You're Not Broken (11 page)

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Authors: Gemma Hart

BOOK: You're Not Broken
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              Kat’s heart nearly burst with tender love when she saw the yearning under Malcolm’s stubborn gaze. She knew he wanted to have the experience of being with men. Working with men. Learning manly things. He wanted to know that despite his skinny frame, he could do the same kind of work as these large, muscled men.


              Emotions warred across his face. Finally Malcolm pushed up his glasses with the back of his hand. “You’d think you’d have brought enough men with you for the job,” he grumbled. But he stepped away from the grill nonetheless.


              “Nah,” Jason said. “You’re here.”


              It had been said so casually that it had nearly slipped passed Malcolm. But then, with realization, a slow creeping flush of pleasure tinged his cheeks. He had been viewed as a competent man by Jason. Clearly, the compliment had not been lost on him.


              And then immediately Jason explained what he needed Malcolm to do. He spoke with no condescension or judgment. Kat could see Malcolm was nervous at being found lacking in his knowledge and skill but Jason gave him no chance to feel useless.


              He was put to work immediately. Dave, who was the quiet type, immediately handed Malcolm a level and a pencil and pointed to the blueprints. He gave a few words on how to record and where to mark. Although he was a man of few words, Kat could see him watching carefully over Malcolm and taking care to correct his mistakes in a non-judgmental way.


              Kat looked up and saw Jason watching over the two men with satisfied pride on his face. As if feeling her eyes on him, Jason turned and caught her gaze. His smile softened and his eyes darkened with warmth.


              Could he possibly understand how much this meant to Malcolm? To her?


              She gave him a wobbly smile before rushing out of the kitchen. She needed to catch her breath and let her tears fall in peace. She had seen that eager look of pleasure on Malcolm’s face as Dave explained the measurements he was taking.


              And she had seen Jason casually crafted attitude to lure Malcolm in, despite knowing that he was on her brother’s blacklist.


              Kat bit her lip. Her heart pounded.


              She leaned her head against the corner of the empty diner.


He’s only here for a few weeks
, she reminded herself.
He’ll be leaving again in no time.
He said so himself.


              And yet, remembering those dark green eyes creasing as he smiled at her, Kat couldn’t help but pray that that day never come.



              “Don’t tell me a big, strapping young man like yourself is afraid of hospitals?” Kat teased as she walked down a hospital corridor with an increasingly nervous Jason.


              Jason made an odd twitchy dodge as a nurse walked passed him. “No, not nervous,” he corrected with huffy annoyance. “I just always feel too…
around here. Like I’m gonna break something or knock something over.”


              “You’ll be fine,” Kat assured him with a smile. Although she could see where his discomfort stemmed from. Jason was a big man and even in the wide corridor, he took up a considerable amount of space. All the passing nurses couldn’t help but stare up and gawk at the tall imposing man.


              But even though he had this awkwardness towards hospitals, Jason had been the one to offer the ride over to Kat.


              With her car still out of commission, she needed a ride to the hospital. Dillon had recently been checked in for a very high fever and she wanted to make sure he was doing okay.


              Jason had been at the diner, watching his men meticulously work on the kitchen when he had turned towards her and said, “I heard you were going to the hospital.”


              Kat looked up in surprise, her hands dusty with flour as she prepped dough for the next day. “I am,” she said cautiously, wondering where he was going with this.


              “Well,” he said, “I know your car is kaput. Need a friendly neighborhood driver to take you there?”


              Kat raised an eyebrow. “Friendly neighborhood repairman. Friendly neighborhood driver. Just how friendly do you want to get around here?” she said, meaning to tease.


              But almost instantaneously, Jason’s eyes had darkened at her words. A spark of desire smoldered behind those rich green eyes and she could see the corded muscles of his neck leap in response to her unintentional remarks.


              “Just friendly enough,” he said huskily.


              They had ridden over to the hospital together with Kat wondering how Dillon would react to finally seeing the mysterious Jason Daniels. She knew Malcolm had been giving his brother detailed reports of the town’s activities. Kat wondered if Dillon had also noticed Malcolm’s attitude shift towards Jason.


              Ever since that day Jason had invited Malcolm to help out his work crew, Malcolm had practically transformed overnight. Anyone could clearly see the hero worship in his eyes.


              Once when Jason had gone to Hoyt’s to check out the work in progress, Malcolm had fidgeted the whole time in the kitchen as he waited for his new favorite person to return.


              Kat couldn’t help but tease him a little about the sudden turnaround.


              “Looks like someone is liking their taste of dark magic,” she said with a wink.


              Malcolm gave a huff but was unable to hide the excitement in his eyes when he saw the Brothers Construction truck pull up.


              “You know, some Death Eaters were misunderstood. Some of them were actually the good guys. Read the books,” he said haughtily as he nearly threw his spatula in excitement when the work crew entered. He practically beamed when all the men greeted him warmly like one of their own.


              Kat actually loved seeing Malcolm so happy. Jason was so good to him. She never knew how loved
could feel by seeing someone else treat her loved ones so preciously.


              But of course, that was Malcolm.


              Dillon had never met Jason before.


              Finding her brother’s hospital room at the end of the hall, they turned in.


              “Hey, Dill!” Kat called out cheerfully. “Look who brought you some cinnamon rolls!” She lifted up a large Tupperware filled with iced cinnamon rolls. Dillon’s favorite.


              Dillon, who had been reading a comic book, looked up and smiled before his expression turned wary at the stranger. His thin face and bony cheekbones made his wariness look even more grim than normal.


              “Dill, this is Jason Daniels,” Kat explained. “He’s the one who’s been helping out at Doughy Pop’s.”


              Dillon’s eyes brighten in recognition. “Oh so you’re the guy Malcolm is just fawning over now,” he said.


              Jason and Kat laughed.


              “I guess so,” Jason said, standing awkwardly at the end of the bed. Kat could see he was trying not to take up too much space in the small room.


              “Malcolm couldn’t stop bragging about how he had helped carry in the new worktop and that
had been the one to install it,” Dillon said, rolling his eyes.


              Kat laughed. “It’s true though! He really did help.”


              Although Dillon was trying to play it off like he couldn’t believe how silly his big brother was acting, she could see the slight envy coloring his face. While his brother was off learning construction and bonding with these men, Dillon was in a hospital bed, needled with IVs and chemotherapy.


              Jason suddenly crossed over. He held out his phone and started swiping the screen, pulling up some photos he had taken of the work in progress at Doughy Pop’s. “See this is the worktop Malcolm mentioned,” he said, handing the phone to Dillon. “And right there to the right, I was thinking about putting in some shelving to free up the clutter but I don’t know if that is the best place to put it since the door is right there. What do you think?”


              Dillon looked up at Jason in surprise.
wanted Dillon’s opinion? Kat could see the slow flush of embarrassed pleasure coloring his pale cheeks. Jason gave him a serious but encouraging nod, seeming as if he was in real need of Dillon’s expertise.


              “I think…” Dillon started slowly. “I think the shelving is okay there. As long as it doesn’t protrude too much.”


              Jason nodded seriously, taking the advice as if they were words of gold. “I suppose you’re right. Well what about this?” He swiped to another photo. “This is the back storage area of Hoyt’s and what I was thinking of doing….”


              Kat watched as Jason slowly made Dillon feel as if he was just as much a part of the town’s renovations as Malcolm was. He made Dillon feel important and valued and encouraged him to eye the projects with an architect’s mind.


              How did he do it so naturally? She felt her heart nearly burst in gratitude watching Jason and Dillon talk.


              “Why is it called Brothers Construction?” Dillon asked.


              Jason took in a deep breath before explaining, “All the crew members of Brothers Construction are ex-military. Sometimes it’s hard for infantry men to find civilian work after the military. I make it a point to try and always hire any ex-soldiers who want a job. They were my brothers in arms.”


              Kat hadn’t known that. She had always wondered about the name as well but had never asked.


              This man was just full of surprises. Would she ever feel like she would get a handle on who he exactly was?


              After sharing cinnamon rolls together and promising to visit again, Kat and Jason headed back towards town.


              “I didn’t know that’s why you named your company Brothers Construction,” Kat said quietly once they were on the road.


              Jason looked straight ahead. “Actually, the whole company had been the idea of a squad mate of mine,” he said.


              Although she felt like she knew the answer, Kat whispered, “What happened to him?”


              “Killed in action,” he answered grimly. “Enemy ambush. He and five other men were gunned down.” A beat of silence passed between them. “I always thought starting this company would honor his memory. I think he would’ve liked knowing that he was still helping his brothers out even after death.”


              Kat had no idea what to say. The man had seen so much pain and death. It was clear it had affected him deeply.




              But before she could finish her thought, Jason’s cellphone rang shrilly.


              “Hello?” he answered. Whatever was being said on the other end made Jason’s face immediately darken and his lips press into a straight line. “Yes. Yes I do. Where is he? Alright. Thank you. I’ll be right there.”


              “What’s wrong?” Kat asked as Jason hung up.


              “Al’s in trouble,” he said.


              Kat vaguely remembered the name. She remembered seeing a gray haired man in Reggie’s called Al who had seemed quite interested in her. And she had seen the same man pass in and out of Jason’s temporary office from time to time.


              “What kind of trouble? Where is he?” she asked.


              Jason sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. “He went on another bender in Colton,” he said. Colton was another town about an hour south. “He was smashing up a bar and I just got a call from the bar owner. He found my business card in Al’s wallet.”


              “Oh my god, is he okay?” Kat asked, shocked. “Why would he smash up a bar?” The man had always looked so frail to Kat.


              “When he drinks, he can’t control his flashbacks and he immediately starts attacking the nearest thing to him,” Jason said, frustration clearly coming through. He shook his head. “Look, where do you want me to drop you off? Home or the diner? I’ll let you off before I head down.”


              Kat shook her head. “No don’t waste time like that. We’re near the interstate now. Let’s just go to Colton,” she said.


              Jason looked over at her. “Al is old but he was an 82
Airborne soldier in his day. He can be unpredictable in his condition,” he said. “I’m not putting you in that kind of danger.”


              Kat pointed towards the road where the sign for the southbound interstate was quickly approaching. “You can’t do this by yourself. You’ll need to speak with the bar owner and possibly discuss damages. Who’ll watch Al while you’re doing that? This is a two person job.”


              She could see Jason wrestle with the problem. It was clear he did not like the idea of exposing her to any kind of danger but he also knew she was right. With a grunt of exasperation, he turned the car onto the interstate towards Colton.

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