stefano’s lustful gaze.

Stef lay on his stomach between her legs and scooted closer. Without preamble, his mouth devoured her pussy, licking the juices on her thighs before working his way to her center. She squirmed, trying to match his rhythm as he fucked her with his teeth and tongue. She moaned and begged. He kept her on the edge, sucking harder when the need to climax lessened and slowing his motions when she screamed and begged for release.

Samantha didn’t know how long he lasted between her legs. Alexei held her in place with his strapping arms. He plucked at her nipples and lent a hand to Stefano when his brother took a breather.

At long last, she relaxed, submitting to the exquisite torture and to her two Masters. She accepted the pleasure they gave, reveling in it without a thought of asking for more.

It was only then that Stefano renewed his efforts.

“Come for us,” Alexei whispered.

The sensations that hovered just out of reach crashed over her, and she screamed, her body jerking uncontrollably as the waves washed through her body. Sam’s eyes drifted shut and she melted into Alexei’s chest. Before she could think to move, Alexei shifted her forward, forcing her to balance on her knees.

Samantha opened her eyes. Stef’s hands slid up the inside of her thighs, keeping her legs parted.

“Go slow, Stef. She’s been through a lot.”

“She’s going to go through a lot more.” Stefano positioned his cock at her entrance and pulled her hips down. Samantha gasped and Stef groaned. He pressed his thumb to her clit and rotated it in small circles. “Ride me, Sammy. You have permission to come as many times as you can.”

Sam enjoyed the fullness inside her until Stefano bucked, urging her to move.

“Samantha, you may climax, but you can’t stop until we say you’ve had enough.”

She snapped her hips back and forth, basking in the temporary power she had over Stefano. “You’re going to fuck me until I pass out, aren’t you?”

Alexei chuckled as he stretched out next to them and propped himself on one elbow to watch. “Hell, yes.”

Sam threw her head back. She cupped her breasts in her hands, kneading them and tweaking the nipples.

Stefano moaned. “Damn, honey, that’s so hot.” His thumb left her clit and his hands displaced hers. “Touch your clit, Sammy. I want to watch you masturbate while you fuck me.”

Her hand obeyed without a directive from her brain. Pressure built inside. Climaxing had always been easy for Samantha. Climaxing with Alexei and Stefano took a little longer because they didn’t let her get there so quickly, but they sure made up for it in intensity and endurance.

“I’m going to come.”

Alexei ran his hand down her thigh. “Go ahead, Samantha, just don’t stop fucking Stef.”

She came again. It interrupted her rhythm. Stefano gripped her hips and helped her keep it going. When her stiff muscles relaxed, she fought the languor threatening to steal her energy. This was her dream, a man who could keep going as long as she could.

She opened her eyes to find both of her lovers watching intently. Sam smiled and arched her back, feeling very feline. Lex stroked his cock while he watched her fuck Stef. Samantha wanted to be the one who gave him pleasure, so she reached over and fondled his sac. Lex groaned, electricity sparking from his deep blue eyes as his hand fell away and he ceded control to her.

This time, the climax blindsided Samantha. She lost her rhythm with both men. The pulsing inside her pussy exploded, radiating pleasure through every capillary in her body. Samantha screamed as the world tilted.

The hand on the back of her neck forced her to lie down on top of Stefano. Sam waited in the patient tranquility of afterglow while Lex spread the cool gel to prepare her back entrance. She sighed, contented in their love and in the way they loved her. Nothing compared to the way having both of them inside made her feel.

The tip of Lex’s cock once again pushed through the tender, tight muscles ringing her sphincter. He was gentle this time, understanding without being told that she couldn’t take anything else right then. They made love to her, both of them at the same time. Samantha once again surrendered to the pleasure they offered, basking in the love flowing through the three of them. Words weren’t needed, yet they spoke them anyway.

They made her come twice more before they surrendered to the mountain of feelings and shouted their releases. Boneless and liquid, Samantha collapsed and fell asleep sandwiched between her men.

Chapter 16

Stefano glanced over at his brother, not bothering to hide his worry. “I hope you’re not planning to confront Dad with Sammy there.”

They had dressed similarly, both choosing to wear casual suits to this formal dinner occasion. Out of respect to the woman they were scheduled to meet, they fell back into their habit of wearing different colored ties. Stef wore blue, and Lex wore red.

Alexei downshifted into second to turn a corner. “If we’re going to marry her, there’s no sense in having secrets. She’s going to find out sooner or later that I wasn’t lying when I told her Dad was an asshole.”

Air hissed from between Stef’s teeth. “Lex, Mom was severely OCD. Dad did what he did to protect her.”

Lex’s face darkened, the ruddy features looking downright devilish next to his dark hair. “So she washed her hands a lot and she needed to have the furniture arranged a certain way. She wasn’t a nutcase. Even if she was, that doesn’t give him the right to limit her time with friends, to tell her who she could and couldn’t hang out with, or to make her wear only what he wanted to see her in.”

A white box sat on the back seat of the Lexus Alexei had borrowed from their father. In it was a cocktail dress he had purchased for Samantha to wear tonight. Stef refrained from pointing out the similarities between Lex’s behavior and their father’s. That would only set him off and cause him to be more aggressive toward their father. Normally, he wouldn’t care, but he found himself reticent to expose Samantha to a stressful situation she couldn’t hope to soothe. She was so sensitive to other people’s feelings.

“So, we’re going to let Sammy travel wherever she wants whenever she wants?”

That question had a fifty-fifty chance of sending Lex’s temper off the deep end. Thankfully, he took it seriously. “Yes, but I can’t see her wanting to be away from us all that much, and we don’t have the time to travel constantly. Maybe we should set her up with a discretionary account.”

Stefano’s brow rose. “Give her an allowance?”

Alexei shrugged. “Why not? She can use the money on clothes, travel, art supplies, whatever. Then she won’t have to ask us for money when she needs something.”

Stef was well aware of Lex’s reasoning process. Their mother had been required to account for every penny she spent. Alexei didn’t want Samantha to be under their complete control. He wanted everything to be her choice. Stefano agreed with his brother on that account. However, Lex labored under the impression their mother had been trapped in her marriage. Stefano no longer did. The previous night with his father had opened his eyes to several truths that had always been out in the open where the boys had long chosen to ignore them.

But then, it had always been easier for Stefano to let go of his anger than it was for Alexei. A volatile personality was only one thing Lex inherited from their father.

“Lex, you need to face facts. Dad told Mom what to wear because she would have tried on every piece of clothing in her closet twice. She had a compulsive need to make sure she wore everything twice. If Dad just told her what to wear, she could live with not doing that.”

Alexei’s mouth compressed. “Fine. He did that to help her. What about restricting her friends?”

Stefano’s patience with Lex wasn’t infinite. He drew on his vast reserves and withstood the impulse to punch his brother. If Alexei ever bothered to get over his anger and have a conversation with their father, he would be able to understand so much more about their parents. “People made fun of her. Dad forbade her to see people who were mean to her. He also refused to deal with the companies of those families who were cruel to her. Alexei, it’s time to get your head out of your ass. He got a vasectomy because she had to be sedated when she found out she was pregnant with Ana and it wasn’t twins.”

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