Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“What’s he doing?” She dropped the question into the air, willing to accept an answer from anyone.

Alexei tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “He’s checking to make sure she’s okay and she still wants to keep going. She’ll give him a signal. They’ll have worked out verbal cues and hand signals ahead of time. When she’s gagged, he’ll watch for the hand signals. Otherwise, he’ll stop every now and again to ask her how she is. If she wants him to stop or lighten up, she’ll use whatever word they’ve pre-arranged for that.”

She must have looked shocked. She certainly was surprised that a Dom would care about what his sub wanted.

“I told you, Samantha. This is her choice. This is what she wants.”

The Dom stood behind the submissive, positioning the bulge in his pants directly behind her exposed rear end. “This is a good position for many, many things.” Titters moved through the crowd. His implication wasn’t lost on anyone. Samantha felt her pussy grow slick at the idea of Alexei or Stefano in that position while she waited, helpless and bound.

“If you have toys to use, this is the perfect time to attach them. Though she has limited movement, she can see some of what you’re doing. If your submissive needs a punishment, make sure to keep the force light. It’s easy to topple anyone in this position, especially while whipping the buttocks or genitalia.”

“Of course, if you have two Doms, one of them can hold you up while the other whips you,” Stefano muttered under his breath as if he were speaking to himself.

Sam gasped. It wasn’t shock at the picture he painted, it was shock at the fact she wanted it to happen. Somewhere between the talk of attaching toys and pussy whipping, she stopped denying that the idea of all of this appealed to her. She didn’t understand why. It just did. Moist heat rushed between her legs and made her squirm.

Alexei mistook her reaction. “We’d only punish you if you deserved it, Samantha. For purposes of sex play, we’d only hurt you in ways you like.”

He held her gaze until she nodded her acceptance of his assurance.

“We wanted to show you the inverted position as well, but it’s not safe to set the rack up on this dais without bolting it down.” The Dom directed the audience’s attention to the area directly behind Samantha’s table.

She twisted in her chair. Two men, dressed in
black, appeared from the shadows. They tugged a curtain aside to reveal a ladderlike contraption. It looked as if someone had crafted four ladders with two-by-fours and bolted them into a square shape. Additional two-by-four posts angled to provide more support and stability. Everything was bolted to a heavy base.

The Dom and his sub appeared in front of it. Though the sub had been released from her bonds, her wrists were bound together and the leather cuffs still encircled her ankles. Now that she was closer, Sam noticed the chain around her neck. It wasn’t a run-of-the-mill collar. Someone had taken the time to find something special. It no doubt had an inscription on it somewhere. Sam knew what it meant. The pair were romantically involved.

She turned toward him and he wrapped a rope around her waist. He wound it so that it went around her thighs, over her shoulders, and under her arms. He placed knots at strategic locations. When he finished, he stepped back.

“You can purchase harnesses, but my slave prefers the homemade kind. I’m holding a class next month to show you how to wind a safe harness. Do not try this without proper training. There’s nothing wrong with using the pre-made kind. It’s easier, and it’s safe.”

A cushion with a wooden back was placed soft side up on the floor of the rack. Sam didn’t see the Dom order her to move, but the sub laid down on her back. Her legs were bent, and her feet rested on the base. If she had been naked, everyone would have had an eyeful. As it was, her wetness leaked through the cotton panties she wore under the skirt.

It was strange to share an intimacy like this with complete strangers. The Dom and sub were right in front of her. Samantha’s chair lifted and turned. She no longer had to twist to see the demonstration. She murmured her thanks to Alexei and Stefano, both of whom have moved even closer.

Sam didn’t know where this was heading, and that made it all the more exciting. She knew he would somehow bind his sub to the frame, but she didn’t know how. He had mentioned an inverted position. Was he going to tie her upside down?

The Dom lifted the sub’s legs and connected hooks at the end of thick leather straps to the leather cuffs on her ankles. Tossing the other end over the top of the frame, he secured them so that the sub was bound with her back on the ground and her legs in the air. Sam wondered how the sub had been able to walk with that metal bar forcing her ankles apart.

Next, he lifted her arms, separated the bindings, and retied them to the top of the frame as well. Except to wiggle, which the Dom made the sub demonstrate, she couldn’t move at all.

Thick moisture soaked through the denim of Samantha’s shorts and a spasm rocked through her body. The woman was exposed, but not in a position that made fucking easy. She knew this was a pose designed for foreplay and torture.

“This is a comfortable position for discipline as well,” the Dom said. “She cannot escape the sting of the lash, and she can’t wriggle out of any of the other kinds of torture.”

He leaned down again, asking something of the sub. The low baritone of his voice traveled the short distance to Samantha. Though she couldn’t make out his words, she heard the gentleness in his voice. He was praising her.

She said something, but the sibilance barely reached Samantha’s ears. Then, without warning, she wrapped her wrists in the ropes holding them and pulled herself up. Because her feet had been bound in the air, she couldn’t stand. It was an awkward position, but she held it until she was sure everyone could see what she had done and how. Then she continued hoisting herself until her hands found the rungs in the top of the frame. She stayed like that, crouched in the air.

Behind her, the Dom’s smile grew. “If your sub is a little more athletically inclined, this position won’t hold her for very long. Of course, what she’s doing now is stressing her joints, and it isn’t good for her to stay like that for very long. With subs like this, you’ll need to use the whole frame.”

“Damn straight,” Stefano muttered. “Tie your arms to the top and your legs to the bottom. You won’t be going anywhere.”

Samantha pictured it so vividly that she could feel the rope around her wrists, biting into her skin as she pulled against it. “Would you whip me like that?”

She bit her lip as soon as the words escaped. She hadn’t meant to say that. She hadn’t meant to let either of them know how the demonstration was affecting her. There was a difference between watching something happen to another person who seemed to be enjoying it and having those things done to her.

“Whipping,” Stefano began, shattering her hope that he had been so wrapped up in the demonstration that he wasn’t paying attention to her, “sensitizes your skin so that you feel every touch magnified a thousand times.”

“It hurts,” she argued. “And I already have sensitive skin.”

Stefano’s hand, which hadn’t staked a claim on her in this open position, moved to caress her wrist and the back of her hand where it rested on her thigh. “It stings, and it will make you even more sensitive.”

On the other side, Alexei leaned closer. “We’d never hurt you, Samantha.”

In the quick moments of their whispered conversation, the Dom had repositioned the sub so that she dangled from the top of the frame. The ropes holding her were shorter, and they seemed to have multiplied. Her wrists were inches from the wood and her ankles were bound just in front of them. She was bent completely in half with her legs spread, just as she had been on the floor. This was the inverted position the Dom had mentioned.

He pushed her pussy, setting her swaying helplessly back and forth. “No matter how strong she is, your sub won’t be moving from this position.”

The frame wasn’t much taller than the Dom. From the way the sub was positioned, he could still use her body for his own pleasure. Both her pussy and her anus hung at groin level.

Sam worried for the stress it put on the subs ankles and wrists, but the Dom wasn’t finished. He pointed out all the ways in which the harness supported her weight. The bindings on her wrists and ankles held her immobile, nothing more.

As he had done on the dais, the Dom demonstrated variations on the position for less flexible and less athletic submissives. He seemed to include male submissives in the less flexible category. Samantha didn’t know why. Anyone subjected to those kinds of positions on a regular basis couldn’t remain inflexible for long.

Then the Dom released the sub to the ground slowly. He massaged her muscles as he talked about the safety involved in releasing a submissive from this kind of complicated position.

Samantha was close enough to hear the whimpers and moans issuing from the submissive. When the demonstration finished and the lights came up, the Dom draped the shapeless white robe over the submissive’s body and led her out of the room.

Sam rose from her chair to turn it back to the table. She needed something in front of her to prevent her from feeling so exposed. The scene hadn’t seemed finished. There was something missing, otherwise the submissive wouldn’t have been whimpering and moaning like that.

“He’ll take care of her.”

Glancing sharply at Alexei, she frowned. “What does that mean?”

“It means he’s going to fuck her.” Ellen supplied this caveat.

Sam shifted her gaze to Ellen. She had completely forgotten about her friend. “I thought you said they were going to do a panel thing where they answer questions.”

Ellen shrugged. “In about a half hour. She needs attention. You can’t ask a sub to do everything she did and not reward her. That woman was amazing. Did you see how hard she fought to stay in the moment?”

On either side of her, Alexei and Stefano nodded in agreement.

“I think she needs more than just bondage.” Alexei lifted an eyebrow at Ellen, asking her opinion, Dom to Dom.

Ellen considered it for a moment. “Yeah. I think she does, too. It’s a rare sub who doesn’t.”

“Thank God,” Stefano said. “There’s something about a woman with pink skin that I find so attractive.”

Heat crept up Samantha’s cheeks. She knew they were both indirectly talking about her. Instead of sitting in her chair, she stood and gripped the back of it for support. “I’m going to the restroom.” Without waiting for anyone’s response, especially Ellen’s, she fled.

Chapter 6

Public restrooms at upscale hotels weren’t like public restrooms everywhere else. For starters, this one had a living room. One side of the room had a counter. A mirror extended from that ledge to the ceiling. Samantha leaned her weight on both of the hands she set on the counter.

The swishing sound of a flushing toilet drifted through the door. Water ran as someone washed her hands. A plump, little brunette emerged. She was dressed in a shiny pleather corset, a short pleather skirt, and matching high-heeled boots that extended high enough to disappear under the skirt.

She puckered her lips to the image of herself in the mirror next to Samantha, and then she fished around in her cleavage for something.

“I saw you out there,” she said. She wasn’t looking at Sam, but there was no one else around. “Those are two hot Doms you have on your hands.”

Samantha stared at the woman, trying to figure out whether she was a submissive or a Dom. She wore no collar on her neck, but not all subs did.

The woman extracted a tube of lipstick from her corset and leaned over the counter. “Do they not let you talk to anyone?”

“They aren’t mine. They have no say in my life.”

She laughed. It was a soft, tinkling kind of sound and completely unexpected. She looked like her laugh should be raucous and loud. “They’re certainly giving you the full-court press. I don’t think you’ll hold out too long. They did get you to come with them tonight.”

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