Zero Degrees Part 1 (7 page)

Read Zero Degrees Part 1 Online

Authors: Leo Sullivan,Nika Michelle

BOOK: Zero Degrees Part 1
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“Yes.” The truth was I felt like I couldn’t breathe because it was like his dick was lodged in my chest. I even felt it when the thin layer of skin that protected my virginity tore and my muscles clenched him.

“You sure?” He asked.

I nodded feeling him start to move again. He was very gentle as he slowly grinded inside me, so I could get used to his size.

He softly caressed my ass cheeks. “Try to move with me baby, so I can loosen this pussy up a lil’ bit more. It’s so damn tight…and wet. I love how you huggin’ my dick baby, but I wanna get up in it right. Okay,” he whispered lovingly in my ear.

I started trying to move my hips as he pushed up inside me. I felt myself get wetter and then he pushed my thighs further apart. As he picked up the pace, I could feel my pussy open up for him and he slipped deeper inside. His eyes rolled in the back of his head and he bit his bottom lip. That let me know that whatever he’d just done must’ve felt hella good.

“Ohhh…hell yeah. Mmm, that’s it baby. Big daddy’s in there now.”

I dug my nails into his back as he dug inside me in deep circles. That shit hurt like hell.

“Oww…Zeus…baby…it hurts,” I wailed as I bit my bottom lip.

He put his finger to my lips. “It’s okay mami. It won’t for long.” He kissed my tears away and then cupped my chin in his hand before he kissed my lips. “Please, let me make it feel good. Just get pass this part baby.” He slowed his pace down again and moved inside me slowly. His thrusts became deeper, but they were gentle.

“Mmm, damn.” He stared at me with a look of concentration on his face. I knew he wasn’t trying to hurt me on purpose.

Soon the pain subsided and was replaced by a deep warm feeling of pleasure. The more he thrust inside me the better it felt. Soon I was moaning loud as hell too. He started to move faster and harder and I followed his lead. It was starting to feel damn good. “Mmm…ohhh…yes Zeus! It feels good…keep doing that…mmm!!! Ahhh…so this is what…I’ve been missing.”

He kissed me deeply and then sucked my bottom lip before pulling away to look at me. “Fuck! You’re so tight and sweet. You know that? You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout missin’ this again baby. A nigga ain’t goin’ nowhere. Shit,” he whispered in a husky voice that was laced with lust.

I closed my eyes as he held on to my waist. I let him do whatever he wanted to do to me. My body was under his control and I allowed him to navigate me to my next orgasm. At that point I started to throw it back to him. I wrapped my legs around his back and swirled my pelvis in a circular motion. I loved the way he filled my pussy up. He was giving it to me slow and deep and it was like he was pressing a pleasure button. “Ahhhh…you’re hittin’ something. It feel sooo good…”

“That’s your…ohhh…Zeee…mmm! I found your spot baby…mmm…damn…this is some good ass pussy!” The heat of his breath on my skin made my body shiver and I could feel my leg shaking again.

He lifted his body up, dipped low and gave it to my ass. “Mmm…uhhh…shit!” I screamed.

“And…if I keep hittin’ that spot you goin’…damn…she’s gettin’ wetter…you ‘bout to…”

“I’m cumin’ baby!!!” I screamed. “Yes…ohhh….yes!!”

“Damn…uhhh…I can feel it.” He groaned and flipped me over on my stomach.

He entered me from the back and made me come multiple times before he gave in to the pleasure of my tight, hot, wetness. “Arrrrggg!!! Shit!!! This pussy is crazy good!!” He grinded inside me deeply and then stopped to ride his powerful nut out. His body jerked out of control and then he collapsed on my back. He smacked my ass and lifted his weight off me.

I was relieved because I could hardly breathe.

“Damn,” he said. His breaths came out in short bursts as he turned over onto this back. He pulled me into him and I rested my head on his chest.

“Pussy like that is dangerous,” he chuckled. “You goin’ have a nigga walkin’ ‘round stuck on stupid over your ass. Shit, goin’ have me ready to bust a cap in a mufucka just for lookin’ at your ass.”

I was feeling sore, but satisfied as I smiled. He kissed me.

“You a’ight baby?” He asked looking into my eyes.

“Hell yeah,” I sighed. “I’m better than a’ight.”

“Mmm, ain’t nothing like breaking in some good, tight, virgin pussy. You’re rare baby.” He kissed my neck and my whole body tingled.

“Is that what this was all about Zeus?” My eyes got moist. “You getting some virgin pussy?’

“Hell no baby,” he said holding me closer to him. “I ain’t gonna front. I always knew you’d grown up to be fine as hell and then I saw you at Kennedy.” He pulled away to look at me. “I knew we’d end up together. Some things are just meant to be. I was just lucky enough to be the first and hopefully the last. I’m a selfish nigga. I don’t like to share.” He gave me a sexy look as he licked his luscious lips.

I melted in his arms. “Play your cards right and you won’t have to share.” I teased his earlobe with my tongue. “I don’t like to share either.”

He chuckled. “How’re you feeling babe. You okay?”

I sighed. “A little sore, but I’m fine.”

He suddenly got up and walked over to my side of the bed. “C’mon baby.” He helped me up and that’s when I noticed the blood on the sheets. It was on my thighs too.

He led me to the bathroom and turned the water on in the huge garden tub. “I’m sure you like hot water, but I’m getting in with you. We’re gonna have to compromise.” He winked at me.

I giggled. “It’s okay.” It surprised me how much I’d let my guard down with Zeus. I figured it was because he was one of the few people I could really trust.

The tub filled quickly and he reached his hand out to help me step in. He stepped in and sat down behind me. “Mmm,” I moaned realizing that the temperature of the water was perfect.

“Water feels good?” He asked as he gently massaged my back.

“It feels really good and your hands feel even better.” I closed my eyes and relaxed as his fingers kneaded my tense muscles.

“You’re so tense mami. Relax. I got you. I told you a nigga ain’t tryin’ to hurt you. All I want to do is show you how much I’m feelin’ you. You’ve been through a lot and now it’s time for you to enjoy your life. It’s time for the good part baby. I got that okay.” He kissed my neck again, but this time his hand traveled between my legs.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against his hard body.

“Relax,” he whispered in my ear. “I got you.”

“Okay baby,” I whispered letting myself go for once. It would only be temporary, so I was going to bask in the moment.

His lips gently covered my face in soft kisses. “Now, I know that you’re sore. Like I said before I ain’t going to hurt you. I’m going to make it feel better. Okay?”

I nodded with my eyes still closed. His breath on my skin kept making my body tingle.

He whispered in my ear again and my body trembled. “I’m going to massage it.” I felt his finger gently slide inside me, but it didn’t hurt. I could feel my pussy clench his finger tightly.

“Mmm,” I moaned as his finger slowly massaged my sore inner muscles.

“Damn, after packing all that meat inside you this mufucka is still extra tight. You’re definitely all mine now.” He added another finger and I felt my body shake as he pressed that damn pleasure button over and over again.

“Yeah, cum baby…” he coaxed me with that sexy voice. “You look so sexy when you cum.”

And I did, over and over again. When we got out of the tub our toes and fingers were wrinkled. He changed the sheets and held me close to his warm body until I fell into the first peaceful sleep I’d had in a long time.


Chapter 7


The next day Peaches drove me to Cross Creek Mall in the dark blue Mercedes SL 500 with 24 inch Giovanni rims that Buff gave her. I made a mental note to ask Zeus for some new rims like hers. The luxury car had beige leather interior, wood grain dash and a banging ass sound system.

“Damn, you’re putting it on Buff for real,” I said admiring the car.

“Shit, you got me beat. Zeus bought you a new car and you didn’t even give him any pussy. You don’t have any idea how much I have to suck his dick and do kinky shit. That nigga is a freak.” She smiled, put her Prada shades on, shrugged her shoulders and added confidently, “Just like any man Buff loves for a woman to cater to him and make him feel like he’s all that exists. That’s how I get what I want. You ass is gonna have to learn how to suck a dick if you really want to get that paper. What was the sex like the first time with you and Zeus? I heard ya’ll asses last night. It must’ve been good. You finally got that cherry broke in.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “I don’t know what’s up with us yet and it
good. Shit, if he wants me to suck his dick I don’t have a problem with that as long as he’s going to teach me.” I made a face, but I was dead ass serious.

She laughed as she reached inside of her purse for her cell phone. “Buff gets off on me sucking his dick and licking his balls. You best to believe I gets me first and I gets my pussy ate As far as all that screaming and moaning and shit, I just don’t hold back. He likes that over the top shit. Let me see if that bitch Teena’s gonna answer the phone.” She suddenly interrupted our sexy talk, dialed Teena’s number and put it on speaker phone.

“Hello,” Teena answered after about four rings.

“Hey Teena, it’s Peaches and Zero.”

“Oh shit, what’s up ya’ll? What’s going on Ze? Welcome home girl!”

“Hey Teena boo! I miss you.”

“I miss you too girl. I guess I gotta make a trip to the Ville. I don’t know how my bitches goin’ feel about that though,” she said.

Peaches rolled her eyes. “You got the same main bitch, or is it a different one now?”

“You know me. I change ‘em like I change my boxers.” Teena laughed. “I’ll probably be up there this weekend. I’ll check ya’ll out.” After that the conversation was over because she abruptly hung up.

“She always does that,” Peaches said putting the phone back in her purse. “Maybe her girls are jealous as hell or something.”

“I thought we were closer than that,” I said and shook my head. “I thought Teena was going to move down here with us. I guess getting bitches is more important.”

“I thought she was too,” Peaches agreed. “Look in the glove compartment. It’s a bag and a box of blunts in there. Roll up.”

“Damn, this is ‘bout two ounces. Why the hell you driving around with no license and all this weed?”

“I ain’t worried ‘bout that shit bitch. Just roll the damn blunt,” she said nonchalantly. “Live a little.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “What are your intentions Peaches?”

“What are you talking about Ze?” She asked with annoyance in her voice.

“Are you feeling Buff for real, or are you just getting what you can out of him? Is this just some fling?” I asked. “You got something I can throw these guts in?”

She pulled the car over so I could dump the tobacco out. I noticed she hadn’t answered my question.

“Hello? I did just ask you a question. Buff is my boy and if you’re going to play him I don’t want to be in the middle.”

Peaches took her shades off and looked at me. “I really care for Buff Ze, I do. I just don’t want to feel too much too fast.”

“Well he told me yesterday that he is thinking about making you wifee. He is really feeling you Peaches. He thinks you’re classy and he has a lot of respect for you. Don’t lead him on if you don’t want to take it there with him. Let him know what it is. He has a lot of respect for females and if you let him I’m sure he’ll treat you like a queen.”

I rolled the blunt like a pro.

“I hear you Ze and I have never been with anyone like Buff. He makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the world. It scares me. I don’t want to get hurt again,” she said sadly.

“I know, but you either take the chance, or you don’t. It’s up to you.” I lit the blunt, hit it a few times and passed it to her.

“Anyway, did you count the knot Zeus gave you?” She had a huge smile on her face. That girl loved money.

He’d given me a knot of hundreds that were wrapped in a rubber band. “Get you some nice shit baby. I’m taking you to the club tonight, so I can show my dime piece off,” he said before placing the money in my hand.

“Thanks,” was all that I said before he gave me a passionate kiss.

“Unt uhh. I haven’t counted it yet.”

“Well count it then. You have to know what you’re working with bitch. Damn, do I have to school you on the art of shopping too?” She put the blunt in the ashtray as we pulled into the mall’s parking lot. “We can finish that shit later.”

I took the knot out of the Gucci purse that Peaches had given me.

“We have to get you a cell phone too. Oh and please get that damn hair done,” she said with a frown on her face.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Damn, your ass is all brand new and shit. I haven’t even been home two days yet heifer.” I started counting the money and it was a hundred dollar bill after another.

“Shit, we need a money counter for that shit. How many stacks is that? The mall is gonna be closed when you finish,” she laughed.

I grinned. “This is like ten stacks,” I said breathlessly.

Peaches broke into a smile even bigger than mine. “Damn. I don’t know what you did to Buff and Zeus, but them niggaz be acting like they’re in debt to you.” She gave me a quizzical glance. I could tell that she was searching, but I left her hanging. When it was all said and done Buff and Zeus were my dudes. I couldn’t tell her that it was because of my mom that Buff and Zeus were big time hustlers and even before then we were tight. She quickly changed the subject.

“We can get you a few fits, some shoes, a couple purses, some hot glasses and get that hair done.”

“I don’t want a relaxer or nothing Peaches. I like my curls,” I protested as I stepped out of the car.

“That’s cool. Get some color or something though. It’ll look good red, or a light blonde like Beyonce’s.”

“Your ass must be crazy. I ain’t dying my hair. I’ll just settle for a shampoo and deep conditioning. It’s staying curly. Deal with it. I ain’t trying to be walking around looking like your clone. I have my own style,” I said throwing shade her way.

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