You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother (21 page)

BOOK: You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother
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: Releasing all this false hope. .

Choosing to accept the truth.

Index Finger:
Choosing to stop fighting the truth  - that’s a battle I can never win, and takes so much energy away from what I could be doing.

Middle Finger:
Choosing to release the hope and accept the truth that she will never be the mother that I want, need, and deserve.

Ring Finger:
Choosing to accept the sadness of that but to see also the freedom and the peace.

Little Finger:
Choosing to accept the truth that she will never change.

Karate Chop:
Choosing to feel serene and calm as well as sad about the truth, but choosing to feel excited about the freedom it will give me.







Karate Chop:
Even though I’m feeling such grief at the loss of my mother/parents, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though there’s such pain and hurt and loss now that I’ve lost my family, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I’m grieving the mother I should have had, as well as the loss of the ones I did have, I love and accept myself anyway.

Inner Eye:
This hurt.

Outer Eye:
This loss.

Under Eye:
This grief.

It hurts so much.

It’s worse because it’s such a private grief.

There’s no funeral, no closure, no sympathy from others.

But it’s no less a grief, and I’m hurting now.

This hurt.

Index Finger:
This pain.

Middle Finger:
This grief.

Ring Finger:
The pain of the loss of the mother I should have had, and the letting go of my hope of her ever being nice.

Little Finger:
This pain and hurt and loss and grief.


Karate Chop:
Even though I’m feeling such grief at the loss of my mother/parents, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though there’s such pain and hurt and loss now that I’ve lost my mother and my family, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I’m grieving the mother I should have had, as well as the loss of the one(s) I did have, I love and accept myself anyway.

Inner Eye:
I’m feeling such pain, I can feel it in my body.

Outer Eye:
The pain and hurt and loss and grief that I’m feeling.

Under Eye
: This pain and hurt and loss and grief.

I’ve lost my mother/parents, and it hurts so much.

This grief and bereavement.

It hurts so much.

The loss of the mother I should have had, and the loss of the one I do have.

I’m feeling such pain, I can feel it in my body.

Index Finger:
The pain and hurt and loss and grief that I’m feeling.

Middle Finger
: This pain and hurt and loss and grief.

Ring Finger:
I’ve lost my mother/parents, and it hurts so much.

Little Finger:
This grief and bereavement.

Karate Chop:
It hurts so much: The loss of the mother/parents I should have had, and the loss of the one(s) I do have.



Karate Chop:
Even though it hurts so much, I’m choosing to let the grief go now.

Even though there’s so much pain and hurt and grief, I’m choosing to process and release that grief now.

Even though it hurts so much, I’m choosing to process and release that grief now.

Inner Eye:
I’m choosing to let the grief go now.

Outer Eye:
I’m choosing to process and release the grief now.

Under Eye:
I’m choosing to feel peace and acceptance about the loss of my mother/parents.

I’m choosing to let the grief go now.

I’m choosing to process and release the grief now.

I’m choosing to feel peace and acceptance about the loss of my mother/parents.

I’m choosing to let the grief go now.

I’m choosing to process and release the grief now.

Index Finger:
I’m choosing to feel peace and acceptance about the loss of my mother/parents.

Middle Finger:
I’m choosing to let the grief go now.

Ring Finger:
I’m choosing to process and release the grief now.

Little Finger:
I’m choosing to feel peace and acceptance about the loss of my mother/parents.





Karate Chop:
Even though I am so hurt that she let me go so easily, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though it hurts so incredibly badly that she just dropped me so easily, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though it hurts and I can feel the hurt in my body, at how easily she let me go, I love and accept myself anyway.

Inner Eye:
It hurts so much that she let me go so easily.

Outer Eye:
She never made any attempt to fix the situation.

Under Eye:
She just let me go. She didn’t care.

And that hurts so incredibly much.

The pain of this rejection is so deep.

It hurts so much.

She just did not care about me.

She let me go so incredibly easily.

Index Finger
: Just dropped me like yesterday’s newspaper.

Middle Finger:
I mean nothing to her.

Ring Finger:
And that hurts so incredibly much.

Little Finger:
The pain of her letting me go so easily.




Karate Chop:
Even though her rejection hurts me so much, I love and accept myself totally.

Even though her complete indifference towards me hurts me so much, with a physical pain, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I feel punched in the stomach to have the proof of how little I meant to her, and it hurts so, so much, I love and accept myself anyway.

Inner Eye:
It hurts so, so much.

Outer Eye:
It’s like being kicked in the stomach.

Under Eye:
It hurts so much.

The pain of this hurt.

The pain of this hurt.

It hurts so much.

I can feel the pain in my body.

The rejection hurts so much.

Index Finger:
She doesn’t care about me. She never did. And that hurts so much.

Middle Finger:
I can no longer fool myself that she loves me. She does not, and that hurts so much.

Ring Finger:
This pain of rejection.

Little Finger:
The pain of her indifference.



Karate Chop:
It hurts so much.

Inner Eye:
I can feel the pain of this rejection.

Outer Eye:
The pain of her rejection.

Under Eye:
It hurts so much.

This pain.

This horrible pain of rejection.

It just hurts so much.

The pain of her rejection.

The pain of how little I matter to her, or ever mattered to her.

Index Finger:
It hurts so much.

Middle Finger:
It hurts me so incredibly much.

Ring Finger:
The pain of her rejection.

Little Finger
: The pain of the proof that I didn’t matter to her at all.



Karate Chop:
Even though it hurts so much that she thinks so little of me, I’d like to release this pain now.

Even though it hurts so much, I’d like to let the pain go.

Even though her rejection hurts me so much, I would like to let the pain go, and accept this reality without it hurting.

Inner Eye:
I’m now releasing this pain.

Outer Eye:
I’m choosing to release the pain of her rejection.

Under Eye:
I’m now releasing the pain of her indifference.

I’m now letting go all of the pain of her rejection.

I’m releasing all the pain, letting it go.

I’m choosing now to let that pain leave my body, I’m letting it go.

I’m choosing to be peaceful about this issue.

I’ll never be happy about it, but I’m choosing to be peaceful and pain-free about it.

Index Finger:
It is what it is.

Middle Finger:
I’m releasing the pain.

Ring Finger:
I’m releasing all the pain of her rejection now.

Little Finger:
I’m releasing every bit of the pain of her rejection now.

Karate Chop:
I’m choosing to feel calm and centred about this situation. I’m choosing to feel peace about this situation.






Karate Chop:
Even though I’m so scared of her, I love and accept myself totally.

Even though I’m petrified of her rages, I love and accept myself totally.

Even though I’m so scared of her and her rages, and her temper, and they make me feel like a little helpless girl all over again, I love and accept myself anyway.

Inner Eye:
I’m terrified of her rages.

Outer Eye:
I’m terrified of her temper.

Under Eye:
I’m terrified of her anger.

I’m terrified of what she might say … what she will say if I stand up to her.

I’m terrified of her.

I switch back into being a little girl, a little powerless helpless girl, when she starts these rages.

I’m terrified of her.

I know I’m a grown woman, but when she goes into her rages, I’m right back to being a helpless little girl.

Index Finger:
Her rages overwhelm me. They terrify me. I have no power against them.

Middle Finger:
I am so scared of her and her temper, and her anger. Even a cross word, or a bitter look … I am terrified of her.

Ring Finger:
I am so scared of her.

Little Finger:
I am so scared of her.



If possible, tune in now into your body and feel the fear. Think of her being angry at you or shouting at you, or whatever way it usually manifests, and just be aware of the fear and the panic, and the flight-or-fright experience in your body. Observe those feelings, not running from them, but not drowning in them either.


If you can’t feel anything in your body at the thought of provoking her anger, that’s okay, just tap along anyway. It will still work for you. 


Karate Chop:
I can feel the fear in my body, sitting there.

Inner Eye:
I can feel the fear in my body.

Outer Eye:
I can feel it sitting there.

Under Eye:
That terror.

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